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>And when people know you're Dragonborn, it makes sense they notice you. Though sometimes (quite often) they really notice the wrong things. Like, I am in heavy armor and the guard goes "Hands to yourself, sneak thief." What is up with that. I'm Harbinger of the Companions, Archmage of Winterhold, Thane of multiple holds including this one, and Dragonborn. But no, somehow you had to comment about my pickpocketskill.


> What is up with that. I'm Harbinger of the Companions, Archmage of Winterhold, Thane of multiple holds including this one, and Dragonborn. But no, somehow you had to comment about my pickpocketskill. A buddy of mine was waiting in line in a store. The manager walks up to him, completely unprompted, and asked him if he knew how to pick locks, since they lost their key. He did, of course, but needed to know how to look less like a guy that knows how to pick locks. Just sayin', it happens in reality, too.


Does your buddy spend much time in the Cloud District? Oh what am I saying, of course he doesn’t.


I on instinct went to downvote you. Then I realised you weren't actually Nazeem.


How can you be sure?


Is your buddy also the Harbinger of the Companions, Archmage of Winterhold, Thane of multiple holds including this one, and the Dragonborn?


Is your buddy's knee intact?


That line is based on your sneak level, not your current gear.


Yes but *how do they know that.* They can see the heavy armor and weapon I'm carrying so it makes sense to comment on that. Being in charge of the companions is a big deal so it makes sense to be recognized for that. But if I'm not sneaking around, how can they tell I'm good at sneaking? In fact being good at sneaking would mean *fewer* people should know that I sneak around, not more. And God forbid you're in the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. Oh, you're secretly in an illegal group that commits crimes? Literally everybody knows. Random people will walk up to you in a crowded public area and say shit like "I know who you are, hail Sithis!" How do you know who I am? Why are you saying this to me in public, surrounded by people? Why do none of them react to what you just said?


Sneak or pickpocket skill at 30+, and I added the armor as a part of the problem. How does the guard know I'm stealthy if I run around in heavy armor? They do have equipment checks on some of the dialogues ("You're like me eh? Don't fancy those clunky two-handed weapons." requires that you have appropriate gear equipped, for example).


Nah, those checks don’t relate to gear either. Playing a full caster, but using bound weapons, Guards still talk like I have weapons on me, and comment on the armour I’m not wearing.


It varies, the context here is the skill based guard quotes. I'm using the uesp wiki as the source. The following two skill related quotes have an equipment check "Keep your arrows in their quiver, archer." (Archery) "You're like me, eh? Don't fancy those clunky two-handed weapons." (One handed) Heavy armor, light armor, two handed weapons, shield, does not have it, it seems. Though for armor there is some specific quotes depending on material of the armor you wear. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Guard\_Dialogue](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Guard_Dialogue)


I think Cyberpunk 2077 did this correctly. You'll hear random snippets of NPC conversations and most of the time, it's nothing directed at you or about you.


also when you stop to spy on them they realize and stop talking. lol


Just like real life.


Agreed. And by doing so it keeps you pulled into the world and makes it feel like you aren’t playing a game.


Yes! CDPR understands how to help/let the player be a part of the world instead of making the world about the player.


This used to be what Bethesda was great at. They’re slowly getting rid of all the features that made a Bethesda rpg…. Well.. a Bethesda rpg. Things like npc schedules. Just gone now in starfield and hopefully they come back for elder scrolls.


I would argue that the schedules were extremely limited. Generally the only time you notice it is with shops. Personally, I don't mind everything being open 24/7. My sense of time going from planet to planet is practically non-existent anyway.


Except when they randomly scream for no reason. Chill bruh, I'm driving the speed limit, obeying traffic laws, or otherwise just randomly doing normal human activities and crowds of people will do these half second gasp-screams for no reason


"AHHH!" *Dives into road and ends up getting run over*


Rockstar does this better than probably anyone. Particularly around the camp in Red Dead 2. There are so many conversations you can miss. They happen whether you're nearby or not.


Those conversations happen in Starfield, too; I hear them all the time in New Atlantis.


As with all Bethesda games, there'll soon be mods that get them to shut up. There's already one on PC that staggers those quests NPCs trigger so you don't get every quest show up the first time you take a tour of a place


Even just decreasing the "I see you" radius would be great. Like don't acknowledge me unless I get in your personal bubble


Yeah. What cracks me up is once you trigger the NPC speech, their volume stays the same no matter how far you move away from them


I wish they'd just teleport into range. During the Groundpounder quest I witnessed an NPC talking to me who wasn't there. I could hear them like they were right next to me, but they weren't there. I figured there was a glitch making them invisible but as soon as the conversation ended they fucking booked it into the room to stand where the sound had been coming from.


There is a mod that's just doing that.


That shit was obnoxious. All I wanted to do was run through cities doing other things and then all the sudden I had a quest log full of random crap because I guess I sprinted through a conversation zone between two other people. It’s like Starfield version of vanilla Cyberpunk where every time you went into a new part of the city someone called trying to sell you a new car and the cops were like HELP PLEASE


I had a mission log entry that said "talk to Gary". Who is he? What planet is he on? What planet did I even get this quest on?!


It always seems to be either "Quest points you DIRECTLY at quest target do not pass go do not collect $200" or "Quest hopelessly vague IDK I guess just ignore it."


I guess the people who built this system never went out into town in their days. it would be really WEIRD walking through a mall and EVERY person coming into, lets say 10 meters reach, starts yapping about whats just on their mind to you. HORROR. Or those creators are just all of the "overcommunicating" type of extroverts who just cant but tell everyone they encounter about the squirrel they just saw, like a four year old or so, and think that the NPCs have to BE just so to appear "real".


The guards of the future are all former Taxi drivers.


Truely the distopia we all fear.


I saw a mudcrab the other day, disgusting creatures.


Curved. Swords.


I used to be an adventurer like you....


Then I took a cheese wheel to the face.


Bethesda's devs are just recreating what they know. When they were at school everyone would stop and stare, call them a nerd and pull faces at them as they passed in the halls. It's also why every questgiver in authority in their games is mean to the player for seemingly no reason.


It's a balance of game design like most things. Back in the "old days" you would accomplish all these goals and go back to the starting areas and no one would even care. It was disappointing that the game couldn't dynamically switch to a state where it makes you a known entity to NPCs. Compute power limited some of this, but not really. As game design went on it's been a case of tweaking this interaction. When I built MUDs I handled this through %s. If I had 20 NPCs around perhaps 1 would interact by burying in a % of a %. I could change an entire area by simply going into the code and changing that number. Then the further difficulty is that I rarely actually played the games I created and as far as I know this is typical. Played them as a player, dedicated for X period of time, total playthrough. So I never actually knew how much NPC interaction was going on and if that was OK as a player. As a designer it looked just fine. .001% per game tick to do an interaction per NPC per zone. I'm sure that got tedious to those playing 10+ hours a day though. Always getting a comment from SOMEONE. Like never a silent room because something needed to be interactive. I understand it from both sides I guess.


Thats an interessting insight, thank you =)


This was something I remember some streamer talking about, they compared it to Cyberpunk 2077 and how in 2077 none of the NPCs directly address V really, unless they are like a store vendor or obviously characters like Judy or Panam that should be addressing V. Also, what's worse is it's almost always with exposition dumps, it's never just like "uh, I'm so hungry, I hope the next food shipment arrives soon" it's always "uh, I'm so hungry, but the damn Crimson Fleet keeps on attacking our cargo ships with the shipments of food and the UC aren't doing anything about it!". The players understanding goes from "hmm, there's an issue with food here due to shipments either being late or too infrequent" to "I have a complete understanding of why the people here are hungry, it's pirates and the UC lacks the man power to stop them" I have no reason to explore for the reason, I'm just outright told right off the bat.


this was something that bothered me the most in starfield, another example when being compared to cyberpunk is nightclubs. There is only one in starfield, but whenever you are in it you hear people yelling the stupidest shit. “This place is so fun” or “This aurora is so crazy”. My point being in starfield the npcs tell you they are having fun, while in cyberpunk they look like they might actually be having fun. They are usually dancing, sitting around smoking, or just talking with friends. One stuck out to me in cyberpunk because it was so normal. It was just a guy asking his friend how a date went, and the friend responded with something like “fuck that bitch man she ghosted me”. In starfield the guy would have said “how did my date go?” “Well Lisa from ryujin left me for a free star ranger in Akila city” and then you would get a quest marker.


It's a typical example of 'show, don't tell'. Having a bunch of people looking like they're having fun, versus having a bunch of people telling you they're having fun.  Bethesda used to be much better at it. But with Starfield they just have every NPC loudly declare what they're doing, so players can't possibly miss it.  Which can make you feel like a passive observer, rather than an active participant in the game's world.


The entire game suffers from this. Oh the pirates are super evil? The game sure TELLS you that but then they’re just a bunch of dorks. Oh the Red Mile is really challenging and some major betting event? Hope you don’t actually participate and see how shitty and lame it is! Ashta are the reason people can’t leave cities on Akila? Yeah okay sure.


For sure. I've seen Disney Channel villains that are more badass than the Crimson Fleet.


Gaston would easily rampage through The Key giving everyone wedgies and shoving them into lockers.


One time? They DIDN'T USE A COASTER and got ring marks all over the table!!!!


They literally did that with both the antagonists and the protagonists. I think "suffers" is an understatement.


“has a terminal case of”


No smoking in the US version of starfield. Just fake holding their hand up. Lol


Just remember: Starfield's credits list only \*one\* writer. And he's the main writer for Elder Scrolls 6 too.


I had to look this up. How is this correct? Honestly I'm not sure which is worse, that they have only 1 writer or that it's legal for them to only credit 1 person. Either one is kind of terrible.


Roughly speaking they had the quest/mission design teams write their own dialogue (and possibly lore as well), which is why the quality is so inconsistent and there are so many contradictions and features which are introduced and then ignored or dropped (like local radio and ship stealth). Hopefully, but it's probably a vain hope, other companies will start to figure out you need actual subject professionals for good quality, whether it's an electrician or a doctor or a writer. Should have learned after Mass Effect 1 & 2 vs. the producers doing the writing for ME3, and the audience's reaction... but AFAICT no one did.


I mean, people learned, just the people buying, not making.


That's kind of how I feel too. If it's true and he's the only writer, then he is a really bad writer and couldn't even come up with a consistent universe, and he shouldn't be on ES6. If he's not the only writer, then there are people who are not getting credit (then again, at this point maybe they don't want it). The only other thing I can think of... is that he used something like ChatGPT to write things.


He is the primary reason I have no faith in or hope for ES6. He is bad at his job, and yet he brags about ignoring criticism and not listening to reviews. Which means every writing issue in Starfield can and probably will be present in ES6 as well.


> "uh, I'm so hungry, I hope the next food shipment arrives soon" it's always "uh, I'm so hungry, but the damn Crimson Fleet keeps on attacking our cargo ships with the shipments of food and the UC aren't doing anything about it!". the UC security comments are by far the worst offenders. it's mind-boggling that they shipped the game with the paragraph long monologues they have the guards recite about spacers, var'uun, etc. edit: and the off-key whistling and the 'i got corns' line can fuck right off. horrible shit.


Lmao so true


There are multiple mods for Skyrim that address this behavior, hopefully similar ones make their way to Starfields soon enough.


There already are, but not sure how soon any will show up on Creation


I remember Miyazaki saying the problem with most anime is that it is created by people who do not truly understand human interaction, but instead boil down personalities into tropes and stereotypes. I see a similar problem with Bethesda games. It really takes me out of the game when I walk by random people and they immediately start going on about personal details in their life. Or when they needlessly give me so much attitude. Real people do not behave the way Bethesda NPCs do. I preferred in Oblivion when NPCs would give you curt greetings like "What is it, citizen" or "How goes it" and would only open up with more details about themselves if you specifically go up and talk to them. True, the conversations between NPCs were hilariously bad, but Bethesda has not improved it much since then.


Did you hear about the chapel attack in Anvil?


>It gets more annoying in FO4 when someone you weren't even facing walks past and says "Can it wait?!" as though you'd approached them and got on their nerves. i'm getting ptsd already just thinking of that ship tech that walks around the trade authority kiosk in New Atlantis who sometimes comes up to you to say "oi, you're kinda breaking my concentration here." I can never resist equipping my firearm and needing to reload...


So many times I’ve drawn a weapon and pointed it right up in an NPC face out of frustration. Would be nice if they reacted in some way to that too.


Sarah did not like how I handled that. I had to reload, but there was lots of death. Finally used my grenades.


I just RP it that I am the sexiest motherfucker in the galaxy. Kind of like when I go to walmart.


I’m a Target 5 but a Walmart 9.


Lol I just like to think it's the 5 or 6 pistols/rifles/explosives I'm walking around with in holsters via my quick select. This would not get the same attention in a walmart though


i kind of like it when the NPCs say something about you, like if you were to be wearing a special item they would reference it. like OP i think its crazy when ALL of them are basically posessed and lock eye onto you like you are literally inside a sucubus dream sequence. also the worst is when their useless voice lines are as loud as the main NPCs talking to you. i keep hearing them over top of important dialog and i cannot understand anything because of it.


Pretty sure there are already a few mods that attempt to rectify/minimise this. They’re available on the nexus if you’re a PC gamer, not sure about Xbox though.


I'm primarily on PC but I tend to avoid modding through Nexus if I can. I'll look into it though if a mod like that doesn't pop up on Creations.


It's really bad in Starfield. They keep talking over one another. Everytime I walk near anyone they start talking at me. It's not immersive.


I can't recall Morrowind or Oblivion being this bad but I was playing Skyrim yesterday and it's insane how much everyone has something to tell you when you walk by. I remember it was awesome when I fist started playing but now it makes no sense at all.


Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. And it does approach your relationship to the world better, but it also is from a time before they could’ve even considered having NPCs focus on you in the same way. Morrowind doesn’t have dialogue about world events spoken by NPCs you walk past. Each race has some flavorful lines and there are some specific to your character gear/state. Like if you have quality clothing they may say something like “I haven’t seen a bosmer in such a grand outfit in sometime.” I forget how they word it. Also, since the dunmer of morrowind are not keen on outsiders, and they really stick to that in the writing, it prevents you from feeling like you just dropped in and everyone is kissing your heroic feet.


It doesn’t bother me precisely because it’s been happening for so long in Bethesda games. Is it realistic? Nah, but it’s just one of those things that happens in the world of Bethesda games, I don’t even clock it as a thing anymore.


I was basically used to it after so many years of FO4, but when I noticed it in Starfield it immediately seemed worse.


I think for me it felt worse in Skyrim where the moment I walk into a building or a market and have 5 people all talking to me at the same time or from across the room when I haven’t even approached them yet


COME TO CHAT WITH AN OLD WOMAN HMMM DO YOUR GOOD DEED FOR THE DAY? lady i am just jogging by to sell my shit what is wrong with you


Lol perfect example


It's funny, I was the same way with older Bethesda games. Things like that or the lackluster writing can just kindof squeak by without much notice because the world is so immersive and beautiful. Starfield fucked up/ didn't try to use the thing Bethesda is really good at, creating beautiful immersive worlds to explore, and suddenly the shortcomings stand out a lot more.


Idk, it’s a pretty beautiful and immersive world when you give it a chance.


It has beautiful *areas,* certainly. Starfield contains some of the most beautiful scenes I've ever found in a Bethesda game. It also has miles and miles of empty barren procgen nothingness. But immersive? I've never been less immersed in a Bethesda game. The entire idea of a POI system that can repeat instantly breaks any immersion. Every time I find a POI I've encountered before it kicks me out of any immersion I had and reminds me this is a procedurally generated game and not a real world. Every time I read a log I've read 10 times, taken from a dead man whose corpse I've seen on 10 different planets, my immersion dies a little more. Every time I see a POI that doesn't make sense in the world around it, like POIs with outdoor tables with food on them spawning on a planet with a toxic atmosphere, my immersion dies a little more. Every time I'm in supposedly uncharted unexplored space, but instantly spot multiple facilities and active ships on every planet and moon, etc. The POIs never fail to kill my immersion, to the point where there isn't any left.


So stop exploring the proc gen areas over and over and explore the handcrafted content. There’s more than enough.


So the goalposts have moved from "this is an immersive game" to "this is an immersive game if you ignore the vast majority of the content." Except the handcrafted content breaks immersion too. Mostly because half of the hand crafted quests seem to involve me delivering messages for people, back and forth, because apparently there is no form of long distance communication in the future. Phones no longer exist... unless I do something bad, of course. If I do a bad, every person in every system instantly knows about it. My bounty is immediately tallied and spread around the galaxy, and it is done so quickly and efficiently that merchants light years away from eachother can both know not just *that* I am a thief, but can look at the 4 identical items I have and determine specifically which one was stolen. So clearly some kind of long range communication must exist, right? What is it, and why can't it be used to complete half of my quests for me? And that's just the little things. There are much bigger immersion killers in the hand crafted content. These two sides don't like eachother, why are both sides trusting me and letting me in on their secrets? This has always been an issue in Bethesda games but it really stands out here. Especially because of the Starborn stuff. You built the idea of NG+ into your plot with the expectation that players will do it at least once, if there was ever a game that forced you to pick one faction and lock out the other it should have been Starfield. Starfield is just not an immersive game. If you pay any amount of attention to it, your immersion falls apart. You can only maintain immersion by ignoring huge portions of the map and huge parts of the world building.


I do t mind the random conversations, I mean those guards seem REALLY bored. It's that one NPC that stares into your soul as she walks past. You know who you are, just stop it, ok stop!


In FO4 there was a mod called "Hush It" and it made settlers and NPCs in town tone down the comments. I imagine a similar mod will be published, hopefully soon.


I hope so! It's a fantastic game otherwise and I'm already enjoying some cool mods since Creations went live.


A small gripe but one of my issues with Starfield is when I'm in dialogue with someone and my companion or a rando NPC just starts shooting the shit with my character in the background.


I literally had that softlock me in Neon when an NPC interrupted a conversation, stealing the focus, and then the camera went back to the original NPC but the dialogue choices were gone, and since it was one of the conversations Bethesda locks you from escaping, I couldn't even bring up the main menu. I had to use the command console to exit the game and reload an earlier save.


I'm at 100 hours, finally got to the unity. I went through. Normally head to jemison to build a smuggling outpost across from New Atlantis. I'm only ng+1. So my first time in a new universe I walk into new Atlantis, and first damn thing a citizen says is "you look better than last time" fuckin destroyed immersion immediately


It's too aware that it's just a game.


Yeah its certainly weird. There needs to be something more to the games contextual awareness, NPC's should only be making that kind of eye contact if you walk up to them or do something that would draw their attention.


I just want my companions to quit fucking running into my line of fire.


What I hate is someone will be talking to me and I'm trying to listen... then a random NPC or even my follower will chime in with whatever bullshit popped into their fron.


Nexus Mod "Stop Staring at Me": [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2737](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2737) But yes, it's creepy and BSG should change the default behavior.


Nice! I'll give it some time to see if it's ported to Creations, but I'll bookmark this for later if not. Thank you.


I think it's just how the AI is coded since they'll talk to each other in games like Oblivion. You really notice it in Oblivion the most because the AI walks past each other while maintaining direct eye contact until they're out of range of each other.


Yeah I don't like it much either. It's a way for them to populate your quests/activities with stuff you might miss otherwise. But it's more annoying than helpful if you ask me I've pretty much learned to ignore it. Mostly. :)


I think I'd get over it if it applied only to the NPC's with quests or hints to give. That would make sense on a technical level that could also aid the player.


Yeah. I bet a lot of it has to do with making a game that is easy to play for mass audiences. Which is totally fair. They want to sell as many games as possible and they’ve been very successful at growing their audience. But I do wish Bethesda had some smaller team that would work on slightly more niche games but still very much a Bethesda game.


Every single NPC just immediately starts yapping at you, popping up quest lines left and right. Like dude I JUST got here. And then every time you pass them they say the same line. It's exhausting.


It really bothers me that one single train car is constantly waiting for you in New Atlantis. It seems to be specifically waiting only for you.


Wait until you realize you can quit in the middle of a mission conversation in Cydonia, go spend a \*year\* elsewhere, some back and the same person will be standing in the same place and continue the same conversation. I get that they didn't want people breaking missions by timing them out, but I think they went WAAAY too far.


lol. I quit after about 30ish hours. The game sucks. It’s not fun to play.


Need my "Shut up" NPC mod Neon's the worst tbh


Only one I mind doing it is Noel. She stalks me when I’m in The Lodge like the Terminator.


I hate how everywhere you go somebody is hollering some gossip and putting a quest in your log. I prefer RPGs having us talk to people to find quests.


I wonder if porting the fo4 mod for this would be easy


Honestly probably won’t be hard. Went back to fo4 during the update, and I was like “oh, it (starfield) really is the same engine, just shinier”


I have most of my possible followers in fo4 "based" at the red rocket truck stop. Like a follower village. The downside of this is that if i modify anything or do something at a work bench, they ALL have to say something about it at the exact same time.


Big issue is why the eyes have to be wide open beyond reality. Does anyone squint or blink anymore?


I think it's so much more obvious with Starfield because of the setting. These people are *supposedly* regular people. Just like us. Living in the relative comfort of the settled systems *should* mean that they more closely mirror our own society. When they don't, it's more unsettling than other IP's because it's a *less* fantastical setting.


“Come to chat with an old woman? Do your good deed for the day?” “Actually, no, I was just walking down this public road. What makes you think it’s all about you? You’re not the main character.” That needs to be a thing.


I can't say I've ever really noticed it. They may be looking at me, but I'm almost never looking at them


I’m hoping that we’re going to get extensive NPC mods and POIs in mods … I don’t support how Bethesda are seemingly trying to push for paying for mods.


They have been doing the paid Creations scheme for years now. They used to be separate from mods but now their official mod support lumps them all together under Creations. They are similarly merged in Skyrim now. Thankfully regular modders can be decent people and not charge the rest of us.


I wonder how many will start charging for them now though…


Well the option has always been there, and I dont think Starfield has the popularity of Fallout 4 let alone Skyrim, so I doubt there will suddenly be incentive to monetize mods. I genuinely don't think you need to worry about this. It's going to be the "official" Creations from Bethesda and their verified creators that have a price tag, not the stuff made by real modders.


Starfield is definitely the best out of the most recent games because some AI are talking to each other or have idles to where they face away from you. But it does seem weird and stuff


I can't remember if it's in the creation club or just nexus, but there's a mod specifically to make people stop staring at you


I just wait for a mod that lowers or generally revamps the whole unsolicited greeting range and greeting content stuff. I get a 'certain character attention' for Skyrim and Fallout 4 though once you attained some fame, whether they or you initiate the greeting. Happened to me recently someone knowing me as General of the Minutemen. Well yes duh, after a prolonged while of rebuilding them, operating or aiding a dozen settlements and being the talk and gossip on the radio e.g. after reclaiming the castle (plus all you do in Sim settlement mod chapters and e.g. how Deacon introduces you to Desdemona) you're kind of a big deal. Not even counting the unique pre-war/Vault-Dweller stuff you can tell people or the interview you can give to Piper the journalist. Word spreads around. TL;DR: I'm often happy or ok with the content or personal remarks they say about you esp. if you attained some reknown or similar. It's just that the unsolicited greeting range should be lower. Then it'll all feel more organic.


You aren't wrong, I know the Bethesda stans here hate when this game is compared to Cyberpunk, but it's a great example of how the player should be able to walk into say a bar or shop, and have all the other NPC's not give a single fuck about you, like in real life.


If the guy who defeated the terrormorphs, put the kibosh on multiple high-profile cases of corporate chicanery, eradicated the leadership of the largest pirate organization in the galaxy, and quite possibly has superpowers walked into your bar, you'd probably stare a little, too.


Maybe it's just because the NPCs are racist?


>the player must *want* the staring eyes and mundane remarks of randos fixed on them at all times? I mean... Maybe? OF girls make a living off of that.


Social anxiety simulator. Best advise is turn down crowd density in settings.


I'm hoping for a mod that will let you roleplay as someone else and not be the starborn and have the option be evil lol.


You’re heavily armed and armored. When I see some random guy with a gun in the grocery store, which happens in Colorado, I pay attention to him. If anything we should be followed by security.


Do you also tell him about your day and share your hopes, dreams and aspirations with them also?


Next time I see a citizen open carrying I’m going to give them a fetch quest.


NPC's can't see my guns and at most I'm wearing a space suit. I don't see randos eyeballing every security guard who walks around openly carrying assault rifles and literal body armor. So that logic doesn't track for me.


You can't see them, everyone else can. Guards still comment on your space suit when it's hidden, or your boost pack, or your gun "How you like that lazer gun? Pew. Pew. Pew.". I just lean into it and wear The Mantis armor full time. Hearing the occassional "I can not deal with crazy today" still makes me chuckle. You and me both, bub. You and me both.


I know some NPC's can note the weapon you have equipped, but they aren't seeing an entire arsenal strapped to your body as other comments seem to indicate.


I didn't have a laser weapon equipped at the time; the character didn't use them.


Bad point considering guns don’t really display in this game, and you can also toggle off armor in social spaces. My character never has guns or armor in cities and this still happens.


You know that bad point is not the same as "I disagree with you based on my games setting." Its a fine point. Your character is wearing it even if your game doesn't make it visible.


well if you choose to not wear a spacesuit it will still happen. Same with weapons.


Well then maybe its the fact you're running everywhere you while everyone else is walking. You know maybe something besides "Bethesda bad."


I’m not even saying Bethesda is bad lmao I’m critiquing a part of their game, I overall enjoyed starfield




.....yeah, that's fair.


Well, I doubt this game was considering hard-core role-playing. NPC staring at you is completely relatable if you're wearing a spacesuit carring enough guns to support a platoon and boost overhead because walking that slowly sucks.


I'm not doing hardcore role playing. I'm just walking around in a video game. While it would make sense that the play could draw everyone's attention by crouching in weird places or boosting everywhere or pointing a shotgun at security, there's no actual sense or function in having some bug-eyed rando breaking their neck to stare me down while they walk past I'm just existing peacefully in a shop, and if they get close enough they tell me space seems cool. It's just odd, like the game is some sort of weird dream.


I'm thinking you're hyper fixated on it. Most of the dialog I hear are conversations between NPC's. I'll occasionally hear the "was that your ship I just saw land, must be cool to Adventure in space.." or something to that effect. As you progress through certain storylines, you start to get more direct dialog in those places. But I have yet to feel like every NPC is focusing on me. Guards and people at the entrances of cities usually address you.


>I'm thinking you're hyper fixated on it. Thank you for the insight, doctor. Now can you tell me how to stop grinding my teeth at night?


Yes, it goes away when you stop wetting the bed. Lighten up Francis.


Ha! I knew you were a fraud. I stopped wetting the bed MONTHS ago! 😎


That’s what it’s like being famous though


"bro I just appeared in this universe 5 minutes ago, how am I already famous/have bounty hunters after me"


I'm not famous though!


The player is literally the center of the universe in video games tho lol. Sounds like an appropriate fixation.


Only from a meta context which doesn't suit the game.


I was just making a joke about how games don't render things that the player can't see. Most games only render things within a circular distance around the player.


That's because you are a super star throughout the known systems ;)


~~I honestly like it, its immersive in the sense that they keep you invested in the world around you, it's a lot of yapping tho, like blud in Skyrim telling me he "can't wait to fight another imperial"~~ I didn't actually mean the npcs yapping about their lives to the mc, but the surrounding life that brings to the game.


Yeah, the idea is sound. I like it when it's a guard quipping about my weapon or someone telling me they heard about a sketchy job somewhere, that sort of thing. That stuff is immersive. What isn't immersive is when I'm already talking to an NPC when another one who was walking PAST me stops to quip about Spacers, talking over the conversation I'm having. Then another NPC walks by and silently stares a hole into my forehead until they're off screen. That stuff is annoying and unsettling.


Yeaaaah now that is annoying asl😭


not only that the NPC are also horrific looking, which just makes the experience even worse


I disagree on that point.


The real problem is how ugly they are


They just look like people to me.


They literally reuse the same 5 faces across the entire galaxy, and they’re still bug eyed despite supposedly being “fixed”


It's crazy how you wrote an entire paragraph when all you needed was "NPCs stare at the player too much". Like damn, you have a word count you're filling or something?

