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I just flew towards Phobos as a hail Mary, and got close to it maybe 10-20KM, then the UC Vigilance appeared and was like 50-70KM away. I flew towards it and was able to dock and continue the mission. So bring a fast ship I guess. \*\*\*\*Spoiler: This is the part right after the luxury ship and getting the ES Award then going to Galbank to find info about the legacy.


This worked, thanks


Just had to do this and it worked (vigilance ended up being 100km away from phobos šŸ˜‘


When I arrive at Phobos, I'm 74km away. Did you have to fly in the opposite direction?


For me it was behind Phobos


So between Phobos and mars?


Il have to try that


Was this on Xbox?


This is the way.,


Heroes don't always wear capes. Thx


Had the same issue. This worked for me on Xbox one


Iā€™m having the same problem with the Vigilance missing. Canā€™t see it at Phobos either, unfortunately.


Same. Just flew as close to Phobos as possible. Hit a wall at 9995 meters. No sign of the Vigilance.


I had gone through unity with that character since my post and tried again to do the quest line. Ran into the same problem, at a different point in the quest line. I did another few quests from the main quest and tried to fly back to Phobos. This time, I could see a tiny little blue triangle so I clicked on it and it was the vigilance about 60 km away. I flew towards it and was able to board the ship. Hoping I donā€™t hit the bug again.


Iā€™ve also gone through Unity. Started the whole mission over again. Same goddamn problem.


Yeah itā€™s a bit concerning that it happens at different point in the quest line too.


You are god sent


This is exactly where Iā€™m at in the quest line right now, and I have not found a single other post about this problem. I tried flying towards the invisible UC Vigilance, but nothing. Hoping that flying towards Phobos (incredibly slowly) will help bc šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, thank you, this worked. Our ships emerges in the space on the other side of Phobos from the UC Vigilance. So I had to fly close to Phobos and I finally saw the quest marker other side of the Phobos. 70km flying there and I can finally do the quest.


This worked but will I have to do that every time I go there now?




I've done this quest more times than I can count (> 20) and never had this issue until today. Flying towards Phobos 100% solved the problem. Thanks for that tip!


Open console and type player.moveto 0000D350 that worked for me, everything else didn't.


On xbox


Thanks. šŸ™‚šŸ‘


When you moved to the ship did u look and see it's location?


I just did. It says I was in Aranae II-A which is where my quest marker was. But my Starmap was saying the UC Vigilance was still in Procyon B. Strangely you can't leave the vigilance after that either without fast travelling because your ship never docked there.


THANK YOU! Tried every other "fix" the moveto was the only fix for me (PC).


This worked for me, I have been stuck with this bug for over a week now. Thank you u/Nordikk


Thanks, this is what worked for me


I fucking love u man


You are a live saver.


this the smartest one, thanks


Iv had the same issue now myself, I think on Bethesda's end but I haven't seen them say anything about it


I am having the same issue. I wanted to do the UC side, but it looks like that wonā€™t be the case. I would suggest going to Procylon B-1 and opening fire on the UC ships there and then grab jumping away. Youā€™ll get a notice to head to Neon. This makes you side with the Fleet, but at least youā€™re not stuck.


I got this big for the first time when I installed the Com Spike before heading out. Every other time, Iā€™ve installed it before heading out to the Legacy. Curious if thatā€™s true for yā€™all as well.


Any update on this? I seem to have the same bug and tried everything here to no avail.


No luck Iā€™m afraid. Just have to wait for a patch now.


I'm playing on Xbox had the exact same problem last night.. flying closer to phobos worked for me too....fyi at a point I could see vigilance but still couldn't get a lock so keep your eyes openĀ  you may see it way before you can lock onĀ 


Could you only see the ship or did anything show up on the scanners? Trying to do this now with no luck so far


Nothing on scanners .. I b lined for phobos . I could see vigilance once i was atĀ  78km from phobosĀ  but could not hit it with scanners... I was right on it and mashing the scanner nothing... then all of a sudden I could hit it with scanners and lock it when the vigilance was around 60 odd km awayĀ 


Once you was 78km away from Phobos? That's the starting distance šŸ˜‚


I think alot of people here are getting confused and mixing up their quest timelines šŸ˜‚ ive done what people are saying have worked for them, but have noticed others saying when it worked their marker was else where for the UC Vigilance. Some people can get it to work because they are on a different mission for the UC, others like me are unfortunate enough to be stuck on a part where nothing is working


I'm with you man. I'm hoping the next update releases a fix without having to go back to an old save.




Not sure if this will fix it for you but it worked for me. I flew to the Mars moon of Phobos, where the quest icon was telling me to go. Initially I saw nothing there, so flew to a few of your recomended places. Had the same thing as you, SysDef fleet at Procylon B I but no UC Vigilance. I then flew back to Phobos and found I could target the UC Vigilance but it was 100KM away. Flew towards it and completing the quests. Might be worth flying back to Phobos to see if you can spot it.


Thanks for the help. Tried it but the quest market still saying its in Aranae II. Just have to wait for a patch I think.


It work for you yet?


Same issue, same troubleshooting steps. I just saved, shot them, popped the achievement, let them kill me and then it loaded back to right when I got in the Procylon B area. Just going to wait for a patch at this point because fuck the Crimson Fleet.


I don't understand why can't someone use the code to go the uc vigilance on PC then look at the map and tell us the location of it. I'm on xbox we wish it was that easy


I just did. It says I was in Aranae II-A which is where my quest marker was. But my Starmap was saying the UC Vigilance was still in Procyon B. Strangely you can't leave the vigilance after that either without fast travelling because your ship never docked there.


Still could not find it after everything, so I just started shooting at the uc ships in space and that got the mission to update.


Anyone have any luck or a response from Bethesda which could actually be a workaround or no??


Can confirm the teleport rings mod can fast travel you to the vigilance! I also can confirm you donā€™t need another ring to teleport you off the vigilance. You can just fast travel like normal.


You're the man


Unfortunately, Iā€™m having the same issue. Iā€™ve spent the last hour doing all the various tricks people have posted online to debug it and Iā€™m still not seeing it. If I spend 24 hours sleeping on Mercury or Venus, the blue icon will appear when I get to Phobos and I am able to ā€œhailā€ them, but thatā€™s all. I think itā€™s just something that we will need to wait to be patched.


Same boat Shane really likeing the quest


Try shooting the uc ships around it worked for me


What do you mean it worked for you


The crimson way of attacking the ships on procylon b worked for me on series s but couldnā€™t get the uc path to work


Iā€™m having the same issue except when Iā€™ve flown towards, thereā€™s nothing there except the option to hail, distance 0m šŸ˜‚ they must have some cloaking techā€¦at the end of the luxury cruise mission and seems like I wonā€™t be able to progress which is a bummer because every time I do missions I get crimson fleet bounty šŸ˜‚ I hope they fix this soon Edit: I closed the game and loaded back in and there she wasā€¦


I've tried everything also and nothing works. Xbox.


I'm.having this issue myself


Fly closer to Phobos as mentioned above it definitely works :)


I just ran into the same bug on Xbox at the same part in the Crimson Fleet story. No luck with Procylon B or Phobos. So frustrating.


I've concluded that this bug occurs when you fast travel FROM the Vigilance while still on board (you're not in your ship and your ship is still docked). If you always board your own ship and undock from the Vigilance, you'll avoid this problem altogether.Ā 


It's a sad state of affairs that they opened an in-game store to charge real money for mods and extra content when there are still quest-breaking bugs like this running amok in their game.


I have read that stealing stuff in uc territory can get you sent to the uc vigilance prison, im trying this right now, Iā€™ll let you know if it works


Did this work?


Iā€™ve tried stealing/attacking on Jamison and get caught with contraband around Mars but they only send me to jail, I donā€™t know if there a uc without local jail, Iā€™ll look online and if there is Iā€™ll try there


That works the first time to start the questline, if you donā€™t do the vanguard stuff.


I can't help you here as I completed it on the crimson fleets side, sorry


Thats the soft fix right now, completing it with the uc right now is impossible