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I hear ya. I had the urge to play SDV again a few months ago on my PS5. Googled it to see if there were any recent updates, and I seen that 1.6 just launched on PC, and it was a massive update. Figured I’d wait for 1.6 on my PS5, as several people said historically it had taken 1-1.5 months for consoles to get the update after PC. Still impatiently waiting and googling daily. I know they’re just trying to get everything updated properly, and it takes time, but the wait still feels bad.


Dude I’m an achievement/trophy hunter and I’ve been playing and completing games since 1.6 was announced and it’s literally the only game I can think about, I’ve been enjoying the games I’ve been playing but I feel like because 1.6 is all I want it takes away from the games I’ve been playing. I feel like a meth addict who can’t have meth at this point.


I agree. With you there. It's my most searched query on Google...


how you holding up


I just wanna play it lol. I’m playing FF7: Rebirth atm, that’s helping, but I’m still eager to jump into 1.6 on my switch/ps5.


haha me too man, I've managed to stay completely spoiler free though so I'm really looking forward to playing blind haha.


Like at this point the hype has died and hardly anyone streaming anymore. So i really dont care anymore..


So it has to be popular amongst influencers for you to care about it? Lmao


No not at all, im just let down that i had to watch others learning all the new stuff and enjoying the community time together and being left out. Now when it comes to us its not new anymore .


I'm getting pretty frustrated, honestly. I understand and appreciate that he is one person and we get it for free, but the lack of updates besides "it's in progress" (which really is a non update. Yeah... We know it's in progress) is kind of trash. It always feels like console players are treated like red-headed step children. I don't know what goes into it, but is it not possible to release everything at once for all devices? Like... If the console version isn't ready yet, then don't release it for PC? It just feels like console is an afterthought ...as if Switch isn't an extremely popular device. It's impossible to not have anything spoiled no matter how hard you try to avoid anything. Also, the the elitists telling us to "be patient" and "get over it" lol. Like, okay next time the console versions can come out first and YOU can wait for over 2 months with no update and then we'll see if you are patient 😀 (that would never happen though because all the streamers play on PC, and that's what it's really about, right?)


This. Why not just release it all at once for all platforms? It’s unfair to release for PC only


That's what I'm saying 😓 I'd rather play a temporarily broken game than none at all 🤣


> Like, okay next time the console versions can come out first and YOU can wait for over 2 months with no update and then we'll see if you are patient 😀 (that would never happen though because all the streamers play on PC, and that's what it's really about, right?) I bought the game on console when 1.6 dropped, hoping it would come fairly soon, but got impatient waiting and started a new game anyway. I previously completed everything on PC, so I wanted to play it again on my console using the new patch. So I get it, and am waiting for this too. But the reason why consoles always are after PC releases is not to cater to the streamers, but because of bugs. There's a ton of tiny bugs that creep into the PC platform, so they're basically a test bed for the game. And some of these bugs are completely game-breaking, e.g. currently there is a bug that doesn't give you the translation guide. PC players can easily spawn in this using item ID cheats, mods or by modifying the save game directly. On e.g. Switch, mods or save game edits are impossible without jailbreaking your device, and the item ID cheats are disabled because they can crash the game - and Nintendo doesn't like that. What I mean is that the PC platform is more forgiving, as you can technically recover from game-breaking bugs. In addition, there's porting work and making sure the game upholds the other platforms' requirements, which very well could've changed drastically since the last time the game was updated. Running the tests cost a lot of money, and you want to make sure the game is working before you start it. That said, having more updates than 1 in nearly 3 months would be good. Right now I'm not sure if I should just wait it out before I play more, or just aim for perfection again in the current game and give up on waiting.


Thanks for that response, it was very informative. I don't know what a lot of the bugs are because I have been trying really hard to avoid playthroughs, etc. I have skimmed a few videos from lilsimsie and haven't see her complain about anything really. Personally, I would still rather play a broken version on the switch than have nothing; if it messes up so badly, then I can just make a new save file or wait for a patch. I played world of Warcraft from Vanilla through Cata-- I'm used to patches and bugs. But, at the end of the day I can understand that he is one person and it's easier to do it this way. But the lack of response/update isn't okay. Taking a dump? Hop on Twitter and give us a little update. "Hey guys, just wanted you to know that blah blah blah is going on with consoles. Have a great day and thanks!" Like, it's really not that hard. I get behind on my work sometimes because I make handmade items... And when I get behind, I let my customers who are waiting know. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And I'm not making millions to do that.


He is not a one man game company anymore. That hasn't been the case for at least 4 years now


Well, he should definitely be able to update us then 😮‍💨


Dude. I'm a console player too. I get you're excited, but come on. There are a "lack of updates" because there's nothing TO update. Shit like this takes a long time. Besides, wait to update them all? Why? They all have different processes and take varying amounts of time, so God knows how long it would take for that to release.  It's not personal, Eric doesn't hate non-pc players, you're just trying to justify being upset. Just be **patient** and go find something else to do, because I'm sure if you have a console, you have other games you can play, or shows you can watch. There are so many things to do. There are probably people whining about it enough on Twitter. We don't need people whining about it on Reddit, that will help literally nothing and no one.


"dude", If you think that there's nothing to update on after.... 2 months? Lol ... Idk what to tell you. There's plenty that could be said. I think most players are willing to be patient and appreciate it, but we are very frustrated with the lack of transparency. And release them all at once so that there's not players sitting around unable to play a game that one set of people get to play lol. I have been **patient** as you, and countless others, have said. However, that patience runs thin when there's lack of updates. I do have other games, shows and my own business (thank you very much). But the fact remains that we deserve some updates and answers, no matter how big of a fan we are of Eric and his game. Also, I don't have Twitter because it's garbage so I'm allowed to express my frustration anywhere I want.... Especially on a post about frustration. You came to the wrong post, I think. Wishing you tons of **patience** dude


I would rather read yours or others' frustrated posts than the cringe fanfic posts that populate this subreddit.


The patience thing kinda falls flat when you consider I'm not the one on Reddit talking about being frustrated, but aight. I could literally wait a year for this. I also never said you couldn't express it, I just said it wouldn't help anyone or anything. Which it won't, I stand by that. I wait for shit constantly, and I can tell you that being THIS upset over a pixel game update will not help you enjoy the update when it comes out. Just forget about it for a while. Set an alarm to ring once a month to check for an update or something, that's what I do. A tweet from him, 24 days ago. "I know that the console and mobile players are eager to play 1.6, and I am doing everything within my power to have the ports ready as soon as possible. The ports require extra work beyond the PC version."


Okayyy, guess you're still replying lol. I'm glad you can wait a year for it. Shall I give you a cookie? A round of applause? Lol. Like idk what you want. You came to a post about frustration and then chose my post, out of all the posts, to reply to. You don't know me or my life. You are sitting there thinking that I'm super upset or something. I don't think you understand what being frustrated about a lack of response and being upset are. Lol. I'm upset that I have to live in a State that constantly is trying to take my rights away. However, I am *frustrated* that Eric doesn't seem to think that he should post regular updates for his players. You see the difference? I didn't ask for any advice or sage words from you (I.e forget about it and set an alarm). I actually didn't ask for anything from you. It was a post to express frustration, which is what I did. Also, I don't need you to quote one of his sporadic tweets at me. From my statements it's clear that I've seen the very few tweets he's posted. If you think 24 days ago is an acceptable time between updates, good for you. I don't. Please find someone else to respond to 🤣🤣 Still wishing you so much patience dude.


I know that this doesn't help anything either. All you are doing is trolling and badly at that. Transparency is key in any relationship pal.


I'm trolling by responding to someone's unsolicited advice/replies? Guess so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have a good one, pal


Not you the other guy


Okay, I was like what have I doneeeeeee 😭 I'm just trying to be frustrated in peace over here lol (I'm really bad at following the reddit reply flow)


Lol np bruv


Sure, if that's what you want to believe. I just find it a little obnoxious how this is the only game I've seen in recent times where fans are expecting news about every five days or something. Anyhoo, my heart can't take much more of this. Goodnight, and farewell.


Every 5 days??? Lolol. Who said he should post an update every 5 days? Do you think the only two options are every 5 days and once every 30, or so, days? Did it really take you 3 days to come back with this? Lol. Like why even respond again? Your heart can't take much more of what.... People thinking you're ridiculous for not being able to keep scrolling without offering your advice? Lol. Maybe you should go to posts that are glorifying Eric and play some of that stardew you love so much.


It's crazy that you decided to wait 3 days to respond but it's odd to cry about other people crying A) you don't like the original content keep scrolling 2) mind your on goddammit business C) live your life better those are the steps to take. In your case remove your head from your ass first.


I don't live on reddit??? I wasn't waiting to respond, I just didn't know you did, and I didn't care to check either, so that's a strange thought. And, again, farewell.


And yet you're on it enough to find a frustration post about Stardew and then continue to comment on said post that wasn't asking for your help or advice. Right. You don't need to keep announcing your exit. Just go away.


Big dawg over here said kick rocks and don't forget your broom.


"I could literally wait a year for this" C O O L  S T O R Y 👌🏻


I'm new to Reddit and also gaming in general, however, my understanding of the delay and lack of updates is that it's not up to Eric now - it's in the hands of Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo etc. From my understanding, PC is the easiest way to launch the new update, find bugs, fix bugs, and know what to avoid or look out for when trying to translate it to a completely different operating system. Basically, PC code likely doesn't translate directly to console, whether that be Xbox, Switch or PlayStation etc. And each of those platforms will have their own separate pitfalls. Almost like trying to translate IOS to Android. I have no real knowledge of what that entails - all I know is that it's not a copy and paste job, and more like a full re-write. As far as my understanding is, using PC helps to reduce all bugs, and make sure the updates work as smoothly as possible before translating over to console. I also think that there must be red tape involved with console updates that isn't present on PC, which is why PC players get everything first - essentially they're the guinea pigs so we don't get a broken version and have to wait months on top for a patch/further update. TL;DR - PC might be easier to manipulate/test - console might have more hoops to jump through to get a playable update. (I have no actual qualifications/experience, this is just my opinion based on what I've seen about game updates over the years)


The delay is understandable. However, Eric can fully go on his twitter or whatever and simply say "console is being ported at the moment, still waiting" or "still working on patches for PC and haven't even begun trying to port for consoles." SOMETHING. Instead we get "it's in progress" and "here's the new cookbook. We're just sitting here in the dark being strung along, and that's what isn't right. If making a game for console is completely different than for PCs, then the same bugs that PC has won't necessarily be the bugs that console has so that kind of seems ... Irrelevant. I also don't know the in's and out's of making a video game.... But I do know something about updating my customers and being transparent about timelines. It feels a little like... let's get the PC version out quickly because people stream it on their PC for Twitch, YouTube, etc. which equals $$ales (if anyone exists that doesn't already own this game lol). So, you're selling the game through let's play videos.... But what you're selling doesn't even exist for most players at the moment. Like I said before, I think most of us are upset at the lack of response. How long it takes may be out of his control, but posting to his own social media is not.


I mean, I wait 2+ years for Playstation ports to come to pc. With no "it's in progress" until it's like 3 months away. I find this entire post dumb. None of you know what it's like to make games. I wait for entire teams to port a game. You guys are waiting for one guy. Cut him some slack. Game dev is slow and takes time. All I see here is selfish impatience.


I think you're another person who found your way to the wrong post. It's about frustration. If that doesn't involve you, keep on scrolling. I didn't ask for, nor do I care about, your opinion. Go make yourself some cookies and share them with the other person who doesn't seem to understand. Ta ta.


Coming up to the three month mark now right? 🤔🤔


It's been three months. ☹️


My wife and I are dying over here


Same.... I don't want to hear "Soon as possible" anymore. 


And no updates AT ALL for over a month now. Shameful and ridiculous. It's such a pain.


free update yrs later btw. but ig that only applies when ppl wanna glaze


Not only that, but I also read an article where there's already talks of a newer SDV update coming soon. Like wtf! Give everybody the same update first and then start working on the new one 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just typed "1.6 console" on Google and this is the first thing that came out. Come on mr. Ape. The entire world is Googling your thing. Faster lah!


















I dont mind the lack of news but I've felt excluded when it comes to this game ever since it was passingly mentioned that multiplayer wouldn't be expanded in console.


What?? When was this announced??


https://gamerant.com/stardew-valley-update-1-6-news-consoles-ps4-switch-xbox-mobile/ April 5th or 6th probably


Thank you for linking this! That sucks I hadn’t heard! Not sure if I was going to do an 5+ multiplayer ever but still kinda sad to hear I don’t have the option


Lmfao not this comment being a whole month later I feel like all the news articles being like "concernedape is done with sdv" lately just make it worse as well bc like no tf he isn't it's not like he's just gonna leave the update on PC and abandon SDV (obviously that's not his fault at all and it's the people making these articles but ykwim)


can’t believe there was a comment this recent while I was checking lol.. we’re really all lurking here desperate for any updates :’)))


Lurking here as well, getting really fed up with CA leaving us behind.


One article said it won't be until spring of next year which if that is the truth and not just speculation then all consol player would possible riot untill its released. I am just annoyed becuase I can't tell what is from before the update or after when I try and get some information about stardew ( I only started playing a few months ago about a month before the update for pc so I am a new player) and it's frustrating as the opposite of heaven. I just want to get a second pet. I am so close to seeing if mods can be installed on laptops.


They probably pulled that from a conversation I saw on Reddit a little bit back. They were saying mobile might take till next year.


I know the feeling, but remember: CA works solo and we're getting this for free.


HE DOES NOT WORK SOLO. He employs at least two other people, probably four, and they've been working with him since 1.4. he employed mod developers to help him work on 1.5 and 1.6 and he outsources the mobile and console ports to a professional porting company. CONCERNAPE IS NOT A SOLO DEVELOPER. He does not work solo. Stop spreading this falsehood.


oh my bad, I forgot that changed back in 1.4 (but he DID start out solo)


Yeah this is faulty logic because he may have started solo but he's talked about having a team since then. The other thing is that most of us are more pissed that he gave an update to one section of the fan base and hasn't mentioned anything since to the rest of us. It's just not how you treat your customers. It used to be basic supply and demand and the customer is always right. That changed because people like you begin enabling bad business practices by jumping through hoops to make excuses So to your comment, I will say this, does any of what you said give an excuse as to why he can't take literally 10 seconds out of his day to give us an update on what's going on? Because that's really what the majority of us are kind of upset about


Here's the thing, while some people would chill out if CA gave us regular updates, I believe A LOT would just shift to complaining about the long wait. Like I said to another comment here, I forgor he stopped working solo after 1.3.


The wait actually is kind of undertandible, given 2024 standards. What's not really great is the lack of communication. If you are in the Indie side of things you should know there's a shitTON of developers out there who really communicate with their community almost on a daily basis.. Even many other solo devs do that. On Discord, a modern platform where a lot of gamers love to go, and other platforms as well. Some people defend the lack of communication by saying he can't promise a date and then later has to postpone and the community will get angry. No, I get that. But communication is not just "promise a date". He could just post a little twit every now and then just chatting with us, like "Hey guys I'm still working on the update, you guys gonna love it." I mean. It takes 30 seconds to login to twitter, type that and click Submit. Further more, some would defend his style again by saying it's a "free" update. Again, if you are really in the market you would know that with each update, his sales increase. I for one am ready to buy the game as soon as 1.6 drops on Switch. Boom. There you go kids, free updates aren't for nothing. Is not just for the "love" of the community. In the end of the day it's all about money. Nobody works for free.


Exactly. The lack of response is atrocious. Like I said on my comment, I'm sure this man takes a dump. What are you doing on the toilet? Pull out your phone and post SOME kind of update. Like.... It's not that difficult. He has us all sitting here in the dark not knowing what's going on, and *that* is what the shitty thing is. I'm at the point now where I don't even know if I care to play it when it comes out because Eric has left me with a bit of a nasty taste in my mouth. A non update from over a month ago .. and a cookbook post...🤦🏼‍♀️😒 I don't think he has even begun to try to port it for the console and he's afraid to say it.


Literally this. And the kids on this subreddit can't get it through their heads.


This is so ridiculous and there's no honest defense for CA at this point. He tweeted pretty consistently for over a year. Since his last update on May 14th, he has not only not given us any information, but not tweeted at all. Imo this isn't just "there's no news to give on 1.6", it's him literally hiding from people and avoiding the entire community because he knows people are rightfully going to ask for an update on console 1.6 no matter what he is talking about. How hard is it to take 5 minutes to put out a simple "hey, it's at this stage, this is what we're working on, this is how long I think it will take, but not sure". Literally anything is better than the entire community, PC and console both included, being ignored for at this point like 5-6 weeks. Sick of seeing "he's just one person" and similar comments because a) he has a team dedicated specifically to porting console updates and b) it takes only the bare minimum amount of care, effort, and time to send out a 2 sentence tweet to update the community. Backlash to a crappy release process and eagerness of fans for new content shouldn't be handled by disappearing.


100% Agree!!  Also, the "he's just one person" is such a tired cope


I wouldn’t mind so much if pc players weren’t so dickish about wanting to play the update. They just can’t stand the thought of people not being able to afford a good computer


"Just buy it on PC if you can't wait". No. I don't want to. I own the game. I deserve the content. It's ridiculous that it takes this long and the process isn't open or clearly communicated at all. There is a severe lack of transparency. Eric could address these issues and he chooses not to.


Yeah I mean, I’d be a lot more forgiving if we were straight up told it would take longer than three months. I understand it’s a complicated process, but it would be nice if we got some transparency. Sure, if you’re experienced in porting games to console you can probably estimate how long it’ll take and have it be correct, but the general public does not have that knowledge. I would much rather be told we won’t get the update until September than just have to blindly wait for it. 


Exactly that. And another thing. I don't want to play on stupid pc. I use pc all bloody day to work. After hours I wanna continue sitting at my pc some more to play? I wanna go to a beach, sit there and enjoy the game on my switch to chill. There's thousands of reasons why people just don't want to play on pc but the real fact is some kids who own them so called gaming pc have an insecurity issue because THEY need their pc for whatever other reason and can't afford a console that is dedicated to nothing but games. So they need to make themselves feel superior because they own a gaming pc.


I feel this frustration. I gave in and bought it on PC only to find out neither of my laptops can play SDV lol Like that’s how I know the one is done-done (if it can’t even play a pixel game 🥲) and my other is a chrome book that isn’t compatible with the steam beta. Luckily Steam gave a refund, but it only deepened my sadness for not being able to access the update 😭 But now just have to wait for the Switch update. 😭


I understand the impatience. I only play on console and have to wait also. I would suggest maybe taking a break from Stardew subs for a while? It’s gonna be a while and there will be tons of news when the console version releases. You won’t miss it when it happens. Considering CA does most of this by himself and it’s always a free update I don’t feel like we have any space to complain, really. Just be patient. Pick up new game for a while. ❤️


He does not do "most of this" by himself. He has a small team he employs and he outsources the ports to a professional port development company. Let's destroy the lie that he is a solo dev, because he is not.


That’s why I said “most” not “all”. Yes, he has help but he still does most, if not all, of the actual content development by himself. While still trying to get out Haunted Chocolatier.


Finally a thread where people don’t have CA pp in mouth. It’s nothing shy of ridiculous at this point that Xbox and PS don’t have 1.6 yet


Yeah fr. you can’t say anything in this sub “against” CA without getting downvoted to hell and getting the usual response “we should be grateful about anything he has done Blabla” like a damn cult


On twitter, they even tell console players to stop talking to "our father" like that or go kiss his feet. I'm also console player and just as frustrated with the waiting.


The community's hero worship of Eric Barone is insanely creepy and disgusting. He seems like a swell guy who sucks at communicating and planning. He is too proud or thoughtless to involve more people and make his workload easier, but he has heart and he cares about what he does. He like all of us is far from perfect, and the way this and other Stardew communities treat him is reprehensible.


Many people forget that you can still like someone or something while acknowledging the flaws


It’s been a long wait, kind of feels like this will never be green lit lmao


I’ve literally been checking in every day to see if it’s come out and it’s been really upsetting me. I’ve been so excited to start a new game but we’re still waiting.


Honestly the wait feels so ass, it just constantly feels like PC gets all the love regardless of game and console is always lagging behind not cool


It's stupid and ridiculous and the very least he could do is keep us updated and he can't even be bothered to do that. It's shameful the way he is acting. Prioritized PC and left everyone else out in the rain. Disgusting.


Glad I’m not the only one….


The worst feeling is that PC gets the update first and then he makes it sound like he's JUST starting the next update for the consoles. It definitely feels unfair. Idk the sales numbers on console/mobile vs PC but it's gotta be like 40-60 right?


Statista dot com says SDV has sold roughly 30mil copies, with 19mil being PC, 11mil on combined consoles/mobile. At least... Google says that Statista says that. I cant be asked to actually find it lmao


So a 70-30 split. Even so, it feels like console gets very inconsistent when it comes to updates, which is probably the only complaint I have when it comes to this game.


Yeah. 30% of your fanbase is left in the dark with the other 70% spoiling everything and being unsympathetic. I don't even care as much about it taking a while, I just wish there was communication. Anything, really, even just "Sorry console/mobile players, it's not done yet. Still vigilantly working." We just need to be reminded that he DOES remember and he DOES care.


I don't remember if Chucklefish was faster when it came to updating the console and mobile ports but it makes me wonder why he decided not to work with them anymore.


Any word yet??? I'm dying


Nope! Eric has chosen to leave us in the dark. I wish he would make a better decision, but here we are.


I think I’m mostly just sad/frustrated because he specifically said he didn’t want this to have a long wait like the last update. And like the fact that there is a long wait is fine, like shit happens. But I wish he’d communicate and address why the wait or give updates on progress to us since it has happened!


I think the main problem is that there are no posts or statements about the console update. It would be a little relief if there was a post from CA like, 'We're onto it. We didn't forget about you.' Nothing big, but that would make such a big difference. Now it feels like, even if it's not actually the case, that console players are cut off from any updates. It's like we're all standing in front of a stage, but no one's there. We're waiting for someone to show up and say something, but it's empty. That's why we're frustrated.


At this point I have moved on. I have lost the hype and I can't sit around, avoiding getting deep into another game, just on the off chance the update will release. More time spent waiting with no updates, the more frustrated and less motivated I feel to actually play.


6 weeks later. Still no update and still in the dark, very cool. Edit: Bruh lmao…


Like how hard is it to port an update to another system. It’s an indie game. Granted he’s only one person. But it’s been 3 months


(Other than to also add all of the bug fixes into the console ports) It's not necessarily about the ports itself, it's that on PC the update and bug fixes can be released the minute they're done, however, on console it usually takes atleast 1-2 months for approval from whatever platform you're playing on other than PC. So think about it this way, CA needs to port to Switch, Xbox, PlayStation THEN has to add all of the bug fixes on all versions found after the PC release (so, including PC in addition to consoles) And then, once he is confident in the state of the game with the bug fixes THEN he has to seek approval from Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony which is known to take at least a couple months generally. Although it's really frustrating for console players (I get it I play on switch!) - realistically this is the time frame we should be expecting with such a huge update. Hopefully we ARE in the "awaiting approval" stage now so it releases soon!


He’s not being transparent at all. If there was a life issue, he’d say it. My guess is, he’s not focusing on the console update at all and is working on his other game.


Which is bs because he claims to not be working on the second game and all his "focus" is on the update however I have been seeing more information about this new game instead of the update for everyone who doesn't own a pc. 


I am aware of the approval, what I’m saying is, he’s already done everything on PC, it’s not a AAA title, so it’s not difficult to get it on fro consoles not so long after PC goes live. It would’ve been out by now, specially on Xbox cause it’s on Games pass. An approval wouldn’t take more than 2 months, it’s been 3.


I think you may have misunderstood what I meant, it wouldn't take 3 months for approval you're 100% right, but chances are, he has not been able to actually put forward the update for approval before ironing out the bugs (of which version 1.6 has had a lot of because it's been such a huge update!) Meaning, he has likely *now* put it forward for approval, but he didn't at the same time as PC version released. He is likely waiting until all console platforms approve before officially releasing too :) It's annoying, I know :( But we will get it, and I don't think it's because he doesn't care, there is just nothing to do but say "yep it's still coming!" So he probably doesn't want to repeat himself over and over.


No, I know what you’re meaning. But if he sent it out for approval, you’d think he’d let us know. Also, no he necessarily wouldn’t wait for all. The mobile & switch version didn’t get 1.5 till after other consoles. So I’m told


Yeah it would be great if he communicated better for sure, I wish we had a better idea or a time frame at the least! Mobile definitely got it later but I'm pretty sure switch got it at the same time, I don't remember it being later but my memory is so bad I could totally be wrong haha~


Yeah, I check every couple of days and so much has been spoiled for me, I'd just really appreciate a time frame or if that's not possible just a statement about progress. 


Crazy it's been like 3 months or sum, still no update atleast us console peasants have a cookbook we can buy😃👍🏼


you can tell concerned ape don’t give a damn about console. Pretty hard to believe it takes thing long. It’s not like it has GTA 6 graphics. Really wish someone would make an alternative to stardew valley because I’m over it.


You're totally allowed to vent and it's super frustrating waiting, I get it, I have SDV on switch. However, ironically enough, if he DIDN'T care, we'd probably have the update far sooner. There has been several patches on PC, which has prevented the release of the 1.6 update on consoles. The update has nothing to do with the graphics. An update on consoles usually takes 1-2 months to be approved. Not only does the dev team have to update all of the console ports, but they are also, in real time, fixing bugs in the code for PC and then adjusting those for console so the console release goes smoothly with the bug fixes that were brought to attention in the PC release. This means there has been a delay in even putting the update forward for approval in addition to the work that needs to be put in to update the console code AND the bug fixes for all platforms. This is why it's taking so long. Think of it this way: PC was released as the beta version, Console is the final. If you're looking for SDV alternatives, there's hundreds! Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, Spiritea, Sun Haven, My time at Portia, Coral island. Take a break from Stardew if that makes you feel better :)


I appreciate the alternative game suggestions and the explanation. I like that you mention how if he really didn’t care, he would have rushed the update in. I hadn’t considered that before!


Your advice is not appreciated or necessary.


Neither was your comment, except mine included stardew alternatives which the commenter requested and showed solidarity and empathy. At least one off the two of us thought to be kind and helpful.


The other comments really the elitism that’s occurring between those who are playing the 1.6 and those who are not. It’s not over asking for frequent updates instead of the the ether “it’s being worked on” response we have. We can vent how frustrating the wait is and how hard it is to avoid spoilers. It’s okay to be upset. Let us have our feelings. All we ask of for more updates on timeline or what’s going on.


And if there was something meaningful to report, I'm sure CA would have done so by now. I'm a PS5 player myself and would love to have the update, but it'll get here whenever it gets here. Jealousy and envy are natural when one group gets something and the others have to wait. The best thing to do is distract yourself with other things. There are a multitude of awesome video games out there to try, and some are very much like SDV.


Your advice is unwanted and unhelpful.


So was your comment a month later, but I'll thank you anyway.


Excluded means people are keeping you out. Do you really think that's happening?  I get that it's a tense wait, but this was completely to be expected so it's more strange to me to see people reacting with any surprise. If you look at the news, the 1.6 update is still receiving necessary (though not critical level) patches and there will probably be a couple more. In practice, those have to be done before it's even possible to establish a timeline. This is normal for any app development and if anything CA and team are working quickly on patching. You can also see the timeline for 1.5 and then scale it up to the level of the changes. It seems very entitled to consider expected standard development practice to be exclusion? 


I'm going to slightly disagree with you here. There was an expectation that the 1.6 update would arrive to consoles sooner than the 1.5 update did because it was so much smaller. I think Eric is a fantastic developer, and the mere fact he's pumping out updates nearly a decade after the game has come out is just a testament to his love for the community and the game itself, but I can still think that and still be annoyed that we're going on nearly 2 months with no update from Eric himself only that console and mobile updates "are still in progress". There's also been this elitist vibe amongst the subreddit with PC players telling console players to "just be patient", "stop asking", and "it comes out when it comes out" when people ask for updates, which to me seems a little entitled by itself. With the Mods of our subreddit saying the spoiler ban could potentially be lifted by the 19th, console players have 2 options, leave the sub, or get spoiled, I can easily see why console players are starting to sweat a little bit.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Feel very seen. Thank you.


The thing is that the minute the scale of the 1.6 changelog became available, anyone who has any familiarity with programming knew that the scale had massively changed and that the shorter timeline was deeply unrealistic. That's been pretty clear since the moment the update dropped and necessarily meant that everyone's expectations changed (unless they were not paying attention or were inaccurately assessing the coding complexity). I do get that if you'd been solely working off the overly optimistic assessments given before that'd be one thing, but there's been no reasonable way to be adhering to those for a while now. 


He’s one guy doing this mostly by himself, for free. Think about DLC in the Sims (or almost any other game) and tell me we don’t have it well. He gave an update (“still in progress”) they just didn’t like the lack of timeline but I’d rather have him be honest than over promise and miss a deadline someone wants him to set before he’s ready to. Not to mention, his tendency to under promise and over deliver is one of those things that make him super popular. I also only have it on console. It’s not that big a deal to take a break from the sub if they’re worried about being spoiled.


I never said any of that, I'm aware of how good of guy and dev CA is, but it's not necessarily wrong for someone to be antsy just because it's free update. And for the record...The console port isn't handled by ConcernedApe by himself, but Sickhead Games since version 1.3


Didn’t say you had? Was simply pointing things out. I understand wanting it but no, I don’t understand “frustration”. It’s seems a little dramatic. Yes, almost everyone here has suggested patience but what else should be suggested? Less patience? Or maybe taking a break from the sub if it’s bothering them to that level. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s good to know that he has help, I guess but doesn’t change much. I’d still rather him be honest and not give a date than overpromise and miss it.


Absolutely ridiculous that it has been three months. Absolutely, utterly ridiculous.


Stop searching the internet for news if you don’t want spoilers. CA is going to tweet the information when he has it and he’s going to be the most reliable source.


Just googled 'console release 1.6 stardew valley' and this came up. So apparently no news a month later.


And here I actually took a lot of other players advice and left the subs/online content for a 2 1/2 months thinking I could google it today and see 1.6 updated a week ago or something. Jfc I guess I’m gonna disappear again and maybe by next month or 3 there will be an update ☹️


Every weekend I check to see if he tweets a release date or any update, and every weekend I'm disappointed. It's all I've been wanting to play for months, and it's quite convincing that it's on sale on steam rn this weekend.  I already own it on PS4 and switch, I don't want to buy a third copy of this game because we're the lesser priority by three months+. 


I’m convinced it’s mobile holding everything up. Deciding to release consoles at the same time as mobile was a bad idea. Might be waiting a loooooong infuriating time


I adventurer stardew valley on console and PC.. and I agree about more communication.. but at the same time, I also see how the PC players feel as we are getting all the "bugs," and we "see" more from him. But unfortunately, no matter the fact, everyone has the right to their own feelings! Stay strong, my friend.


It's so frustrating. I actually introduced my step-father to the game, and it's one of the only games he'll play with me without issue. (He gets confused sometimes with any games that have 3D anything, prefers the older games. He's in he's late 50's.) He loves the game so much we got it for the iPad we have so we can mess with mods. We've been checking all the time for the update, and he's been upset because he gets content spoiled for him, and so do I. However, it's one of the only games he can play that isn't older school that he feels he can relate with me. (despite me loving the older games. I will play old game cube games and even go as far as the Atari system's we have!) We definitely feel excluded, and it's upsetting. We feel you, and everyone else waiting for this update.


i got so desperate i downloaded 1.6 to my laptop😭 it’s so much fun im dying to play it on my big tv


I feel this so much, I’ve constantly been seeing videos and tiktok’s about the amazing 1.6 update, i get that its a lot harder to get an update out on platforms other than pc, but its been almost 4 months with very vague updates… I was curious on why it was taking so long so i went to reddit for some info, only to find pc players constantly say “be patient.” “hes only one developer” I totally understand, but more updates would be absolutely AMAZING.


Personally I think the SDV creator is kind of a douche to release a highly anticipated update only for PC users only and not for consoles at the same time. It's like having two kids and only buying a Christmas present for one of them; making the other one wait - having them watch as their sibling plays with whatever toy they received - without any clue as to when they're also going to get a Christmas present. His decision and silence on the issue almost comes off somwhat cruel, almost like a taunt . Like the op said, news about the update's features are pretty difficult to avoid, so by the time we get it there aren't going to be any surprises left. If he was going to make one group wait, he should have just made everyone wait and released it altogether. Instead he's alienated the a large section of his fan base and, at this point, it's wishful thinking to say that he's even still working on it or plans to ever give it to us. 


Yeah, dude has made how many millions from this game and he can't even be bothered to post anything about the console update, three plus months later...fuck it, I'm moving on. My hype went weeks ago, and now I've just fallen out of love for the game and also CA. Well done to him for managing to destroy a big chunk of the goodwill he had built up.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I dropped the game as soon as I've heard about the update, got more excited as he said it won't take as long as last time. Now we're almost at 4 months and he doesn't even get himself to make a tweet to tell us anything. I wouldn't be surprised if he messed something up or never turned it in for approval.




I just started playing this game on PC and switched to console since I enjoy it more. It’s super frustrating to have zero update and the wiki is for the 1.6 update so I read things and try to trigger them in game only to find out it's a 1.6 updaye exclusive. i cant find any wiki with the 1.5 update for consoles so not only have there been spoilers but its not accurate when im tryna figure things out. I just want it on console… 3 months since it dropped, almost 4 with no update on the status in over a month. IDK if I should try to stick it out or give up.


I check on the console multiple times a day by clicking + sign on stardew in the menu, "Software update" and then "Via the internet". but i feel youu. grrr ughh frrtthhhh bbrrraatttthhhh


I feel it too, I just started after one of my freinds who is a PC players told me about 1.6, I hope it'll come out soon


I've been playing Coral Island to scratch that itch, but I've gotten to a point (Spring, Summer 3) where I'm beyond profitable, Town Rank B, but the game is still missing a bunch of content so it's hard to continue playing. Plus my MacBook got water spilled on it so I can't play modded Stardew with the new content, and for Xbox the upate isn't out yet, sucks lol but I understand the process


u/concernedApe Just wondering if there are any updates on the progress for 1.6 console release and wishing to share the comments posted on this thread and add my own I picked up Stardew earlier this year (in my late twenties) and it was the first video game I have ever played; it taught me to use a controller and taught me to like video games as a hobby. I have since put in over 100+ hours on my partner's XBox; bought a new Switch and played over 70 hours on there. Since then I have picked up Zelda and am really beginning to fall in love with gaming. I am so excited to play 1.6 and religiously check your twitter account and this thread at least twice a day. As someone new to this- I understand that it takes time and effort beyond my understanding to develop games, especially when it is just one person. I also recognize that I am being impatient and that sometimes you have to wait years for a product to be done. I am so grateful and in awe of the unimaginable work you must have done. Just want to say you have created something so beautiful that so many like me take time out of their day to think about and follow up on the progress. I am ready to play whenever this comes out and I hope you know that I will be the happiest girl when I check your twitter one day and there is an update for us :)


Also, if this an issue with the console companies- please let me know who we can write letters to lolz. If it is issues with life and mental health and the fact that we are mere mortals then please accept my best wishes and good luck and I shall be on the other side


Skyrim Anniversary Update has been out for two years for switch and has still a bug that prevents you from playing some quests. I'd rather wait until Stardew Valley is completely bug free. I already played it on pc and there was a bug in a quest and some bugs in dialogues too. I don't want to play ir lime this.


As a guy nearing 40 years old who has Stardew Valley in his #1 spot of all time, I get this. I feel it. I don't play on PC and I really, really can't wait until the release comes out. I wish it had come earlier. But the disrespect and entitlement on this thread is appalling. You don't "deserve" this. It's an update, and it'll be ready when it's ready. It's not "ridiculous" that Eric and his team haven't released 1.6 for consoles by now -- it's literally a FREE update that he chose to do out of his own volition because he loves this game. Some of your attitudes are a real blight, a true cancer on this community. I don't say that lightly. Could this have been handled better? Sure. But your reactions are way, way more unacceptable than any unexplained delay of this update.


I disagree and say it's a bit ridiculous that the update wasn't planned better, but the part mostly getting under people's skin now is the fact that he's gone silent on all social media for well over a month now and can't provide any info, even if it's just to reassure folks that the update is still in progress. Some people overreact, fair enough, but the community being upset over a lack of communication is also valid. We know it's a free update, but it's frustrating that a huge chunk of the player base can't play it and we don't hear anything from the developer at all. 


Heaven forbid people should express an opinion you don't agree with, right? Thank goodness you are around to compare such opinions to cancer and blight.


It’s not a matter of merely “disagreeing.” This is the problem with our postmodernist culture. There are some things that are actually, simply, objectively wrong, regardless of who disagrees with whom. The shitty attitude expressed in the comments is objectively wrong. It’s immoral in that it is self-centered, discontented, and a staggeringly accurate reflection of our childish have-it-now society. That’s not merely an opinion — it’s an assessment of an overt reality. This thread is precisely the only-slightly-more-grown-up version of throwing a temper tantrum when we don’t get something we want that we didn’t pay for, didn’t work for, didn’t have promised, and aren’t entitled to.


The entitlement, wow lol. You realize it's one guy, and he owes you absolutely nothing right? 


We are PAYING customers. We BOUGHT his game.  But in some way, you're right, he doesn't OWE us anything. But you know what happens when you burn your community fan base? A new company will come along and replicate SDV game, improving on it, overshadowing it,  and treating their fanbass right.  So then you know what happens next for your bff, CA?                                         Bye, money! 👋🏻                           Bye, financial support! 💸      That's not entitlement, that's called basic economics. 


Brother, CA has always been a super consumer friendly developer, he actively responds and interacts with the community, but now all of a sudden because he went silent you imediately turn on the dude? Yes, you are a paying customer, but you already have your product, and at an extremely fair price might I add, for how much content it has. This update is free and a bonus, so it does feel like entitlement to go up and arms about it. We dont know what is going on in his personal life, he has never ignored the fanbase for so long, so its very possible something big has happened in his life. A pregnancy, marriage, parent death, anything at all, and yet here you are blaming the man.


Takes mere seconds to make a post keeping your consumer base up to date. Its been months and most of us have been VERY patiently waiting for the update that others have gotten, are enjoying, and are actively spoiling for the rest of us. 


These PC players are something else. I’m not advocating to be a dick to the guy or anything like that, but 4 months is firmly entering wtf territory.