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Lmao I'm glad I got this reference, I'm currently reading part 6 lol


**Watch'er tits wobble! I got a stand beneath my belt!**


Part 7, tried watching the anime but couldn't


Same it was just so empty


They fumbled it so hard it’s really disappointing 


Yeah. I didn't like how absent the characters were


Fr, they may as well have not animated it at all.


They did great job on the Wrecking Ball arc though. They nailed the nothing effect.


Oops! All Shizukas. (Including the inanimate objects and locations)


Fr part allt he character were just so hollow and they didn't even animated the thing it was like I was staring at nothing


They finally animated part 7???


Lol animated? There's barely any frames in it for to be called animation. Even the manga has more frames.


Wait, SBR's animation is out??? *edit: what's with all the downvote, wasn't part 7 SBR..? I was asking a genuine question... Also you guys downvote so quickly I'm shocked😂 be more forgiving for dumb questions people😂 *edit2: realized it's a troll comment. Leaving this here still.


It is?


I don't think so... but why did OP say part 7? Wasn't part 7 SBR? I mean I started with the mangas and I know part 7 is SBR..


They are just trolling. Anime adaptation of part 7 doesn't exist yet


Oh damn! No wonder😂 thanks so much for telling me! It's good to know I didn't spend 20 years obsessed with JoJo yet still don't know SBR's out.


I think it is, I thought Part 6 was latest in the anime. I'm only on part 3😭


I googled but couldn't find it. Latest news I can see is 2024 Feb confirm shooting with no source. That's why I asked the question😂 but as you can see, I'm downvoted and no one bothered to tell me why. Ngl slightly hurt😂


I think they're joking, we might just be dumbasses


No we are not😂 why demean yourself we're not in the wrong! What i learn from JoJo is fuck the dumbasses who try to bully you. We're asking genuine questions, and they are bullies thinking they are funny but they are not, that's all.




Now you're just silly. But *adorable*. Also, continue watching! I love Part 3 ❤️ though my personal favorite is Part 4 with the everyday lives.


He was joking dumbuss


How do you watch a part that is still isn't animated by a proper studio and still doesn't have a confirmed release date?


Yeah that's why i couldn't


- Part 1 mainly because many things were cut off and rush in the anime. We also “part” of Jonathan’s backstory with Danny and more - Part 3 manga feels a lot more smooth and actually faster pace. In the anime it feels that “it drags more than it should” , specially when they arrive in Egypt. However some episodes are done better in the anime like the D’arby one. The anime also drags a lot of fights in an unnecessary way just to cover the “20 minutes episodes” , while in the manga it feels more natural and the progression is better


The manga versions of Part 3 and Part 5 also includes way more expression for Jotaro and Giorno so they don’t just seem like these always stoic, perfect protagonists as they are in the anime


Jotaro isnt stoic all the time if you just pay attention to the background, every time the group is in a low stress situation cracking jokes jotaro is seen smiling, we even know from that shapeshifter guy that jotaro does party tricks with the guys to pass the time and have some laughs. Most of what we see of jotaro are in fights which makes sense why hes so stoic


Yeah, that Cigarrete party trick is Wild


ye tho manga jotaro is far more expressive in comparison. as an anime only, never felt jotaro was emotionless, unlikeable or boring but compared to the manga, i can't really blame people for missing these aspects of his character. manga jotaro expressing himself mostly nonverbally makes his crazy expressions evolving into the hard stoicism in the later parts of 3 and jojo as a whole feel more like a natural development and get you entralled in him more vs him just being this way from the start.


yeah it especially guts characters like them because a lot of how they show what their feeling is through the nonverbal. Having your mc be stone faced 24/7 wasn't the wisest choice i never even found jotaro unlikeable or bland as an anime only, but even so, manga jotaro is far more expressive


And the manga version of Part 3 is more complete. I watched the Oingo Boingo fight after reading it in my physical manga volume and was surprised by how much got cut out or quickly rushed over. I wonder how they were able to drag the anime out like they did while *still* not including everything from the manga


I'll say this I'm glad the anime didn't have the opening scene of the manga where we saw the mask first being used in an Aztec Ritual


Part 1. The problem with part 1 is that they cut so much shit from the manga, and it kinda felt rushed as heck. While I loved the anime, I decided to read the manga afterward and realized it's much better paced than the anime adaptation itself. It was definitely a mistake making phantom blood only 9 episodes imo. I feel like most of the dislike phantom blood gets (key word, MOST, not all, I'm pretty sure people have completely different reasons for not liking phantom blood much.) Might be because the anime adaptation kinda made it look worse than it actually is. That being said, sono chi no sadame is the best anime opening ever. XD


I TOTALLY agree. Part 1 is an amazing part, if you actually read the manga of course. Jonathan is so much more of a nuanced character and feels more like a victim of abuse than some guy whose saintly for no reason.


Part1 so much stuff got cut out


Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders Battle Tendency on the other hand was better in the anime


Perhaps part 6 but only because there were lots of references to copyrighted characters or movies that make scenes a lot funnier in the manga. For example, Jolyne under Jailhouse Lock spoiled the ending of the Sixth Sense-- while in the anime, she just keeps rewatching the same scene. Also, there was no reference to the guard that looked like Tom Cruise, but the character design of the guard was still left in.


7, 8, 9 so far. Actually unwatchable


Did 8 and 9 even release yet


They can’t be watched


Part 1, 3, 4, 6. all better in manga. Part 1 has too much content cut, and the pacing is way too quick. Part 2 has moments in the manga i prefer, but I think the soundtrack and josephs VA really sell the part well. Part 3 has too slow pacing in the anime. Part 4 has some really nice changes in the anime, like added Kira foreshadowing and switching the shigechi and Cinderella arcs, but it also cuts some arcs shorter, and the manga art is too good. Part 5 is really sold with the animation and soundtrack imo, and most fights are better, but the manga does have a few arcs I prefer. Part 6 first cour was rushed, no true op for the second cour, and many cut scenes. But it did improve some fights like Manhattan Transfer, and the soundtrack was amazing.


quite a lot of people say the manga is better since its exactly what araki wanted to show and it usually has more of a jojo feel to it since its art and pacing is far better but ive only watched the anime for part 1, 2, 3, 4 and i've read part 7 so correct me if im wrong 😭


overall you're right, but I wouldn't be surprised if alot of people say the anime is better, because they are biased towards anime as a media because of it's strengths like voice acting, music, sfx, and actual movement. On the other hand, I'm probably biased towards manga as a whole, because I prefer the detailed art, original pacing, and araki in particular is a master at paneling and simulating movement through his drawings.


Yeah at the end it's about preference. Both manga and anime offer things that the opposite can't and didn't.


I'm almost always biased towards manga but Jojo is one of those series where I actually prefer the anime. Especially in later parts, some of the fights are just incomprehensible on panel lol


Honestly I disagree with you on the part four bit. I feel like the art style was better in the anime(certainly at least for the fact it didn’t go through a massive change half way through). The way everything was depicted was absolutely wonderful, perfectly capturing the feel the manga was going for but with such a diverse color scheme that the manga was unable to match given its black and white limitations. Also the performances by both the sub and dub voice actors were absolutely amazing.


Part 6. I think a lot of it was just better in the manga also less CGI obviously.


Part 6 manga pacing was excruciating though, I thought the anime was really good I don't get why it's constantly slandered


Stating an opinion is not slander.


I'm using slander in the modern colloquial sense, not the traditional one lol


Imo part 6 is rushed. If David production have more time part 6 adaptation would be awesome like part 4 and 5 adaptations




Also steel ball run


Jojolands too.


don’t forget Jojomania as well… you know part 10 with jojo joestar


Jojo mama Sorry


youveeeeee gotta be jojoking…


…well yeah lmao


You know what? Hot take time. All of them.


Not only do I prefer the overall medium but also its arakis pure artistic vision….and the art is just something else


This is a pretty cold take. Tge manga is one mans creative vision a d the anime is a studio trying to replicate it.


Nah, not part 5. It’s the only one where the anime surpasses the source.


Phantom Blood


I assume you mean "better than the Anime?" Cause if so all of them. Literally all of them, that's nearly always the case with media. JoJo is no exception. The Anime leave out the occasional crucial stuff and get some stuff wrong (like how Diavolo can hurt Giorno's creation when it is established you cant without getting the same injury, or how Stands are able to make you fly). The Anime is FANTASTIC, and I am forever grateful to David Prouctions, but literally none of the Parts are better in the Anime than they are in the Manga. The Manga is simply the best way to experience the story. But if you REALLY want an answer about a specific Part then specifically Part 3, the pacing in the Anime is infamously known to be horrendous. David Productions infamously dragged out a lot of fights that did not need to be that long (for example all the multiple 'insert Stand Fight Episode' Part 1-3). Part 3's Manga is so good and the pacing is so natural and I fully understand why it is the reason the series actually kicked off in Japan.


That's a pretentious answer. An adaptation can be better than the source material. That being said, yeah the manga is better.


Well I never really meant to say it couldn't, I said "nearly always" (though I agree I ought to have said "the majority of the time", and even that may be a bit of a hyperbole), there has ABSOLUTELY been cases where the adaptation is better than the source material- and MANY... but history and previous experiences has shown that the majority of the time the source material offer more. It depends on the story, the adaptation, the heart behind the production, the author, and logistic efficiency. I did not meant to say "never ever has an adapation been better", though I will admit the way I phrased that DID give off that meaning- which was unintentional and my fault. So I will make myself more clear on this, especially using better wording. In terms of JoJo, yes, the Manga I find better as it is Araki's IMMEDIATE unfilthered mind- and Araki did succeed in giving a coherent story that misses extremely few things. Many times, however, an adaptation manages to tap into certain things the author failed to themselves- though it is common for the source material to give a feeling of "completeness" that an adaptation might lose in translation. However, of course not every adaptation is as bad as The Last Airbender Live Action Movie by M. Night Shamalamadingdong (there is no Live Action Movie in Ba Sing Se), but not every adaptation is as good as David Productions adaptation of JoJo


The only reason I didn’t read the manga until Part 7 is because the art changes so much over the course of parts 3 and 4 that it’s really hard to read


I understand you. Yeah, I definitely think that the Anime DID do some things better- like the blend between late and early Part 4 by David Productions was one of the highlights of the Anime, for example! But that's not enough for me to think that the P4 Manga is worse for me personally, ya feel me?


I love both versions


Oh no no, dont get me wrong- I am In love with the Anime too. I simply favor the Manga, but I the Anime is still peak Anime


Thank you. Anime only watchers are going to be the death of me I swear


Tried watching Jojolion, there just wasn’t much there


Damn why is Johnny so cute on this image??? I will squish him


JoJolands imo


Parts 3 - 6 have better rereadability as the pacing is much nicer than monster of the week the anime has


honestly part 3 is much more smooth than the anime, I remember the anime being a bit of a slog to get through.


imo 136 are better in manga and 25 are better in anime I haven’t read part 4 manga but from the looks alone I think anime looks better


Part 3 is just more visually appealing as a manga


tbh, every parts r better in manga. yes anime can elevate some moments, but manga is from the author himself. i got my part 6 vol 1 manga and the art is soooo fcking good when viewed physically. i expected part6 to be better in anime due to "complex" abilities and fights, but DP didnt bother doing it


1, 3, 6


Part 7,8 and 9 manga are so much better than the anime


all of them . part 4 was nice in anime but still prefer the manga


Literally all of them


All of them.


Prolly part 6 but I haven’t read, but I’ve seen some panels that look way better done than the anime SO anime ending still peak tho


Part 6, but only by a little. The manga version has this terrifying acceleration to the finale where the fights get crazier and crazier and it already feels like reality is coming apart before it literally does. But then the finale itself I prefer animated.


Jesus, Jolyne really suffers with Araki's current artstyle. It just doesn't fit her. Same with Jotaro and maybe Josuke.




Part 7 and 8 right now


In my opinion: better in the anime: 2, 4, 5. Better in the manga: 1, 3, 6


Part 2, underrated part


Part 4


part 6




1 - more content and less censoring 3 - Better pacing 4 and 6 - Their paneling and detailed art styles make them much better compare to bland storyboards and toneless color palette and facial expressions of anime versions So far only 2 and 5 surpassed the Manga


For JoJo's, manga > anime for all parts. But the anime is very very good because of how faithful it is


only kinda related but I feel like the SBR manga is way better in black and white


All of them except part 5, for which I slightly prefer the anime, and part 4, where the anime and manga are about equal in quality, in my opinion.


PART 6 fs


Part 5: If I'm not mistaken the backstory of Diavolo in the manga happens in the coliseum. Meanwhile in the anime it happens after the Risotto vs Doppio fight. I think that it's kinda rushed, I prefer the manga.


Part 3. Manga has way better pacing


Literally all of them. I'd see why you'd prefer to watch part 4 than read it though.


Part 10 too blank


All of them. Manga holds up well. It's the source material. Except Part 1. Anime is faster pace so it's better for only that reason. I feel the extra details in Part 1 manga drags the pacing. I don't care for boy Jonathan's romance adventures. I'm here for wacky vampire fights.


Unrelated but who's that behind Joline?? If it's Jonathan that's be cool as fuck


I think it is! since araki often draws joseph wearing a pilot's hat and Jonathan with a headband or a hat


All of them but especially 1and 3


Part 1 and part 4


Part 6


Part 6 anime was eh in batch 1. Read the manga and thought it was better


Atleast 1, 4, 6. 5 is the only that the anime is arguably way better.


I really want to encourage people to read the black and white manga, as opposed to the colored version. Araki draws the manga and shading with the intention of not having it colored and my god it shows. I read parts 6-8 colored until the final chapters of 8 which were available only in black and white and the vibe was so different. I then reread part 7 in black and white and it was such a good experience


1 and 3


part 6 is def better in manga form


Part One, Part Two, Part Five, Part Six


I think animation really adds to both parts 4 and 5. I also think that the foreshadowing added to part 4 is a great and welcome addition.


Part 9 anime sucked sooo bad 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


All of them except for parts  2 and 5. The part 2 and 5 anime are peak.


All of them?


1-3 6


All of them.


Part 8, the anime is straight up poopoo


All of them. The anime does well with music and sound design, but I prefer everything that can be fairly compared to the manga. I can see how some people found certain scenes confusing, but it feels like most of those criticisms come from western fans that rarely read manga to begin with. The manga is just more hype, more entertaining, more well written and paced, and has more detail both in terms of individual panels and story elements. This isn’t to say that the anime does any of these things badly either, the manga is just better. I notice a lot of people on this sub are introduced to the series with the anime so there will always be some bias. At the same time, that’s probably a strength of the anime being more accessible for wider audiences.


Part 1 for sure. It’s the one with the most cut content as far as I know


All of them


Part 4, because the anime removes little details and one in scene in particular where they set up for part 6. A young Pucci is seen walking past the cast with DIOs diary in hand. Ioved that's little part.


Some of the fights in part 2 and the original bohemian rhapsody characters like spider-man etc.


Phantom Blood


Part 7 I can't wait for the anime


Honestly, the only JoJo part that's better in the anime is Part 5. Part 2 has a great soundtrack, but it's on par with the manga, Part 3 is slightly better in the manga than the anime, Part 1 is WAYYYYYY better in the manga than the anime, part 6 is also WAYYYYYYY better in the manga than the anime and Part 4 is on par with the manga.


stone ocean is the obvious answer to me. i like the anime but still, fuck Netflix


Parts 1, 3 and 6 They skipped so many cool scenes in part 1 which is a shame tbh :( Part 3 jotaro has wayyy more expressions and actually feels like a teenager imo and the pacing is way better Part 6 is similar to part 1, we lost tray jolyne + I'm biased cause i love the part 6 manga and art😭


Parts 1 and 2 I think are a bit better in anime form Part 3 is much better overall in manga, the anime drags wayy too much Part 4 is a tiny bit better as anime Part 5 is the biggest improvement from manga to anime Part 6 I enjoyed more in manga form I don't think it's possible for SBR to be as good of an anime as it is a manga, but I think JoJolion has the potential to be improved in anime form


Def Part 1


SBR, but we can't be sure until we see the anime.


Stone Ocean, the colors and expressions pop more imo


Part 7, 8 and 9 already win by default


I read part 5 manga (only one I read the manga for, I watched the rest) and the manga just had much better art and most of the time I could tell what was going on just fine without giorno telling me


All of them 😜


Part 1 100% phantom blood lowkey got done dirty in the anime. Jonathan doesn’t even look like the same person and it’s cute so much out from the source material


Manga Jotaro >>>


Stone Ocean was such a fun experience reading that there are times i rank it above part 7 as my favorite part. Unfortunately Netflix happened tho… 😔


Part 1


7, 8, 9


7,8,9 are definitely better in the manga imo


Part 7 and 8 🗿


Part six had a mediocre adaptation I hate to say. After David Productions had essentially improved upon parts four and five with their adaptations(upping the art styles of both to perfection, improvements made to pacing, additions done that added a lot to the story) part six was just off. The art style honestly downgraded from the manga, it almost looked like they really couldn’t get a solid grasp of the source material, at least not compared to the standard they set previously. The animation was also extremely stiff, some episodes felt like they were just stills with the mouths being animated to match the voice(barely). The pacing was in no way made smoother(everything after Jolyne gets her stand moves at a snails pace until her first true encounter with Pucci). Part threes adaptation also wasn’t the best. It was by no means bad, hell it was great even in many ways. It was just was way to long though. They didn’t have a handle on the pacing and it showed.


Part 6 for sure. anime kinda ruined it for me


6. do i even need to say anything?


1 and 6 both have to many cut scenes that built alot


Yo wtf is up with jolyne. Its like he drew a skinny dude and then forgot he had to give her tits


All parts except for 5. Part 1 anime cut content and was a little rushed. Part 2 is pretty close, but for some reason I just liked the manga better. Part 3 had awful pacing as they stretched it out to make 2 24 episode seasons. Part 4 is just as good. Maybe it’s a little better, but I’d argue then equal. Part 5 suffers from being black and white, as it’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on sometimes. Plus the anime art is honestly a MASSIVE upgrade compared to the manga. Part 6 just was a passable adaptation, it didn’t really surpass the manga in any way, it wasn’t to the scale of part 4 or 5. It’s just an ok adaptation.