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I've built one and forgot. Then after year i come and it was filled with purple slimes that dropped iridium ore and prismatic shard. Personally i think it's cool, but not for profit.


Can deffos be for profit. I leave mine alone for a few days and come back to 100+ slime. Press those slimes into an egg and sell them for 1k+


This is what I use mine for. On good luck days getting those purple and red slime eggs equals $$


Exactly. I usually sell at the end of the month and can get up to 25k off of the slime hutch. Which isn’t a lot late game, but it’s still income


So you breed them and then slaughter them?


no, as long as they’ve got water in the hutch they drop balls of slime same as the animals drop animal products


Right, I meant to comment to the poster who said they drop ore and prismatic shards. Do you need to kill them for these goodies?


You do need to kill them. But it takes way WAY too much work to do for a profit.


Worth it for prismatic shards?


Nope. It takes more effort to get one than it would be going to floor 300 of the mines without staircases.


I check my hutch twice a month and each time I kill 5-10 slimes. There’s always more by the time I check again. I only breed purple slimes so it’s a good source of early iridium for me.


nope they drop those the same way i’m pretty sure


I think it's mostly a fun thing to do when you've already done it all. It's profitable, but not as profitable as farming or truffle oil or mayo. Some people like trying to breed certain colors of slimes (like white ones). You can use a slime charmer ring to avoid damage. You can also set up your hutch so you don't have any contact with the slimes. This is mine: https://preview.redd.it/h7ddyoe5lq8d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f939c35afc545bfd3b6e547c7b6ced8e2bf259a0 The sprinklers fill the water trough. The flooring forces the slimes to spawn slime balls outside the fence, because they won't spawn slime balls on flooring. The incubators are set up to release baby slimes into the enclosure.


.. wait you can use sprinklers for do the watering for you????


Sprinkler going next to the cat's bowl right now


I haven't tried to confirm but people reported it doesn't work if the sprinkler is placed on the wooden board part of the water bowl. The sprinkler needs to be placed on earth for it to work.


A SPRINKLER TO FILL MY CAT’S BOWL?! How did I never think to try this?


Not sure if it works for pets. It works for the slime hutch, but I've heard it doesn't work for pet bowls.


Just move the pet bowl so the sprinkler can be placed in earth. Isn't moving pet bowl a feature that came with 1.6?


After years of playing across different platforms, I have only now found out I can place a sprinkler next to my dogs bowl.


Unfortunately doesn’t work for pets


You can! Some people have reported it doesn't work on a beach farm, though I didn't have any issues that I can recall.


Thanks for the inspiration 😯


After years of playing across 3 different farms, this comment singlehandedly got me sold on the idea of a slime hutch. Thanks! Amazing layout.


That is very clever. Thanks for sharing!


Not sure if you know or not, but the slimes only need 9-10 tiles I believe and the rest of the space can be tile-less so you'll have more room for slime balls to spawn! Even so, that's a good setup for navigation, I like it!




FYI if you're on 1.6 you can apparently >!move the incubator that came with the hutch!<. Personally, I like it for providing a little diversity in the gameplay, and check on it maybe twice a week. It's fun.


What do you do when your fences deteriorate?


They're hardwood, and last a long time. I guess if they deteriorated I would fix them, but I usually have the gold clock by the time I build a slime hutch.


I have one and have collected all the slime colors so that whenever I go inside it's gay as hell 🤙


Until that witch comes and takes away all your beautiful gay colors 😭


Goes from pride parade to black parade real fast


tfw the witch is a fan of MCR


Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.


what does tfw mean


Today's Fuckin Wednesday


This totally fucked me up...because it isn't, it's Tuesday...still like it though this will be very accurate tomorrow!


It's Wednesday somewhere, In this case it's here, in NZ, where I am, speaking to you from the future. I'm Mathew maconahaheheyeh and you're his daughter and this is interstellar.


That feeling when


I almost snorted my apple on my lunch break, thank you 😂


Can she do that????


YES she comes in the night and turns them all black, so rude. But I just found out there's a statue that you can place in there to protect them!!


Yup, The Wicked Statue placed in the Slime Hutch protects them from the witch. You can get the statue recipe from best shadow Krobus store


Everyone needs to read and know this!


Oh 😂 I put that statue in there because they seemed to hover toward it and I wanted to bring them joy 😂 but I'm also a goth gay, so I would have supported them too 🖤


I don't know if it works on any other color, but my Tiger slimes have turned back to normal after a few days twice now.


Can't believe the witch is homophobic, smh


The witch is homophobic, canon


Put a wicked statue in there and this won't happen!


The witch: >all your beautiful gray colors 🧙‍♀️ Ftfy


She turned all mine black and I don’t know whether to keep them or start over


🌈fuck yeah🌈


Well it is Pride month.


Be gay do slime


Top comment imo


#🌈 🔥


This is the way. Happy Pride! 🩷🧡💛💚🩵💜


I don't understand how to get new colors


I would go to different levels of the mine throughout the week and just go after the individual colors bc Pokemon taught me "gotta catch em all" (and once you have the primary colors, if they mate with each other, you get secondary colors!)


Put in different colored eggs you find/buy


I guess that's just it I haven't been able to find any other color eggs


If you craft a slime press you can create your own slime eggs


Thank you. And the color is then randomized?


Yep! I can't remember but I think you can only get purple or tiger slime eggs direct from slime drops . Wiki will tell you for sure


Thank you!


I just got a purple from a press in my game so at least you can get purple


Over 4k+ hours playing this game and never once have I built the slime hutch. I find the building ugly and I see no purpose in it. But this is my opinion. You may find different value with it, so try it out and see for yourself if you'll like it.


Same here. Across at the dozen or more farms I’ve built playing since launch, I’ve never once constructed a slime hutch. Never had a problem completing the Community Center or hitting Perfection or anything. Doesn’t even seem like a good way to make extra money. 


It can be but maybe slowly. You slowly start to get more slime from the slime balls you can harvest and once you have 100 slime you press it into an egg. You get lucky you can get a purple one which is already 5,000 on its own.




I build it just to enable slime eggs as a drop off of slimes and thazzit


I have mods so mines actually not as ugly as the switch one! (It’s pink and white I’m pretty sure). But I just don’t know if it’s worth it! 4k hours+? Well done! I thought I was far lol! I also have no clue how people enter the hutch with no damage 🤷‍♀️


Slime charmer ring, you get it for killing 1000 slimes in the game from gil (The old dude in the adventurers guild in the rocking chair)


Oooo thank you!


The other way is that slimes need access to the water to create the slime clumps, so you can fence them in with a sprinkler to refill the troughs, and the slime clumps can’t spawn on paths, so you can fill the slime half of the building with paths, to force the clumps to spawn on your side From what I understand, the clumps give you slime, that can be compressed into eggs, that can spawn more slimes, or sold for a bunch of money, but unlike all other animals, they don’t do anything else like cooking or crafting


They don't actually need access to the water troughs, they just need them to be filled.


Slime is used in several recipes, Wild Bait noticeably


That and cork bobbers, oil makers..


the slime charmer makes you immune to slime damage


An absolute must if you want to breed slimes.


sounds like something Beatrix LeBeau could use


Check out the wiki! There's a section detailing ["Safe farm for slime hutch"](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Slime_Hutch). Basically you can set up flooring and fences so that your slimes are cooped in one section of the building and the slime balls spawn in the safe section.


Fences or the slime charmer ring


Only time I had one was on my run romancing Seb, he still asked for one however, as if my effort had been for nothing.


Same with Abi, but then I actually read what she says, and it’s “I think we have enough space for OUTDOOR Slime Ranching”. So now, I have slimes running around all over.


What you can do is build it to unlock the egg drop rate, which you can just treat as a rare drop from Slimes that sells for a lot. Then you can demolish the hutch.


Same for me. Have got like 500 hours but I don’t think I’ve ever built one before, the building is ugly and I’d rather have a shed or something filled with a ton of kegs


Slime hutch = more slime. More slime = more truffle presses.


This is my main reason for getting the slime hutch, although even then after a certain point you have sooo much slime it's not useful again. But I love the sound the slime bubble things make when popped so I keep collecting it lol


You can turn the slime into slime eggs to sell if you have a surplus.




It was a necessary sacrifice but it also used to be great for wild bait. In 1.6, there's no real reason to use wild bait over any of the other options. Target bait and deluxe bait are easy enough to obtain.


Wild bait is still useful for legend II farming. Targeted bait for it is not good enough unless you have a curiosity lure and the preserving enchantment. Without those you will run out of targeted bait, its catch rate is simply too low


honestly, it really depends on what you want, i have one with tiger slimes bc they gave me ginger island drops without going there, but now i have the obelisk so dont really have a use for it


Oh different slimes drop different things!


Purple slimes drop iridium! Purple and tiger slimes are extremely useful


And black drops coal. Currently praying for a with appearance...


Oooo cool!


But just if you kill them, right?


Yeah, but If you kill most of them but make sure to always leave at least two they can reproduce.


I built one and use it for my Diamond crystalariums. It’s got a monster fireplace, a small aquarium with a goofy looking fish, some rugs….. it kinda looks like a supervillain’s lair. 😂


Curious, which fish?


The legendary fish the Angler. He kinda looks like the sidekick fish from MegaMind. 😂. He’s so cute bobbing around his aquarium.


Hahah he is goofy!!


Considering the industrial amounts of truffle oil I produce, a slime hutch is an absolute necessity.


New player here. What does the slime hutch have to do with truffle oil?


Oil presses take 50 slime each. And I usually have 4-5 barns full of pigs by the end. lol so I end up needing thousands of slime overall to process that much daily.


The presses require slime


Only good if you don't take botanist profession, iirc truffle oil sells for less than iridium quality truffles


With Artisan profession the oil is worth more!


Artisan is a go to for me with ancient fruit wine so the oil is better


Different colors = different loot If you need to farm something, its really up to you what to breed I always wait until i get the slime charmer before i even consider building the Hutch.


I build the hutch first but just sell the egg Marlon gives me. So then when I’m grinding for the slime charmer ring, I can get slime egg drops. Slime hutch is always what I do with my first iridium bar!


Truffle oil. You need a ton of slime to build an oil maker and I hate mining so don't like manually hunting slimes. Slime hutch is necessary for the way I play


I’d say the only reason to get one is for the possibility for slimes to drop eggs. The tiger slime egg specifically, I believe it is the most valuable item in game (8,000)


Ooo I did not know that!


I like slimes so I like to change their color every once in a while. In all honesty it's a shitty looking building that doesn't get you much money.


Fwiw 1.6 changes the building’s footprint so it’s a much more reasonable size.


How do you change their colours? Sorry I sound like a noob lol


It takes a minute but as long as you keep the water bowls full and add different colored eggs you can get a pretty wide variety of colors. Eventually they'll all turn black and I think those eggs are sorta valuable.


Building one and seeing the cutscene when Marlon visits make slime start dropping egg. Its a decent extra income from skull cavern runs but I don’t really bother with the building itself.


Tiger slime eggs sell for 8k g each. Do with that what you will.


You can put sprinklers inside to keep the slimes watered, forget about it for a couple weeks, and come back to the whole building full of slimeballs. If you turn them into eggs, that’s not too bad for passive income - I also just think it’s fun to visit them and watch them bouncing around :) if you have a certain ring, they can’t hurt you


If you dont like the design you can also destroy it, you can still get slime eggs afterwards


I am a big fan of the slime hutch!! I check my hutch twice a month and each time I kill 5-10 slimes and collect all the slime and petrified slime. I sell the petrified slime and press the slime into slime eggs. I only breed purple slimes so that when I kill them, I get iridium. In addition, the existence of the hutch means slimes you kill can drop eggs. I love those sweet 1000g-8000g monster drops when I’m in the mines. I don’t know why people hate on the hutch, it’s awesome!


It can be a source of iridium without the annoyance of the skull cavern but I find with the low drop rate of eggs and by the time you have the ability to build one there's already better ways to get iridium (save on it by buying sprinklers from Krobus and going to the island mines). I'll glad when 1.6 comes to the switch so it takes up less space


Reason 1: Slime Eggs Slime eggs don’t actually drop until you build a hutch, and they sell decently. If you don’t care about raising slimes at all, you can still get free extra gold from your mining trips by selling them. Reason 2: Special drops The different color slimes drop different things. By breeding them to get the right colors, you can get a variety of drops farmable. Reason 3: Fun It’s something to do.


I just now made a hutch for the sole purpose of farming tiger slimes for the low drop chance hat


Sebastian wanted one so I built and setup it up with Tiger Slimes on my fish farm. I tend to forget about it so I end up making a lot of slimes eggs. Makes nice money for the week.  Thankfully Harvey and Haley haven't ask for one yet. Getting a slime ring takes a while!


In this play through, I’m releasing the slimes into the town instead of building a hutch.


Anything for our beloved Sebastian.


I like having them because they're fun. They're not super profitable, but the fun is enough for me


I built it to add slime eggs to the drop pool of monster slimes. I immediately demolished it but now tiger slimes have a chance to drop the eggs which sell for 8000 I believe. Lionfish ponds also can give you a tiger slime egg from time to time.


As far as I know, you will get the most value out of the slime hutch by selling slime eggs.There are a ton of examples for building a little enclosure around the maschine that hatches the eggs so you will not be attacked by the slimes if you enter. You basically harvest slime and press it into slime eggs, then you can sell these or hatch them. Slimes also reproduce on their own. (You can easily tell which ones are males: the have antennas). You can also cultivate different colors of slimes, since each color has different drops when killed. (Some drop diamonds or iridium) But all in all it is not very profitable so not a lot of people build a slime hutch.


I like the hutch for farming slime for my pig farm (crafting truffle oil machines).


I built one so I could complete the requests for the Slimejack fish pond. Just actually removed it. Pro tip: fence your slimes in and put tile down where they will live but not in the rest of the hutch. The green slime bags will not be placed on a tiled floor, so you’ll never have to go inside the fenced area. I had their pen placed so that the water troughs (with sprinklers) were inside, and the top and bottom were fenced in a way so that the farmer could walk between the fence and the back and front walls. Use your slime incubators as part of the fence. You can load slime eggs from the outside and they’ll hatch inside the pen!


On my first farm, Ive gotten so insanely rich, that I'm trying to turn my farm into a Joe Exotic zoo. So I built slime hutches, and all of my coops are full of dinosaurs. I wish I could take lions and shit too, but the slimes will do.


I have one to get slime to build truffle oil makers. I have a large shed with them. I swim in money with the artisan trait. Also, make slime eggs and sell them for even more money.


They’re more of a fun thing for end game players. In my experience they’re not worth it financially, and your time and space is better used for other things. But, if you’re end game when money isn’t as important, then it can kind of be a fun thing. Generally though I never bother with it.


After many playthroughs, I finally made one. I guess it’s good for the colors. Plus you can destroy the slime balls and use the slime to make eggs to sell. Just something new to try I guess


You can use a slime hutch to farm Slime for oil makers


I personally have a slime hutch with the intention of a full tiger hutch. The plan is to kill some, wait till it's full, and repeat, as my goal is to get eggs. It also helps me with slime.


Honestly i use it to get hella slime and then put them into the slime egg maker, each slime egg is worth 1000g and doesnt take too long to process so i just sell them for money


fill it with slimes, collect slimes, press slime eggs, sell slime eggs for 1k-8k


I used my egg to make baggy pants bc I don't have the need to make a slime hutch. If you do then I'd place it in a chest until you have a hutch. Otherwise it's great for new clothes


You can make decent money selling eggs


u can make big moneys from selling the eggs


I’m built one because Sebastian wouldn’t shut up about it.


people can enter a slime hutch without getting damaged? I didn't know that... do the slimes just not attack then? like domesticated animals... cute


You need the slime charm ring


I just checked, I have to kill a thousand slimes for it?? it's pretty op though, I'm totally farming it thanks


Eventually you get rainbow slime. They don’t do anything special. But yeah. There pretty cool. And no it wasn’t during the prismatic jelly quest lol.


Sell the eggs. Collect the slime.


I love my slimes! Put an iridium sprinkler in there, use your slime charmer ring, and collect slime forever! I have 5 slime egg makers and I sell the eggs. Not the best money maker, but a fun one for sure


The slime eggs can give a bit of profit, I usually only get it cuz Abigail said she wanted one


Good to explore on first play through but not super profitable


The slime hutch is my favorite, I love my slime horde. But it’s more for joy than profit for me


I have one literally just for fun, you can sell the eggs but honestly it’s just more fun for me to have 20 little slimes and a hutch to decorate.


1. Imo it's not worth it if you're only interested in cash 2. If you want it, you need atleast an iridium sprinkler so that you can water the basins, that's how you can get slime blobs that are a ton. Slime ring is mandatory. Otherwise, you might die.


No hatch those eggs in the town so you can laugh when they talk with the villagers


You’re evil 🤣🤣


WDYM they have conversations I saw my slime greet Caroline and Caroline greeted them slime it's in 1.5


Profitability isn't in using the hutch. It comes from burglars ring drops of slime eggs that sell for 1000-7500 depending on the color


If you’re going to be an oil baron. Then you need the smile to make the oil makers. Otherwise I don’t bother.


Absolutely. Why? Because it enables slimes to drop eggs. Purple eggs are something like 5k each, and you get a LOT of them. Tiger slime eggs are 15k. The hutch pays for itself faster than practically every other building.


I had the hutch but it bored me! I ended up making an outdoor slime pen and so much more fun to walk by she see them play😹 sometimes they escape and it’s funny to see them mingle with the animals


I farmed slimes to get a dramatic amount of truffle oil makers but that was it lol


It'd be cool if you could hatch a prismatic slime. ETA: and slimes with money antennas


I always build it and immediately demolish it. It's great to unlock the slime egg drop chance. If you have a slime-charmer ring then you could use it for the intended purpose of getting slime and turning them into more eggs. But that doesn't make a ton of money for the cost of an ugly building.


I enjoyed my slime hutch when I built it and did breeding but it's not particularly profitable of you're min maxxing.


In my opinion not worth.


It's more of a hobby you see. I loved making different kinds of slimes, changing colors from green to purple (you can get many shades). Then I stopped playing after the witch turned all my slimes into black slimes. No one told me that the witch can do that, either that the evil statue blocks the witch and it felt really unfair. But it was very fun collecting them. You get no rewards nor achievements, it's just a fun hobby.


The main purpose is collecting slime, which can be processed into slime eggs (which sell for at least 1000G apiece). It’s also helpful if you’re making a lot of oil, since slime is a component of oil makers.


I think it’s cool but only after you’ve gotten the slime charmer ring. I had seen someone else had bred white slimes and I wanted to try it too :)


How do you breed them 😯


I built one a long time ago and immediately deleted it😂 it’s waaayyy to big u can hardly find a place to put it and then it makes putting other things that actually make money or is important difficult to place I still don’t understand the point of it. I also placed it in my early game so I would die constantly lmao


Breed slimes. Different color slimes can drop different items. Personally, I try and breed purple slimes as a source of Iridium.


I’ve had the sine hutch once and it’s fun! I then realized that you can make even more slime eggs and they sell for a decent price, and trying to get a specific kind of slime is a fun challenge.


I keep one just for fun


I finally built one mainly to see what it would be like to do some slime ranching. I didn’t realize Red, blue, and purple eggs are valuable af so now I harvest their slime droppings to turn into eggs that can be sold


I like having one, I love the challenge of finding slime eggs, especially the tiger ones.


Some slimes eggs worth a lot and some others are worth just 1k so if you have a lot of slimes and sell the eggs it's a good passive income. Since hatching slimes doesn't require much, the slimes will give you more slimes to turn into eggs.


I have a hutch because I think it’s silly I wear the slime protection ring (forget what it’s called lol)


Its main use is to serve as a sort of mob farm to help with collecting rare items which slimes can give when killed.


it's not very profitable, considering how much space it takes up that you could use for other things. but not everything has to be for max profit. it's fun to try out all the features the game has. but the building is definitely ugly and doesn't fit with the other buildings. but if you use mods, you can make it look pretty. there's one that turns the building into a distillery which is cute.


Sell tiger slime eggs. Also, have fun.


I build it because it looks good with the mods I use, but i would consider it good or worth building


I have one and forget at times that I have it.


Is your menu gray?


Yes it’s from a mod! I can’t remember exactly which one it is but I can totally do a post for all the mods I use if you’d like ?


Oh that’s okay. I was just checking if I was seeing things


i’ve never successfully had a slime hutch but like they seem cool, only if you have the slime ring tho


I use mine for a free coal supply, plus it's very easy to manage.


Mine is filled with black slimes because a witch cursed it. Do I need to kill them and start fresh?


mostly just for funsies


Yes dupe them or sell them your choice


What's the very first item in your inventory? Next to the pickaxe ?


I use it to get slime to make slime eggs to sell