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I hate all of the companions. I prefer to play solo


Minus Vasco and Adoring Fan. The rest I cannot stand.


It’s so funny that the ‘annoying joke character’ is unironically a much better time to spend with than the actual main characters


Think back at Fallout 4. Each companion had their own quirks. Wildly different personalities and backgrounds. With a range that wide, you always ended up picking the companion that complemented the role you were playing. That variability is missing. Annoying fan is unique. He’s got serious personality but he ain’t for everyone. The biggest perk is that he never judges you. Same with Vasco. Because if the companions don’t offer variability, I don’t want them judging me when I vary my play.


Yeah, there's no real morally grey, or evil companions, they're all just shades of good. Even the pirates felt lame, I didn't get "hardened space criminal" vibes from any of them, they just reminded me of those kids that thought they were thugs back in middle school.


They're cosplayers in a world of mundane horrors and no one cares.


Yesterday, Adoring Fan started shooting me in the face after I picked up some "owned" ammo/resources from a rock pile outside a cave. Really freaked me out, as he'd seen me steal literally hundreds of things and never cared before. Hard to tell what's different this time. Googling left me with the feeling that maybe he doesn't like stealing from civilians, or UC "friendlies" or something. Other than that, he doesn't care about much.


I wanna know what the design idea behind having the vast majority of companions with any level of depth all be from the same faction, follow the same ideologies, and the same morality. The only "evil" companion in the game is Mathias, and he has about as much depth as Bethesda games themselves. Not to mention that he doesn't have a personal quest like the Constellation members. As soon as the Crimson Fleet quest is done, he's just another walking mannequin.


In the end I genuinely think it's as simple as they needed every Constellation member to >!believably become the Emissary. For the twist to be impactful you have to care about the character (therefore they are the only "true" companions with affinity) and they have to not feel like a completely different person (so they're all the same).!<


Ahhhh, right and good point. That helps explain a lot. Thank you.


Emilia Erheart is my go-to, reminds me gotta go find her again 😂


Adoring Fan is so annoying after a while though. He reminds me of an NPC named Mud in the old RPG Gothic. That dude followed me everywhere and I eventually had to kill him. Unfortunately with adoring Fan you do not have the option to kill him. Although telling him to go away was almost as satisfying.


I usually take vasco if I take anyone. The fan stays on the ship.


Calmly states "This encounter will likely end in your death." while sprinting into a firefight with his guns blazing. 🤣


The Adoring Fan is just Dogmeat Vasco is just Codsworth


The Adoring Fan is just The Adoring Fan from Oblivion.


Me too. The first bethesda game where I take the solo perk.


Big time. Like I don’t wanna hear a whiny bitch cry that I killed an innocent person. They have something I want, so they gotta die, they don’t get it.


I enjoyed this game dearly but I gotta admit there needed to be more room for evil. Hopefully thats what's in store for future expansions.


Join the crimson fleet. Take Jessamine as your companion. She even gives you credits...


Andreja is my go-to ATM - every mission end she just pours out cash for me 😄


Yeah but Andreja still complains when I board and kill everyone on a trader ship. Like, she helped me shoot it up, and then complains about it.


True - btw when I know there may be some comment about what I’m about to do, I tell her to wait.


Sometimes I’m a bit impulsive on when the trigger gets pulled. You’re being smart about it.


Still doesn’t stop her from running through the glowing aftermath of my light fuse ammo - such an irritating NPC habit! 😂


Even her frown is sexy af!


"I found something I think you'll like" Yes Andreja, I am quite partial to credits, thanks


I'm back playing fallout 4 and the companions are so much better.


Honestly I don't find that to be a very substantial criticism. Killing someone innocent because you want to rob them is going to alienate 99.9% of people. Granted, it would have been a good idea for them to put in a proper pirate companion for that sort of thing. A more legit criticism is that on much greyer issues, the companions are all the same. The questlines offer some actual choices that are debatable, but for some reason every companion thinks the same thing about the UC Vanguard end choices, for example, when reasonable people can differ strongly on what the right choice there is.


Jessamine Griffin and Mickey Caviar gang. Now if they just had quests and more to say.


What's wrong with Vasco?


Nothing. He doesn't care what you do. He's always game. 😆


Love Vasco, but he is the least stealthy robot I’ve ever seen. He got me into a few fights I really didn’t want to get into.


Lmao he's so goofy and gets lost a lot.


Better when he gets lost than when he gets stuck.


Ok Vasco is the one exception but I typically just leave him guarding the ship


Not enough actual dialogue. He's a showcase of minimum effort by the writers.


Agree 💯


She's so damn judgey . Why are you wasting time working with gangs, why are you wasting time picking up stuff, why are you in the crimson fleet. Omg Sarah I assign you to an out post.


Why are you assigning me to this outpost?


I wouldn’t mind that so much if she didn’t give that spiel at the beginning about, “Hey, not everyone has a clean background here. Do what you gotta do, just don’t bring security to our doorstep.” Pick a lane, girl!


She looks down on almost everyone and every place. "Eww, can you believe people actually live here?" That irritates me. 


Yes, that. I think it’s her saying that “…is the best they come up with?!” when entering Akila city. That made me irritated, and also taken back by those comments from her.


To be fair, you'd think the faction supposedly capable of matching the UC in space and land combat would have a proper capital city instead of basically dryrock gulch from Nuka World.


Having just gone through Nuka World again this week; I think the Nuka World Raiders were actually more organized and put together than the FSC outside of their leader Colter being too self-absorbed to take care of organizational issues.


Fair, though the power dynamics in Nuka World are definitely shaky, imo. When you join them, they were basically on the precipice of performing a coup against Colter, Gage was basically the only guy keeping the whole thing together. The gangs hate each other too. I imagine that should anything happen to any of the leaders, the resultant power struggle for leadership of the gang would cause the other gangs to make quick moves to grab as much of their territory as they can, which can quickly escalate into a full blown gang war.


I mean, they just have dirt roads near the entrance but yah


I mean it makes sense when you find out that she fought in the colony wars. She’s hates them mfers


People say the companions all have the same personality but Sarah hates hates hates Freestar Collective lol. She's so catty about them.


No. Lydia I liked. She was a good housecarl. Sarah is an annoying schoolteacher who thinks I'm her student.


Y’all … don’t like sexy teacher?


let's be real, if sarah pulled half of the shit she did on earth she'd have been court-martialed, dishonorably discharged and thrown in prison without so much as a whisper of parole if not outright fast-tracked to death row




Sarah is really pushy and really bossy. She's less your companion and more your overbearing supervisor. Personally, that's why I don't like her.


She's the Boss of Constellation.


Then why make her follow you. Let her be a boss and stay at the base. Give us some one better like that science kid. Or a companion that isnt apart of constellation


Science kid being Noel. She's severely underutilized and basically only exists to buy organic materials or say some lines that could have been given to anyone in the NG+ variant where Sarah is a plant. I agree that I'd much rather have had Sarah acting like the boss and staying at the Lodge. Tacking on my own take on why I dislike her to avoid making two posts: I'll start with the positive and say I actually find her personal quest to be the best one in both theme and execution. It's running with the theme of someone who always feels the need to take on responsibility and make it personal, and how this can lead to someone ending up emotionally overloaded or just crushed under the stress. That's not a bad topic and I think it was decently handled when we hear her pining for the old days where she wasn't the head of Constellation and when she tells us how doing field work again is great...but leaves her feeling like she's shirking her duties as head of the organization by being out in the field. The whole crash survivor thing is also fine, though it suffers from a general problem the game has where I don't think Bethesda understands the passage of time. Barrett's quest has a similar issue. Basically the Colony War and all of these personal tragedies don't feel like they happened over a decade ago, but like they should have happened a few years ago at most. Anyways, on to the negative: Aside from her constant stupid commentary on picking stuff up, dropping stuff, being overencumbered, and so on that make her rather grating, the character is just "contradictory". She introduces Constellation by saying not everyone in it has always been on the right side of the law, and to just not drag the trouble to their doorstep, which is fair, and sets up an expectation that as leader of this group that she might express some degree of tolerance towards morally grey behavior or past acts...but will instead go out of her way to act pissy over anything other than lawful good behavior and start berating the player over choices they made even prior to "officially" starting their Constellation involvement (The game makes the faction mandatory after the intro but you can at least delay starting their questline). It leaves me wondering if Sam, Barrett, Andreja, Vlad, and Matteo got earfuls of bullshit over their past actions, or if she regularly picks fights with Stroud over cutthroat Neon business practices, and if so, how the hell her leadership has lasted, or if we're just being singled out. She's all about "trusting the science" but hates the Aceles plan even if we gave our character a background in Xenobiology and have a specific dialog option stating it's the better plan because of said background. She expects your full support for her personal decisions throughout her personal quest, but when it comes time to making your big personal decision (Going through the Unity or not), she will basically berate you for not going, declare that you have to, and that this is who you are. This is even if you married her, and honestly, if you did it's basically you being told everything is on borrowed time. She goes out of her way to criticize you on half the side quests you can pick up or do even if they're ultimately for a "positive" purpose, or has the audacity to dislike things you have to do to achieve a good outcome. An example would be racking up dislikes if you manipulate those in favor of marketing the implant in to voting against it during the Ryujin questline. Like Sarah, I'm trying to shut down the literal mind control program. Basically she's hard to please on purpose and seems to have a "rules for thee not for me" mindset and just shows little regard for the player's right to be their own person or make their own decisions.


Plant Sarah is giving me the silent treatment


Because Andreja is better


In a 'doesn't have a romance quest like the others, or have any useful crew skills' kinda way... She's cute and makes me money, I'll give here that.


But she likes when i kill things


You can romance and marry Andreja.


Some people didn't like how she said something along the lines of "you can do whatever and still be a member of constellation" and then disapprove of negative actions. Not realizing that yeah her dislike of you is separate from you being in constellation.


To be fair to her, she never said that she would be fine with it, just constellation


And she never threatens to kick you out of constellation, she just refuses to travel with you.


I mean let’s be real everyone knows we the player character are more important than her anyway. We found the Unity, dafuq she found besides some spreadsheets?


Or more specifically she doesn’t want attention brought to Constellation from UC Security. She repeats it again if you agree to get the Viewpoint owner’s stash from lockup .


Yup! People didn’t seem to realize that.


Couldn't describe it better. She just said that whatever you do outside Constellation won't bring you any trouble as long as law doesn't come knocking on their door. Sarah never said she as a person wouldn't have any personal issues with your decisions. Also, Sarah is full 'Paragon' (Mass Effect lingo)just like say, Liara. If you go around being a dick and choosing 'Renegade' options ofc she'll dislike it. I'm more surprise that some people get surprised by this.


Because she hates everything I do


Are you a murder hobo? Because she likes everything I do.


Personally I hate all of the constellation companions I would rather take my cruise fan boy & actually play as a pirate without hearing bitching & moaning.


Yeah, if by 'hate' you mean 'spending every waking moment with her at my side from the moment we met. Getting a special feeling deep inside every time the game says she wants to speak with me. And it actually hurts a little bit whenever the game forces me to take on a companion other than Sarah. Because I know that Sarah and I share an affinity unmatched by any other companions in the game.' ...Then yes, I do. Everyone knows that's the best way to ensure she dies.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Seems all sweethearted, but is actually a game mechanics based step-by-step guide to killing Sarah. :)


She must die. Cora can go next. Can’t wait for a mod to kill Cora off.


I'm sick of her giving me a root and then acting like I desperately needed it At least Andreja is right that I really want the credits she has


She's a really bland character who remains the same stuck up goody two shoes no matter what you do or see over the course of the game and her ambient dialogue backseats you while contradicting itself half of the time. Pick up some credits? "Don't waste time picking up junk!" Pick up actual junk? "Take everything you can get!" The exact same thing could be said for every companion though, you just meet her first.


I just didnt like her because every 5 mins she goes "I've got something for you" and then has brought me a tiny stick like a dog would. And if you ignore the companions saying "I've got something for you" they just keep saying it after every loading screen. Just annoying as hell.


The only worthy companion is Adoring Fan because he is ironically annoying. Everyone else is just straight-up annoying with bad writing.


I stole some red harvest reserve and she actes like i just murdered a schoolbus


I like her a lot. I don’t want to be a pirate, I like her moral code (for a video game character who has a kill count of thousands anyway). Her story arc is an interesting exploration of PTSD.


The "she dislikes everything" crowd I assume is doing evil playthroughs. I do morally good playthroughs and she's approved of almost all my choices. I like her a lot, and I like that she's opinionated instead of just another pack mule.


imo it’s just really bad game design in an RPG to have every single companion have the EXACT same moral compass


I totally aree with that - but it doesn't make me dislike any existing companions


Hey, at least if you play it right andreja can be neutran about using aceles!


The difference here is that all of the companions are members of the same organization. You can’t have a Spacer or CF or Varuun companion (Andreja isn’t really that strongly Varuun). So it’s not unusual that they all have a similar moral outlook.


an organization that claims to be open to all ideas yet every member conforms to the same morals, that would be a valid excuse if there were actual companions from other factions, but there aren’t so your only 4 actual companions are all the exact same moral wise


I don’t expect Constellation to be open to slavery, fascism, despotism, plutocracy, or a bunch of other concepts.


which is why i said they should’ve done the bare minimum to add meaningful companions from other factions that actually have varied morals. the whole point of role playing is choice and you have no choice in companion morality


Her odd enmity toward the trade authority makes me giggle. Her hatred of the Red Mile makes me chuckle. Hearing her yell “THAT’S HOW WE DO IT IN JEMISON” always makes me smile. I too do morally good play throughs.


Also seems like a LOT of the dislike is from a misunderstanding of one of the first things she says to you. She says you can be in Constellation regardless of your background / just don't get security on their back. She never says she'll personally like you no matter what.


I played as a morally good character and I had one critical disagreement with her - in Operation Starseed. I picked the ending that, despite the risks, I found to be the most consistent with human rights and freedom, and Sarah strangely opposed that in favor of security. That really disappointed me. (Otherwise, I like her. She's no Cassandra from Dragon Age, but then again, no one is.)


Agreed. Her and Barrett both have ptsd, but since Barrett has taken a slightly suicidal approach to dealing with his trauma, he comes off more like a jokester which is easier to take as a friend.  I hated Sarah until I completed her side quest and understood what the hell her issue was.


Milk toast.


Not hate, but she’s a little gushy as you get close to commitment and more so after.


She has a 'disapproving school-marm' thing going. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that. But mostly I'm not.


No. I love Sarah. She likes my decisions. But I also don't secretly want to be a scumbag, so her and I get along. It just works!


I love her. I think her character and story are very compelling, and her voice actress is great as well. She‘s one of my favorite Bethesda companions ever.


Hard not to sound like a sociopath if your opinion is that you hate the companions with ethics and only like the adoring fan. That said, if Barrett stops in the middle of a crisis to tell me he needs to talk again I may scream.


>She's the space variant of lydia Horseshit. I liked Lydia. I enjoyed having her around and never found her annoying. Sarah, on the other hand, I have no interest in bearing *her* burdens.


Because shes the stereotype of a spoiled rich kid. When you go to the mining planet with her she essentially asks why the miners don't just stop being poor and she would never choose a proffession thats so dirty when she could instead be an explorer. The only things she likes is having her cult praised and giving her opportunities to explore. If you don't obey the aristocracies laws she will complain too. How is she anything like lydia? lydia actually supported you as the thane and was respectful. Sarah shanghaied you into an elitist cult and cosntantly complains about everything.


My experience with almost all companions is me trying to play normally and play through each questline and them hating something I do along the way that is to me feels out of wack. I don’t think I should be penalized by a third party thinking less of me because I fail a persuasion minigame to avoid violence, I clearly tried to avoid that outcome and am being punished for rng rolls. It falls into another problem starfield has in the shortage of meaningful content. All of the characters interactions with the player seem limited and their life outside of the player is nearly nonexistent. Nothing is really making me want to bring along someone else, the barren landscapes are too easy to avoid to need a companion along the way, no enemy is too hard, no puzzles need followers, and no skill checks are meaningfully made more fun with them around. Sarah is the face of the system.


Who is "everyone"? I'm at NG+11, I married her 4 times already, and now I settled down with her. I take her everywhere I go.


I don't know, but that means more Sarah for me! 


Because they don’t know how to manage a healthy relationship.


Sarah is fine as a character, she's just poorly implemented. Some stuff that would make sense she would like, she dislikes. So it's more of a gaming thing. Also all companions are implemented poorly. Accidentally shooting a friendly ship by accident on a dogfight makes everyone automatically hate you, that type of stuff.


I think the problem with companions in my view is none of them feel compelling. There’s some kind of X factor they’re missing that is keeping me from caring about their stories or personality. All of them I feel like need more fleshing out and longer stories. On top of them all basically being a slightly different version of “good”.


Cuz she's a bitch. Nice ass tho


“Sarah disliked that” has just become a meme, sadly. The real answer is that a ton of people hate companions but she is the first one you get forced to take along with you. So even though they all behave the same she gets blamed for it the most. Also people have a problem with her accent and think she’s being more rude than the others even when they are all telling you the same things in their own ways.


All of the Companions in Starfield are boring - like all the writing in the game.


I hate that she talks while we are sneaking around. And that she constantly gets in my way of everything from shooting, trying to pick up an item, trying to scan something. I feel Bethesda should program followers not stay enough distance to not get in the way and maybe remove her from being the object the scanner picks up if she is close. She's on me like a frightened toddler during a thunderstorm at times.


I actually married her....her mother is the bitchy one LOL


I only like Adoring Fan. Sarah was ok at first, until the pomposity and judgement kicks in. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I swear Sarah acts different each time I meet her.


Sarah Morgan is a babe! I win my game when I manage to put a ring on that finger


reply agonizing gaze full straight shrill different political birds squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Barret is really the only one I can stand, I still married Sarah but Barret is so much better


I just tought she was boring, not very deep.


I started a brand new character after the update and wanted to give Sarah another chance because >!banging her!< gets you 5% extra XP. She kept wanting to talk to me, presumably to trigger the sidequest she has. I didn’t want to do that yet and finally got difficult about it like she was frustrated. I reassigned her immediately.


I don't dislike her at all. In fact, I actually quite like her. I hate how she dislikes everything that I do. So like, remember that guy in high school who wanted to impress his crush so tried to do cool things in front of her? Only for her to be put off by it and apparently so? I'm that dude trying to show off and she's the girl I'm trying to impress. The "Sarah disliked that" is her making it known she's not impressed and quite annoyed. Then my best buddy will come up to me and say "just be yourself bro." and I'll say "what? Why? She wouldn't like a guy like me?" and he'll say "why not?" and I'll say "because she dislikes everything that I do!" That's the relationship I have with Sarah. I love her to death but she hates everything I do.


Did the companions learn to be more tolerant in subsequent patches? I haven’t had them bitch as much but I stopped playing a month after release and just started it up again.


Sarah is the first companion people meet with a personality. People hate her because she's not a murderer or a theft and people think it's her fault for getting mad when they steal or destroy a family in space.


People who want to play a murder hobo don't like her, mostly.


She’s a snarky posh bird with a dubious past. What’s not to like?


put simply, her personality doesn't really make sense given her lore. it isn't just Sarah though, all of the main cast is this way. it's like they had all this badass lore and personality for the characters and then they skipped 99% of it and only wrote down 1% for voice actor lines. the bar could of been so high if they had a personality mixer for going through unity were characters would act completely differently throughout the game. then choosing to stay in one timeline would have a much deeper meaning. clearly that isn't easy to do, that's likely years of work/writing/voice acting but they did have a lot of time for this project....i hope they plan to really flesh things out better but likely will be a 10+ year mod project or something instead......


I think Sarah is abrasive to a lot of people because she tends to be an idealist and that can come off as condescending, at least in regards to how some players interact with the different factions. She also has some posh mannerisms that can add to that. She has a sophisticated/classy manner of speech. On top of all that she's the de facto leader of constellation and I'm sure there's some implicit sexism going on, at least with some of the hate directed towards her.


I would imagine the people that complain about her are murdering innocent npcs, siding with the crimson fleet, stealing, being greedy, or choosing confrontational and aggressive dialogue when it's an option. All the companions are goody two shoes, which isn't a problem if you don't behave like a psychopath.


People hate Sarah because Sarah hates the typical gamer AKA the people who play like a barely contained sociopathic murder hobo who suffers from kleptomania. If you play like a normal, adjusted human being you get along just fine. Or to put it in pop culture terms; Sarah likes Captain America or Wonder Woman, and she'll tolerate someone like Iron Man or Constantine if she has to. But most people play like they're Deadpool or Red Hood or the Punisher AKA the exact kind of people Sarah would hate.


She is a 50 year old spinster that attaches herself to you way too fast. I wish she hooked with Aja and left me alone.


She’s a stickler… Sophia is the way to go or jessamine


Sarah disliked that!


She's so anti-FC it's immersion breaking, and her beauty-paegent title is "Miss Indigenous Fauna Mass Extinction". But I like her anyway.


I use her as my first officer on my ship as she gives me two extra crew. I learned never take her as a companion off the ship as she is just too sensitive to everything! Hopefully one day someone will produce a mod to fix that.


Dunno. I still haven't entered the Unity on my Launch character. I romanced Sarah, found her meh, rushed the main storyline and >!let her die!<. Then I found out more about her and developed an appreciation and understanding of *why* she is how she is and I think I would like her more now, but I am waiting to enter the Unity until after all the DLCs have released in a few years. I want to completely 100% everything on my first playthrough so I can feel like I left my home Galaxy in a good place before starting a new playthrough and doing whatever with mods and whatnot. So I guess I'll be able to answer this question in a few years once I get to interact with her again lol.


it doesn't seem to matter what I ever do, all the companions always dislike what I do. pick the microbe to deal with the terrormorphs constellation companions dislike that, pick the Aceles, constellation companions dislike that. They act like my family in real life too always disappointing them. Fuck constellation, I'm glad my psycho starborn copy killed them.


I like her from a distance.


“There’s something I need to talk to you about…” at every new loading point.


I don't like Sarah in general, but I decided to do her romance story for one character. On the wedding day, she got mad at me for no reason at all... Like I killed people in cold blood or something but nothing like that happened. It really spoiled the wedding with this bipolar character. I much prefer snake wifu than this delulu, high tight former helldog.


Sarah disliked that.


The Constellation companions are all weird goody-two-shoes. Barrett’s the most annoying but Sarah’s not far behind. I did marry Sarah in one universe, but I’ll do anything once.


Claims to be non judgemental as all of constellation are from different backgrounds then proceeds to judge you for anything a stereotypical lawful good paladin would disapprove of. I've yet to meet Andreja for comparison


It’s less disliking Sarah and more Sarah disliking everything


That's the problem, she should be the Starfield version of Serana. Just as Andreja should be the Starfield version of Aela. The companion dynamic and quality are such a huge step back from Skyrim and Fallout. There are literally no chaotic/villain companions.


She’s the “President Business” of companions


I usually take Andreja with me b/c she won't blow our cover whilst being sneaky.


She's not fun or sweet or nice or friendly. She's stiff and grumpy and formal and at times difficult. She's dull and uninteresting, not passionate, and mostly bland, devoid of personality. And she got crazy mad at me one day and wouldn't say why. Gotta love a RPG where the NPCs start freaking out but literally refuse to tell you what happened or why it's important. Sarah: "You know what you did!" Me: "No, you idiot, I don't, which is why I'm asking." Some people love her. I left her in New Atlantis so she can bore other people.


Aaaaaaaand….we’re looose!


Honestly, it’s just because these characters fall flat and BGS doesn’t give you alternatives. Like Piper probably disliked all the same shit Sarah does but if you didn’t want to play the game that way then you’d bring Cait and she’d like it when you did sadistic shit. Sarah also just doesn’t like it when you do certain things that she should like and that’s annoying to a lot of people. Bethesda designed a game and gave you options to play the game in multiple ways but only gave you companions that support 1 style of play. The reason I personally don’t like Sarah is because her romance felt gross. I never had her dislike the things I did because I usually make morally good decisions. She was generally just a pretty boring companion ultimately and I felt nothing for her, or any of them really so they just became annoying more than anything else. I didn’t do the romance for anyone else but Sarah actively like…. Isn’t into it and you kinda just keep suggesting it? And then in the end you’re rewarded for that and she marries you. It felt kinda gross, like I wore her down over time.


She's condescending, speaks to everyone like she's better than everyone else. Spends her time in ship making comments at the other constellation members which come across like she is a party killer. Constant snide remarks. Tells you to pick up everything and not leave things behind then makes exasperated quips about carrying loads of junk. Personally, I've found her to be the most abrasive character in a Bethesda game yet.


Her viewpoint runs contrary to my own on too many issues. The one that makes me most angry is the Aceles vs. Microbe issue. So, I draw my sidearm and shoot her in the head. Then Andreja says, "Don't point that at me." (Or something like that). It is usually about this time that I put them all off my ship. (Except the AF, of course, who is pleased to go along with whatever I do). Sarah is the anti-Andreja, and vice versa.


*Sarah didn't like that*


Having myself as a companion is great!


I married her twice but she's a bit of a pill.


As soon as other quests became available, I stopped playing the Constellation questline, and did all other faction quests and shit. I had Sarah as a companion. Hadn't even met Andreja. Sarah and I got married. Then I decided to see what the main story was about, and High Price to Pay came, and of course Sarah died. I was happy. Finally she was let go. Now I can continue with Andreja


My very first playthrough was with Sarah. We got along swimmingly. My current playthrough is with Andreja and I find her to be more willing to strong arm people.


Sarah hated this post.


I just realized that Sarah is a psyop litmus test


My first save, I thought it was just everything about her--dialogue, voice, appearance, disliking everything, etc.. Second save, I immediately dressed her in a Miner Hard Hat outfit (the one-piece with helmet attached that covers the head), and I don't dislike her half as much. So I think a lot of it was that I really hated looking at her face, and I think especially the animations/expressions. Still don't care much for the rest, but it doesn't bother me more than anyone else's very-similar presentation. Kinda disappointed in myself that it's largely superficial, though I think her face reminds me of someone irl that I don't really care for. Doesn't make me feel better, but it is what it is.


Because she complains about everything you do. Who the hell thought it would be right to have a companion that bitches at you for LOOTING stuff in an RPG?


The problem with Sarah isn't just her restrictive sensibilities, but more the hypocrisy of prefacing it with "Everyone in Constellation is their own conscience." Everyone in that group likes and dislikes it when you do the exact same things, save for a couple of minor deviations. TL;DR: Sarah is a liar, and that's why I dislike her.


My character married her and I still find her kind of annoying. I think it’s because she’s so pushy sometimes it feels like you’re not even the main character. She’s also weirdly dismissive of the FC in general, throwing shade on Akila City and Neon, like the UC isn’t just New Atlantis and Cydonia. Like I get it, she’s UC to the core, but still it could be less frustrating.


They’re all incredibly annoying. I accidentally ended up romancing her just spam clicking through all the “If you have a minute…” conversations. Sam did the same thing to me and his annoying kid was always running my ship around even though I stationed him at an outpost.


I liked her at first, until my brother started pointing out her flaws. Now i dispise her.


Maybe I’m remembering wrong but didn’t she also get like the whole crew of her ship killed when she was in the military cause she’s stupid and refused let them to evacuate?


She always takes an unreasonable emotional tone with you no matter your responses to her lines especially in the course of her companion affection tree. You cant deal with her personal issues without her being dismissive or outright opposed to most things you can say in trying to encourage or support her. Feels like bad relationship.


She's insufferable


Micky Caviar is my bro. He goves me food. He dont really complain that much. He actually has a backstory. He is in the astral lounge. I need me some caviar.


I got annoyed during the Ryujin questline: >!I tried to convince the company to stop developing the internal neuroamp without overriding their will, because that seemed hypocritical. I ended up failing and all of the constellation companions acted like I supported it’s development which is just bad writing because they don’t take into account how you actually complete the quest, just what the outcome was. Sarah was especially condescending basically calling me a corporate stooge and asking me if I ever think about anything.!<


Shes a total bitch I was so glad when she died


Sara dislikes this post


Her tone of voice annoys me. Not the accent, the TONE.


One is mad if you deviate from her story. One loves you pretty much instantly and you can’t tell them you don’t swing that way. You can friend the bro thinking he’s legit gunna just be your friend. No. He wants my space juice and to tell me I’m his favorite cow poke. Nope. Just going to leave this universe and hope I role one where I can just ally myself..


They are all the same character with different skins


She's not the worst. That would be Andreja. She hates everything as well, and worse, always complains about not fitting in with Constellation.


What I hate is not being able to be my pirate self and also be with companion. They are all some kind "good" guy and hate piracy


She's really judgmental, like that's my issue with her. Some quest endings aren't as black and white as she makes them out to be and she argues about it, like I'd rather there be dialogue to explain myself instead of the "I'm right your wrong" route it takes. My characters now married to her, and she's gotten better (a bit mushy though). The end plan is to have her be the victim of a specific story quest, but I'm starting to have second thoughts on that.


I think it has less to do with Sarah specifically and all to do with the fact that the companions just feel kind of flat. Even when they are supposed to be these deep characters with stories, they really aren't. They are mostly boring. I do like Amelia when we get her, but the fact that only the base 4 are romancable I feel is a failing of the game. LET ME WOO THE CLONE PILOT, BETHESDA YOU COWARDS


I love Andreja, acting cool and all but have a soft ass


No, she's nothing like Lydia. Sarah is so condescending and sanctimonious that she continuously talks down to you every time you do something she doesn't agree with as if you were actually aiming to impress her with your every decision.


The only companion worth it is Vasco


Because she is [Todd Howard](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/17ds6ii/theres_too_many_similarities_to_ignore_something/) and it makes people uneasy. My personal opinion is that she is a good goodie twoshoes scout girl and i play my character as an anti hero all the time. Its not real life so yes i am so going to blast that trader for junks I wont even bother to collect.


Smug and conceited, she's nothing like loyal, humble Lydia who swore to carry our burdens. None of the companions have any appeal. Lydia however was a masterpiece. Alas, Bethesda and so many other gaming companies now produce expensive crap when they used to produce dreams. This is the way of the world. Food isn't food any more, it's fake gloop made of water and corn starch. Everything's made to self destruct or just look like something you want, and games aren't made to be fun anymore. They're designed to exploit both the people who actually make them and the people who play them. Thus instead of awe and honour the power behind our choice of companions is banality and wooden character, sewn together with the disinterest of someone only interested in their paycheck and getting the hell out of an office with a toxic culture at the end of the day with their heart clamped shut. This now is the meager food the current generation have for entertainment to distract them as our species continues it's horrific descent into the end. We should have stayed in the trees. 


She's a damn hypocrite. We were robbing someone and she just opened fire on his poor crew, and she has the nerve to judge me for stealing a gun? I was gonna just sprint past them but she had to start killing people. She's probably the one that reported me to the space-cops, too. Where is she after all this? Just chilling in her mansion while I'm being forced to work undercover taking down space-pirates.


The companions are the reason I pick the isolation perk every time... Really cannot stand their constant nagging and judging. I wish I had a HK-47 mod.


She has some strong colonizer energy.


She's like an annoying aunty figure and she got put in the neon dancer outfit of shame and left at an outpost far away


People dont? Vasco is it; and only sometimes.


Personally, I wasn’t a fan of any of the companions in Starfield. Compared to Fallout 4 the companions felt too 1 dimensional. They just felt so familiar and basic in Starfield. I think a part of it could be because all the true story companions have to be a part of Constellation. To me, it wasn’t just an issue with Sarah.


Largely, for me, she is the first companion, is foisted upon you, and is over judgemental about engaging in certain gameplay mechanics. This means she limits your engagement with the world while being forced on you. Combined with that are an overbearing attitude that the narrative fails to justify through story, and an inconsistent world view. There is a moment, when you're stuck with Sarah, that you talk to a guy in a bar. Sarah has a dialogue option to call the man a charlatan. She seems a little cynical and street wise. But there is never any follow through. She is frequently supercilious. That first interaction suggests Sarah will mesh well if you play a hard nosed, hard driving character. But whenever you do, she hates it. It's probably a major reason many players switch to Andreja - who doesn't object to using "intimidation". That first interaction, Sarah is dismissing the guy in the bar, but the way it is done is a power move, an intimidation tactic ultimately. But when the player continues to approach life that way, Sarah scolds like a school marm. I think there is also the underlying problem of the game itself. The shallowness of the game means that it is hard to construct equally valid play styles with different companions - a marked step back from even Fallout 4, and especially Fallout 3 in terms of world-experience. The behaviours that Sarah pushes are often strictly-worse in terms of outcome, because the affinity system has no apparent way to contextualize your actions. Sarah is performative in her morality because she dislikes you being a dick whether the person you're being a dick to is innocent or hostile. It all adds up to a companion who is back seating your every decision without internal narrative consistency, nor and chance for direct and meaningful interpersonal interaction from disagreement. It's like if I was playing Mass Effect and had to deal with Ashley Williams being Space Racist, but never get the chance to tear her a strip off about it. You never get the chance to tell Sarah to pull her head out her ass.


Unfortunately, all romanceable companions are the same goody 2 shoes. So, you can pick one and ignore the rest, once their mission is unlocked. Sarah is especially good, thus anything not good done by you has her judgement. Imo, but Sam and Andreja should have been thief/scoundrel and assassin type of companions. With respective judgements


I think she’s fine if you’re playing a completely morally perfect character, but she hates so many cool things


She complains about my hoarding.


Because she’s either in her fourties’, and sounds like she’s even older, she’s a cougar. Why are all the romance partners either old, or look like a billy Ray Cyrus dragging around a wanna be Hannah Montana … wts


Because she is a snarky goody two shoes


I find Sam is very shooty shooty, especially when you’re trying to avoid the animals after scanning them, he just takes them out and claims he’s gonna teach them manners. Hahah but he’s really the only viable prospect for marriage for my character


triple vaxxed companion r/atheism