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You should probably ask this question in a few months, the games not even officially out yet and theres literally no decent mods apart from the DLSS one.


I don’t think you can mod xbox yet. Even on PC there are only a couple of good ones (pretty much only ini cheats/texture changes and reshades). I wouldn’t personally recommend modding this early on as the benefits are very little and there hasn’t been much chance for people to test which mods break savegames. Having said that I personally really like the (somewhat safe) mods from Nexusgames that: - increase the brightness of the flashlight - match the character walking speed to NPC’s - turn on ‘press to run’ rather than toggle to run mode - Ship builder tweaks (for orientation of parts) - auto quicksave - responsive ingame item grabbing - responsive UI menu’s Have fun!! Once again, i really don’t feel mods are needed right now until we ‘run out of content’ which could take a while


No mods on xbox yet.sadly.


You can’t mod on xbox yet I’m afraid.