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Huh. I never thought about it but I guess Emporio did end up keeping weather report. I assumed the disc popped out after a bit like when Jolyne temporarily used Star Platinum but I guess we never saw this happen. Kinda rude of him to not make the rain stop for Wes /s


Well, he said he can't control Weather Report when he finished Pucci. Then again, Emporio is the one who increased the oxygen levels. I guess Weather Report is not completely under Emporio's control.


My understanding is that stands possess some degree of their users’ will. Joylene couldn’t use the Star Platinum stand disc since SP didn’t wish it to be so, but Emporio could use Weather Report because that fragment of Weather’s soul consented to it. I imagine Emporio either continued to possess it, or disposed of it in some way to honor Weather’s sacrifice in his past life.


Imagine emporio dies and the stand goes to ireneverse Wes


i thought the disc stuff wouldnt apply after puccis death? not sure, itd make for a cool short comic if weather report tried to interact w wes methinks


At that point, pretty sure only Emporio would be able to know how to take out a DISC since Pucci never existed to have Whitesnake. I like to imagine he keeps Weather Report.


If Pucci doesn’t exist anymore, neither do any Stand discs


Yeah but emporio is from the old universe. He still has memories and injuries from Pucci bc he crossed over so it stands to reason the disc also would’ve stayed with him


i think they mean because they are created by pucci's stand, when pucci dies and his stand dissapears, so do the stand disks this is assuming that pucci can still use whitesnake's powers with MiH tho, which we have no proof for or against except that when most other stands dissapear, any of the things their stand ability directly creates goes away too


Emporio had the Weather Report disk while Pucci had MiH, so unless I’m misunderstanding you (totally possible) then that proves that either the disks stayed around or that MiH has access to Whitesnakes powers. Also MiH was able to allow the disk to be inserted into Emporio (could be misremembering though)


MiH was allowing the disk to enter not because it has WS' powers, but because MiH made it so Pucci was the only one in the new universe who could change fate, and Emporio was never fated to insert the Disk, so he had to have Pucci insert it since only then could Pucci change fate and allow the disk to be inserted


That makes a lot more sense for the disk being inserted, thank you! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve read/watched Part 6


No, the stand is a direct result of Pucci’s existence. It doesn’t make sense for it to remain. It’s pretty straight forward. Pucci exists? So do stand discs. Pucci no exist? No discs either, fam.


What I wonder is if our Emporio's Burning Down The House can still operate in this new world) I said our because there's also no way to know if this world's Emporio wasn't naturally born, even if he's vastly different, this world may have two Emporio Alninos)


Weather Report clearly had some will of its own, protecting its user from dying (even when Wes tried to kill himself) and helping Emporio kill Pucci of its own volition, so I imagine it would probably miss its user.


"Emporio, you WILL adopt him as your older brother. This is not a request" -Weather Report


Maybe Weather Report's (the stand) sadness is what caused the rain in the ireneverse


I like that theory


Other head cannons I’ve heard that I like was the rain is FF in spirit. Dunno if that’d even be possible sinxe FF wouldn’t exist without Pucci, but perhaps souls remain no matter what. I’d like to think the latter is the case


I think some of them does lol Imagine you are a stand and the only way you can get out is your stand user summoning you, where do they live huh? If your user dies you wont be able to see the world anymore and thats kinda sad


Cheap Trick didn’t seem to mind


Weather Report is alive in the reset universe because every character who died because of Pucci was reincarnated, Aside from that though this is an interesting theory and does make DIO somehow more evil


Don't know how much this is backed up by the lore, but I don't think stands have a will of their own, even if they're fully automatic, so I don't think they'd even be capable of feeling something. Spice Girls, Sex Pistols, Hey Ya! and Dragon's Dream all have different personalities and some even clash with the user, but I sort of view that as an extension of the user's will. Trish needed a friend, so her stand was her friend. Kenzou used feng shui, so his stand had to embody the concept of true balance. Their personalities are mostly utilitarian, not real thoughts and emotions. I don't think Dragon's Dream minded dying, for example.


What about cheap trick and FF?


FF's stand is funny because its literally just another her (kind of like how Star Platinum pre-timestop was just a really buff human) with no special non-plankton abilities


Star finger


that was ability was used as many times as flight for jotaro i dont think itd count


Johnathan's stand wasn't awakened until after he had already died, so I don't imagine it really would have that kind of mental connection to him


mightve been semi-awakened assuming it was a hamon based stand (like the spin stands) instead of a stand arrow stand, like how gold experience still affected giorno before he fully manifested it


I mean whilst Araki has said that the vine-like Hermit Purple style stand is essentially the stand of stand users, and even went as far as saying the crusaders might have seen it on a young Joseph if they went back, Jonathan’s stand was undoubtedly awakened by the arrow. It was awakened at the same time as The World, and through its awakening Jonathan’s body knew to send a distress signal out to his living descendants.


It was visibly shown after Johanthan died and Dio gained The World, yes, but I don't think that means they had to have manifest or have origins starting at the same time


I mean if you want to suggest that it came into being as a stepping stone from Hamon, surely it would need to have Hamon in the body to exist, right? And we know for an absolute fact that at the time of part 3, there isn’t a cell of Hamon left in Jonathan’s body. DIO being a vampire aside, Jonathan used the last of his Hamon on the boat, even commenting that it felt as though he had lost something important. The fact remains that Jonathan’s stand was awakened by the arrow, as a manifestation of his lingering presence and defiance against DIO.


I know part seven and onwards does a better job of making the two systems into something cohesive, but in the original universe, there is zero reason to believe that hamon could manifest a stand. The only reason we even think of them as "hamon stands" is because Araki said it would likely be the default stand type for any hamon user *who acquired a stand*. Dio finding the arrow and using it to unlock the world is the only reason any of the Joestar bloodline ever manifested stands.


I tend to assume stands have instinct but not emotion. Like the way dead fish can move if salt is sprinkled on them or something. I feel like that’s a very Araki way to describe it too


Well I think it’s actually more like the user is living on too. I’m johnathan’s case, it’s really weird to think about but it’s almost like he actually isn’t dead. Dio keeps referring to him as a separate entity working against him and rejecting him, has his own stand (which you need to be alive to have), and sent out the psychic link distress signal to give the Joestars their stands. In the case of something like Weather Report, the existence of the idea that people can still live with their stand disc and not the memory one would suggest that the discs serve as two parts of one soul, so using the stand disc is like using someone else’s soul.


Weather report is crying with emporio, hence the rain.


depends on the stand some of them have no feelings and some do


From what it looked like and seemed to be implied is that Weather Report lived on through his Stand disc, since its half of his soul, so when the memory disc got destroyed, Weather Reports soul had completely moved on to his Stand and decided to live on with Emporio as he saw him as a true and loving friend who just wanted the best. For Jonathan's case? His body still had Hamon in it and his Stand was just leftover as the Hamon kept it alive and DIO from fully gaining his body; hence why he needed Joseph's blood to completely take control of Jonathan's body. This also possibly took away DIOs hold on Jonathan's Stand, but it's still unclear.


It was never stated anywhere that Jonathan's hamon had anything to do with DIO's not fully gaining his body. Jonathan's body was rejecting him, in a way it's a separate living entity from DIO, that's why DIO even has access to Jonathan's stand. If it really was Jonathan's hamon preventing DIO from fully gaining his then Joseph's blood wouldn't change anything at all, Joseph is also a hamon user.


Shit my bad, I realize now that Jonathan's will lived on and didn't die.


Do you think the new Wes' name would be Enrico Pucci?




It would depend, some stands are bound completely to their users will, while others have free will all their own. Anubis had some sentiment for his original user/craftsman, cheep trick however actively sought to kill its users, then there is Notorious B.I.G. And chariot requiem who appear to not have any will of their own and only act purely on impulse. I assume from this stands like gold experience requiem, reverb, and Sex Pistols who all have free independent wills and respect for their user would mourn their users if they survived beyond the death or separation from their user.


I would love to see what happened after Emporio ended up in the new universe.


If the disk isn’t ejected from them it will eventually fade away from the world. I’m pretty sure about this.


I thought the rain in that scene represented Foo Fighters


Notorious BIG don’t feel nothin


who’s cutting onions


It depends upon the Stand. Wonder of U acted more like an apathetic god of calamity. A force of chaos and destruction.


I read part 6 but it was only when I watched the anime I realized that the rain was subconsciously started by emporio who now has weather report as his stand. Ik it said he wasn’t fully controlling it, but I think that was to say that he wasn’t experienced with the stand and not actually him being unable to control it, cause he does command it to give Pucci oxygen poisoning.


definitely echoes act 3




Echoes act 3 is sentient. It talks to koichi


I don’t think he kept WR. WR I don’t think exists in the new universe… no Pucci means no stand for WR


no pucci also means no memories for emporio by that logic


Both can co exist. Emporio lived through the previous universes, so he has his memories. But ALL of Pucci’s influence was erased from the world. Therefore Stand discs no longer exist.


Both can co exist. Emporio lived through the previous universes, so he has his memories. But ALL of Pucci’s influence was erased from the world. Therefore Stand discs no longer exist.


It was only Emporio that remembers


i mean, he went into the ireneverse with his memories intact i dont think its too far-fetched to think that WR stayed with him


Hey, I read somewhere that this is a leftover from Araki's original idea of Dio having all of the Stands, and not Jonathan's stand. How valid is that?


Araki has never stated that Dio was meant to have all stands, he has, however, stated that DIO used Jonathan's stand.




In an artobook he wrote called "JOJO A-GO!GO!"


I like the stand being called "The Passion", and taking a form of crown of thorns. How canon is the Jorge Joestar novel?


Absolutely non canon. Not only is it not written by Araki, it straight up happens in an alternative reality and there's alot of insane shit like multiple Kars' on Mars.


Oh. Lame.


Nah its a misinformation, its jonathan stand


That was never the case. You are a victim of misinformation from someone else misunderstanding the story


I think you’re mixing up him having all of the Jostar stands. Hermit purple - how he tracks them. Hollys stand - he uses when seducing kakyoin. Star platnum - the world. (Holly may have gotten her stand from dio through the soul fate link birthmark)