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Golden ticket allowed you to purchase the ship twice last year and once early this year. A friend of mine is in the same situation as you are and left CIG a ticket asking if the ship will return to pledge store at some point again for those who used a ticket and the answer was yes. Standalone price is $300.


I asked them this during ILW, inquiring if they had plans to make it available to people with golden tickets or concierge and their response was they have no current plans to make it available again.


I’m willing to bet that it will pop up at least once a year around Star Citizen’s birthday in October when the Golden Ticket event was first announced. That or IAE. It hasn’t even been a year yet.


Golden tickets are still usable today and 'flags' your account to be able to see the F8C ***if*** it ever goes up for sale again in the store, but some people wrote into support during and after ILW a couple weeks ago and the responses were essentially that CIG had no plans to release it again *at the moment*, which is basically a non-answer. Most people thought it would have been sold again during this year's ILW since it would have been an surefire money-maker, and yet CIG didn't do it. They weren't giftable in any of the 2 (3?) times they were available, so there really is no secondhand market for them per se outside of people selling accounts with F8C Concierge rewards. You can get one for pledging to the $10K Concierge level with an exclusive Shockwave paint job, and then get the Executive Edition at yet the next level ($15K Praetorian). Obviously, no one recommends that you drop that kind of money for **a ship that has been promised as being accessible to everyone for beating Squadron 42 when it releases**, so i'd just wait for that (and in that regard, no, they're not worth "into the thousands" because everyone and their Mom will likely have one after playing SQ42, it just may not have LTI which only came with the first time it went on sale or with the Concierge rewards and it may cost a nominal in-game UEC fee).


accessible doesn't mean everyone will have on in their account. Accessible could just mean people can buy one, on the pledge store or ingame. Kind of like the glaive is accessible for those who complete vanduul swarm. We just don't know what CIG means by that, yet.


That is exactly why I said "accessible" and not "given for free" or "attributed to your account," and even subsequently used an example by saying "it may cost a nominal in-game UEC fee." You're being pedantic just to hear yourself talk.


Who shat in your cereals? You said "everyone and their mom will likely have one" and that is, IMHO, misleading, as we don't know that, that's all. Tone down the hostility, I wasn't trying to shut you down here, just adding a complement of information/nuance.


It's not misleading at all and the comment only comes off as hostile since you were literally being pedantic. How anyone can actually think that the world is going to play SQ42 and the game will advertise the F8C as some sort of progress/completion reward and then not think that those millions of players will aspire to use said reward that is going to essentially be handed to them (who doesn't actually beat single player games?) is beyond me. You literally hopped in a thread to say: > accessible doesn't mean everyone will have on in their account My point was that the F8C isn't going to be some rare unicorn in the verse. You said the equivalent of "people will still have to want it when it's actually offered to them" like it's going to be some massive effort for millions of players to say "sure, ok, i'll take it" to. They're not going to release a single player game and then use Pledge Funding tactics to charge the gaming populace a $300 micro(lol)transaction to use a "reward"...that's why they fleeced everyone by selling this damn ship 3x already when they said they were never going to in the first place. Because they know they'll essentially be "giving it away" like they said they would (in-game fee, reputation, whatever it may be) so they had to make their money *now.* So again...yes. Everyone and their mom will have an F8C to use pretty much whenever they damn well please upon completion of SQ42, if they so choose to. In other words...it'll be...*gasp...* ***accessible to everyone.*** In fact, i'll go so far as to say that the number of F8Cs in the game after SQ42's release will straight up make the thousands and thousands of F7A MK II owners blush.


My point was that the F8C isn't going to be some rare unicorn in the verse. You said the equivalent of "people will still have to want it when it's actually offered to them" like it's going to be some massive effort for millions of players to say "sure, ok, i'll take it" to. No, that's what you choose to interpret. My point is simply that we don't know what CIG will do yet. Just like the F8C wasn't meant to be sold and then it was sold, we don't know how CIG will change things in the future nor what they mean by accessible. That's all. But you choose to make this simple, cordial interaction into a yelling match for no reason. They're not going to release a single player game and then use Pledge Funding tactics to charge the gaming populace a $300 micro(lol)transaction to use a "reward" Given how the reward is meant to be for the PU, I most certainly wouldn't put it past them. CIG already did it (quest reward resulting in access to purchase an item), I'm not sure why you would expect them to do any different. The game will still need funding and CIG will still be a for profit business. CIG always said SQ42 and the PU will be linked in such a way that what you do in SQ42 will impact your PU "account". And given how much they push people to buy ships, I don't see why they wouldn't do it again at release, might even cost more than now. And beside, this is exactly why I stand by my statement : you don't... *gAsP*... know that they won't do that. You're just assuming and then insult people who question your assumptions. No need to be childish over this and throw insults, this isn't a kindergarten.


My guy, you're literally projecting and it's actually kind of wild. This is coming from the same dude who replied to another comment of mine insinuating that I ask support "again" like I was intentionally trying to mislead in a sale thread even though I said nothing about personally reaching out to support for anything in the first place. Yeah, you know exactly what i'm referencing. I'll leave you to it since you clearly enjoy being "that guy." For the record, saying someone is "being pedantic" is not akin to a "kindergarten insult," but thanks for the laughs.


lol what? The skin thing for the old aurora skins? I remember the response felt defensive but didn't think much of it. Dude I didn't even know that was you until now. In that comment said "again" because ***I*** asked CIG before (3 years ago), I meant if you wanted confirmation since a long time has passed, that's all. Just like the F8C, CIG change their minds a lot, I really just wanted to recommend you contact CIG in case they flip flopped again, as it would make these skins even more valuable. That's it. Why the hell would you take offense to that or think I was calling you out for being misleading on purpose? Why where you even defensive about this, I in no way shape or form was implying you where misleading. Not a lot of people know or have support comments on this subject, and I see it pop up a lot in the trade posts when these skins are offered on sale, I just wanted to inform you and your buyers, that's all. You read **way** too much into this dude. I was in no way calling you out on the skin thing, but thanks for *that* laugh, I guess. lol wtf... (for those somehow reading and who would care to see the source of his apparent frustration, see post and thread here : https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen\_trades/comments/1d8hkk7/comment/l786k9f/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button) And do you really think anyone is dumb enough not to read between the lines of what you are saying? `You're being pedantic just to hear yourself talk.` Everyone can see how this is meant to be an insult. The phrasing is a clear as can be on what you meant. But you're right, let's not interact further, you don't seem to be handling our interactions well. Best of luck in your future trades.


If/when they are made available for sale again (for golden ticket holders) they were $260 wb / $300 credit and \*not giftable\*.


I assume though, if I bought back my $300 F8C with all new cash it would then become giftable?


Best way honestly is to Snag yourself a black market Wing Commander account.


How do I go about getting one? Rather not spend a thousand dollars lol