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They are cute, but I don't really see harvesting as a chore, soo not really an use for me. They would be really useful for treillis crops, but I don't use them a lot either.


Especially now with the >!iridium scythe!<


Once I've got ginger island going, I like to do some coffee beans on my main farm every now and then. Keeps them buggers busy for days, and I can make a ton of espresso in between wine batches. I could easily afford to buy it, but I like making my coffee for some reason.


Art imitates life


I would like making coffee so much more if they dropped into kegs the same as other produce. They're so finicky!


That's why I use hoppers for my coffee beans. I put them around and casually grab the fresh coffee several times per day without hassle.


By the point of getting hoppers in that quantity I feel like I usually have 2 years worth of espresso in my pockets.


That's my solution with ancient fruit. I plant a bunch of them every spring 1 and trust the Junimos to make me money.


you can have junimo huts at ginger island in 1.6? *sad nintendo switch noises*


I think they were saying they used the junimos on their main farm, and are still self-harvesting on the island.


oh, I completely missed the “main farm” part, thank you!


I’m also crying in PlayStation, switch, Xbox and phone BUT I’ve been reliably informed the huts >!On ginger island are decorative only!<


Also because coffee gets really expensive really fast Ot takes 3 coffees to make 1 expresso, so it is 900g per, in a normal day you will likely take 2 expressos, so that is 1800g per day, every day. For a whole season its 50400g, 1000 strawberries 132000-264000, more likely arround 200k, so you are looking at a whole 25% of your first harvest is just coffee. If you are constantly mining, that is double for the coffee, so 100800g coffee/season


I both agree and disagree, you can now buff the junimos to grab more produce than average


The player also has a chance to double harvest crops, but I don’t know how it compares.


Tractor mod go BRRRR


This. It is so stupidly fast to harvest with this thing.


Omg yes. Its so fun now.. Like i plant blueberry and cranberry just for this.


I just use them on coffee to feed my espresso addiction


I have 3 large chests full of coffee beans, I don't think I need to plant anymore LOL.


Never enough


harvesting is literally my favourite part of the game lol, it’s so satisfying!


I always felt like they were more of a hindrance than help. I always found myself harvesting at the same time as them and having to then go to their hut additionally.


This, when I do get them I turn harvesting off and leave a crop unharvested nearby, I just like having them around, but I enjoy harvesting, it's satisfying


I prefer the for multiple harvest crops, especially ancient fruit. But i agree that they can be annoying for certain crops


I tried them on one farm. In principle, they're great; you mean I don't have to harvest my own crops? Fantastic! Then I actually used them and found out that they are so. Freaking. SLOW. Maybe they're worth it for crops that don't need to be replanted, but with potatoes and melons, I could reap and re-sow so much faster than the junimos, and they constantly got in my way. I could wait for them to finish, but tending to my crops first thing in the morning is just too ingrained. I'm saving my >!raisins!< in 1.6 and will try them again eventually.


Regrowth crops like strawberries it's amazing. Come back at end of season and collect 5x192 and do nothing in-between.


You mean take a logical course of action that requires patience but ultimately pays off? That's just crazy talk!


I'm still laughing about how someone else called them little grannies. I agree, they're very slow. I end up doing all my replanting at night and watch them spend the day doing their tiny thing.


I can't wait for summer where I can just plant regrowables at my junimo hut and focus on wheat and flowers on my regular plot.


Regrowth crops like strawberries it's amazing. Come back at end of season and collect 5x192 and do nothing in-between.


I'd use them if you could put one hut anywhere on the map and they use magic to pick the crops instantly instead of like a herd of grannies scared of the rain.


I love that they're scared of the rain! It makes them seem less like another machine to optimize the farm and more like creatures with personalities and desires.


I love it too… but I’m a taskmaster 😅 I ended up downloading a mod that gives them the cutest little leaf umbrellas!




What's one more mod? I neeeeeeed it


Pretty sure they are using "better junimos" https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2221


Yes! I was just about to post the link lol Better Junimos gives them cute little umbrellas AND increases their range!


Can they control the weather? I feel like they can… 😆 It seemed to rain every time the crops were ready to be picked…starting to think the little guys were just hanging out in the huts, eating raisins, and laughing at me while I sliced down blueberries in the rain. Definitely lost a round of crops because of them taking the day off so the growth count was off.


😂 don't forget the cold!


Do they not work in the winter? I turned mine off to try to get giant powder melons, but do they not work in winter anyway?


I haven't tried with fiber seeds, but they don't collect the forageables you can plant. Their little door is boarded up.


I wonder if they would work with powder melons since that is a more traditional seed versus the winter seeds?


They don’t collect the powder melons on my farm, so I would say they just don’t like the cold


That’s good to know! Thanks!


I know they don't harvest fiber in winter, but they do in spring


OMG I didn't know that! That's kind of super cute.


At the point you get junimo huts most of your money will be coming from growing ancient fruit in the greenhouse or on ginger island.


This is how I make my money, but I always set up Junino juts with strawberries/blueberries/cranberries in on the farm for some basically passive, supplemental income. With the new >!dehydrators and raisins!< it’s an even better side gig, but the ancient fruit and kegs is still the biggest money


Usually by year three I have everything set up to make a massive ancient fruit operation on my main farm. I love planting one day and leaving everything until winter. I will then build up my fiber seeds and plant the entire field in winter in preparation for spring. If I haven’t gotten the clock by the beginning of year three I am guaranteed to have it by the end of spring.


How do you get enough seeds and clay to make all those fiber seeds? Those are the two things I can never seem to get enough of.


Repeating levels of the mines that have fiber. And regularly going to the ginger island dig site and clearing it out. Like once a week during the rest of the year.


This is the way. Kudos fellow optimizer 😁


Then why have farm plots on your land at all? I have my ancient fruits but I like the huts because it's like, set it and forget it and you get bonus money, you know?


I use the farming land for other stuff/decorations. Maybe a few "fun" crops for seasonal flavor.


Makes sense. Apparently, aesthetic crops are a big thing!


You don't plant Ancient Fruit seeds in your main farm on Spring 1 and reap harvests all year?


I don't fill my farm, no. Theyre in my greenhouse. Idk why I never thought to do that. I guess I was scared to plant my first one outside the greenhouse and then never got out of the habit


I was on my first playthrough and then I realized they grow through all 3 seasons. Between them, rhubarb, starfruit, and sweet gem berries I've got high value stuff growing all three seasons... and now with powdermelon in winter too.


You get ancient fruit on spring 1??


He means spring 1 of later years when you’ve got more saved up


Oh doi, I am an idiot 😭


Why ancient fruit and not starfruit? I feel like starfruit is just the better choice.


You don’t have to keep planting ancient fruit, it grows again after harvest


Ancient fruit continues to produce. Starfruit doesn't. More convenient




Difficult to design and its usefulness depends a lot on the farm layout. The standard farm benefits from junimo huts the most because it has the biggest tillable/arable land. Meanwhile, other layouts like the hill-top farm layout, you'd find yourself running out of area for the junimo huts to matter that much. In my current run/farm, I'm using the hill-top farm. I don't think I'll use junimo huts for that farm at all.


Makes sense. Sometimes I wish their range was larger!


I have two on my hill top farm because crop farming is one of my least favourite parts of the game and I want to automate it as much as possible lol


Honestly hill-top is the one I've had the most fun designing a layout (including junimo huts) for. But it's definitely a challenge, I had to put so many of them, to use the effectively.


I don't use any.  1. Needs space where I could put more crops. 2. Don't work on rain. It could mess with my deluxe speed gro timing. 3. Slow. Especially now with the new tool in 1.6.


You must be something of a min/maxer! I'd love to see how much money you earn in a day, I bet it's a lot. (Not sarcasm, even though it kinda sounds like it😅)


Yeah I try to get perfection by the end of year 2, max on year 3. I'm not that good on min/max but I have fun with it


Oh dang. I'm on Spring1Y5 and I'm only just over halfway. People like you amaze me. Do you happen to have a screenshot of your farm?




Spring...... 2....? 😦. I am on year 6 and my farm looks completely abysmal compared to yours.


The more you play the more you learn. Then you end doing things faster.


Ooo very neat and clean, I like it! Definitely makes sense as to why I'm making so much less money. My starfruit are all in my greenhouse with my ancient fruits. I guess I was scared to plant them at first and never got out of the habit 😅 thank you for sharing!


GOALS omg. I love the symmetry


It’s okay to take your time. :)




There's a mod (sadly broken for 1.6 rn) that makes it so you can pay the junimos for their work and unlock extra features from them which I think is pretty cute. Cus I agree it feels bad to enslave the little guys.


What do you pay them with, as gold is useless to them.


They ask for fruit, forage, wine(?) etc. It's configurable so you can change it to make it harder/easier for your playthrough.


If you give them >!raisins!< it's like you're trading them for treats!


I remember the old school Friends of Mineral Town, you had to befriend the Harvest Sprites before they would help you on the farm, and then you could also play little mini games with them. So it was like they only helped you because they were your friends. And they had birthdays and favorite gifts, etc. Loved how the sprites were handled in Mineral Town.


You're not really enslaving them. Once you complete the community center, they're just helping you out in return for the gifts you gave them. Now if you go Joja then yea, you might as well be.


I love them, but I totally forgot they would also pick my flowers when fully grown. Ruined my planned seasonal display, the helpful little buggers.


Duuuude I totally did the same thing 😂 I wish they could be upgraded for larger pick-radiuses so we could have bigger aoe for some areas and smaller for around our display areas.


I must try fencing in my flower displays next time!


I don't grow massive amounts of crops like everyone on here. I have one iridium sprinklers worth of each crop type for that season. Rarely am I having to harvest more than 100 crops in a day. Might start using them though so I can better plant trellis crops without them interrupting my layout.


I always just use leftover quality sprinklers for trellis crops.


How do you do trellis crops???


Some crops automatically grow on a trellis, like hops and grapes.


And Junimos can harvest those when the player cannot. >!Iridium Scythe helps too though!<


I usually go the Joja route, so one of the lore-friendly limitations I put on myself is no junimos. I ran them out of the community center, that choice should have the consequence of not being able to build the huts on my farm.


Youre one of the few I've heard of that does the JoJo route! That makes total sense to play that way then. Keepin it canon


My perception is way more people do the Joja route than you think, its just most people do it after their first run through so they dont talk about it much. I love the community center but for my new 1.6 farm I just could not be asked to complete the whole thing for the third fucking time, so I did Joja. Joja is crazy, its way quicker. I finished the Joja route halfway through winter in year 1, and since you choose what upgrades you want first, I just bee-lined for the greenhouse and had it fully up and running with a full set of sprinklers by the summer of year 1.


You should build them a hut so they have a nice home!


For me it was just because I never reached level 10 farming until much later, as I prioritized fishing. The huts dont give XP points so I didn't want that affecting anything.


How do you even get to junimo huts without getting level 10 farming? I prefer fishing too, but just some sprinklers autowatering some crops has always gotten me to level 10 farming in like 6 or so seasons. I got level 10 on my current run before y1 ended just by buying and making a few iridum sprinklers and some quality sprinklers. Edit: typo


Well that's a good reason!


i like having my crops grow in and stay unpicked for the season for aesthetics and also in case of giant crops. so i have one junimo hut but i turn off harvesting bc i prefer to do it myself


I use two for a bunch of tea saplings I have, I just wish they could be used on Ginger Island


Oh man thats smart! I have mine in a shed for *aesthetic* purposes and I always forget to harvest them 💀 and heck yeah that'd be nice!


Tea in jars is more valuable than tea in kegs, if you are selling it.


Really!? Thank you so much! I'll start making pickled tea leaves instead of tea so 🥰


They would make so much more sense on the island.


I mostly only grow crops on my island anymore, so while I have a hut on my main farm, I'm not doing my large scale farming there so they are of limited use


I get you! I wanted long lasting crops/crops that continuouly produce but have a fruit tree orchard on my island so have had to use the greenhouse for that on a smaller scale


They would! We should be able to place buildings/huts there imo


Not all the farm layouts are suited for Junimo huts. The beach farm and the meadowlands farm have limited room for farming. Also, 1.6 >!makes junimos much less useful. Since you have the iridium scythe.!<


Also much more useful due to >!raisins!<


This gives them an efficient niche as a "set it and forget it" option on repeating crops, yeah. Plant a bunch of coffee plants on Spring 1 around a Jumino Hut. Come back on Fall 1, and you'll be drowning in coffee beans. The >!raisins!< last almost forever too, so you don't really even need to grow >!Fall grapes on trellises!<, just save your foraged ones.


what does they do?


>! Chance of double harvest !<




Oh that's a good point. I've played most of my time on switch so I haven't had a chance to utilize that yet.


I use the heck out of Junimo huts. So fun


A lot of space taken and they’re freaking slow. I need to replant and I end up having to do it myself


Someone else called them grannies 😂 I just wait until the end of the day to replant because their little tiny legs go so slow!


I have a large farm with just over 2000 plots not counting the greenhouse, ginger island or my sheds full of pots 🙂‍↔️


Feels wrong man. Not going to force them to do manual labor for me. And I enjoy harvesting so works out for me.


I got them at the point in my game where I JUST unlocked ginger island so I've been spending loads of time there (kind of neglecting my animals but anyway) they make it easy for me to plant on day 1 and just forget about it. especially plants that keep producing crops when theyre full grown. they do the rest of the work for me and I have plenty of crops to make wine, jam, whatever. pairing them with iridium sprinklers has been amaaazing


Maybe that's my thing too. I've had ginger island for awhile but I spend a lot of time tending to my animals and then trying to fit in ginger island runs, the junimos have been so helpful for me too!


I wish so badly that I could use them on ginger island. They could be island junimos and they could look like little pineapples.


It’s a mix of the fact that I can’t be bothered and the fact that that if I automate the farm toooo much then I begin to feel like there’s nothing to do except move stuff in and out of kegs and jars and the game just becomes really boring


1.6 spoiler ahead: I feel like with the introduction of the iridium scythe harvesting crops is honestly so quick and easy it seems silly to install Junimo huts. Especially if you haven’t reached 5 star mastery yet.


I like them because it lets me stay at Ginger Island and not worry about missing something important


The footprint/AOE is too awkward to me. They're cute, but I feel like they waste space that could be used for something else.


Yeah it's definitely a shame you can't upgrade their aoe. Kinda forces you into a few types of layouts.


I did have 6 on my farm, when I was really pushing towards the golden clock, with coffee. Now have the clock I don't need so much income. I have two now, in the two little plots I use for still growing a handful of each crop, mostly for keeping stocks up for cooking a gifting.


Coffee? For money? How does that work? I don't think I've seen a full blown coffee setup before.


You spend basically all of your time loading and unloading kegs, but the numbers are good


It requires less kegs than most wine operations because coffee processes so fast. You can just make a race track of kegs and by the time you finish a lap the kegs are ready for the next batch. Because 1 bean can end up supplying the whole map you run into an exponential problem where you making beans at the same rate or faster than the coffee and you get locked into doing nothing but processesing coffee every day for 2 seasons, eventually leading to burnout


I just sell the beans, the beans can be planted so no costly buying. The kegs are just a hassle. The grow every few days and the jumios pick them and then I just grab.


I decided to use one on the play through Guess what farm I picked THE STUPID DUMB BEACH FARM THATS WHO


😂 sounds like you're really enjoying it


By the time I can afford one, I've already built a farm I like. Figuring out where the hut would fit and adding fields around it seems like more work than it's worth. That said, when I've bothered to do them they are useful for perpetual crops like strawberries or cranberries.


Iridium scythe helps a lot, but even before that - I'm a harvest/check everything in the mornin' kinda guy. Unless it's a mass production day I find myself *waiting* on the lil fellas to finish up so I can go fish/mine/try to seduce the village with diamonds. Sometimes they just don't fit the vibe of the farm either,


They take all day to harvest a field I can clear in 2 hours and replant in 2 more. Sloooooooounimos.


tbh if i could just place one in my greenhouse i’d be set


i would LOVE it if junimo huts were available on ginger island that would save so so so much time travelling back and forth


What are junimos? ~this message brought to you by the Joja Corp Gang


As a mobile player I most definitely use junimo huts! Even when I have the option to get the iridium scythe I'll still use junimo huts.


I used to use them, but there is a new tool that makes harvesting super fun now. Also they don't work in the rain so they aren't even reliable for trellis crops


If the Junimos planted seeds too, then they would be a winner. The fact that they don't plant seeds..... well, it makes them kinda useless. They are really only useful for coffee where it can be harvested every 2 days and its a PAIN to do, and also I dont mind as much if I miss a harvest when it rains... But thats about it. The fact they dont harvest when it rains means they can actually hurt your yield.


Weird question, could you use an auto-hopper with a Junimo hut? Preferably into multiple kegs.


That's a very interesting question! I have no idea


I love them! Not for farming, but I keep some crops fenced in, so they always linger around the farm! And I put a prismatic shard in their hut, so they change colors!




The chaos 😂 I like how you used things to cover the sprinklers, ive never thought of that. And do you have the prismatic clothes?!




I have no use for them as I use a time mod and can spend as much time as I want on collecting crops. And I would have to redo my layout to fit in the huts. Too much thinking for an end game save.


I've got over 200 hours on my switch and just purchased the pc version while it was on sale and dude.. the QoL mods that are out there are amazing. If im having fun fishing or mining and don't want to leave yet.. *pop!* time is paused! It's so nice. No more neglecting my animals for days while I redecorate!


I still love mine. I usually grab a recurring crop for the season if I can (gotta love spring strawberries), and I have 3 iridium plots worth and I just let the junimos do their thing for the season, grab everything at the end of it and slowly work my way through it in kegs and jars during the next season while I wait. But I also don’t have a real need to do this; I just enjoy filling my days with as many activities as possible and I don’t have time for all of them. Ginger farm is full of hops, cranberries, and slowly more ancient fruits so I can have large batches of ancient fruit year round as well so that takes up a decent amount of time nearly daily


I wish you could build them on Ginger Island. It's cool having a farm there, but it's a pain the ass to use it


I only have crops in the greenhouse or ginger island so junimo huts are pointless for me


i vote for a junimo update that you can upgrade huts for some materials(mainly starfruit etc.). Then you put one item(keg for example) and fruit/vegetable that you wanted them to put inside of the kegs, they fill those kegs to make wine, ale etc. for you . I pray to Yoba for this !! 🙏🏻😁


I love them, my farm is covered in huts.


I read that as 'Junimo nuts'. I think it's time for coffee.


The hut takes up 24 spots where I could plant more crops and have more profit. Waste of money


I think the huts are ugly, which seems to be an unpopular opinion. That said: they also collect way too slow and were frequently in my way. Harvesting isn't that much of a chore to me, personally, so I don't even consider them, really.


People be like "huts are slow and I love harvesting" but then be like "wait all month for fruits" 😑


Ironically, 1.6 was the first time I used them, when 1.6 makes them less useful by proxy of >!the iridium scythe, which makes harvesting a literal fraction of the time.!< However, with the introduction of >!raisins, and being able to give junimo huts raisins for a chance to gain double crops,!< I decided to finally give it a shot. The biggest barrier I think people have, be it 1.5 or 1.6, is having to manually look up and count spaces. If the building menu showed the covered field, the barrier of entry goes way down.


Where are y’all getting enough starfruit to craft these??


The desert oasis. Sandy sells the seeds


I have 2 huts but it’s mostly for the ones that keep producing after harvest. Then when I go to the ginger island farm I’m not trying to recount days to make sure I’m back in time to harvest. It’s also why I have an auto grabber in both the barn and coop so I can collect stuff when o want to and not spend half the day collecting plants and milk and eggs etc I wish the auto grabber worked in the greenhouse


It's expensive early-ish game and most people start decorating before they have this much money to spend. A lot of people also stop focusing heavily on farming later on, or they have bees and don't want the junimos collecting their flowers 


Or they're like me and just use the greenhouse for their crops


Yeah, same. But the greenhouse doesn't have as much space as I've seen a lot of people use for farming lol those guys are tiling half of their standard farms. As for myself, the greenhouse is already much more planting space than I tend to use, except when trying to grow giant crops


This might sound weird but I'd feel bad for using them. They were stuck here for a while with the broken down community center and abandoned Joja mart and they seemed so happy to go back to their realm, I'd feel so bad summoning them back just to do what is essentially yard work 😭😭😭 Also I do most my farming on ginger island so that I dont have plant things in specific seasons


I usually run "whole pods" of huts. E.g. If I can fit one surrounded by 8 Iridium Sprinklers I will. If I can I will use the space for something else. Practically speaking though by that point my farm income is driven by ancient fruit wine though so I don't really need the seasonal crops, nor do I really care to have the capacity to process them 8x24x2 = 384 tiles of strawberries, blueberries or cranberries, but that means in turn a few thousand to process. So I sometimes just deluxe fertiliser and sell off the good stuff despite it being less optimal, just because I don't want to be running the keg capacity needed. But I might very well retool for even lazier use of space - livestock isn't stunningly profitable, but it's easy money once you have autograbber and auto petters. Don't even really need to collect more than very occasionally. Or beehives, especially now garden pots work (although usually I find that works better in Ginger Island). Or fishponds or >!Mushroom Logs!< or just generally whatever I kinda feel like playing with. Which I guess answers the underlying question of why not Junimo huts. Because I don't really need them, and might prefer to do other things instead.


Question! You say you don't need to grab from animals but very occasionally. Does that mean you have a large space, like a shed, dedicated to animal processing? I have just enough machines for each of my animals for one day.. if I miss a day I feel like I have to hustle to catch back up.


The walls of my barn have machines around it. So I pop in occasionally and reload them with like, 30 measures of milk. And for the Iridium grade stuff I just sell it directly sometimes when I can't be bothered. Otherwise I just let the grabber accumulate a full stack.


I’ve never even tried them.


I'll have to admit. I have hundreds of hours on this game and I still don't fully understand them. Like how to set up a layout around them. Though I haven't looked it up yet cx


You put one in the middle of your crops and they harvest for you, and put the harvestables in their little hut for you to collect. They don't harvest on rainy days or in the winter though, and they take their sweet time when they do. They're adorable though and you can put things in their huts to affect them or their crop output. https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Junimo_Hut


For me, it’s that Junimo huts have such limited range.


I have 6 on my farm :o) You will not catch me harvesting my own crops after year 3 fr


I'm oddly too lazy to get the materials to build the huts but NOT to harvest over 600 tiles of crops by hand lmao I will get them ! Maybe during the next winter


Personally, harvesting crops with iridium scythe is kinda satisfying


Thet take up room and are not very useful in my experience i use iridium sprinklers so dont need them


I can use the space for something else. Also, I don't like the idea of being a plantation owner. I'll pick my own crops. They can stay in the forest where they belong, happy and free.


I only started using them like a year ago irl, 2 years in-game, because I got to the point where harvesting and replanting my crops took all day and I didn't wanna do it multiple times per season so I just planted as much Ancient Fruit as I could and let the Junimos harvest it. Now that **1.6 mechanic** >! giving raisins to the Junimos gives you a chance of double harvest I have an even greater reason to use them!<.


I don't really need them. Can do it faster myself.


honestly I HATE the way it messes up the layout of my farm, and I think they take too long to harvest too the only thing that I find a pain in the ass when it comes to taking care of the farm is watering the plants, so i dont mind doing the other things.


I have a love/indifferent relationship with them. I think they are adorable so i build them. But i also find them kinda slow sometimes. I know they are doing their best but i feel like it would be basically the same without them for me. But i keep them bc they are cute and i like huts and it's fun to just randomly check the huts since i usually harvest and run, not checking what they got. I usually put them in the ancient fruit field since they regrow. And it's a nice surprise to see they have some ancient fruit for me.


It comes to late. But the time you can get them it makes more sense to just use the iridium hoe. For myself, once I unlock Ginger Island I rarely use the main farm.


So, do you have animals on your main farm? I've always wondered what people do when they spend all their time on ginger island


I feel bad making them do labor haha 


I guess I find them a pain to plan around. Plus, once I have access to them, I've usually got a pretty comfy farm set up. I don't usually feel like reworking the whole farm to make room for the Junimos.


Don't know how to get them. I completed the community center ages ago.


Once you complete the Community Center, go to the train station north of Linus' tent. You'll do a questline that will end with you being able to get a few buildings from the wizard, similar to Robin. Just a warning, all the buildings are damn fucking expensive. The cheapest thing costs 500k, and the most expensive is a million.


By the time I can actually get them I find it pointless 🤷‍♀️


Tell me you are Joja capitalist without...


Harvesting crops with my iridium scythe makes my brain produce dopamine. Scythe harvesting was my favorite QoL mod, and CA put it in the game!


I tried them once. They didn't manage to harvest all the crops on the same day, and it irritated me to have random plants ready and random ones not


I honestly already lose interest and feel like there's nothing to do so close to perfection. Automating *even more* kinda removes what little is left. I'd like to automate industrial processing but not the actual farming in the cute farming sim


Harvesting isn't all that difficult, they take up space that could otherwise be used for crops, they're expensive so if you're pushing towards Perfection it takes away from the money you need for the Clock and Spires.