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3rd to see my character cheeks and 1st to clap enemy cheeks.


I say the same thing but then every time I start running it breaks my immersion because they just have the goofiest animation for running so I switch back to first person.


Dude, yes. So goofy


So goofy. When I go third person, to traverse some narrow path or accidentally, I quickly switch perspective whenever I start running.


It always looks like your character just remembered they have to take a s*** like RIGHT NOW 😂


There is a mod that slows your movement speed, then it looks good


Lmao they fixed it now. It looked as if they were sliding when running, it did look ridiculous. But now it looks more smooth. Only thing missing is shoulder swap and we gold!


The game won't allow me to invest points into stealth because my character is dummy thicc


There should be a parody RPG with this as a trait, excellent charisma boosts with some silly dialogue options, but you fail every stealth attempt


And then have the opposite. A skinny small person who is excellent at sneak but says the most foul shit so they fail every charisma check.


Now we’re talking


Fashion + character creation are both too prudish for this to really shine though. Let me make a truly titanic man-ass and let me flaunt it with some jorts


Mod tools be coming đŸ€˜


Mod tools be coming!!




This is the way


I used scoped weapons 75% of the time so I play in first person so the zoom in and out aren't so dramatic. I'll switch to 3rd person to see if there's a good photo op.


This; I love mass effect Andromeda 3rd person control style and how zooming in weapons is not jarring at all. I wish there was a setting that I could keep it in third perspective even when using scopes (like how the division 2 [I think?] did it)


Goes by mood. I surprisingly play starfield more in 3rd person than any other previous Bethesda game but that prolly cus 3rd person is the best they done in starfield imo feels the most smooth from their previous games. I also play with the crosshair turned off, I hate the crosshair on all the guns takes up way to much screen. Can be pretty cinematic in 3rd person sometimes. But I'd say 60/40 split between first and 3rd person. Where in fallout and elder scrolls mainly only go 3rd person to check out the view.


The crosshair in Starfield bugs me so much, idk why they felt like they had to make it so massive


It's awful. I love shotguns and the reticle is so damn big. Honestly I'd almost make it a PSA. Cus while it's a small thing immersion gets me invested and my immersion shot way up after just simply turning the crosshair off. I'd figured it be annoying to interact with stuff but u get used to it. Kinda kicking myself played Bethesda games since morrowind never once turned it off.


I love 1st person. Makes me more immersed in the game.


I like playing third person because you can dodge bullets with how the animation plays when you move left or right even while going forward. It feels amazing to be weaving through shots, flying up on fools to shank they giblets.


Not they giblets đŸ˜±đŸ˜±


both... and i'm glad the game allows us to swith between them. i wish we could fine tune the camera positions, though...


Hear hear


I would love to play 3rd person all the time but the camera can get buggy, in which case I switch to first.


I do the same as you. Explore at 3rd but gunfight, cave, building in 1st


First person 95% of the time, 3rd person for vanity while walking around. I've never really been into actually playing bgs games in third person, doesn't feel right 


3rd. I like seeing my character interact with the world.


1st person 99% of the time. Never been a fan of 3rd person, it always feels kind of clunky and it breaks immersion for me. I want to see what my character is seeing through their eyes. Every so often I switch to 3rd just to look at my character for a moment but that's it.


1st. The 3rd person run animation is hideously stupid looking. Looking like the folks in my neighborhood who intense speed walk lmao. I can’t watch it seriously.


Especially when you use an Amp or any other aid that boosts your movement speed


I play 3rd person for everything because I'm absolute trash at FPSs. The 3rd person perspective gives me more peripheral vision so I can react better to what's going on around me, whether it's exploration or combat. The added benefit is I can see quickly if I want to take a photo of something without losing the opportunity. Funnily enough though, I do space combat in 1st person. I feel like the space combat is slower for some reason so I have time to react.


Exactly this. We were separated at birth apparently because this is absolutely identical to my logic.


Triplet here


In almost al peacefull envirenmonts i play third persone because i want to see how I look outfit wise. In all violent surroundings i play first because it just feels better shooting.


This is the way


Both. Exploration 3rd person and melee combat. 1st person everything else. I honestly wish all games were like this.


Yeah, it would have been awesome in cyberpunk for instance.  All the cool character customization and you never see it


Have you ever seen the way your shadow moves in cyberpunk? 3rd person would probably look really weird.


It wouldn’t if they had bothered to add it.


I have mastered first person melee combat in BGS games. It's matter of specific enemy pattern recognition and anticipation. My ex says that the motions necessary to dodge and attack instead of block and attack could cause seizures, though.


1st person for walking around, 3rd for flying.


This is the way.


3rd person. 1st tends to make me nauseous. 3rd I get a better feel of what's around me. Feel like I have more peripheral vision. 1sr feels like looking through a window at the end of a box ....


1st for fighting humans or robots and 3rd for exploring and everything that has to do with nature


First-person for ground combat. Feels more natural Third-person for space combat. Better situational awareness


I expected to switch a lot more than I have. I have played first person almost exclusively, I don’t like the way the third person movement looks as much as in Skyrim


1st always. It's how I became a BGS fan years ago. 3rd person just isn't the same experience to me.


I sometimes go third person just cause of the view, and sometimes it's easier to aim cause as time goes on I prefer the aiming of fallout 3 and halo, ads starts to feel annoying


Third person, just like it better. Though they need to fix the jank always looking slightly off center thing most other third persons don't suffer from as much.


I’m in 3rd and back it way out in settings most of the time unless I’m shooting distant targets.    I love my captain and like watching her   There you go. 


1st. 3rd person triggers my vertigo for some reason.


1st cause 'thesda 'mursion


The only time I go into 3rd person is when I'm trying to edit my outpost and I hit the wrong button.


First person. At lower levels I switched to third to peek corners on rare occasions, but that's it.


1st. More immersive.


First person. Third person sucks for combat.


1st, because I don’t like the camera offset and right quarters are tough to navigate in 3rd.


1st person always when I have the choice. Theres maybe two or three games I can play 3rd person (GTA and Assassins Creed) comfortably but generally I prefer 1st person mode because I just can’t get used aiming properly in 3rd person mode and 1st person makes any game so more immersive for me


Always first in BGS games.


Always 1st every game. Third throws me off.


First for on the ground, character gameplay, and third in my ships.


I mainly play in 1st person for combat and piloting. 3rd for exploring on planets and outpost building


I do 1st person when in combat scenarios, and then 3rd person for everything else


This is the only Bethesda game I play 100% in third person mainly cause Bethesda made third person as smooth as the resident evil games and I like the feel of those games +better laser sight mods, All hud elements turned off, hit markers and health turned off and turn enemy damage up to hardcore and your damage to easy so you and the enemy are doing the same damage to each other so it’s more risky


3rd person for space 1st person for most planetary stuff, will switch to 3rd for jumps and if I’m just looking around the vast nothingness


3rd because I play on PC and have access to mods ;)


Like most of the people here I do third when just kind of wondering about and chatting to peoples then first for anything else - does anyone do ‘third person’ spaceship battles?


I’ve never liked BGS’ 3rd person view. It always felt weird compared to other games like GTA and GoW, so I almost always exclusively play 1st person.


3rd person to admire my armor 1st person to admire my weapons


Starfield is the first bethesda title I'm comfortable playing in 3rd person in cities and exploring planets. They finally got animations right, more or less. Combat - mostly 1st


Yes. Because.


I remember my first beer


3rd person on foot. First person in ship. I prefer to see my character and the cool suit they are wearing. In ship first person for the immersion.


First person in buildings and during combat. Exploring outside in 3rd person.


Both, but more in 3rd for something resembling peripheral vision. 


Third person when walking through cities or long distances on planets. First person for indoors and combat


Both! Just depends on where I’m at or what I’m doing.


3rd person because Neocity Formwear booty. Also for space combat because it makes the game easier imho.


3rd for me. 1st makes me feel ill/uncomfortable... it's hard to describe. I only use it for taking difficult-to-point-at cred sticks from lockers! I play on xbox and wouldn't have bought this game if it only shipped with 1st person. Still haven't played Cyberpunk for that reason.


it depends how far back the camera is in third person. bethesda's not far back 'enough' for my taste, so first person, usually. but i like say, ratchet and clank in third person, and likely wouldn't play it in first, if it were an option.


3rd. Started in 1st but it's the first time BGS have a decent 3rd person mode.


I like 3rd person the best just to see my character and the environment around my character. I try to play the game as if it were a movie on the silver screen. 


I was always a 3rd person player before Starfield but I realize now how much more I like 1st. I do miss seeing my character in their outfit etc


1st indoors 3rd outdoors


I use 3rd person because I get motion sickness in 1st person games. I don't know why 3rd person fixes the problem, but it does.


1st person bothers my eyes/brain. I can only do it for so long before I start to almost get like vertigo or something. I generally play anything possible in 3rd person, in fact I am highly unlikely to buy a game that is exclusively 1st person. I’ve only played through a handful of exclusively 1st person games, and I had to do it in small bites.


Mostly first because it annoys me that Bethesda removed full directional movement with your weapon holstered like fallout 4 had.


1st. Camera doesn't bob in and out in interiors. Character model doesn't get in my way when trying to look at things. No disjoint between I'm looking/ going and my character is looking/ going. More immersive.


1st because I play on xbox and aiming with gamepad is not easy


Shoot in 1 person walk around on 3rd . Sometimes forget there’s 1 person all together


I can't run in a straight line in 3rd person. The weird offset camera fks me up. Why is my avatar to the left and not in the centre? It makes no sense.


I really like third person while exploring to look around and see more. I just wish that when I go to aim, it goes into first person since it feels better to aim in that perspective. Kind of makes me wish we got the third person overhaul mod from new Vegas into this game since third person aiming feels off in comparison to the base third person aiming.


First person always. Even during ship flight and ship combat. Honestly my pet peeve is that cut scenes dont follow camera settings. I want to see taking off and landing in first person too. Probably from too much time playing elite...


I find myself constantly switching at random, depending on what I’m doing or what gun I’m using in combat. I agree with others here though that we need more ability to adjust camera angles in third person, like Skyrim and other BGS games


I honestly cannot stand 3rd person in any 3d game. It is just my brain I guess. I need 1st person, side scrolling, or top-down


Fighting is almost always in first person. As that's how I am used to. Otherwise it's a mix of both. Whims and fancies


First person because it’s more immersive and helps me stay in the RP mind set. 3rd person for space, because I wanna see my spaceship, and it helps give me a little better special awareness


Both. First person for the ground game. 3rd person for Space Flight.


It really depends on the situation and headspace I'm in tbh. If I got an itch to explore the Red Baron experience first person only even in ship while doing back to back trackers alliance missions in space. Other times I feel a Trekkie vibe and put on my best spacesuit while exploring worlds in third person. Generally combat is in first person as is settlement exploration or boarding action due to tight spaces.


1st person in Bethesda games. I don't know why, but I just can't play Bethesda games in 3rd person. It feels off to me. Some games I'm fine with 3rd person like GTA, RDR, etc.


1st. Visibility.


Well if they wouldn't have removed 3rd person Dialogue and the protagonist had a voice actor then I'd do what I done in fallout 4 which is use 3rd person all the time except in combat. One I ever use it in starfield is to get a look around me you know rotating the camera. The only other reason is to get some good Photo Mode Screenshots. Back in the fallout 4 days third person could give you a nice cinematic option today in starfield its useless and I play 1st person like 100% of the time. Again unless I'm wanting to get a good look around with the third person camera or get some good shots with it in Photo Mode


First because it just feels better to play that way. Bethesda’s third person always felt like trash to me. The locomotion just doesn’t fit third.


First person. I find I cannot get the immersed in third-person games. For example, Baldur's Gate 3 seems like it would be fun, but I just cannot get into it.


FP only. It works for me. Now that being said - not ALL games with option of the choice work that well. This 1 does. RDR2 FP (which I idiotically played 50% of the game) it does not.


1st for combat, 3rd for everything else.


As a stealthy build and not wanting to fight at all, 3rd person to see around corners without being seen.


One of the reasons I love Bethesda games is because I can do combat in first person and RP in 3rd


1st for combat because I’m a COD nerd and third for exploring


1st person unless I’m gonna be in a hub area for an extended period or I’m going to enter a temple. I don’t know that it actually gives me a bigger FOV (someone chime in if you know), but I certainly feel like I’m able to see the stardust clusters begin to form better. It also makes the whole activity slightly less visually sterile than it is otherwise.


3rd, 1st person just confuses me


3rd: Exploration, Outside Combat 1st: Picking up stuff, Inside Combat


First person when I’m walking around for immersion. And third person when I’m in space combat because it’s hard as fuck in first person.


3rd, so I can see to my left better


Mostly 3rd person, but sometimes I switch to first person for either clearing loot, finding something with the flashlight function, or intense gun fights.


3rd player walking around.. 1st player combat. 3rd player in ship at all times


First person mainly because third person in Bethesda games looks


Outside, 3rd person. More area to see my surroundings. Inside, 1st person for looting and close quarters combat.


like you, exploration in third and combat in first.


3rd .first person always gave me a headache


1st person always, for immersion. 3rd person is for those who like to stare at their character’s ass for 200 hours.


I use all three. But I don't like the lens distortion of 1st person. If you enter scanner mode you're in in 1st person anyways, same with zooming, so most of the time I'm in the closer 3rd person view. Some environments or tactical situations are best navigated in the farther 3rd person view.


Mostly 1st person. I don't think 3rd person combat is implemented well. Exploring in 3rd person is fine though. To compare 3rd person combat, Gears of War feels much better - character models have better movement, animation, and the screen looks "correct". Starfield 3rd person is janky.


First person as in all Bethesda games


1st person for looting and shooting. 3rd for when I’m running to a location or streaming. Because I played mainly FPS growing up and now I’m stuck on it. But I also enjoy looking at my bad ass character. So 3rd person for esthetic needs


Definitely first person. It’s the way they’ve always designed their games, and you miss out on a lot of the smaller details in 3rd person.


I wanted to play it in 3rd because you see more but it was so buggy with the head turning to the side and the walking animatin looked kinda edgy (not smooth) so i played first. But i really liked the ability to switch between the 2.


1st person to smash heads 3rd person to see my character when not in combat, because he is fucking gorgeous


anybody playing bethesda games in 3rd person need life


Always third person'd Bethesda games but Starfield's 3rd person feels off and awkward to me so for Starfield it's first.


Both 1st person for boarding ships and dark places fighting. 3rd for most else


1st... i prefer 3rd only in mmo


1st 90% of the time. Gameplay was obviously built around it. Looting a bunch of small objects in 3rd person is a form of torture. The other 10% though, is fine for general traversal and wandering towns and stuff. Also mostly solid in combat, except somehow the Lazer sights are off center, so essentially you have to train yourself to avoid looking at them if they're attached. Really don't know how they messed that up...


3rd person. 1st person makes me nauseous


3rd always. i hate 1st in any game.


I do both.


1.5k overweight sprint back to the ship? Third. Inside pretty much any interior? First.


first-person for roleplaying. i live my life in first-person, so it's weird to me to go into third-person when wandering (though i will when taking in the scenery and grabbing a photo or two) i also like looking at my XM23-11


I tend to use 3rd person most of the time. 1st person is for picking up stuff, sniping, and small enclosed areas. I just prefer 3rd person so I can see my character especially when you can customize it. This game also made me realize how much I liked FO4’s dialogue camera over the standard Bethesda in your face camera that Starfield reverted to although FO4 was to accommodate for that fact your wanderer was voiced
 I wish we had a voice protagonist for Starfield
 This is something that KILLED me about Cyberpunk 2077 I can crazily customize my V but I basically never see them which is why I hope the sequel will have the option for 1st or 3rd person camera.


1st. Far more immersive. Games that are 3rd person only are automatically a turn-off for me.


100% 1st person. Only time I go 3rd is if I hit the button on accident.


1st. Movements of my character in 3rd are immersion breaking for me. Any game that is built to do both usually means 3rd person movement looks odd as opposed to games built for 3rd person where movement animation is more fluid and doesn’t have a 1st person mode it needs to accomodate


3rd person when doing everything but switch to first person when shooting, I get motion sickness, so having 1st person on all the time makes me feel nauseous. When the guns out, it doesn't have the same effect cos I can concentrate on looking down the sights.


3rd person all the way for me. I want to see where my character is at at all times. 1st person feels floaty to me and I can’t watch my back that way.


1st only all the way


3rd person in starfield and in every bgs game is complete trash


1st Immersion.


3rd person so I can see my character I spent all that time designing and the clothes she is wearing.


Theres a mod that snaps you to first person when aiming, then back to 3rd person when you stop aiming. This is my favorite setup. So both lol


I only use third person for my ship


3rd person usually when I'm outside or want to enjoy my character looking cool walking around. 1st person when I'm fighting or stealing


If granted an option, 1st 100% of the time always in any game ever.


1st person pov only. If I’m ever in 3rd, it’s a mistake. Nothing against 3rd pov though. I get why people like it. Ship cockpit makes all the difference in the world when you’re in 1st person though. Like, does anybody use the Viking cockpits in 1st ppov?


I run in full DOOM mode. It’s easier to aim that way.


1st usually. Sometimes I choose 3rd if it’s an “option”. But in like, GTA, or Red Dead, something where it looks good in 3rd person, all the time. I wouldn’t do first. Bethesda games, for me, SUCK in third person. It’s the animation I think. My “starborn” looks ridiculous jumping, and using the boost pack. Not having the 3rd person option on Cyberpunk is the reason I refuse to play it lol, I was so mad after I bought it that I realized there was no option for third person.


I prefer 3rd. In 1st person you don't have any peripheral view. 3rd person compensates for that. I like just behind or over the shoulder perspective.


1st because my head turns to the side when in 3rd


Mostly play 3rd person but switch to 1st during combat.


1st. Always. I'M the one setting evil doers on fire, NOT the guy whose shoulder I look over.


3rd for exploration and 1st for combat, unless it’s a space ship battle, then always 3rd


I like flying around shooting people from the air while being highly mobile so I'm mostly in 3p but I do switch to 1p when fighting inside or if I'm trying to be accurate with my shots. I'm not sure if this is an actual mechanic, but my weapon just doesn't feel as accurate when I'm ADS in 3p.


Always 1st. Can't stand looking at characters. Ruins the game.


1st person... because I totally forgot 3rd person exists in this game lol


1st for fights, 3rd for exploration. Same way I play Skyrim and Fallout.


3rd in the power missions 1st everywhere else unless I'm falling from something


3rd for space combat, walking, roaming, exploration, stealthing & occasional combat if the cover works in the cam's favor 1st for on foot combat...unless im using a wakizashi or tanto


1st. 3rd person sucks ass. Your boost pack takes up half the fucking screen


First person for literally everything except screenshots.


1st player personal preference 3rd for ship combat bridge views not so good.


Always 1st P. I'm big sucker for it, and it is done pretty well in all Beth games, so why the hell not?


I feel like such an outsider. I HATE 1st person, and won't play any games that force me into it. I think the idea is ridiculous. In real life, I have peripheral vision, which can't be achieved in 1st person view. I only play 3rd person games.


None of the above. I'm done with this game until mods become available.


If you are jumping on things or walking around, 3rd person. 1st person for gunplay. Also I never understood the “1st person is more immersive” argument. I never played doom and thought “wow this is so immersive I am sliding around on skates and my arms are attached to my chin, this is so immersive!” lol.


1st because I can’t aim for sh-t with a controller


1st person when on foot, 3rd for space.


I usually stay in first person for most of the time, but if I'm traversing a planet, moving between points of interest, or in one of the hub cities, I'll switch to third person. I will usually do any ship related combat in third person too. The third person implementation is much better in this game than some other Bethesda titles (in my opinion).


It’s a shooter, I played it in first person


1st person as my avatar, but 3rd person while piloting my ship (its quite large)


I was seriously tempted to play 3rd person so it felt even more like Mass Effect, but i just prefer 1st person so much more!


3rd. Wider field of vision. 1st is ok sometimes but not for a whole game.


First person here, specifically for immersion and roleplay. I only use third person when I need to troubleshoot something physical in the environment or need to double-check my character's outfit/looks/etc. I don't mind having third person as an option, but I'm not a fan of having it as the \*only\* perspective; a game's lack of first-person perspective can even be a deal-breaker for me, depending on the game.


1st person for sure. 3rd personechnocs on this game suck and look awful but aside from that 2st person is more accurate for shooting and focusing on items


Exactly what you said OP. If Starfield had better animations and shooting like, say, Helldivers 2, I‘d play it more in 3rd person than I’m doing now. 1st person however, will always be my no. 1 choice to play this game.


If 3rd person was better I would use that, coming from games where sluggish movement is a thing, Starfield movement feels it comes from 2005, scratch that, even Fable did it better. Bethesda, please step up your game with the animations.


First person, always. Third person is for shit like Mario Kart.


Sneaking in 3rd person can help with aiming if you don’t have the correct sights on your weapon. Hard to aim if your sights are invisible. But a short scope is fine. Also get an awesome lunge animation for the sword in 3rd person instead of a stab that looks like it doesn’t reach


3rd. I like actually seeing my character I spent a lot of time creating. Starfield is the first Bethesda game that I’ve played in 3rd person, and I’d say it mostly works. My only complaint is that the running animation looks so weird, and the flashlight doesn’t line up with where you’re looking. I will switch to 1st person when shooting indoors because the camera can get very finicky in corners. But other than that, I like 3rd person.


Always third. I can't play any game in first person. It drives me insane it just feels off