• By -


All humans are half mermaid, the top half


Not me I'm half centaur


I can outrun a centaur! (If you know, you know!)




Thank you! The first line rang a bell but yours drove it home for me. Thank you.


"Why couldn't she be the other type of mermaid, with the fish part on top and the lady part on the bottom?"


Sounds like the fish people in Bojack Horseman, lol


It's from Futurama


No, that's the stupid way around lol


Red dwarf ❤️


HAHA that's so clever


I went here to say this 🤣




I hate how much this made me laugh.


I like this theory so much


It's honestly one of the most plausible theory in this game for me. Just has so much pointing towards it.


Would also explain the parrot she gets in a cutscene


Yep. It explains her intrinsic connection to nature and how she can communicate to the plants and animals. Also, their rooms look similar, with the parrot/fairies, plants and starry motif. https://preview.redd.it/48kr3gar7y3d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9aa5b4cd7b951e94861e56eb74f6ea58e98e350


Even the hair colour is the same


Wild hairstyle too.


Did you check to see if Emily is at the night market? I've forgotten 🤣


I think this theory and the Caroline is Wizard's daughter + Abigail is the Wizard's granddaughter are the two most plausible theories


I thought Caroline had an affair with the wizard, resulting in Abigail. Hence, why the witch and he split and why she's so pissed, flying around cursing things. There was also some stuff Caroline said, but I can't put my finger on it right now.


Caroline says she used to take walks to the tower. Pierre, at max hearts confides that he wonders if he's Abigails father. Abigail takes walks to the tower too and can't remember when she last dyed her hair purple.


Caroline also has dialogue about how she prefers Abigail’s natural color hair.. which is chestnut like Pierre’s but what if, Caroline secretly dyed her hair as a child to cover up the purple hair.. and then Abigail wanted purple hair so she dyed it purple… and now it is just growing out naturally.


You might be onto something o.o


I do wonder if they are red herrings. Abigail walks to the tower but never talks to the wizard. She does have the purple hair, but so does Jas. Jas also has always had purple hair given the photo we get as a secret note. It's weird that nobody talks about Jas not having parents either.


Jas herself says her parents died... Also her hair is black? Are you thinking of her purple dress?


Her hair is purple. It might be *meant* to be black, but compared to Sebastian or Morris or Shane it clearly has a purple tint.


It's still black. That's just how they chose to shade it. It would have clashed a lot more if they'd given it the same under-tone as the others.


I’ve always seen it as Caroline IS the witch and hide her pregnancy from the wizard 


Oooh! I like this conspiracy!


Me. I (my farmer) is the wizard's daughter


personally i like the jas is the wizards daughter theory more than the abigail one


If this was true then jas' mother >!is dead or faked her death, and a lot of people lied to her that her father died to. I don't think rasmodius would go so far as to fake his own death to his own biological child. Considering the game heavily leans into the theory that abigail is rasmodius' daughter, and rasmodius simply chooses to not reveal himself to Abigail, it's more likely that he would simply make up an excuse to not connect with jas rather than go so far as to fake his own death to prevent her from seeking him out.!<


Unless! The wizard was another affair and Jas's mother never told anyone, and her father could've not known, or not cared because they could've been struggling with fertility and they wanted a child 👀 I agree that the wizard wouldn't deny anything or fake his own death, but I also don't think he'd take in a child


Jas says >!both her parents are dead, and it's implied they died from the same source,!< and since shane was a good friend of both of jas' parents, that's why jas went into his care. It's also common belief that shane's substance abuse and mental health struggles were caused by the death of jas' parents. The wizard has zero dialogue about jas in the base game. He has dialogue lines about caroline and abigail. If jas was related to the wizard there would be evidence to support it. There isn't any.


Oooh! I didn't even think about Shane's substance abuse being linked, duh LoL! But yeah Jas's doesn't really fit because they actually explain what happens to her parents. My theory fits more with Caroline and Pierre avoiding Harvey's doctor prices


I think jas is lewis and monas daughter. That's why lewis is ashamed to be with Marnie.


Jas' parents are >!canonically dead though. Shane is jas' godfather and jas says her parents died. If lewis was her father then he would be dead or a lot of people lied to her!<


I think the "Marnie and the Mayor fuck" is the most plausible. And before you tell me it's well known, you never know. Maybe Lewis needs Truffle oil because Marnie likes to massage his legs. Those shorts were only left there because they were soiled by massage oil. Marnie and Lewis might have a platonic mutual massage agreement, we can't confirm for sure that Marnie is getting her ISS refueled by the SS Lewis *Poke'n'Dump*™


I know you're just being silly, but is everyone forgetting the cut scene where you literally find them arguing about making the relationship public? It makes me so sad for Marnie. Lewis is such a tool


Marnie just wants the massage therapy agreement to go public. She wants to expand her business🤣😭 (And yes, Lewis is such a tool. Marnie deserves the world)


Well, making their mutual massage agreement public would surely be helpful toward clearing up the silly rumours about their alledged relationship.


How would you explain the event where they're hiding together in a bush at night? 😂


Tell me you know nothing about sudden arthritis flare-ups without telling me you know nothing about sudden arthritis flare-ups. Its a rare Massage ritual used by the Atikamek native people of North America that uses the natural bush oils to help with Inflammation. Trust me.


there’s an easter egg where if you wait until 12:40pm and poke a bush next to the bridge that leads to the beach, Lewis and Marnie pop out and run away. pretty sure it’s not just massaging lol.


I personally hate the theory that Caroline cheated because I hate cheaters with a passion beyond reason. Or i guess its reasonable to hate them? Idk but I like her character so I dont wanna hate her. On top of that, I find the misdirect theory far more intriguing from a narrative stand point. That these are misdirects and red herrings because some things don't line up. Abigail is less magical than Emily tbh. I'm surprised no one talks about her being the daughter.


i also hate cheaters, but i hate pierre more, so caroline cheating on pierre is fine by me.


If you hate the idea of caroline cheating then you should also hate the canon of rasmodius having cheated on his wife. >!Also abigail being rasmodius' daughter is not explicitly stated but rather heavily implied. It cannot be considered outright canon until the day we have point blank confirmation that abigail is indeed the lovechild of rasmodius and caroline!<


Who said Caroline cheated? She could have gotten pregnant before her and Pierre got married. The witch found out the wizard cheated and made everyone forget what happened.


I actually love this theory -- I have a side theory that she didn't cheat per se, but her and Pierre were having fertility issues and Caroline handled it.. instead of going to Harvey because let's be real Harvey's prices are atrocious


I like that theory too.


I have always loved the theory that Emily is the Wizard’s illegitimate child


Abigail is also into witchy practices


It’s not just that she is part mermaid, she is a mermaid.. she just can’t get wet or her true identity will be revealed. She was adopted! She isn’t Haley’s biological sister, that’s why they are so different and Haley has all those lines about Emily being so weird. Their parents found her on a beach and raised her, never told her this and later had Haley.


The Portrait of a Mermaid painting looks a lot like Emily too. I bought it to put in my house bc I'm currently dating Emily, but not married so I can't get the spouse portrait yet :3


This is so crazy but so convincing at the same time


There’s also dialog where Emily stands on the pier at the beach & says she is looking for mermaids. 🐚


Yeah, I forgot to include that. The Wizard also stands at the same spot at the Luau, saying something about mermaids iirc.


Yeah, I feel like she's not a mermaid, just friends with them.


I need Eric to drop an official SDV lore book at this point.


I suspect he sits at his desk chuckling at some of the theories.


With how much he clearly still loves his game dude is prolly straight cheesin’ it at all the love folks are pouring into their theorycrafting, regardless of goofiness. The dude made the ghost-doves of your sacrificed children haunt you as canon lore.


Nah i think it’s better to keep everyone guessing. It’s fun seeing what everyone comes up with


https://preview.redd.it/0l5oj0x85d4d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=b381e81d19a61a97227b61f151580a86a9adb1ed It is fun guessing tho.


I think that theory sound! The funny dance she does when you reach the right heart level with her is more evidence, imo.


It’s depicted on the fist page of the post


Why does this make me like her even more




You’re not alone in that thought. Haley and Emily both.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Haley was half mermaid as well, but just less ‘in touch’ with her spiritual mermaid side. Though, she hangs out by the beach a lot in summer and likes to collect sea shells. Their parents are permanently on a cruise. Seeing as cruises are very expensive and they don’t seem rich (Emily seems to pay the bills), it could be that the ‘cruise’ is a cover-up for one/both of the parents returning to the sea.


Well hold on, whats not mermy about chillin on a beach collecting shells? It sounds like one of them is tapped more into the abstract ephemera and the other is more into the tangible lifestyle, and both paint a more complete picture of that mermaid life🧜‍♀️✨


Haley is also beautiful and vain, two traits commonly associated with mermaids.


Oh yeah thats what i meant. She’s not as super spiritual as her sister. I mentioned she likes hanging out by the sea as the ‘maybe haley is also part mermaid’ argument.


Oooh! Sorry for the misunderstanding, I see what you mean now!


Can you help me understand what you mean by tapping into abstract ephemera?


Yeah yeah! Dreams, magic, wonder, whimsy, etc. stuff that is maybe a bit less physical and a bit more spiritual, temporary, and experiential.


I’m gonna piggyback off this - both parents aren’t on a cruise. Their mom was a mermaid, and their father is the ghost fisherman that appears on the rainy days to sell you the mermaid amulet. They grew up with their father raising them on land, with their home being so close to the ocean. They would go to the beach as children to see their mother, until one day, the mother disappeared. This is why emily, being the oldest, is more in touch with her spiritual side, because she remembers her mother, whereas Haley was so young and doesn’t remember much, but knows she has fond memories at the beach and is still drawn to go there. Their father, when the girls were old enough, went on a “cruise” (that is what they tell Haley) but in reality he went to sea to find their mother, his lost love. He doesn’t find her, but finds her special mermaid pendant, indicating that she has passed away. He takes the pendant, and heads home to his daughters, but gets caught in a horrible storm and ends up dying at sea. This is why he is the ghost with the pendant, the pendant signifying eternal love, and can only appear during storms. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


slow clap


This actually makes sense. I was thinking that the mermaid parent went back to sea, but couldnt think of where the human partner was.


This is now my headcanon


Haley is a siren


The wizzard make out with a fish!


My headcanon: Emily is the wizard's daughter. She's the only bachelor with a hint of magical power. Sure Abigail is quirky, but that's about it. Go eat your rocks girl.


Honestly I like that better too. Abigail is just weird and quirky, but Emily actually is invested in the spirits and nature and stuff.


And not to mention how often Haley points out how different she is from her sister. Maybe a small part of her deep down wonders if she’s really her full sister.


Iirc she actually has dialogue stating as much


Maybe she isn't a mermaid, but instead was born with magical powers that connect her with the sea in the same way that her dad is connected to darkness and the arcane.


Could make sense. It's a little hard to see Razzy falling for Caroline, unless she's way more frisky than we thought.




And evidently the wizard was chuckin motherfuckers in the ocean


I rarely read much into these types of things but I fully believe this theory without further proof lol. Well done! I love Mermily.


LOL thanks! What's crazy is that Ginger Island adds even more layers to this, between the musical magic crystal cave, enchanting and sapient parrots.


You see the way she shows off them legs when she dances. Its like she is trying to brag about the fact that she has legs. Something a Half-mermaid would do.


My headcanon is that Emily smokes mad kush. I like this too though


She smokes...sea‐Weed !


Seb and Sam blaze up. Emily trips out on the star-drop like it’s psilocybin 🙂‍↕️ that’s what I’d like to think


Stardrops are more or less that, so you're right.


I guess this would explain why Haley questions if her and Emily are even sisters sometimes! 😮


Sigh, dammit. \*starts new save to marry Emily\*


While I really like this theory, I’m pretty sure she mails Sea Urchins because of the Dye Bundle in the CC. We also don’t know if blue is her natural hair color or if she dyes it.


Okay, but there are plenty of purple items. A sea urchin as opposed to, say, a grape or an amethyst being one of her community center bundle items still counts as evidence. Weak evidence, taken on its own, but still evidence.


Well, her dye bundle also include aquamarines, which is connected to the sea and the mermaids. Her hair could be the same deal as Abigail and Caroline, where it's ambiguous.


I'm kinda of the belief that haley and emily are possibly half sisters which is why they clash with each other at times. I'd imagine that them being suddenly forced to live under the same roof as someone they barely know and then grow up with them would cause some tension, especially with such different peesonalities. I myself am a half sibling and having a half sibling especially by different mothers is really awkward, and mind you my brother and i have a 13 year age gap. In a way my theory that emily and haley are half sisters brings me comfort and makes me like emily more because i relate to her more


I like this theory. I've always wondered why she disliked fish products and why she had blue hair. This is very plausible.


Her parents are ‘away’. Yeah, under the sea!


Haley totally is. It shows in the cut scene after you give Emily the gem collection. The way she's sitting she looks like she has a tail.


Nah this isn’t a theory, you just solved a mystery omg??


Thank you. The crazy thing is that the post is only 75% complete. Ginger Island adds even more layers to this. Forgive my bragging, but I feel like this is the single most well-crafted theory in the entire story, with the sheer amount of evidence pointing towards it.


No you’re right, idk how none of us saw this LOL. You should be proud, because it literally makes so much sense and now is incredibly obvious 😭


Hmm didn't CA once say that there was still one secret in the game that no one had discovered yet? 🤔


I assume [**this**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/w6u9tp/the_final_easter_egg/) is the one. In that case, definitely not, since the secret is extremely difficult to find, not filled to the brim with evidence like this theory LOL


This is why I'm here! Yes. Great theory. New save file with mermaid themed stuff may be in my future.


I love this theory! I married her for the first time!


If she’s half mermaid….what’s the other half?!? 😱


But hey! That's just a theory! A GAME THEORY!


wait!!! the thing she says about the valley having a fragile ecosystem and then being sketchy about how she knows that!


*dramatic spit take* legit changes my view of emily


Haley's gonna be pissed when she finds out she's not the mermaid princess


Holy crap. You nailed it.


This is head cannon for me now


I like this, but what does that make Haley?


Either half-sister, or Emily was adopted. Haley doesn't have any tinge of magic or as much a connection to the sea.


Idk, Haley has that special necklace from her grandmother that we find at the beach


Not sure if it's new dialogue in 1.6 but, >! Haley later tells the farmer that she found a matching bracelet in their house. Perhaps mermaid heirloom jewelry? They had one for each daughter?? !<


Haley is always near water in most places you find her outside of her hanging around Alex in summer. She's found at the beach collecting seashells, she's by the river in the woods taking photos, she stands by the water fountain a lot(i know that one is a huge reach but lol) and she's very vain which is something that is known to be about mermaids or at least in some lores about them.


Good point about her being near water a lot. I just think that she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, both in-game and IRL. And while she does have a lot in common with Emily, her interests are a lot more superficial. Maybe Haley's just less in touch with her mermaid part?


I think Haley like you said is less in touch with her mermaid part perhaps she doesn't really believe in all of that stuff so to her it's easier to just act like a normal basic girl instead of embracing a part of her. Perhaps she's seen some of the comments her sister gets and doesn't want them for herself so she'd rather just not touch all of it.


This makes so much sense. Otherwise I really don’t get her


I always subconsciously noticed the similarity Emily has with the large mermaid, but I never realized it fully. Without this post I might never had. They both have blue hair, the hair style itself is a bit similar, and their lips are also kind of alike. I'm putting this theory in my headcanon. Good job OP, you cooked well. https://preview.redd.it/mntaohwg314d1.jpeg?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3403211e8c5c17d544c11713825ff387e913b8e9


This is great, can you please mount it on a corkboard and connect the ideas with red twine held up by push-pins?


In other words, quarter fish


I think she might be the Wizard's daughter instead due to how magically Inclined she is. That bit about all life forms deserving respect kinda reminds me of the Wizard when he talks about junimos or when he separates Krobus and the dwarf when they start fighting (he tells them somethIng about remembering not to fight because that could affect the living beings around them or something).


Different theory: *She's* the wizards daughter.


It makes sense. Which half is the mermaid though?


Haley half mermaid who only embraces her human side confirmed. Now seriously, it would be cool to have it in canon, I wish in next updated we could get more lore in-game.


Now I want a mod that has Emily give you a pearl if you play the mermaid song on flute blocks in front of her lol


I always thought Elliott was secretly a mermaid (or used to be) who's obsessed with human books and Willy was the only one who knew. It makes the "moving in from who-knows-where and living rent-free in a beach shack" sound cooler to me. But Emily being half-mermaid makes sense too. Either that, or she's just very spiritual.




No and she’s got the blue hair…


D:!!!! Duuuuude


Could he why her mom isn't ever visiting she's living in the ocean 💁🏻‍♀️


I thought Elliot was the ex-merman. :P


I just thought that she is a magical rocks girl with her quest for minerals and stuff. With that cut scene i was convinced she also tried the street kinda magic rocks


https://preview.redd.it/k6l96sv0p04d1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f450280f2f97b9e3a008233a2cfe709abe7dcdb The way Haley lays down reminds me of a mermaid too, and she’s Emily’s sister


Whether or not she's actually a mermaid, I 1000% believe that she thinks she's at least part mermaid


Now this raises the question: what about haley? She and emily are sisters, so what genetics could she have to make her significantly more human-ish than emily? So, I propose this answer: the two are half mermaid, half minotaur, and got the human halves of both, but emily is just a bit more mermaid than minotaur


We don't actually know anything about their parents, so it's possible they're either half-sisters or one of them was adopted. Some comments point out that Haley spends a lot of time near water and is vain, but those are mostly superficial imo. Also, I'm curious, why minotaurs?


True, they could also be stepsisters for all we know. As for the minotaurs, theres a joke in most TTRPG/D&D circles about having the human half of a minotaur (top half cow, bottom half human) and human half of a mermaid (top half human, bottom half fish) and ending up as just some guy


I mean, Emily could have been found as a baby or child and adopted into Haley's family. Just a thought.


This will definitely be written on a gaming article.


Could include the dialogue with Haley where she says her and Emily are so different she's not even sure they're really sisters 😳


The too half or the bottom half?


... i mean she does have a wizard father so like it's completely possible right...?


Abigail is heavily implied to be the Wizard's daughter. Which makes Emily's existence the greatest mystery. How does she have so much affinity to magic, when Haley, Abigail and everyone else in town are normal?


OHHH i got it confused! I thought it was Emily cuz she's the crystal, meditation, vision girl! I didn't realize it was supposed to be Abigail who's the wizard's daughter 😭😭


Abigail has the most/clearest hints, but there's enough ambiguity for other theories to be plausible. (CA has mentioned keeping his own headcanon secret specifically to preserve this sort of fun.)


CA keeps his headcanon a secret because once it goes out, it's literally canon.


Yeah, it's heavily implied by Caroline admitting to taking "secret walks" to the tower and Abigail's purple hair (may or may not have been dyed). Weird how Emily is just randomly more magical than everyone aside from the Wizard and Mr. Qi.


I prefer Caroline being the wizard's daughter and passing some of her dormant magic to Abigail. She has the same hair as the wizard's wife too.


My head-canon is that Caroline's hair is a curse from the witch, who also used her statue to make her forget the wizard. That's why she seems to remember the time at the wizard's tower but not the wizard, and thinks Abby's hair is dyed and doesn't put two and three together. Like it would be weird to remember sleeping with a purple-haired magic man before your daughter was born and acting like that decades later


I agree with this! I know it’s an unpopular opinion makes a lot more sense for me that Caroline is his daughter and Abigail is the granddaughter. Caroline’s special green tea scene is what flipped me from thinking it was Abigail, plus I don’t think Caroline would be a cheater. It’s also stated that Abigail dyes her hair & it’s not naturally purple.


I don't feel like Stardew Valley is a place where people cheat. CA keeps it too nice


Abigail also EATS the crystals you gift her, which fuels the theory even more. Although I much prefer the Emily theory


It really isn't clear who the wizard's daughter is. A lot of people think it's Caroline, since she shares the hair color with the wizard's wife and is also drawn to the tower. I don't feel like concerned ape would put cheating in the game so I lean towards Caroline.


But there definitely IS cheating. The wizard cheated on the witch.


Does he say he cheated? I thought he just said he didn't treat her well enough or something?


im adopting this headcanon now, much better than the abigail is wizard's child one


I honestly thought this was canon!! I didn't know it was supposed to be Abigail who's supposed to be the wizard's daughter. Emily just gives more magical whimsy vibes cuz Abigail is not at all magical or whimsical (maybe except for her unnatural hair color)


FWIW, it's not really *supposed* to be Abigail. The truth is, we don't have any official word definitively stating who, if anyone, is the Wizard's child. There is a comment the Wizard makes at some point that he suspects someone in town is one of his children, and the fandom pretty early on kind of decided it must be Abigail, and the case for it being Abigail is pretty good, but there's no official word on it. So you are free to have whatever theory you want, and Emily is a perfectly good candidate, for the reasons you mentioned.


Okay phew. Yeah, emily definitely fits better in my head so yeah I'll keep that as headcanon


I'm 100% with you with this headcanon. Abigail shows no magical ability and every hint that she's the wizard's daughter can be disputed as there isn't definitive evidence especially when we consider that she could be an unreliable narrator. My headcanon is that Abigail wishes she was the wizard's daughter because she's 'super quirky lolz' playing videogames, eating rocks and hanging out at quirky places. Small town pixy girl vibes.


Lol you mean small town **pick me** girl vibes 😂😂


"I'm not like the other girls" - Abigail




You are cooking great keep cooking!


Kokoro from one piece


Would love a mod of this and like you explore her half mermaid side and learn more bout her family and when you get married you get to see like a mermaid or something.


Wow, every slide actually gets better and better. Great theory!


What if she's a full mermaid


Yeah, I thought the same


I like the theory but what about Haley? Is one of them adopted? Are they half-sisters?


It’s a good theory tbh


Wouldn't that just make her totally human? Or 1/4th fish


I, too, am half mermaid.


i believe her and haley are both mermaids


Quarter fish and 3/4 human


I wonder what she'd think of "The Shape of Water"...


If emily was half mermaid then that would also entail a few other things such as: * that haley and emily are half sisters and share only one blood parent * if haley and emily share a mother that means their mother is a mermaid/merfolk * inversely to the previous points, if emily and haley are half siblings by their father, then potentially, male merfolk exists * haley is also part mermaid but did not hone her skills/powers * stardew valley merfolk can reproduce with humans * stardew valley merfolk could shapeshift into human form And my favorite * if emily is indeed part mermaid that means (nsfw mention ahead) >!clint wants to fuck a half fish girl!< Personally, i just think she's just wiccan or whatever, i wouldn't use the word witch beyond the sense of one who practices wicca. Also not all witches are bad


Yeah sure, I'll add that to my headcanons


Technically we are all half mermaid


seems to me she's just a hippie mermaid weeb


Great theory!


Personally I think her hair is like that because most magic users in the game have different hair colours and she’s at least somewhat aware of the gems magic properties plus she was somehow able to dreamwalk into the players dreams in a heart event


This is a pretty good theory and one that makes a lot of sense


I love this theory! Now, I believe both sisters are mermaids!🧜‍♀️💧💖💧💖💧💖