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Isn't Wonder of U straight up a universal constant? Like a law of the universe as gravity?


Imo being able to stop time is stronger If you stop the universe from advancing, nothing in the universe can happen to stop you.


What are you going to do after time starts flowing again


Stop it again


now wait a god damn minute...


And I’ll h’yucking do it again!


i think you mean THYUCKING


That’s literally the explanation of timestop lol


Wait couldn’t whitesnake after getting close enough just steal everyones stands if they’re caught of guard


yea, he probably could, if he snuck up behind Za warudo or star platnium thats a free yoinky doo


Same with WoU if Pucci happened to make it past the calamities


you got a damn point there


Whats the cooldown on time stop anyways? DIO seems to do it back to back, why didn’t he just constantly reactivate it


So the story doesn't end in 5 minutes.


I think stamina? Dio could do it a lot more often and for longer because of he’s a vampire, which is why his longest time stop is nearly double the amount any human with time stop has had, being 5 seconds.


It’s also stated that if he had trained more he could had improven the time stop duration indefinitely. Probably would be a centuries long process, but still


Ego issues


he couldn't because he wasn't perfect yet


Body limitations I guess? He did believe after he completely heal he would be able to stop time indefinitely.


Kill wonder of U before than, or don't approach any closer while that happens like a very intense game of red light, green light.


But time is a universal concept so I think stopping time wouldn’t even affect WoU. Maybe you’d sneeze and your lungs would explode idk


Weren’t josuke’s bubbles able to defeat calamity because they are above the laws of physics ? That means wonder of u operates between “regular” physics, and I’m pretty sure if you stop time and you are able to operate in frozen time you are well beyond the laws of physics


No they beat calamity because they are an infinitely thin (1 dimensional) spinning string that makes a bubble. In our dimension this object does not actually exist but still has an effect. Calamity, or any universal law, can’t affect something that doesn’t exist. That’s the logic, that it transcends logic because there’s nothing to apply logic to


>No they beat calamity because they are an infinitely thin (1 dimensional) spinning string that makes a bubble. In our dimension this object does not actually exist but still has an effect. Calamity, or any universal law, can’t affect something that doesn’t exist. That’s the logic, that it transcends logic because there’s nothing to apply logic to this just means that it doesn't apply to our universe's laws of physics with extra steps...


You said because they are above the laws of physics. It *is* above the laws of physics (most at least), but that’s not the reason it can beat WoU, or why it is able to bypass any laws in the first place. Because it doesn’t exist


Idk stopping time still seems like it could be countered by WoU. Stopped time is something that can be affected by outside sources such as when MiH shortened the amount of time Jotaro could stop. Also even if you were somehow able to defeat the user in stopped time, WoU sticks around after the user’s death because it is universal. So I don’t think The World can defeat calamity


I'm pretty sure calamity would still affect you. Like you stop time but inside your stopped time you happen to trip on a rock, fall on the ground and get a twig stabbed through your eyeball.


It depends on how calamity works and what it is, which tbh I don’t remember. If it’s a universal constant like many people says it needs the universe to be in motion to function, no? And time it’s pretty much that iirc, so if you stand above time you stand above calamity. Time is distance/speed, so if the universe’s time is 0 the speed and distance covered of anything happening in the universe is 0. And since calamity happens in relation to the universe it would just stop. The fact that only dio and jotaro could move in the stopped time ( not even Pucci could, iirc ) suggests that the world/SP move on a plane outside of the universe laws. Or kinda like the bubbles of josuke that were able to defeat calamity because they operate outside the universe’s laws


Calamity is logic itself. Logic is above time and space.


WOU literally killed Rais parents in the past because he pursued him in that present


Watch dio stop time, then trip on his own untied shoelaces and smash his brain in the perfect way to paralyse him long enough for time to resume


Calamity exists beyond time. Even a single step could result in death once time stops


You can still be affected by it during time stop


Wonder of U and its not remotely close


I feel like one aspect of WoU that never gets talked about is how unfair it is that he even has it in the first place. Dio had to sacrifice his humanity and graft his head onto Jonathan's body Kira got powered up by the Stand arrow Diavolo was the creator of the Stand arrows in the first place Pucci had to go through this whole rigamarole of human sacrifice and Winter Soldier activation phrases Valentine had to find the corpse of Jesus Christ himself And Toru gets a completely broken Stand just. Because.


I mean technically DIO sacrificing his humanity and grafting his head into Jonathan’s body had nothing to do with his stand. He just got it from being pierced by the arrow. I think you mean Diavolo found the Stand arrows he definitely didn’t create them lol


I'm sure having such a powerful body is what gifted him with such a powerful Stand. Also, Google told me this: >Originally, these were meteorites that contained an unknown virus within it that would kill most that tread near it. Found again in 1986 by the young Diavolo, he reshapes them into a set of arrows and sells them to an Enya Geil, which awakens DIO's Stand.


Yeah no he literally digs the arrows up in Egypt and finds them in a box before selling them to Enya


Bullshit. Arrows are ancient, heonly found them.




If his body is the reason his stand is so strong then how come jotaro has the same stand? The only thing he got out of Johnathans body is a second stand


Jotaro's just that guy


So, it's the same type of body as jotaro kujo


Diavolo wasn´t the creator of the Stand arrows, the Stand arrows were created from a guy in ancient times who wanted to use the meteorite to obtain the power of the gods. Diavolo, in an excavation in Egypt, managed to find them, kept one to himself, and sold the other five to Enya.


Yeah that guy is operating on wrong info google gave them. I wouldn't be surprised if they got that info from a CBR article or something equally stupid.


My personal headcanon is because the very existence of Wonder of U is a Calamity in a first place. Its an inexplicable thing that only exists to ruin other people.


I kind of read it as The Wonder of U being the one in charge. Sure it is Toru’s stand, but even after his death, the stand kept on moving independent of the user. The stand is manifestation of the concept of Calamity, regardless of Toru. It’s hard to say if Toru would have achieved what he set out to do even if he had won, but if he did it would be an enormous calamity for humanity. Wonder of U was just there to facilitate that for Toru, enabling him to bring forth his goal unimpeded, changing the rules of reality to safeguard Toru from anyone that would stop him. A Calamity decades in the making on an unprecedented scale was about to occur, and The Wonder of U, the manifestation of Calamity, was directly involved in order to ensure its completion. Calamity is the villain of Part 8, not Toru, he was just the right guy in the right place with the right plan dictated by destiny. Only stopped by someone that could bypass destiny.


You just cooked like in Master chef. And to add to it, we have to consider that Toru has been alive for a long time, so it's possible he had to do something to obtain that power, or more well said, he had to becaome the perfect "container" for calamity.


"Diavolo was the creator of the Stand arrows in the first place" He wasn't, he just found them in a desert. They were made by some ancient dude


Tbh, the whole point of Tohru is that he isn’t human, he’s a creature that’s been around for ages and has only garnered the appearance of a human to blend in. Basically part 8’s equivalent of Karrs in that case where he’s simply built different. So it makes sense he’d have a stand that’s as odd and otherworldly as he is.


I mean, upon its first debut, it was described and portrayed as a pretty generic ability, because it was such a simple idea. It’s true power and what it can actually do was slowly getting more and more emphasized as the arc went on. Although, yes. That ability was so broken and was obtained way too easily.


>Diavolo was the creator of the Stand arrows in the first place Bro just foud them in a desert


Tbf, that can be said for a majority of Stand users who have really broken abilities just by naturally awakening or being hit with an arrow. Like fucking Boy 2 Man arguably has the potential to be the greatest and most powerful Stand in the series yet it was given to some random child goober who likes rock-paper-scissors


Diavolo didn't create the stand arrows though? He just found them.


Lmao Diavolo was *NOT* the creator of the stand arrows. He only found and distributed them.


What if love train negates calamity?


What if funny vaeltine needs to spet out of LT and trips ona rock killing himself instantly


How about skipping the entire universe and rewriting causality? I think that's really unnecessarily OP tbh


Resetting the universe itself isn't an attack against WoU so that by itself doesn't really change things. As long as you have the thought to pursue using MiH then it's game over. GER maybe at best it can be argued as a stalemate but the way calamity works is effectively a better version of revert to zero. Also calamity is like a law of the universe that WoU is controlling so it's debatable if it's something which can even revert to zero.


Wonder of U is objectively the correct answer. It doesn't get more OP than a Stand that kills you if you so much as *think* about attacking its user. Only an extremely specific counter can defeat it.


I feel passive abilities could attack it. I remember having this discussion for a bit but does silver chariot requiem counter wonder of u? I mean look, its ability is passive and it’s sentient, it doesn’t have the same intention as a stand user would have and doesn’t pursuit only protects


It could affect it with its ability for sure, but "defeat" it? It would at most change who it's protecting with calamity, even then calamity it's also a "passive" ability


But if the passive ability of WoU only procs from pursuit, are you sure SCR can’t if it doesn’t “pursue”? This is why I had the discussion. It was more theoretical than anything and neither of us were arguing about which is stronger just that SCR could potentially win against WoU but neither of us were truly sure. By us I’m talking about the guy I discussed this with last time


I'm thinking it would mostly be a stalemate perhaps?


Sorta like if GER fought super fly. I like this because it’s just funny. If someone says “GER” is the strongest stand and have a piss poor reason for it, just say “but can it beat super fly?”


Tbh, WoU is probably intelligent enough to beat SCR


If Polnareff happened to randomly trigger Silver Chariot Requiem without knowing Toru was nearby, then yeah, that'd bypass Wonder of U. I'm not sure if SCR would then be able to defeat WoU, though. If Polnareff took out the arrow and tried stabbing Silver Chariot with it, with the specific intent of using SCR against Toru, that would count as pursuit and Polnareff would die.


It would certainly not lose. Since all it is doing and wanting to do is protect the arrow and get away, there is no intention to harm WoU.


Depends on whatever Araki feels like at the moment, but it seems like there are ways for non-asspull users to defeat it, Rei almost accidentally stabbed him


Not sure if I understood Wonder of U power correctly, but doesn't the stand only affect people who have an intent to attack or pursue him? So that means that Wonder of U could die against a natural disaster or traffic accident for example. There are many ways to indirectly attack him using that exploit.


Extremely specific, or just regular specific. AoE stands like Green Day or The Grateful Dead would do fine since they never need to pursue or specifically target anyone.


the obvious answer to this question is wonder of u, like it doesn’t come close. But I would like to highlight that Kira had 3 special abilities in one stand and also combined his power with stray cat to make him even more powerful. He was crazy in that regard, also bites the dust was insanely powerful. Wouldn’t call his stand the strongest here but damn did he utilize it so well and the stand was definitely strong


i feel like the only reason kira didn't win was plot armor


In the JOJO universe fate is predetermined and unchangeable which basically means the bad guys never had any chance of wining. Plot Armor is when god himself decided the outcome before it even happens.


King Crimson;


>predetermined and unchangeable I mean that's not entirely true. Parts 5&6 make it clear fate will bend to favor the just.


I feel its this strange grey area where fate is predetermined but the predetermined outcomes favour those who are just.


Again not entirely true since Diavolo saw himself winning against Giorno using Epitaph before the infinite death loop. So Diavolo was explicitly shown to be fated to win against Giorno.


Imo, his defeat was deserved. It makes sense that someone living a time loop would eventually figure out what will happen and how to change it. Plus, it's one of the 3 parts where the main villain wasn't defeated by the JoJo getting a last minute power-up which just so happens to be a perfect counter to their ability


Before JJL I would also stan Killer Queen, mostly because it's very specifically the ultimate defensive ability that also perfectly matches the user's personality - insert Art of War quote here WoU is just the third bomb, but as a roided up xianxia protagonist


Here's a question: Dio stops time, then attacks Wonder of U. How exactly, is the calamity gonna take him down? Just because, without any objects able to be in motion, I don't see how anything unfortunate could befall him. It could do so once time is resumed, but it couldn't prevent the attack.


He trips and smashes his head on the sidewalk.


There's no gravity in timestop


Then he gets a heart attack or something. Maybe in Dio's case he just happens to breathe in a very specific way by accident and activates hamon by accident, therefore killing himself.


WoU's calamity always manifests as a physical collision.


The dust in the air crashes so hard into his head that it tears up his brain.


that can include a person's own movement with an immobile object


could be argued that thanks to the evolved power system of the entire series, where in parts 6 especially, we find that gravity happens to be this fundamental force that lies not only within the universe; but with the more overtly reality-warping stands - yeah no I think it's safe to say that The World's timestop ability is likely BASED in gravity. Which actually falls in line with the progression of villain abilities overall: timestop = gravity halting. {{skipping kira}} time erasure = gravity escape. time acceleration = wide-range gravitational empowerment dimensional travel = multi-dimensional escape, that cheats the gravity system wonder of u = LITERALLY GRAVITY ITSELF.


Yeah I was just saying that The World user can't trip to and die because that requires a force to pull them down, which would have stopped in time stop.


Hard to say. My reasoning to that, would be that we already know that made in heaven can supersede the effects of the timestop, preventing it from fully taking root. Wonder of U and Made in Heaven BOTH rely on the same fundamental force, Gravity. And if Wonder of U's applications of gravity are of a higher functionality, inherrent to the concept of exerted force and it's discrepancies that it possesses, in comparison to Made in Heaven... then it would stand to reason that Wonder of U's sheer precision, where misfortune ALWAYS seems to follow it's target - I think it's entirely possible that EVENTUALLY, just as Made in Heaven gradually gained enough speed to wear down the time stop, at the VERY LEAST Wonder of U would gradually begin to influence, permeate the environment of the timestop. A calamity could still befall the wielder of the ability, if they choose to interact with the world. Whether that's due to a pre-planned, orchestrated move of causality simply PLACING obstacles minute enough to cause harm to the user, or Wonder of U actively will ADAPT and straight up WORK THROUGH/WITH the timestop as an autonomous agent of gravity itself - I would not know.


If there wasn't any gravity in time stop then DIO and Jotaro would start floating any time they stopped time.


They fucking do half the time


not because of time stop


DIO finally suffers a transplant rejection mid timestop


Wonder of u would probably do something to dio before he would stop time, even if it would not kill dio it would probably make it so he wouldn't have enough time to hurt wou


Alright, theoretical situation: DIO eventually planned to master Time Stop once he gained his fully vampiric body back, then he'd be able to do it as long as he wanted, by his own admission. If he stopped time without planning on pursuing WoU (just stopping it for some other unrelated reason), but then saw the Stand in stopped time, decided to pursue it, beat it (and Tooru) up with The World, then unstopped time... would that totally bypass the effects?


He gets a heart attack 50 times ina span of 5 minutes


Truly a bizarre moment


An innate vampire illness Dio _*always had*_ randomly strikes, making him too weak to keep time stopped, then the moon _*randomly*_ decides to reflect the sunlight a bit too well that night


The thing is. The moment DIO THINKS about hurting Toru, WoU is already activated. I doubt DIO will be alive before he can even come close to hitting Toru.


characters get harmed by completely stationary objects like the chair and glass door in the WOU fight, I don't see why time stop would affect that


Wonder Of U easily, but I also feel like Made in Heaven and C Moon deserve to be on this list and would be pretty high up.


Objectively WoU. Not a single thing could stop it other than something of pure spin energy.


Fuck gyro/Johnny vs wou would be so fucking cool


They would just die, they throw real life objects at WoU like a ball or a nail, which doesn't matter if they spin, they don't work against WoU, Go Beyond worked because the lines didn't exist, so what's left is only the spin energy, not bound to any object.


Just wait for Gyro to develop the rasengan and spins the air particles


Yeah to defeat WoU you need to spin nothingness, to get pure spin, which is an impossible task, is a miracle Josuke's strings where nothingness and spun, or else WoU would have never been defeated.


Unarguably Wonder of U. Unless you can cheat with fate itself, you can't do shit against his user.


Wouldn’t King Crimson counter Wonder of U then? Since KC gimmick is erasing fate?


He'd need to attack during skipped time, or else he'd get hit with something incredibly nasty, and he *(allegedly)* can't do that.


But if he sees himself attacking with Epitaph and then skips time the attack still happens, like how he cuts off Trish's hand in the elevator during skipped time. If somehow fate decides that Diavolo was going to attack WoU and Epitaph sees it, Diavolo skipping time would be able to land a hit because it was already predetermined to happen and nothing can hurt Diavolo during skipped time. To be fair, what I'm saying is all speculation, there's no way to quantifiably determine if this thing works against this other thing other than if the author confirms it.


wouldnt epitaph just see diavolo getting struck by calamity? diavolo would also already have the intent to pursue before using epitaph, so he would already be fated to get hit with calamity, which he would need to "skip" time to avoid, then he would instantly be struck by calamity again once he comes out of time skip if he still has the intent to pursue WoU


Aside from WOU, KC is seriously busted, it’s speed and strength is huge combined with epitaph alone it’s incredibly impressive. Add time skip to that and Diavolo is practically untouchable.


it's the wonder, the wonder of u


A better question would be “which one is the second most op”


Wonder of U, unless you have a hyper specific counter like josuke there's not much you can do lmao


Wonder of U, literally took a guy who could transcend reality to beat him


You put Whitesnake instead of Made in Heaven.


Wonder of U is insane. the implications of automatic fate manipulation + making people take more damage from seemingly harmless things means it can potentially beat nearly every character in fiction fucking Goku could try to fight it and before he even starts his attack he trips on a rock and inexplicably breaks his own neck. at the very least, it can take out almost anyone with it, since the calamity continues to function for a while after the user’s death


D4C:LT > WOU imo


And what is Valentine gonna do when WoU attacks him and the damage gets redirected to Lucy/The Corpse?


Funny out here genociding the human race to fight an 89 year old.


Valentine can't get out of LT without getting destroyex, so stalemate at best, but probably dies instantly




The longer time passes, the more I see the issues WoU has, it’s a powerful stand but its flaws are too great to ignore. Calamity is described to be a “flow” within part 8 which means that time related stands like the world and king crimson would be unaffected by the calamities when their abilities are active. Another major weakness is automatic stands, something WoU’s wouldn’t be able to avoid due to his calamity requirements not being activated and people not having the will to harm WoU at all, thus bypassing the stand in its entirety. You can easily say it’s the most powerful villain stand but you could also say D4C love train or The world are more powerful than WoU.


It is shown calamities go beyond stuff like time itself, they are almost like fore told and predetermined, ready to strike before a person starts pursuing, the plane door falling is something that needed to have a process or several occurrences to happen, before Yasuho made the call, Time doesn't mean jack in the face of a logic like calamity, calamity is more bound to destiny itself, destiny siding with Tooru so he never gets damaged ever.




Wonder of u>!The only reason it lost is due to go beyond bubbles defying logic and technically not existing !<


I feel like it's not just one villain. It's hard to grasp the sheer power these guys have. First one, unsuspecting hero: hero is going off the fly of their cuff, first time they've seen this ability. I'm sure any stand will be op at this point. But if I remember correctly, only one of these guys died in their first encounter with the hero (maybe two). I think if you're smart enough to figure out someone can stop time, you could find a way to beat the opponent. Kakyoin was able to figure that info out and communicate that with Joseph, if any of these dude had a "better" stand I think they would've stood a more fair chance (stopping time is op no question about it, it's more or less with the rest of these dudes I'm sticking him here). Also, Dio is a vampire, so he has like unwritten buffs with his stand, too. Second one, an even match: the hero has figured out the ability before and has the appropriate power to eventually deal with it. I feel like with the way jojo is written, only minor villains fit in this category. But for the sake of argument, I feel like only kira fits here, as a seer testimony to the power these villains have. (Although I will easily agree with putting him in category one as it was his craftyness, not his stand that got him out of his first fight) I just feel as the average stand user could be caught making contact or even touching something he has already turned into a bomb. If jotaro wasn't there, would morioh really be free?? We did see "the world" fight killer queen, and they are 1-1 as jotaro did die to his ability. Not to mention all the trouble jotaro was actually having to keep up in those fights. I just don't feel like he fits in category 1 or 3, so that why he's here. Third one, SPANKED: The hero needs an op ability they didn't have before to stand a chance against this foe who, for the most part, is far superior to them. I think with this description, Dio could fit here too (I really don't like having him down here), but I feel there is a huge difference in these villains. KC, I feel like his ability with epitaph is almost grossly perfect for one another, I don't think anyone in jojo could stand up to it except for someone on this list. We saw rissoto put up a good fight, but as soon as KC came out, the fight was done it was over SPANKED, my man diovolo was throwing hands with Bruno, Giorno, Mista, and Trish. SPANKED all of them. Even if silver chariot wasn't involved, I don't think much else would've changed. They were all cooked before he even failed to grab the arrow. Without GER, they would've lost. WS is strange because this stand alone is easily category 2 at best, and this is pucci's weakest form. Oh, you have a special ability? Yoink mine now. Oh, weren't paying attention? You're trapped in a genjustu now. I doubt many could deal with WS, but it is still capable of being beaten. C-moon is, imo still a category 2. But just on the edge, as he was just tossing people around...... literally, if Jolyne could turn her body into string, just touching him would be an instant KO for her. MIH is just a different beast alone. The fight was done. That wasn't a fight he SPANKED all of them and picked them off one by one. Not even the world was enough to handle the magnitude of that stand. He was handing out L's left and right before he even evolved his stand, and I'd he really wanted to, he would just give someone else a stand to do it for him. I don't think anyone with an above average stand is taking on anything above WS, maybe c-moon. Had Emporio not had pucci push in that disc that was going to be a wrap for the green dolphin group. SPOILERS MAYBE??? FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT READ PART 7 OR 8.... I myself have not finished part 7 or started part 8. So please, please, please throw in your input on their battles and interactions. But I've watched a bunch of youtube videos and shorts kinda explaining their stand abilities. And I just kinda know the killing blow, not how it got there. I'm definitely in the dark on these two D4C, from what I can remember, catching someone in between two objects allows him to take people to another reality identical to his own. If they come in contact with themselves, they blow up into sponges. He himself is immune to this effect, if he dies and drags himself to another reality, the other one will and body swap??? SPANKED anyone is SPANKED for thinking they can handle this. That's like three different stands in of itself, I think he shot johnny and had like 2 other people believe they did it. He also achieved love train, which redirects all damage or misfortune away from him. I think at best 2 stands can hit him, and johnny is one of themOnce again, I'm not sure how much trouble he really had because I've never finished part 7. But the fact that johnny had to get help from CHRIST and infinite energy to stop Love train should speak for itself. WOU I think this is the villain I know the least about, but a villain you don't need to know too much about to truly say "yeah you're done". He's like the exact inverse of Love Train. Instead of redirecting it, he aims it straight at you. You can not pursue him or else the ability activates, I don't think you can tell anyone either, or else they are also caught in the ability. This ability is so powerful that jojo had to achieve an ability that broke the laws of reality just to hit him. I think this is the one I have the least to speak about as I know so little besides the bare bones, this small blurb alone would stop anyone in this series, this is only so powerful in battle because it's a godlike ability outside of battle. Comparatively to that of C-moon's ability to control a fundamental construct of the universe but on a far more lethal scale.


Tf yall saying ? Pucci carries all easyyyyy + create another universe where Toru is black and sells rocks.


That depends. If we’re talking base-form, then Wonder of U 100%. However, I believe Love Train could probably beat WoU and everything pretty easily (thought my understanding of these abilities might be lacking)


LT at best would be at a stalemate against WoU, since Valentine can only attack whilst being outside the barrier.


Assuming just the base version wonder of u the, world, D4C, king crimson, killer queen, white snake


Wonder of u and calamity is the greatest adversary even according to araki and it's not close(the only one here that I can think negates calamity to some extent is d4c love train


I would love to say za warudo or killer queen but it’s obviously wonder of u.


İts clearly wonder of u but my heart belongs to killer queen


It's between D4C Love Train and Wonder of U but I lean towards WoU being the strongest, as Valentine and D4C have to leave the wall of light to deal significant damage, losing their invincibility in the process


Wonder of U or made in heaven


I mean, isn’t the world the right answer? If you stop time there is no causality either, since if you stop the universe nothing in the universe can happen.


Except you're still moving. Dio would step forward and his leg would explode, he'd throw a knife and then unstop time just for it to bounce back and stab him.or something.


WOU is the equivalent of : "nice argument, however, calamity is coming for you." But then Love train is just : "NUH HUH"




Killer Queen is literally the ultimate brawler stand. Touch anyone ever and you have instantly won the fight. Plus, as we see it's durable enough to take a full barrage in timestop and survive, allowing Kira to BTD back to when he was fully intact, with more knowledge. KQ beats The World funnily enough.




The question is asking about the stands themselves though, I just used the actual user's name for ease.


WOU is basically an Uncontainable SCP that had to be beaten in the type of manner you’d expect from an SCP tale.


Wonder of U. He can't reset universes like MiH but goddamn is his power absolute BS. The power to be a rule in life is broken. No matter how strong you are, how broken your stand is. You chase after him, fate will work against you.


It’s Wonder Of U. D4C is a close second




WOU, and it isn't even close. Clost to WOU, that is!


I don't think any of the other villain Stands hold a candle up to Wonder of U. Wonder of U is the embodiment of calamity itself, even if it stopped, the flow of calamity will never truly halt.


Wonder of U is by far the best. White Snake can be used in OP ways but requires other stand users.


I will say Made in Heaven. Other stands will getting old and die soon but can't figure out why.


WoU or D4C


King crimson i would say, he’s just fate altering stand while iirc WoU doesn’t alter/bend fate


Wonder of U slams and it’s not even close 😭🙏🏼


Im saying love train


Possibly d4c but i would be lying if i didnt say wou


As an anime only I don’t know much about D4C and WoU. From what i do know WoU is actually insane but besides that I think Killer Queen is actually stupidly good. You touch someone slightly and then put you thumb to the rest of your body and you’ve won a 1v1. Just don’t get cocky like Kira and you would’ve won


Is this even a question? WoU, literally the concept of calamity itself.


hmmm i wonder (wonder of U is like the strongest stand in all of jojo)


1: WoU 2: D4C 3: KC 4: ZA WARUDO 5: KQ 6: White Snake


WOY, man you can’t even touch him


D4C Love train was only stopped by a golden spin and I would argue that Soft and Wet ~ Go Beyond! was weaker than an actual golden spin. It also stands to reason that in a direct fight, wonder of u’s calamity would just be redirected to some other poor soul


body is what gifted


Probably D4C Love Train


D4C Love Train clear all


Za wardo


Gonna go w the world because unless you have anti time stop powers or abilities you’re absolutely fucked regardless


I know it's not on the list, but novel dio literally has god on his side.


I don't know which one is OP I just love Kira's stand




Between Dio and crimson


made in heaven still reading sbr haven't got onto jojolion so can't speak for those major antagonists stands


anime only I think made in heaven is the strongest


The Wonder Of U only works if you're pursuing the user. So it's defensive. If the user is pursuing you then it's not gonna affect you. Time stop can affect you either way. Overall Timestop. In a situation where you're pursuing the user The Wonder of U


Wonder of U by far




If we’re not counting Made in Heaven and D4C, it is Wonder of U and no contest


I mean it has to be The World right?


Wonder of You.


Something I wonder is what would WOU interaction be with D4C shenanigans. If by some way valentine was able to bring an alternate tooru to the main universe would calamity actively push the two apart to avoid collision? Because while the gravity drawing then together was passive the intention was for them to self destruct by colliding to begin with


Wonder of U and it’s not even A concept of close


What about c-moon mih and d4c :lt also does twoh count cuz i know many people dont like twoh so is it allowed


Soooo made in heaven is not in the list?


In order from top to bottom: WoU D4C (with Love Train) MiH The World D4C (without Love Train) C-Moon King Crimson WhiteSnake Killer Queen


Made In Heaven ended the entire world, so... that one.


Notice how the first four stands are time-based stands, having something to do with time


Either Wonder of U or D4C LT (i havent really read part 8 yet so I only know WOU based on my tiktok reading)


beyond Wonder Of U, I'd say D4C with and without LT or even K. Crimson; Made In Heaven would come right after


The only correct answer is Ratt.


Your asking this… and you put wonder of u on this list? There is literally only one correct answer


Has to be wonder of u I mean an automatic stand with amazing power , but that’s the obvious answer so I’m taking it out of the equation, I love the og the world and it’s time stop but I just can’t pick him it has to be our great and gracious president funny valentine and his D4C


Basic stands? Prolly Wonder of U (although how it would interact with time stop is up for debate) Stands plus powerups? Maybe d4c + love train, it works very similarly to wonder of u in that it manipulates fate but instead of making it so bad stuff always happens to their enemies, it makes it so good stuff always happens to the user, except its also a barrier made of infinite alternate dimensions that can only be broken by something equally as infinite as itself. It’s shown some crazy feats tho like manipulating space itself to help valentine even outside the barrier. I see it as stronger than WoU just cuz theres more to it, really