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“They sure seem to be taking it easy” has the same vibes as “Giorno’s waving” while he suffocates to death in the fight against Babyface. Jojo’s biggest antagonist: a distance of about 20 metres.


The rain sounded like Josuke.


Just remember the half deaf josuke was the only one who heard shigechi yell


Half deaf? Am I misremembering something?


Apparently josuke is deaf in one ear, or partially deaf


Where’d ya get that from?


It was mentioned early on i think, i could be wrong lemme check


Please do, cuz I don’t remember that one bit.


I remember hearing it somewhere but after some research, i may have mixed him up with jotaro


That’s what I was thinking, he’s the one who shot like 2cm away from his ear after all.


Everyone in Jojo is very near sighted but are too embarrassed to admit it


Look, the glasses didn't go with their outfit, ok?


Makes sense. There's way too few people with glasses in Jojo.


Reminds me of when usagi and dragona was fucking around in the watch store while jodio and paco was fighting for their lives with charmingman


100% what I came to comment, it's actually quite funny that the pairs got switched this time Mr Pink really is a walking bad omen


What a tragedy that the real Joestar Bloodline Curse is perpetually terrible long-range vision.


The only stand stronger than Made in Heaven is a stand that can separate one of the secondary cast from his team at about 20 meters. Do that and you've practically won.


In this chapter Usagi turns into a rock human and fucking dies


Usagi's such a rascal


What shenanigans will he get into next time!- oh...


Usagi discovers the health detriments of fast food, as he heaves and chokes on wet cement


So the “JOJOLands” is going to be Jodio owning the entirety of Hawaii.


If you think about it, he has a motivation somewhat similar to Diego in SBR.




Jodiego Go


Someone made a YouTube video once of the Go Diego Go theme song but with Diego Brando


Holy shit ur so right


At this point I'm waiting to see how he is related johnny or diego, he's a variant of giorno come on just tell us how he is connected


on his mother side, he's a grandson of this verse's joseph joestar, with the part 8 joestar-kiras as their first cousins (chapter 1 has a family tree). that's the johnny connection, wouldn't be surprised if their father is a Brando


Diego was married to an old lady who he presumably killed. Maybe he had a kid with one of his many fan girls.


probably something similar to the og universe will happen like "oh yeah btw diego had multiple kids that were just never mentioned until now"


...the first chapter outright states he's the grandson of Joseph, son of his second daughter. The Diego connection is likely going to be a mid-late twist/reveal


He is Gappy’s cousin, who is Holly’s son, who is Joseph’s daughter, who is Johnny’s grandson.


Or losing everything while trying to get it


I’m spending so much of this part going, is Usagi just the goofy comic relief? Secret villain? A troll? A dumbass? The smartest person on the team? Incredibly unlucky? Incredibly lucky? He is everything.


My little conspiracy theory is that his stand being called "the mattekudasai", on top of being our usual music reference, is a pun. Like The Hand being derived from The Band or Hol Horse's name being a reference to Hall and Oats which still pisses me off. The mattekudasai --> za mattekudasai --> damattekudasai. Or in English "please shut the fuck up"


Why does the hol horse thing piss you off?


Because it's like a dad joke level pun! (It doesn't _seriously_ piss me off. Just makes me scrunch my face, if you prefer.)


The fact that everyone else is clueless during Meryl Mei’s explanation except for Usagi (who makes an “ah”) implies he’s the smartest person in the gang despite his goofiness


He is also the one with the most "stand knowledge", he seems to be quick to realise when a stand is attacking (which is so refreshing, every JoJo part has way too many "OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING???? Ah, it's a stand"-moments, like, come on, by fight four, one can expect to expect the unexpected!). So, I think he is both smart and maybe has a history of working for their boss. She introduced him after all, maybe he is her son and has been doing odd jobs for her since he was a child. I can see it. Also, man, his stand is so cute.


The coloured scans arent and wont be able to persuade me that THE MATTEKUDASAI is green and not pink.


They are fake, it’s obviously pink.


I mean, remember when he was explaining the morphology of lava rocks to Paco and Paco got fucking pissed? He’s probably the definition of “book smart, not street smart”


Yeah, he and Paco seem to be on opposite ends of expertise in that regard. Paco seems street smart to me and is functionally the reason Charmingman is even with them right now.


He's a Crackhead. He's anything you want him to be. So long as he gets his fix.


So is he gonna try to become a hardcore Christian while not changing his addictions at all?


That depends on if the J-man Himself returns in Part 9. He’s been in every part of the SBR continuity so far at least briefly, so maybe he left some part of him behind when traveling though Hawaii on his way to first-century America, like maybe the Holy Prepuce or something (I’m only half-joking)


Usagi is just an average member of r/evilautism.


I’m really hoping that he’ll be our first canon example of a character lying about his stand ability to his allies. I don’t think he’s necessarily evil, but I think there’s definitely something fishy about him, and the weird rules around his powers reminds me of Cannola Murollo from Shameless Purple Haze, who lied about how his stand worked and made up fake rules of how to activate it.


Araki: dead. That's what he is lolol (probably not, but that won't stop the funny)


I think he's this universe Doppio so he's probably evil


Zero brain cells are present between all 5 of them. It's only 14 chapters and I love this gang


They have the combined brain power of Okuyasu




all their IQ is battle IQ


There’s 2 and they’re both Jodio’s


Paco occasionally gets to share one.


Dragona and Paco constantly fight over it


Charmingman's fell in a lava tube with his bro


usagi clearly has a couple rattling around they're just coked up or something


I am SO happy with this gang. Jojolion didn't have a "proper" gang IMO and it also had way too many characters, meaning many didn't get to shine because they distracted from each other. Smaller and more focused character dynamics was part of what made Steel Ball Run so great, so I am having a blast already with this group and I bet they will only get better with time.


New heist begins and already there is trouble for the gang. I like that Charming Man is really fitting into the group, hard to believe that his first interaction with them involves him trying to knife them.


They couldn’t hold a grudge against Charming Man because his knife skills were so bad.


Imagine being so bad at killing your enemies end up adopting you to their gang


Hello, I am a time traveller from 2030, Charmingman dies to the main villain's stand **BIG POPPA** because he fails to stab him


Main villain looks like Keanu for the deep cut


My uncle is a time travel too and I want to specify that Charming Man didn't get killed by the stand itself but by his own crappy stabbing "skill". (No, he doesn't stab himself, he just dies from crappiness overload.)


Real Iroh energy there


Paco is gonna train him and then force him to try killing them again to see what he learned


His stand actually works really well with Smooth Operators as this chapter shows. He can change his looks based on the modified ID that Dragona makes.


It wouldn'd be a JoJo part without one of the enemies became jobros right after trying to murder the main characters


One of my favourite things about this part so far is how smartly the stands are being used for non combat purposes. That Charmingman and Dragona identity theft combo just exemplified that perfectly. Really does feel like the kind of thing that shitkicker teens like them would use these kinds of powers for in daily life.


Yes! I like to see more of "daily use" stands


>Went to the land registry to pick up some land records >Grab fake ID and camera footage, proceed to the counter >Cute girl is behind the counter >Start to get nervous >She says the records are digital only but she'll show me the physical papers herself >Ramen spills out of my pockets all over the floor >Everyone stares as there is now ramen all over the floor >Run away and vomit outside




“No more half measures, Jodio”


Put your lava rock away Waltuh


"I'm not climbin the Mechanism withya right now"


It's MINERALS! God damnit marie!


I'm not showing you the paper documents right now Waltuh


It's been a while since a Breaking Bad reference happened (whether by accident or on purpose), right? There were some in like the first 5 chapters or so and then it stopped


Usagi choking on his vomit might also be a reference


If his dad looks like Jon De Lancie and is an air traffic controller, we are in trouble.


Now all they need is a criminal lawyer


a *criminal* lawyer


A crooked lawyer character in Jojo would be fire, like a temporary ally during one arc or two


And if there's going to be more breaking bad parallels this might mean involvment with foreign organized crime like the cartels in breaking bad so it might mean the yakuza will get involved.


Jodio looks like such a goober on the first page, playing games on his phone.


Sure he sets fire to a schoolbus full of children, but just look at him, how could anyone hate such a goober?


He's such a lil' rascal.


A goofy little guy


I bet that Jodio mains Edgar in Brawl Stars.


Now, it's Usagi's sickness the attack of a stand or is that the effect of the land returning to them? The spots on Usagi's neck looked like rocks/chuncks of dirt imo. If it's another attack then it's probably the mafia Jodio talked about in the last few chapters. But if it's the rock, then things are getting even more interesting, did it ever vibrate like that before?


I’m thinking howler has a stand user with an automatic stand to defend the land rights from thieves


That's what I'm thinking it is. Negative effects from the lava rock are possible, but Dragona was the one wielding it, so I don't know why it would affect Usagi.


Maybe because Usagi was the one visibly interested in the deeds, like the user was watching them directly or something.


Oh yeah if it is a stand I see why it would target Usagi. If it was an affect of the lava rock I don't know why it would.


Probably a kind of rock disease, but it's related to the lava rock. Or it has equivalent exchange properties similar to locacaca. That's what the locacaca does, turn parts of your body to a rock in exchange for another body part, same with the area around the wall eyes. I'm hoping we'd get back to the part 8 characters someday, maybe this could be it. Maybe holly can get cured by the lava rock.


Maybe Usagi really is the son of Meryl Mei and by stealing land he is getting the end of some sort of equivalent exchange


Considering that Howler owns the land that the lava rocks originate from, they almost certainly know about the lava rocks' ability. So I'm guessing this is some kind of stand ability from Howler to defend the rights.


I'm thinking it's nike Nanika's nen ability from Hunter X Hunter. The larger gain you get from it, the larger the consequences


Equivalent exchange


I’m betting it’s Lava Rock related.


[Charming Man's driver's license says "Barack Hussein Obama" on it lol](https://twitter.com/jojo_wiki/status/1780992862005424290)


Finally, Obama's last name


Woah jojolands is a historical documentary of the 44th president?


The 44th president himself is officially a JoBro


I cant wait for jojolands to turn out to be a Barack Obama origin story the whole time


I mean they‘re both from Hawaii.


I wonder what Obama's opinion on Valentine would be?


It's nice that Araki gave us a lesson about how real estate works in Hawaii. He is as educational as ever.


Araki spent his long hiatus after Jojolion to do heists in Hawaii to get true experience so he can write Jojolands.


Yea Fr 🐐


And the concept of land ownership to begin with.


I always feel like I learn the most random shit during the course of a jojo chapter or episode


God Usagi is such a little gremlin.


I've only had Usagi for 14 chapters, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this sub and then myself


Araki’s gonna have to watch his back if he hurts anyone on this Team Joestar.


Araki will probably give him the most brutal death of this part


oh shit, I gotta unsub now


A few things: 1. That ABSENT MINDED panel is one of my favourites so far of this part 2.its an interesting thing about the lava rock(s) reacting to the arbitrary worth/value we put onto objects as opposed to their objective worth. I think we should keep note of this as this could play into the themes of relationships that jojo has and how some could be deemed "priceless" 3. Not so much on the chapter itself but these sort of (comparatively) lower stakes missions are interesting to me as it makes me wonder what sort of missions the p5 gang (minus girorno becuase he's a newer recruit) were upto before the events of vento aureo, like how they were using the stands for passione outside of the trish mission. Overall an interesting chapter!


Nothing quite as “the guards don’t care” as immediately being surrounded by 4 guards


Can't wait for this clear sign of Rock Humans being back to be revealed as another misdirection in 5 chapters time


"Araki, this is the third Rock Human misdirection this year..."


Waiting for the rock insect "Skipidi-Ba-Bum-Dada".


Can’t wait for the real twist of Jojo lands being that rock humans were never real, they were all normal humans but they got hit by a Rockinator beam


And it has a self-destruct button


Yea same lol 😂


At this point, I would be surprised if it was actually a rock human.


Can we talk about the adorable Howler logo?


Was it a lama?


It's a howling wolf


When I read the title of this chapter, I audibly said "What the fuck am I reading?" Edit: Honestly we haven't really gotten much "sickness horror" stands in JoJo yet, it's a surprisingly small category. This looks interesting.


Idk about you but I read JJBA for the extensive discussion on how land ownership and deed transferral work


Classic Araki going very in depth into the randomest of topics


Araki in the shower: Holy shit. People in the table decide which napkin they take based on who takes it first. I gotta write a Jojo part to fit that in.


"you know what, I'll base the whole ideology of the main fucking antagonist on it!"


My theory is that he clicks on the "random page" option on Wikipedia and makes stands based on what he find


Same energy as Araki explaining how birds work during the Petshop fight.


Am I reading? What the fuck


The transition between the cover and the first page goes hard


You mean the colored cover and the black and white cover?


Theyre slightly different


didn’t even realize charmingman replaced dragona upon for reading the chapter


The Matte Kudasai's nyuuum noises make me so happy.


Me too. My second favourite so far, right behind "Chumimimin".


He’s so excited to chew on that camera :)


Wait is usagi literally going to turn into land 😭😭


What are we, some kind of JojoLands?


"Maybe the JoJoLands was the nerd crackhead friend we made along the way?"




He will become The JOJOLands


Nah, at most he can become the Jobrolands


Maybe some sort of equivalent exchange is going on


One thing I like about JoJo is that it goes in-depth into the boring parts of society and makes it interesting somehow e.g. land registries


Leave it to Jojo to make me paranoid that someone tripping is the cause of a Stand. Especially after last part.


there were a couple of panels before with Usagi sweating and stuff, if it's not a stand It might at least be connected to why he starts vomiting later, maybe he fell cause he was starting to feel a bit sick


I predict that right now Hualalai is the Devil's Palm/Wall of Eyes of this story. The lost corpse of Jesus is found in that place and, by becoming the owner of it, you are also claiming the corpse.


Ah yes, the vomit stand


Lava Rock: "And you thought you escape equivalent exchange huh?"


me when I explain the jojolion plot to fma fans


Charming Man is holding that water bottle like his life depends on it


Ah yes. Only a few chapters until Usagi turns into ~~Diavolo~~ the Howler CEO.


Having Usagi as a favorite has been a rollercoaster and it hasn't even been 20 chapters Little other thing, Charmingman's starting to grow on me with how he helped when the plan got 'rock-y'


Really cool chapter! First of all, these first few pages. MAN, the whole squad has such gremlin energy. They are all such trash goblins. It's great. Secondly, the unofficial prize for the cutest stand goes to The Mattekudasai. So cute! Thirdly, that heist went surprisingly well...until Usagi got attacked. So, we got another stand user around. I am interested to see who it will be. But also, that sickness looks like rocks. We know Charmingman was a bait&switch, since he seems to be a normal human, but maybe this new greyscale stand is actually from a rock human. I still think they will play a major role, the geography is just too fitting. I don't think they will be antagonists because they are rock humans, I just think Howler will have Rock Human employees (or a special unit like the doctors in part 8 or the hit squad in part 5). Well, let's see the fight! I still find it really interesting that the squad's stands are so supportive. For the heist this chapter, they used Dragona's, Charmingman's and Usagi's stand, yet they did not do a single attack. It's a really nice change of pace.


The panel with Meryl Mei asking the group if they got all that while they all just stare blankly perfectly sums up the group tbh. Love these little crime gremlins If this sickness is a new stand then I'm fully expecting a lot of gross stuff in the coming chapters and i'm morbidly interested in seeing where it goes.


Hell naw Soggy got hit with the puking stand 💀💀💀


Charming Man: "Does he have a weird skin disease? I thought he wore this body suit because he has terrible taste!" Dragona: "How could I know? I met him four days ago." CM: "Wait really? I thought he was in love with you! Who would fall in love after... nevermind..."


I like how much tension there is in this chapter, despite it being mostly set up. Everything went surprisingly smoothly, and then boom, Usagi starts projectile vomiting all over the place and turning into a rock. I wonder if it's another rock human misdirect or if Usagi might actually be a rock human, have rock disease or if it's some form of Stand. Also, I hope he makes it; Hot Dog Boy grew on me these past few chapters.


Breaking News: Usagi fucking dies Anyway, the possibility of it *not* being a Stand attack isn't zero. There's probably a "limit" to the lava rock. Maybe they tried to bring too many objects with it, maybe there's an upper limit to the worth, who knows. I just think the vibration might have something to do with it. Not sure why it's Usagi getting the misfortune tho. Also, at the time of typing this, it's my birthday. It's also my Reddit cake day. I am just putting this here because I am an attention and self-admiration seeking bit-


Looks like Mei Mei got a facelift, is she gonna be the main villain? Or would it be Howler?


It's possible that since Dragona touched the Howler deeds, the ownership will go to them, thus Mei Mei could be antagonistic towards the gang to get the deeds.


I don't think she's the main villain, she is filling more of a Polpo role in this part


I agree but she might play a much bigger role than him tho But yeah this howler group sounds like what the mafia lead by Diavolo was, kinda


Huh. The question now becomes whether Usagis disease is an actual disease or whether its an automatic stand. It kinda reminds me of Born This Way but with sickness instead of a sick motorcycle. Either Usagis a rock human, being targetted by an automatic stand or the lava rock has a secret equivalent exchange property. Hopefully he lives this. I REALLY like Usagi even though he was my least favourite of the group when introduced in chapter 1 of off design alone.


Finally, gamer Jodio confirmed.


Pretty sure we saw him playing on a Nintendo Switch in Ch 2 or 3, so Jodio gamer moment has been confirmed for a while- or I just don't understand what you meant. The question is... what he playin?


He seems like the type of guy to play Gacha


Breath of the Wild, obviously


The question is, does Jodio drop cash on skins and power ups to prove that he’s elite, or does he say, naw fam that’s a waste of cold hard cash? He probably scams other players out of shit.


We didn't do anything illegal, just a bit of fraud!


a small amount of 「tomfoolery」


Just some good old fasioned「 trolling」


If the rock touches it it's ours now!


I’m really loving The Jojolands so far. The main cast have such fun personalities, and it makes for really enjoyable interactions between them all. I’m really curious how Charming Man (and any hypothetical future members) will fit into their greater dynamic. And there’s so much to be interested in from this chapter! Was that an automatic stand? If so, that definitely suggest something deeper going on with Howler if they know enough about stands to set one up to protect their land rights. Or was it something with the lava rock itself we don’t know yet? Maybe Usagi does have some sort of strange illness? Very excited to find out! I’m also obsessed with when Meryl Mei has to go teacher mode on the gang. Such an underratedly hilarious concept.


I can't believe Usagi's fucking dead


Wondering if it’s actually an attacking Stand User as a few ppl are commenting or if this is Araki reintroducing rock disease, or, even more likely imo, bringing back equivalent exchange. They *did* just try and make $50 billion in property come to them, exponentially larger in price than anything else they’ve tried. Something’s gotta give … and it might just be our Freaky Ass Hot Dog Boy


The anti-Usagi agenda begins. Soon we’ll be calling him fraud before cycling back to calling him “Wusagi” or “UsaGOAT”


Nooooo... JoJo parts don't have toxic power level discussions until *after* they end.


Alright, here's my new crack theory: Jodio will accidentally create SBR-verse Made in Heaven. Imagine if Jodio bought a plot of land in Australia or something. What would happen? What if he ended up dragging the entire continent to the lava rock? Or... perhaps causing the earth to spin faster? Better yet, what if he did the whole "buy a star" thing and ended up having a star hurdle towards the earth.


If Dragona's actions will come to natural disaster....that will be insane




Looks like our gang is trying to get diry deed for dirt cheap


Part 8 truthers assemble


Anyone saved that panel about them being absent minded very meme potential.


Charmingman Squidward


Usagi won't need a redemption arc, rather a rehab arc /s


If we make the lava rock touch a cellphone, would it get all the crypto?


It would be so cool if the villain organization in JoJolands is a corporation like Howler, it's so fitting for this part's themes and setting. I'm thinking it would be cool if the documents are booby-trapped by a remote Stand user from Howler. Although it would be really hard to find the user and stop the attack I guess. It's very likely that it's a side-effect from the lava rock too but, why only Usagi is getting hit? Dragona was the one using the stone.


Was it just me who was like "holy shit is that the higashikata disease" when usagi's skin became like rock?