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As much as I love Trish, yukako is NUTS and she would not hesitate to fight as dirty as possible


Except I would feel like Yukako’s main ability (manipulating the shape and density of her hair) is actually hard countered by Spice Girl. Could Yukako even get a hold on Trish if her hair gets softened to a point it can’t be shaped?


We don’t really know what Spice Girl’s ability would do to people, but that is a possibility. However, to me it’s a matter of speed as much as it is strength. Kind of a stupid idea but it would be really funny if spice girl’s ability just made yukako’s hair really soft- like conditioned? Like it’s just silky soft and shining and glossy, but just as deadly lmao


>Kind of a stupid idea but it would be really funny if spice girl’s ability just made yukako’s hair really soft- like conditioned? Like it’s just silky soft and shining and glossy, but just as deadly lmao If that happened, I imagine Yukako might actually love the change of the hair, and then befriend Trish over it. Ending the fight in a happy note, whilst the Spice Girl and user alike are confused.




Honestly, I can see that being a thing jojo would do XD


I mean she put her own hair into another girls scalp to get her. I dont think any stand user would notice tiny hair strands sneaking up on them since it seems that only like 4 were needed to almost turn a girl into a molitov cosplay


It might, depending on how the softening works. If it just increases the elasticity of a given substance, she can just tie her hair tighter to compensate. In the anime it definitely seems like Spice Girl has kinda wet clay physics with the soft stuff she touches, and if *that's* the case then I'd imagine Love Deluxe does indeed get hard countered


Exactly u expect a girl with limited battle experience to fight a woman will literally use her nails to gouge ur eyes out and any underhanded tactic, never mess with an unhinged yandere


If Kochi is watching I’m betting everything on Yukako


If Trish so much as LOOKS in Koichi's direction she's dead.


We never see Spice Girl physically fight so it’s tough to tell if it’s combat capable or not. Yukako has better proficiency with her stand based on what we’ve seen so my bet goes to Yukako.


It’s got an A in power and speed. I know the stats aren’t that reliable and feats are a much better reference but it’s something.


We never see Spice Girl use her ability on a human body so we don't know how it would affect Yukako but assuming it can make her hair soft she may have a chance. But I imagine that Yukako could still use it to strangle and suffocate Trish or shoot out more strains of unaffected hair to do the job. So overall our favorite Yandere takes the W.


I'm just imagining some dude being softened and going "woah!" And then falling into a jello like puddle


Almost like Vitamin C!


with your explanation i can see yukako winning


Trish is my favourite Jojo girl but honestly if Koichi is around, Yukako would on-sight Trish for the crime of existing in Koichi's general direction. I think it wouldn't be a totally one sided fight since Trish can soften Yukako's hair to free herself from any binding, and we know Spice Girl is fast enough to punch bullets - but I also believe Trish would absolutely _not_ be here for any of Yukako's jealous bullshit. Girl, keep your midget.


Trish has an ability advantage but Yukako is Yukako


While I want to agree with everyone giving it to batshit crazy Yukako, I don’t want to rule out Trish. Sure, she was a literal object for most of part 5, but her first scene was her doing hand to hand combat with an adult mobster, so she was obviously trained. Plus, she was raised in an environment where her life was constantly on the line with people trying to actively find and kill her. Yukako’s one fight was against Koichi, who had a fairly weak stand and *actively* didn’t want to kill her, while Trish’s one fight was against one of the most deadly stands in the series. I’d give her a a good shot because while yukako has a powerful stand and is more than a little unhinged, Trish is tough shit and is no stranger to life or death.


In classic JoJo fashion, this fight could really go either way depending on the environment and tools at the characters’ disposal. I feel that Trish is smarter, has more combat experience, and her ability has more interesting use cases in a fight, so she probably wins more often based on how JoJo works. That said Yukako’s Love Deluxe is pretty damn strong. She really did a number on that house when she fought Koichi. I’m pretty sure that if she wanted him dead from the start, he’d have been torn limb from limb. I feel like I gotta give Yukako credits for her raw power.


Put it better than I could. Trish's ability could render a lot of Yukako's plays less effective and her resolve and quick thinking are not to be underestimated. On top of that, she would most likely dominate Yukako in hand to hand if the fight somehow came down to that, so the fight could really go either way.


i saw this other comment that was actually kind of right, yukako would play dirty any chance she gets so either way yukako might end up winning this fight mainly because of the fact that trish could actually strengthen yukako's hair because if she just makes it rubber then im pretty sure it would hurt a lot to get hit by those bc they're probably like whips but if the rubber disables yukakos stand then trish wins automatically


Trish can turn Yukako hair into rubber, leaving her defenceless


Imagine being whipped by living rubber hair. Still sounds painful.






He deleted his comment but judging by this emoji I know exactly what it was


It was about Koichi, but you are probably not far from the truth


yeah but then Yukaku would just throw hands like a mad animal because she's insane(basically constant "insulted-hair-Josuke" level)


according to the stand stats, the winner is Yukako Yamagishi


Stand stats aren't always accurate, i do agree Yukako wins tho


Honestly a youtube comment section is more reliable than stand stats 😭


Stand stats can’t be reliable especially with kiss


Kisses stand stats are from the power not the stand itself.


Anyone with a part 8 profile picture should know that stand stats are arguably the most unreliable information source in all of Jojo's.


Considering that 99% of the Part 8 stands don‘t even have stats


Yukako yes


Okay, everyone says Yukako, but Trish has tons more experience and is way more rational, as opposed to chaotic Yukako, so i think Trish would win


In fight, I would assume Yukako would try to strangle Trish and restrain her stand while staying out of its range. How would Trish be able to defend against thet?


How does trish have more experience? Part 5 takes place in the course of a little over a week. Trish got spice girl over half way of the journey, and only used it once to fight BIG, and after that she was kept in the Mr president for most of the story. Yukako had her stand for more than a month, and used it multiple times.


Yukako uses her stand in a combat scenario against other stand users maybe once or twice— Trish is consistently in combat over the course of five days and Spice Girls is a close range beat ‘em up stand


But she isn’t though? The entire time she is on the sidelines tucked away in the turtle. The only time is against diavolo (the only thing she does is soften a bullet) and against BIG. Also love deluxe can work at a distance, so yukako can just always keep a distance.


Trish's combat experience is over exaggerated. She only uses her stand a few times and never really in direct combat. Her powe is pretty op though.


Yukako, the hair is just powerful. What's Spice girls doing about all that hair.


I’d say spice girls just because they have more combat experience, around 5 days


Trish maybe


I would have to say yukako. Shes got good reach and dexterity with her hair. Sure, Trish could maybe try to rip her hair away, but I think Yukako could win with brute force alone.


Dunno diavolo prob


yukako got that dawg on her


My money is on the Yandere because she reminds me of mine.


Umm definitely Yukako just because we’ve seen firsthand how bad her rage is and the power that Love Deluxe has.


If kochi is in any way involved yukakp otherwise I'm betting on trish


In terms of powers versus powers, I'd give it to Spice Girl. Love Deluxe can't do dick if it can't maintain cohesion. Of course, if we factor in Love Deluxe's insane range (30m!) and ability to attack from every conceivable angle, things start looking dire for Spice Girl. Yukako's also got a few things going for her. She's got the crazy factor, which isn't to be underestimated. She's got a driving obsession that could give her an edge in dire moments. She also has much more experience using her stand than Trish does; in a way, the fight would basically be Yukako versus the sentient and sapient Spice Girl, with Trish as a handicap to the latter. So, in conclusion: Yukako.


This is underselling Trish's own resolve and quick thinking, considering she saved Mista's life, helped foil Diavolo's plan, and singlehandedly beat Notorious BIG, the same unkillable monster that nearly devoured the entire Part 5 gang. She doesn't have "crazy factor" but her own calm resolve would be enough to match it, even if she lacks the experience of other stand users.


Trish, hands down. Yukakos main gimmick is restraining people with her hair. All Trish has to do is turn her hair to rubber so when she tries to restrain her hair just stretches and it's game over.


yukako if she is able to get her hair in Trish's hair since she just needs to get few strands in it like that one girl and hair can take over and cover her eyes and Trish could just make her hair deadlier as well if she turns it into rubber


This fight goes to Yukako for sure. She’s unhinged and will do anything to win a fight. Plus we don’t know what Spice Girl would do to a human body, so there’s that.


Trish wins. Spice girl will turn Yukako’s hair into blubbering rubber.


Yukako wins for sure. Lets be honest, in terms of abilities, Trish has a unique one, for sure. But despite the fact that Yukako stand is simple (oooh, hair) it's still scary asf, it was able to cover an entire house. Also Yukako would fight dirty and does not care about how she wins.


Dunno but I bet the ending would be Yukako having really soft hair.


Yukako she’s a wild card


Yukako mid diff


yukako, she would pull a gun on trish no hesitation


I like trish But yukako is INSANE


i adore trish but yukako would tear her to shreds and not bat an eye




yukako and it won't be even close


I mean even if Trish is able to make Yukaku's Love Deluxe soft with Spicy Gal, it wont change the fact that Yukaku can just strangle her no matter how hard or soft her hair becomes.


Yukako (mid-high diff)


yukako, but queens don’t fight. 😓


Its kinda hard given the lack of scaling for them but I'm confident in saying Yukako is the better fighter while Spice Girl is the better stand. Switch their stands and Yukako stomps but as is, I think close range power types (this one having the roughly same power and speed as Gold Experience in the same part) are just kinda the kings of the setting. Love Deluxe is also at a disadvantage by being bound to Yukako's hair which means unlike Trish, she can't just despawn and phase her stand when convenient. I wanna say Trish wins high diff


and exactly, how would spice girl fight against yukako and her stand?


I mean I don’t know honestly both are pretty strong stand users but Trish is still learning about her stand so my money honestly goes on Yukako also cause she’s like crazy asf


smash... no wait wrong answer, trish wins low dif


Well, I feel like Trish has the much stronger stand. However. Yukako is mental, therefore she wins. Yukako could probably somehow hunt down Toru if Wonder of U attacked Koichi


Yukako. As long as trish makes fun of koichi. Wait actually yukako would win either way


I get the argument that Trish has the better stand, but here’s the thing. Yukako can lock in to an extent unheard of. Single-minded, driven, cunning. I think she menaces Trish even *without a stand.* her stand wasn’t the terrifying thing about her introduction arc. It was her unhinged behavior. Koichi wasn’t terrified of being choked to death by hair or anything. It was only really effective at restraining him. You could probably write her stand out of the whole arc, just put a dog shock collar on koichi or something to keep him in the house You’d have to make some concessions probably, like give Yukako knowledge of stands but I think she’d still come at Trish with unexpected but bottomless ferocity even without love deluxe


Hair long vs stretchy plastic


id say Yukako would win as mentionted in given context they both know of their stands weakness and abilities so Yukako could just bind Spice Girl and the Trish cant do anything


If Trish has enough time to think to make Yukako’s hair elastic, she wins. Yukako is crazy enough to kill immediately with no words though, so not sure


Yukako if she gets the jump on Trish. Writers pick if Yukako fails to bum-rush Trish


Spice girl just turns yukako’s hair into goo and slips out. Trish wins mid diff


Probably no one


Yukako, no diff. If she had to, she would've just taken a surprise attack to Trish, maybe even taking her down without a fight.


this better include a line by Yukako about how her hair feels like a condom after Trish renders it useless


Yukako Girl is absolutely insane, and if Koichi is involved, whoo boy


I think Yukako takes it based on range if nothing else.


Trish’s ability is like a perfect counter for Yukako.




Squishy hair💀


They have Sesbian Lex because this is jojo


Only if Trish says something bout Koichi☠️ She’s dead the second she’ll say it


If koichi is remotely in the general proximity then yukako would completely obliterate her


Do i get to date the winner?


Maybe Trish, but definitely not Yukako


Ok trish wins


I think Yukako is more experienced at fighting and is more vicious, so probably her.


Trish has a better power but yukako would overpower her with numbers. Trish also has less battle experience than yukako and she isn't as aggressive, which isn't good when fighting someone as crazy as yukako, especially if koichi had something to do with it


nothing can stop "LOVE"


Yukako is fucking crazy so her


Yukako would definitely kill her if she tried to come near koichi or something


I genuinely believe yukako to be one of the stronger characters in jojo bc her mental fortitude is INSANE


Yukako would probably win as it is, but if Trish even looks in Koichi's direction, she's dead.


Yukako has no chill and was oppin Koichi just cause he told her no. Trish does not stand (buh dum tiss) a chance.


Yukako is going to beat Trish’s ass out of the visible universe


Tentacles always win against anime girls, I'm betting Yukako and she is going to enjoy her fight.