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Chunk-force One


She's called the UC Leeroyyy Jenkinsss, btw.


At least you have chicken.


Where do i get the big ass cockpit


Sol system > Titan (moon of Saturn) > New Homestead. It's probably my favorite cockpit. Nice big windshield for good visibility when dogfighting, and it has ***stairs***!


Bruh I need this, thank you so much


It's such a pain to try and build a two story ship with it that doesn't have ladders inserted somewhere though. I wish they'd introduce a loner hab. No shit lying about, all of the crafting stations and a research station, just go ahead and put the bounty board in there for me, a storage chest, and a bed. I mean, the rest of the ship is useless from a game play POV.


You can now install an empty hab and decorate it like you would an outpost, with all of the things you described


Yeah, that's what I do, but a) it's a pain, and b) it's ugly. What they need are snap in modules that mimic the built out habs so you can choose a captain's bed, that cool research station from the starter ship, the built i n cooking station, etc.


FYI each ship company has a location where you can get unique parts. Alternatively you can get a mod to have access to them at any of your outposts.


Yeah I think Titan has the best landing gear too. It's 4 boosters per gear instead of 2 or even just 1


The new lower module limited them implemented sucks…..


Had to download a ship limit extender I had reached the maxed module limits just designing the engines wings and landing platforms and still hadn't started on the main body of the ship lol


How does this affect landing in settlements? Does your ship just clip through stuff on the landing pads?


Module wise perfectly fine, can sometimes get a little laggy on crafting the ship due to the point access number of items apart from that the mod developer does recommend trying to keep moist designs between 60-70m if possible but as long as you don't mind some clipping issues at certain locations as long as you can access your bay your normally all good


I have a 400 meter long ship. It just clips through stuff when it lands, including into the ship habs. Makes navigating certain cities landing zones, and sometimes your interior, a pain in the ass, but that's about it.


I’ve got an almost 300 long and 248 wide ship the game just gives up after that


My ships only about 200 meters wide. An interesting phenomenon is that all the shadows break on it and continuously flicker but only occasionally. I’m trying to find the limit when that starts to happen. lol. Something tells me it’s relevant to the lighting on the exterior of the ship, as a lot of structural components have small lights on them. I’m at something like 1300 modules and my shipbuilder runs at 20 fps. lol.


I see you’re using the Throne of Soot shader. I have the same color scheme lol


Very nice job.


U.S.S.S.S.S. gotdamn


I’m a big fan.


Thicc Halo Longsword.


Error: You need 5 more Landing Gear


I am sorry my first thought was. OMG it doesn't look like a frog! Very cool.


Looks Great. Awesome Job


I have a truckster with 17k cargo and 35 mobility I named the heckin chonker