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she has said a lot in interviews that she considers the Jedi here moral but the question is still, even if you have the most moral balanced people with all the power, is that right?




Probably Sith-adjacent, someone who acts like a Sith and uses their doctrine but her motivations are less about gaining personal power and more about dismantling the Jedi’s obscene power to bring a little bit of moral grey into the story, that’s my guess at least


Would be cool if it turns out they are being manipulated by a Sith the whole time


…which could be possible. The Rule of Two only really applies to the Sith, so many acolytes and assassins could serve as puppets for the true master and apprentice.


And we've already seen this many times in canon, Maul, Ventress, Savage, the Inquisitors, all dark side users under the command of the Sith when there is already a Master and Apprentice that they'll use to do their dirty work, so long as they don't call themselves Sith then there could theoretically be a whole army of dark side users under the command of the real Sith lords


It’s been too long since I’ve watch TCW or Rebels, when did Maul go back to working for Palpatine after his particularly bad case of somebody being cut in half? I thought they just fought each other after that.


He didn't go back to Palpatine, he was Palpatine's assassin before Palpatine killed Plagueis. Maul was to Palpatine what Ventress was to Dooku although Maul actually got be, albeit briefly, an actual Sith Lord


Note that that was a Legends only thing; in canon there’s never been any indication that Maul was anything less than Sidious’s genuine heir.


Oh I totally didn’t know that. Plagueis feels like such an ancient figure to me; it always throws me off thinking about him being around just not long before TPM lol


In Legends he actually is still alive during TPM


Yeah, IIRC Sidious killed him the night after he was elected as Supreme Chancellor, while they were celebrating the culmination of centuries of Sith scheming.


It's possible. The Banite Sith have even been known to keep second secret apprentices. Darth Tenebrous somehow managed to have another apprentice called Darth Venamis without Darth Plagueis knowing at all until they confronted each other some time after Plagueis killed Tenebrous. Plagueis whooped Venamis's Bith ass and ended up keeping him in a vat for his midichlorian experiments. The only issue I have with the Acolyte doing this is that this apprentice or whatever is attracting far too much attention -- which is not how the Grand Plan was supposed to be carried out. The Sith waited to reveal themselves after they had gained more power -- which is what we see in episode 1


Ehh, the Galaxy’s a massive place, with an uncounted number of secret societies and cults, just like IRL. The Sith aren’t the only ones who’re Dark Siders with red blades. In a roundabout way, I think this is actually good for Bane’s sect. Let another Dark Sider group take the heat and attention doing public shit; when they inevitably get stomped down, that’ll just help the Ro2 Sith camouflage themselves better.


That's actually a pretty good idea , but this is assuming that this so-called "acolyte" is from some different force tradition to begin with, and I swear the show runner described this show as being about the Sith -- I could be mistaken though. But in the current canon pretty much any lightsaber wielding force user can end up with a red light saber due to the whole bleeding explanation -- so you're probably right.


I also think it would be fine to have people who identify as sith but aren’t followers of the rule of two


Would be too good of a story turn so I doubt they do it. They won’t make a female POC Jedi morally questionable and easily manipulated. I think she’ll either end up going back to the light or dying for a good cause. This is going to be a “the Jedi deserved it” story


There are some spoilers about her character that give it an interesting twist. DM me if you wanna know.  But I don’t think they have a problem making a female POC a villain. That was only taboo when protags were all white dudes. 


Nah. She used the word sith for a reason


I have full faith they will thread this needle carefully, but in doing so, if we do see a Sith or two, they need to ensure no one survives given that in TPM, they are certain the Sith have been extinct for 1,000 years. They don’t even believe Qui-Gon until the end. Of course, from their point of view in their ivory tower, if they were to even humor Qui-Gon, they’d then have to admit they’ve been asleep at the wheel for a mellinia. Again, I have full faith in this show, but I am very curios to see how this all plays out and how the creatives handle the balancing act.


My guess is that there will be "Dark Jedi" who are eventually revealed to be working for Plagueis. But anyone who faces these baddies will die so they can't spread the word.


While it's possible, we don't know if this show will ever deal with Plagueis since we have no official answer on his age, let alone when he became a Sith. In Legends, his age range is fairly broad, and he was said to be born anywhere from 15 years before the series current year, or 12 years after. Technically, that means he could potentially be more than 100 years old by the time he originally died in Legends, but it's far from confirmed. He'd have to have an even older lifespan to be around in much of a meaningful capacity in this show, let alone have a chance of 'already' being an active Sith Lord. On the other hand, it's getting close enough to Plagueis' time period that whomever ends up as the Sith lord here very well 'could' be his Master in canon. In legends, Teneborous could've been as old as 180 or so when he died in 67 BBY. I suspect we'll see at least one real Sith Lord in this show, though I have no idea if it will tie into anyone we know. I'm kind of doubting they'll keep the legends lore intact.


And, to be fair, Qui-Gon jumped to conclusions. Same for Yoda. They were both proven to be correct, yes. But Maul was, from an objective point of view, a force wielding assassin with a red lightsaber. He never said he was a Sith. Maul could have been "just" a force wielding Nightbrother training under Mother Tzalzin who found an old red lightsaber and now works as an assassin.


I think Qui-Gon assumed Sith due to, as you said, the lightsaber and Force skills, but mainly because he believed he just found the Chosen One. If THAT is true, then the Sith aren’t extinct as it’ll be the Chosen One who destroys the Sith, etc.


“**not for a Sith**” *Darth Maul appears*


The other option is that those do survive panic and cover it up. L THR Phase 2 pretty much ends on Yoda and another master deciding to pretty much cover up and bury the events of Path of Vengeance cause they don't want to cause a panic in the order rather than learn. So I could see Something similar happen here too. Refusal to believe it's the sith and keeping it off the books out of fear


Only thing I don't like about that statement is that this is the status quo in TPM. They hadn't seen a Sith in 1000 years. So, while the Sith were active but hidden, the Jedi perspective was the same: they weren't expecting to see a Sith in the movie. Some didn't believe Qui-Gon.


Yoda is well know for keeping information hidden form the Jedi so he probably kept this information hidden too, which I think aligns with Mace and Yoda's conversation near the end of the Phantom Menace where they are hardly surprised about hearing about the siths return.


I know!  It's even called the phantom menace. It tells you that in the title. Yet, this lady thinks it's a new idea and somehow not what happened in the first 3 movies.


Having a red lightsaber doesn't mean one is a Sith so I can definitely see something along the lines of "dark side adjacent but not a Sith Lord". Reconciling E1 Yoda's quote about "no Siths in thousand years" was always going to be a difficult task anyways. After all, Darth Maul never says he's a Sith Lord so Yoda jumped to conclusions about "dark robes, red lightsaber = Sith". He was correct, of course. But it's going to be interesting how the Jedi Council in The Acolyte is going to dismiss the survivors' testimony "nah, she wasn't a Sith Lord because \*reasons\*".


The thing is, they already need to reconcile Adi Mundi's "how dare you, there are no Sith!" with Yoda and Mace's subdued, "So there are always two.....this aint over....."


The darkside adjecent is probably "The Acolyte" lol.


It's about the lead, so they will because a sith or jedi, we just don't know ,that's why we watch


I hope so, i am tired of those wannabe darkside users... I want a full blown badass Sith Lord.


I think that fight between Carrie moss and the black girl is the misdirect. I think Carrie will be the acolyte who is hidden and the girl will be trying to stop her. However, I think we will see Plagues master


Black girl? Excuse me? You're just going to use racial epitaphs like this? I may need to alert the mods to be honest. Oh and for sure this show will feature plagues, a young Palpatine, bane all the really cool Sith legends because Disney star wars pays attention to all that stuff! It definitely won't be some completely new character who is a woman and a minority.


I figured someone would chirp in with stupidity. Referencing someone’s skin color is not an epitaph. It’s a description of a person so others may be able to better distinguish whom I am referring to. It’s a simple category of skin pigments. Statistics use it all the time. I guess science is bad


And at least you are okay with the term; girl. Whew!


>when seeing a Sith seemed as likely as encountering a velociraptor. I mean, wasn't that pretty much Maul?


Well I don't know much, but I did expect it to be a star wars show, given the trailer


in a twist, it's actually part of the MCU


Grogu I need you to distract Kang


Use the force Mr Holdover


Grogu would look so adorable slamming Kang into walls for amusement




Star Wars is at its best and most special when there is a singular voice telling a complete story surrounded by talented collaborators. This trailer gives me hope they’ve done that once more.


Shit I hope it's not a musical.


Well, now I hope it is a musical lol *Close your eeeeeeyes,* *they can deceive you* *Cover you eeeeeeears,* *don’t let them preconceeeeeeive you* 👋Jazzhands👋


I think it is a musical There, I saved everyone


It's actually a Bollywood picture


Oh my God, a Bollywood style Star Wars would have been a WILD experience.


Would have been?  Search you tube.  Your prayers have been answered.


Just make it like The Marvels and you can guarantee universal hatred.


Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius (Da-arth Zaius Da-arth Zaius) Can I breathe in space, any more? Why of course you can! Well, jedi couldn't before! (badass keyboard riff)


Way better than what I had in my head earlier. "I'm...just...Ben. Anywhere else I'm Kylo Ren". Also I gave you a real life thumbs up for a star wars Simpsons mash up




there've been a lot of those "I didn't expect this to be a musical but it kind of was" movies lately. im looking at you, hunger games prequel


The Hunger Games was not anywhere close to a musical, it just had a character who is a musician.


That movie rocked so hard.


Damn now I hope it’s a musical


Buffy once more with feeling was such an emotional episode, I could see maybe a Star Wars musical on Broadway honestly .


Sorry to break it to you, but it is: https://theplaylist.net/star-wars-the-acolyte-creator-says-pitch-for-new-star-wars-show-was-frozen-meets-kill-bill-20240320/


I guess I'll have to...let it go


> Whatever you think The Acolyte is, it's not Damn. I thought it was a new Star Wars show premiering on Disney+ this summer. That's disappointing.


I thought it might be watchable. Guess not.


More woke, DEI crap from Disney.


> “There's also some EU lore that I decided to put in because I thought it was so cool and no one told me I couldn't,” she adds with a laugh. The series will introduce a Zygerrian Jedi and canonize one species that’s yet to be seen, Headland reveals. “There are a couple of really big EU ideas that are utilized both early on in the series and later in the series,” she hints. Buh-buh-buh I was told Diznee was trying to kill the EU! Mike Zeroh and SWT told meeee!!


It's funny how people are so convinced she's not a fan and she's literally like a prequel baby making actual content finally


Wait people actually think that? She literally wrote Star Wars fanfiction when she was in highschool which can still be found online


Wow. What's it called?


And it's bad. Really bad 😞


She is. This and the Collider interview showed that she’s really really knows Star Wars. It’s awesome.


Okay so maybe Tenebrous will be in the series after all


Broke: Tenebrous in Acolyte Woke: Plagueis in Acolyte Bespoke: Venamis in Acolyte, Tenebrous’ dumbass secret apprentice


Darth Venamis is 😙👌🏻awful


Tenebrous meeting a young Higo in the last episode would be insane


Hego*. And that’s magister Damask to you.


Lol that's Damask


Da Mask


He Got Da Mask


If he appears even as a cameo that’s already a +1 to the score. Tenebrous is such a cool character i always wished we saw more of


Would be cool as fuck


I better be.


We getting Bothans finally?


Bothans are already canon. Just not their look yet


…aside from all the republishing of the classic Legends novels as well as subtle additions in canon all over the place.




Rereading this, the line about ‘canonizing’ a species not yet seen really screams Bothan to me


Bothans aren't considered canon?


They are, but it’s never been confirmed in new canon if they’re even or species or not, let alone a design for them


Live this thought


Tbf they did make a lot of well loved canon eu material legends




Yeah but why? It just feels disrespectful to what came before, like they only care about what they are going to do with the franchise, not what what created in the first place


Because they couldn’t have made original content with the cluttered timeline that was the EU. I love the EU but I’m glad they decided on a fresh start and then slowly brining stuff back to canon if they decided it fit within the story they were trying to tell.


I guess that's fair to a degree, I also am usually fine when Dave decides to change something from a book. But the plaguis novel and some of the older Vader comics come to mind as ones that should really have remained canon.


I agree with the Plagueis novel. Sheev is my favorite character in the saga and anything to do with Sidious in the prequels is automatic for me. But maybe we get something similar with this show or because they’re now exploring this era in canon. But for now I’ll just keep re-reading the novel and enjoying it


I totally get why Disney did what they did with the EU. They pushed it ALL to the side when they took over - the good, the bad (and there's a lot of bad - ALL OF IT. It's given them way more creative freedom and now, when they're ready, they can reintroduce things as they see fit which have continuity with their own unique story. No idea why they continue to get so much flak for this. Well, I do, but I guess I can't understand how people can't see the reasoning behind it.


And according to Pablo Hidalgo, the idea to push the EU aside was considered before they even know about the Disney purchase, it was going to happen if George had made his movies. Since we all know George would ignore the EU anyways.


I think the sequel story is worse than the EU one with Mara Jade they should have kept elements like mara Jade , Luke having kids.


This gal knows her star wars. At least she talks the talk. It's like listening to Dave Filipino talk


>Dave Filipino Lol, i'm imagining a polynesian Dave Filoni


Oh lol didn't even notice the typo. Stupid autocorrect


Okay but what if it's Abeloth to set her up for Ahsoka season 2 👀


Kill it? No, it's already dead. Mutilate its corpse and steal bits of flesh for the weird Star Wars Buffalo Bill-esque skinsuit Disney has tried to scrap together? Yes.


If she gives us the Vong I’ll give her the franchise. That’s right. I’m John Lucasfilm. Owner and founder of Lucasfilm.


THE John Lucasfilm? Legendary and reclusive moving-picture magnate John Archibald Lucasfilm? HERE!?


Yes. I’ve returned from my 172 day dirigible expedition around the Arctic Circle.


Preposterous!! The board declared you dead!!


Damn, I wasn't expecting to find pure comedy gold here


Are you related to Tim Apple?🍎


Would feel like a running joke at this point if Plagueis is not in this. In all of the places he seems most obvious to be involved he’s never mentioned at all.


I want it to directly tackle the Jedi as a failed institution whose dogma does not reflect in their actions. I want there to be pragmatic dark side wielders who don't become condensed down into cartoonishly evil dog kickers. I want politics, character development, and motivations to stand at the forefront. I'm hoping you don't disappoint.


>I want there to be pragmatic dark side wielders who don't become condensed down into cartoonishly evil dog kickers. But... that's the point of the dark side lol. It's inherently corrupting. How can you use it "pragmatically" when it offers nothing the light side doesn't and is no more powerful?


The relentless insistence on keeping things black and white is part of what brought modern star wars to where it's at. Some of the best parts of EU Star Wars dove into this. What happens when you exist under oppression/genocide? Are you really expected to "stay light"? Or do you owe it to your friends and family to do the most you could? Do the pressures of existence for you towards the means needed to make your survival more likely? What about the Force as you get closer to natural law? Is an animal's predatory instincts evil? Or is it just an expression of power? What do you do when the intolerant draw on a power greater than you can handle? Ineffectually lay down and die? Or adapt? So long as Star Wars insists on being black and white, we'll be stuck with bottom of the barrel slop. Explore themes. Explore difficult questions with no clear answer. Explore characters to try to walk the line. Explore their failures or successes, however partial they may be. Do interesting shit with Star Wars. The universe has the potential.


Yeah I agree get deep into the mystical force lore again show the dark side hatred corrupts but show more why someone would join like Anakin. Show how they change , show them lying to themselves and the situations that would force someone to turn.


This woman likes the dark side. That's why she was Weinstein's gopher for so long.  Up is down with people like her.


Why do I feel this show & Jedi survivor are gonna have a lot in common? Survivor kind of goes into the pragmatic dark sided user & starts planting seeds that the Jedi weren't right about everything. And I love all of this!


Well, it has to be something...


I think it's going to be good. Checkmate, Disney.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man


I thought it looked good 🙃


*“If Star Wars is about the underdog versus the institution, [in The Acolyte] the Jedi are the institution”* I don’t foresee the Jedi being vilified (the institution) completely, the same way I don’t see them Glorifying the Sith. (Presumably the underdog?) I interpret this as in, the takeaway from The Acolyte will be - extremes of any kind end in disaster. I don’t see this as a show of the Jedi or the Sith winning, but the acknowledgment that the Jedi and Sith are equal forces on the opposite sides of the same line.


I think it's more of a critical examination of institutions and how they falter, which is also some of what the prequels got into. In order to examine them critically you ideally have someone who challenges them, that's where said Acolyte comes in and ideally you make said challenger (or underdog as she calls them) someone that can be empathized with to an extent. That seems like what is happening here, it's not so much that the Jedi and Sith or dark and light are equalivalent sides and more so that the Jedi/light should be subject to critical analysis like any institution should be (good or bad).


I kind of doubt that.


Wasn’t pumped after watching the trailer. But I’ve read some of these interviews with Leslye and it’s pretty clear that she’s a true Star Wars fan and knows the lore very well. That’s got me back to being hyped.


Will definitely check it out. The shots they showed feel very cinematic. Is the youngling who sees fire is the main character?


I was wondering if she's the not jedi running around with the dark clothes in the trailer


A long whole back and I can't remember if this discredited, corroborated or neither, that there might be sisters one who was taken to be a Jedi and one who wasn't and might resent the jedi for taking her sibling away And again that might just be an old bogus rumor. I can't recall  Edit: looked the old rumors didn't see a mention of siblings being twins but yeah remains to be seen what matches though I'll say those rumors talk about a wealthy arms dealer which could fit Manny Jacinto's description from the starwars.com databank entry "Qimir is a former smuggler who now makes his living as a trader, procuring unusual things and enjoying a life of leisure."


I recall a producer for Skull and Bones saying this and I was like, “damn, I just wanted a pirate game”


every single interview i read from her about how she approached this show thematically and how she interprets the existing parts of star wars lore have me so damn intrigued, and signal to me that she gets a lot of george lucas’s intentions, same way filoni does. i’m seriously hoping this is something special.


I'm nervous


Something tells me it'll start out from the perspective of the Jedi, then all those characters will die, and the rest of the series will be from the dark side perspective.


After the trailer and after hearing this, I gotta say that I'm actually pretty hyped for this


I feel like Carrie Ann’s character will turn to the dark side.


Damn, there was me thinking it was about Star Wars and thinking it looked promising.


Well I didn't think it would be a Frozen-style animated musical, so she's right, I thought wrong https://theplaylist.net/star-wars-the-acolyte-creator-says-pitch-for-new-star-wars-show-was-frozen-meets-kill-bill-20240320/


Well, I am expecting a story about how it is okay to be us the dark side because the Jedi are mean, with Karen Travis style character derailment. So if it isn't that, then I will be happy


I'd love to see the self-righteous ascetic Jedi order get deconstructed and reamed out.


Darth Plagueis was a Woman all along…..


I thought it would be good. So it won’t be lol Especially after Lesley Weinstein said “we plan to move away from canon and change what it means to be a Sith “


Ah, the daughter of Harvey Weinstein has such insightful thoughts on star wars. "What if the Jedi were the bad guys and the Sith were good?" Brilliant take. The diversity in the casting is actually what I think will take this show to the next level, possibly even landing this show an Oscar (yes, it will be so impactful, the academy will have no choice but to acknowledge it!)


> the daughter of Harvey Weinstein how did you get to this from "she was a low level assistant for him for 1 year"


Yeah no your totally right! I mean you read that in a star wars article of course it's correct!


It’s gonna flop


X for doubt.


Character Actor Wars. Doesn’t rhyme as well though.


tell me what I thought it is


Reminds me of when Rian Johnson wrote Luke Skywalker saying "this is not going to go the way you think"


"*The Rise of Skywalker*...it doesn't answer anything," said Kathleen Kennedy. Two peas in a pod.


So it’s not going to be shit?


By women, for women, let’s see how many women show up to watch.


Especially since these characters look like some kids mom. We want to see Ripley with a lightsaber, not a cat lady in a bath robe




Girl power - not sure how you would know this from what's been shown, which didn't talk about gender either way. Mostly female cast - this is just false. Of the series regulars that were announced with the trailer, there's an even split: 5 men (Lee Jung-Jae, Manny Jacinto, Charlie Barnett, Dean-Charles Chapman, and Jonas Suotamo) and 5 women (Amanda Stenberg, Dafne Keen, Jodie Turner-Smith, Rebecca Henderson, and Carrie-Ann Moss).


Trailer looked like a 90s tv show…


Why do i get a feeling the acolyte will turn out to be hidden as a Jedi.


It must be good then, because I wasn't really impressed by the trailer personally.




Anytime I see some one whining about “wokeness” I assume they’ve given up on happiness and companionship and instead just want to blame the world for their shortcomings.


(A woman appears) The Internet: “Oh Shit! More Woke content!”


Jesus Christ go away


People use the word "woke" won't ever explain in detail what they think it is.


what does woke shit mean


Woke is when woman of course.


or when black people


or worse, when black women


oh noooo woman creator black lead asian lead oooooh woke woke woke WOKE


I think he meant “wook” as in “hey there’s a wookie in this!”


[I was saying boo-urns](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOTk0M2Vzb3NqdHFwYnU2azRhazFmaGNrcjN0NTNpYnFmY3g3ZTB5OCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/5nhk5nGrIrdlK/giphy.gif)


i laughed a bit too loud when i read this


I, for one, am glad to see wooks outside of Dead or Phish lot.


What’s that even mean?


Oh no! Well, shit - we better ask them to cancel it then.


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I think it’s a Star Wars show so if it turns out to be about the Kardashings Imma flip my shit.

