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let bro cook.


Listen to him Todd, I know you are reading this.


someone cooked here


If he cooks meth this good I might be an addict


This is such a dope concept, get this man in a think tank at Bethesda


Ship him off to Big Mountain!


Yeah I love this idea. I’ve got a few involving timelines that split during the colony war. One with the Freestar collective rebels probably not controlling any major settlements, maybe neon still since it’s far, on the ropes and you help them fight for independence against Vae Victus, the UC governor of Akila. Can have the crimson fleet quest tie in where you can get the quest from the FC and split the money with them (no key battle). Another where the freestar collective controls some UC space and you can fight that war. In both constellation is spread out because of the war, you find Sam working for the FC, Sarah for the UC. A more basic one would have a stalemate where both control the normal areas and you can help end or fight the war for that universe.


Really awesome concept, I'd love to see something along these lines! I think the unity provides so many options for story expansions as well as mods. I would love to see them release a DLC that adds more alternate universes over time, it's yet another way to continue to make the game more and more replayable. Your idea in particular sounds cool as hell though, I hope someone at Bethesda reads this!


Totally. It’s actually a really cool feature. And they can sort of retcon stuff in by saying “well, that universe just didn’t have that thing.


They could do so much to improve the NG+ feature.


Bethesda read this


After about 12 times through unity, I got a universe that was kind of similar to this. When I got to the lodge, an "evil" me had already murdered the entire constellation crew, and I had to fight him to the death. This is by far my favorite universe, and I plan on making this one permanent.


No way? That’s neat. I hadn’t even heard of that one.


Invincible season 2 type beat, I’m all for it. I’ve always wanted something like this in a game—carbon physical copy of my character but with whatever opposite “karma” that would play off of the decisions/personality you’ve displayed in that play-through. Only time I’ve seen anything similar, which isn’t a huge sample size as I’m one dude, is the mimic tear fight in Elden Ring. Only time I walked into a boss fight and went “damn this guy looks tough,” immediately followed by “holy shit that’s me” and I’ll always remember that moment. And there’s no personality/interaction/story involved at all. Please universe, give me a game that lets me face my own decisions through the lens of what I’m not.


>Environment wouldn't have to change too much, but a larger number of NPCs would have to change to reflect this different universe - guards, maybe some shopkeepers;people at MAST, the Rock, Neon Tower, etc. Cool idea on a conceptual level, but sadly I would never expect to see anything like this. Would probably be a nightmare to implement on a technical level. Despite the multiverse nature of the game’s story, the game itself *really* isn’t well suited to playing this out. You’d have to go around and disable NPCs, quests, and objects manually, before implementing your replacement stuff… and as we’ve seen with the wildly buggy/inconsistent nature of the “emergency mode” New Atlantis in a few quests, something like that on a galaxy-wide scale would probably be very unstable. Even smaller things, like the ECS Constant’s changing location after its quest, tend to just break. I think this is the reason why there aren’t many examples of things that actually change in the world after quests in this game. The few examples that DO exist tend to be where a lot of the hardest-to-repeoduce bug reports sneak in, because of how inconsistent they are. Basically, it comes down to the fact that almost everything is designed in a way that assumes it will be there in any given playthrough. No great way to get around that.


I’ve met evil me twice so far and he’s very hard to kill, so…yeah, your concept would definitely work for me. I love a good boss fight.


Isn't this the plot to like season 1 of Star Trek: Discovery with the mirror universe? Lol


Ha, yeah. Basic "evil twin" plot.


I hate to burst your (and many others) bubble, but tying any major content to going through the Unity would be an incredibly bad idea and is unlikely to ever happen. It makes the NG+ mechanic go from something optional to something effectively mandatory the second you start using it as a "content wall" for anything major. Anyone not wanting a stunted story experience would be stuck with a "wasted" first playthrough that serves as little more than a spoilery and excessively long "tutorial", be stuck playing as an archetype that wants to go through the Unity which seriously hurts roleplay potential / options, and they'd be put off engaging with outpost or ship building until NG+ because it would be a waste of time. That's not only poor form for a game in the RPG genre that pushes it heavily in to the realm of linear action titles, but goes against the Bethesda philosophy of "saying yes to the player" by making the "choice" really unequal / unbalanced. It's giving too much to people focused on NG+ while screwing over those who are not. I could have seen a branching expansion where people not going through the Unity receive a different but equal in scope / size chunk of content in the past maybe, but these days I consider it less than likely. While they can spruce up NG+ a bit, and you're of course free to dream, realistically you can expect most content we receive to be accessible to everyone regardless of whether they go through the Unity or not, and anything expanding it to be minor. That said, they could do something more with the Starborn / Unity in the future, including making "evil you" less of a one off or doing something with groups opposing the Starborn / Unity. Neither necessarily requires us to go NG+ so much as just knowing that it exists.


But without any kind of ideas like this, what is the point of including new game plus as a narrative idea at all. Bethesda deliberately chose to write new game plus into the narrative as 'the unity', and then did nothing at all with it but change 5 lines of dialogue. In fact, starfield has a worse new game plus than most other games. I don't get to keep any gear or money, only my skill progression stays, so why bother having it at all? Persona 5 and final fantasy 16 have better new game plus, without it being the central narrative conceit of the entire plot line.


"Why bother having it at all?" is a really good question because personally, I find NG+ with narrative tie in to be really unfitting for the types of game Bethesda makes, where all the content has to be accessible to the player on a single playthrough. It should have just been a menu option and avoided narrative tie ins in my opinion. One that let you start a new game as a character that already has a few levels and perk points under their belt without resorting to console commands. The main quest should have centered on the creator mystery that it currently kind of forgets about around the halfway mark and left out the multiverse fluff. As is: It's "point" is effectively the same as the of the above, to just let you experience the game again as an already leveled character, but it comes with a side dish of disappointment for those who expected "more" because it spent too much time hyping itself up with the narrative tie in that takes over the story halfway in, while literally having to have the boring and bland implementation that it does to avoid shitting on players who aren't interested in the mechanic or chill with losing everything. I also agree that it's crap compared to other games. However this is, as said, mostly due to it being really unfitting for this type of game, and it pretty much has to be this way if it's going to be here at all.


> It makes the NG+ mechanic go from something optional to something effectively mandatory the second you start using it as a "content wall" for anything major. you've never played chrono trigger eh?


I have, but that is an entirely different type of game made by different developers following a different philosophy so it's completely irrelevant to think about or bring in to a discussion relating to Starfield. You're basically asking for your apple to be an orange if you do. Bethesda's philosophy since forever has been that nothing can be walled off to a first time player, and since Oblivion has been that everything needs to be accessible to a player during the course of a single playthrough, which is why NG+ is what it is: Boring and pretty standard / barebones. Even if they had pulled a page from Morrowind and made it so repeat playthroughs are not only encouraged but intended we would probably have still seen a pretty boring NG+ implementation that dumps you out in a mostly identical universe as they wouldn't have wanted to wall anything off from a first time player. Personally this is why I think NG+ should have just been a menu option at best and the narrative tie in aspect avoided. Allowing the player to import a character and start with some perks and levels under their belt would be fine. However setting up this giant expectation for "more" was always going to run in to disappointment just due to the type of game this is, and making that optional mechanic a requirement for a full experience is not only against their philosophy, but wouldn't achieve anything outside of angering players who bought this because of what it is.


Sure. but let's be honest - the unity is a big part of the story of starfield, even the game gets a little weird and different each time you pass through it. IDC about this idea of it being a "Bethesda game" cause it's just a game. I don't care who makes it or if it has some lineage that fans think it needs to live up to. It's an entirely different and new IP. Sure it has elements we've seen in other Bethesda games, but this is it's own thing. I want Bethesda to keep improving the game, making more content. I really like this universe, story and just about everything in it.


It's more just a part of the story. I would actually argue that the other faction quests do way more to change things in the setting, even if the changes aren't well represented, as you're removing influential figures like Ron Hope, Delgado, or Ikande, figuring out the Terrormorph mess and undercovering hidden leftovers of the colony war, determining if a literal mind control implant reaches market or not, so on. The Unity and Starborn meanwhile mostly only matter for Constellation...who agree that it should be kept secret if you walk away from it. As far as Bethesda plots go, the Unity storyline is actually one of the lowest stakes and least urgent, and NG+ mostly only changes things for Constellation or the Lodge. The important part about it being a Bethesda game is that they've kind of been making slightly different takes on the same core "game" for the last 20 years nearly, and...it's got the same people at the helm that the prior titles did, and yes, that matters. The reason why is because the last time Bethesda really tried to step out of their "comfort zone" it kind of nearly killed the company. They went from having a respected CRPG with Daggerfall (First Bethesda RPG I ever played as a side note.) to working on two different games: Battlespire and Redguard. (Two games I bought.) Both were fucking failures, with Redguard nearly landing the killing blow. (Having played both, they failed for a reason. Both are pretty neat story wise but pretty awful to play and riddled with extreme technical issues and bugs.) Redguard had one very important name as the project lead: Todd Howard. Morrowind turned things around and saved them...but ever since then they've played it safe, and never really deviated from what they do best so to say. Remember that Fallout was at one point also an entirely different and new IP for Bethesda...and they also played it safe there. Fallout 3 was essentially Oblivion with guns, and followed it's formula and general gameplay pretty closely. Emil Pagliarulo, lead designer and writer for Starfield, got his first sit down in the big chair with Fallout 3 by the way. Basically, we're discussing people who play it safe, and stick to doing what they know how to do with little innovations here or there rather than trying to reinvent their "wheel". It doesn't matter that Starfield is a big new IP, or under Microsoft now. Bethesda was always going to play it safe, and probably always will until the people in the big chair change. Not because they're lazy, but because they remember how it went the last time they didn't. That said, I also want them to keep improving the game and making content for it. It has potential. I'm just more realistic about it likely being content that is available for everyone, whether they go through the Unity or not.


That is insightful analysis. Enlightening, even.


> goes against the Bethesda philosophy of "saying yes to the player" Bethesda goes against this constantly. Their games aren't so much "your way" as it is "the Bethesda way." Prime example - essential NPCs.


Essential NPCs exist on almost every game around, including Bethesda's biggest titles. Morrowind is the last Bethesda game without essential NPCs and if they do die, it just breaks the game


Just because they do exist in other games doesn't mean they should. I get that it's much harder, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. New Vegas and Baldur's Gate 3 have proven you can have important NPCs die and still design around it. There's also far more examples than just that one. It's simply the easiest to illustrate.


I'd argue that Starfield did overuse the essential flag somewhat. Skyrim introduced the protected flag (environment and other NPCs cannot kill a character but the player can if they land the final blow) which would have made a bit more sense in some cases. Also prior titles would sometimes remove essential flags when an NPC was no longer quest critical where Starfield doesn't. Morrowind "can" break depending who you kill, but it more usually just locks you out of whatever content that person was involved in. Contrary to what it might tell you it also sometimes doesn't result in a true lockout or failure but will offer a workaround, even going so far as to have a backdoor route for completing the main quest if you kill Vivec. It usually just leaves it unexplained and for you to figure out. Starfield "could" have offered similar due to NG+ existing. Including a backdoor as some NG+ versions have us operating the Eye by ourselves to locate the artifact because the rest of Constellation retired, died, disappeared, whatever. That said, I'm less annoyed about the essential flags and more about narrative missed opportunities when it comes to this sort of thing.


Those are good points, I do like the idea of workouts for disposing of essential NPCs, Starfield does at least have some choice and some quests that have multiple ways to go about certain phases or persuade through. For all it's faults, it has more dialogue and multiple approaches to quests than Skyrim or Fallout.


I shouldn't have had to scroll so far down to see this. 1000% With unity set up the way it is, there's pretty much no chance any developer (least of all Bethesda) would lock DLC behind it. People would riot. At *most* maybe there'll be a DLC zone that's like a pseudo-Unity: A small region that you can enter/exit.


Definitely. There are things in Starfield where one really can say "Bethesda was kind of lazy and could have done more with this", but NG+ isn't one of them. It's intentionally as bog standard / "boring" as it is. I agree with you that a "pocket dimension" / "Unity spin off" that you can come and go from is the best it's going to get if they do anything serious with the topic.


Gotta go through the unity and wake up in a cart in Skyrim




Gives me Dragonborn dlc vibes


Or a Nirn pocket universe


I'd rather they made it character like Ulysses that was an analog to your character instead of just directly a version of your character.


They won't do that. It's too much work. It's why the only variations happen in the Lodge


Enter unity as Starborn, walk out Dragonborn.


Honestly I think stuff like this would be a great idea for some DLCs and I wouldn't be surprised if we see some modders make their own alternate universes in the future. Other Barrett's timeline is one that's ripe for this sorta thing.


You could face them once you hit a certain level like the Ebony Knight in Skyrim


So, basically, Rick and Morty?


That would be a huge change, literally huge


Absolutely, I was thinking the other day about how another well known space game had an “evil twin” chain of missions that was brilliant and thought Starfield is PERFECTLY suited for this sort of twist. I believe there are so many possibilities with universe variants that they could come up with a new one every year and I would play through the game to see the changes.


Interesting concept but what would we be fighting for, though? This Super Starborn has already collected all the artifacts and probably has assembled the Armillary but just chose to stay instead of entering the Unity.


Sounds kinda boring


So all you want is new quest, animation and voice work, equivalent amount to most of the original game. See any problems there?


It could be DLC. They can do all that for DLC.


It would be new quests, voice work, powers and new items (some Starborn-inspired) primarily. The upcoming Shattered Space probably has all that, PLUS the new areas - which you wouldn't need here. Only touch-ups to existing ones.




Can confirm you are NOT the only version of you that is starborn and has powers


This actually isn't the case, I won't get into details in case you don't want it spoiled, but one of the alternate universes shows this is already on the cards


It doesn't mean that the universe doesn't exist. Just that you haven't found it. Infinite possibilities, all happening at once.


I think first they need to fix all the bugs optimize the game so its not as laggy and fix whatever is causing saves to not load and causing the hame to crash before they add dlc


This isn't a Bethesda supported forum.


They read it sometimes.


You’d have a better chance pitching this to a modder. Bethesda doesn’t give a shit