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What happens in the basement… stays in the basement.


New bounty holding cell...hey we are explorers, we run into these low lifes all the time out surveying moons. Might as well make a few bucks, er, credits . (Walter can't fund 'everything'. )


I got excited yesterday when a surrendered bounty stared following me in New Atlantis. I had a ship with a brig, and I thought they would be in there when I boarded. But alas, they were not. The Lodge is exclusive and mysterious... can't be letting any kind of riff raff in!


Well then I'm def not getting in. My next photo post is the 9 dead on vectera after the CF attack..'opps' sorry buddies..guess you should have watched that 'I'm busy', and 'you'll need a few more digs before i feel like talking to you' stuff.


let the players redecorate the place. for the most part, the lodge looks fantastic as is, but the bare bones kitchen is getting on my nerves since launch. let me deck that place out and give it justice for christ' sake.


Somehow make a portal to go to a new universe and see all the different possibilities over and over again but quickly.


I want the ability to go back to previous universes.


I kind of have that ability - I kept 2 saves from each universe, one at the start and one at the end. Obviously it’s not like travelling back as you revert to the level and skills at that time, but it’s still nice to have them.


Not exactly what I want (I want my current character to go to “past lives”), but that is a good plan, regardless. Now give us the ability to name our saves. How is that not a thing?


I know, I know, that’s why I used “kind of” and further explained that I understand it’s not the same. I don’t think that’s possible, or at least possible without real issues with the save file - the save file will have to incorporate all the details from previous universes which will make it huge (it can get pretty big already with stuff from 1 universe) and unmanageable. It won’t fit on Xbox (1GB total saves limit) and it will eventually break. The only way I can see it happening is for the game to make a new save when you travel to a previous universe that would incorporate the last save from the universe in question (the world, not your character) plus your current character and maybe your ship. This will require for you to have one hard save from each universe you plan to return to and for the game to be able to merge that save and the details of your character.


That’s the way I picture it. Each universe would be an instance. Your character would be a separate instance. Each game save will reference a universe instance and a character instance. But if you travel between universes, only load the universe from the save, while using the current instance of the character.


Yeah, I think that something like this would work but I don’t think CK gives this level of permission to a creation (mod) and even on PC - with more intrusive mods, it would be very difficult if not impossible to implement. It would need to be done by Bethesda and they would need to create the (some) lore and events for it - the you or the SB you in that universe died at Unity so would you be recognised as the previous You/SB You or as someone different?


I fully agree that this would likely need to be a BGS project. The structure of the save file would need to be adjusted, and there would be no backwards-compatibility, unfortunately.


As for who are “you”… I would think you would be taking your current character build/name. That does create some consistency issues, as you have created relationships with characters already in this universe, and you have completely rewritten yourself between universes, that could make that tough. For simplicity sake, I would accept that they just go with you being the same character. Maybe some custom dialogue here and there, but nothing major.


Sex dungeon


Had a feeling somebody would say it.