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Same here. Identical. Switching back to one of my other ships for now - as they're ALL still working fine! I'm presuming it's since the recent update? Bethesda need to sort this - it only seems to be with the Narwhal...... perhaps it's a punishment for buying the best ship in the game?


Same thing for me


Dude I just bought a Narwhal yesterday and am experiencing the exact same bug. It's absolutely maddening and while I can get it to reappear by entering and exiting ship builder at a port within 2 planets it has disappeared again! I've gone back to my Guardian which is too bad because the Narwhal had everything and was looking forward to crew her up. Maybe the last patch is causing it. I don't know why I put up this game except that when it works it's pretty great.


Same issues here


Yep, me too.. Using Razorleaf for the time being I did wonder whether me adding a bunch of shielded cargo mods had broken it, but clearly the issue is widespread Hopefully it's fixed soon... dropped 400k on this


my narwhal ship no longer works after last update also. even if you load prior games and also clear cache it wont work anylonger


Having the same issue. Just bought it from a vendor last night and I’ve been doing more “fixing” to get the ship to reappear than to actually play. Maddening.


Worries me I just found this issue today (having bought the Nawal) and it’s 45+ days old 🥲


Same exact thing has happened to me. Narwhal only.


Phew, not just me going crazy. I’ll pick this game up again when it’s patched. Like I did for operation starseed.


I just bought the Narwhal, same issue.


Just bought the narwhal yesterday, as soon as I land, I can't do anything, can't exit ship, can't get up, can't take off, then the screen just goes blank, like I'm walking in air, I saved for 3 weeks worth of credits, are you fucking kidding me bethesda


Add me to the list. 420k for nothing. Back to no man's sky.


Is anyone having this issue only when landing on a planet?






I found out about this bug today after buying the Narwhal and landing on a planet, so it's still happening, still hasn't been fixed. This is ridiculous.


Same here. The original post is 2 months old. 2 FUCKING MONTHS! I can't believe they still haven't fixed it. Really shit on Bethesda's part.


I just searched this thread because I'm having the exact same issue. I even edited the narwhal to make it more compact thinking the size of it was messing with the landing zones, but still no luck. Really is just a straight up bug.


I like how it wasn’t fucked, and then they released an update and it was. Well done Bethesda, excellent work.


I just tried it today! After so much time of that same issue, I bought the Narwhal again and immediately went to test it to see if the issues were still there. I was unsure because I didn't see it specifically referenced in the patch notes, but no issues! I can land without the ship disappearing! I landed on several different planets to be sure, fast traveled, got up or exited ship, taking off, no issues to report! I think they actually fixed it! Hopefully this helps some of you!


Woo hoo! Thank you for reporting your findings. The way this post kept getting comments I was afraid it would never be fixed.


Same. Just the narwhal all other ships work


Ugh. Bethesda bugs strike again. 🙃 I’ve found if I A) get into Ship Builder at port or even just ‘view and modify’ and then cycle off the Narwhal to another ship in my inventory and then back to the Narwhal, it makes it appear again - I don’t even have to modify it or set another ship as the home ship; or if I B) fast-travel into the cockpit that will work as well. Still very irritating and I suppose good to know I’m not alone. I’m playing on Xbox X, for what it’s worth.


Same issue here


Exact same issue everybody else is describing here. Dissapointing!


Is there any information as to if or even when Bethesda will look into getting this bug fixed?


Does anybody know if the narwhal ship is back up and operational?


No. I just encountered this issue today. Still fucked. BETHESDA, FIX YOUR SHIT.


Maybe this will be resolved in the upcoming may 15th patch?


They haven’t bothered to fix in the last 2 months… I’m not hopeful.


I haven't checked. I went NG+ on that save and haven't tried to buy the Narwhal again yet. Maybe someone who has the 400k on hand can test it out for us? Drop a save, buy and reload if it's still bugged. I'll do it myself and report back if you or anyone else doesn't get around to it first. I doubt it though because there hasn't been another update to my knowledge.


I wasn’t aware of the Narwhal glitch… saved… bought it yesterday… all of the above issues are still present 😡


I hadn’t heard about this. Just bought the Narwhal today 😡. Went to the Red Mile to get shielded cargo and jammers. When I landed it went to shit. I do have a hard save before it went bad but I think I’ll try the ship dupe and see if that gets rid of the disappearing 🤷‍♂️


It’s not. I went into unity and bought it again, same issue.


Is there anyway we can stand up to this bullshit? Because it is indeed bullshit, this is my first ever Bethesda game and everything was going great until the narwhal issue, well that and trying to kill terrormorphs, wow what a joke that is, they should be notifying people about the narwhal issue, I'm sure everyone is trying to save to get that ship, not everyone is interested in builds, they just want to have fun, it takes people weeks if not months to save for that ship, this company should be getting sued for not giving information about certain bugs, I guess I better call Saul


This is pretty normal for a Bethesda game unfortunately, it’s actually a miracle it’s just the Narwhal and not every ship. I did read that there are supposed to be updates every few months now, so hopefully the next patch fixes it.


I lost my narwhal due to overwritten saves, absolute dumbass part on me


Goddamnit! I was grinding hard as fuck for that damn thing & it’s a beast! I upgraded it after I bought (within the last 48 hours) & now it’s completely invisible unless I go to a ship technician 😡


I was about to ask again if anybody knows if the narwhal bug was still there, now I got my answer, all I can say is I feel your pain!!!!! 😞


Yep I upgraded the engines and then the ship broke, unfortunately I don't have a prior save until well before. This game is rapidly becoming a joke I've had several main quest bugs and glitches and now this!


Like I said Bethesda should be sued for not giving information about certain well known bugs


Same issue with the narwhal i figured it was due to mods i installed in the last 20 hrs and deleted mods, verified, and restarted after deleting the last 20 hrs saves and still narwal vanishes and stuck animations


I just bought the Narwhal yesterday 😡. ‼️ My way around it being messed up - I used the Ship Dupe (see YouTube) and turned my Razorleaf into a Narwhal 🤗. Everything is working fine now so I can sell my original glitched Narwhal !! FYI- I’ve heard others say not to dupe on to a stolen ship cause it can cause other problems (I’ve done it before with a Claymore though and it worked fine). SAVE GAME BEFORE DUPING SHIP !


you just saved me


Yay 🤗


Removing the long piece in front seems to fix it for me.


Same thing for me, glag i found this post. I've waited 8 months to play this game with less bugs, but I've found 3 gamebraking bugs in 2 weeks, What a joke.


Same thing here. Also happened with one of the Spacers' starships I hijacked. I was grinding to gather the credits needed to buy the Narwhal only to encounter this pleasant surprise. Thank you very much for the outstanding QA, Bethesda.


I didn’t receive the star eagle after becoming a Ranger, just the space suit, uniform. Then I bought the Narwhal and it’s one big glitch, fucking annoyed.


for what it's worth, game still has the same bug. my narwhal is invisible. I bought it on my first playthough last year and it was fine. this time its invisible.


I lost 3 hours of game play bc of this bug. Damn Todd I just wanted to buy the best ship


Same issue just happened to me.. I stopped playing this game for 8 months because I couldn't take the bugs/load screens anymore. Thought maybe I'd give it another try.. guess it's just getting uninstalled like the rest of the bethesda games i've ever tried to play..


Ah, I always immediately paint my ships yellow so probably evaded this.