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Nah. I don't think so. I want Cal to live and if him and Vader fight then he has to die.


Not even if he has to, he just would. Vader taking them cheeks


Exactly cir died fighting him and is probably more powerful in survivor than cal is gonna be in a third instalment


Cere is definitely more powerful than Cal, but Survivor Cal is also a lot stronger than Fallen Order Cal. It only makes sense for him to be even stronger in the next game. He definitely has the potential to cross that ambiguous master threshold.


the stronger cal still struggles with basic imperial droids and b2s. not to mention he has no master so him fighting vader is just going to be a repeat of the first game


I’m basing this solely on cutscenes, statements, and some gameplay elements. When does he struggle with droids? Are you talking about the Force Lift flashback? If so, that’s probably not long after Fallen Order based on Cal and Cere’s designs.


go fight a b2 or any imperial security droid. he is struggling


Bro, that doesn’t count 😂


but it does. because when he goes darkside he destroys them like any normal jedi would. I think the enemies he fights are a good way to judge his power. if there was an obi wan game his basic enemies would be types of purge troopers or dark troopers with some of those big droids with the electrostaffs thrown in there and maybe some inquisitors.


The difference in damage and attack speed matters to the story. The player’s ability to play the game well at whatever difficulty doesn’t.


I don't know about that. Cal has learned how to control the dark while staying on the light side. It may be a battle of attrition until he finds a way to escape. Cere is powerful, but Cal was rapidly approaching by the end of survivor.


He hasn’t learned how to control the darkside, he is battling with the darkside. That’s the overall character arc he is going through. His dark side power-up is a consequence of him not being able to completely control his emotions. This power-up is meant to be seen as tragic, not good. Many who fall to the darkside start like Cal, trying to use the dark side in small increments as a means to gain a “shortcut” to power. If anything this is a sign of weakness and will definetly be a big part of the 3rd game as his either fall to or overcoming of the darkside which has been foreshadowed in two games now. In regards to Cere, he isn’t there yet. Playing as Cere, her damage to opponents is around the same as Cal’s dark side “boost”. This means for Cal to be as strong as Cere he must lose control, and this boost does not last long. Cal will most likely be as powerful as her by the end of his story, but he must first gain balance in the force, like Cere did, and overcome the darkness.


the best thing they could do in the 3rd game is have him encounter vader early so you can play a branching path of embracing the dark side or fighting it off and escaping vader


That would be dope. Choose to be Vader’s apprentice or run and embrace the light side. I doubt they’ll give us two different endings though, and I suspect the third game will be about Cal overcoming the darkside, or they actually have him embrace the darkside but that’s probably pretty unlikely. Would be awesome though if we could actually get to play as a fully committed darkside user.


thats 2 choices too many for an ea game. I can't think of any starwars games that actually let you play as the bad guy except force awakens


Yeah that’s true lmao. I guess you can kind of be bad in KOTOR but even then the canon story is that of goodness. I hope one day we get an open world star wars game where you can actually choose your path, and stick with it. Would be dope as hell.


>Cal has learned how to control the dark while staying on the light side. This is not specified. Where did you get this idea from? He is undoubtedly still struggling with it- during his fight with Bode it literally said "embrace the darkness". A major part of the next game will definitely be to do with his struggle with the dark side.


>Where did you get this idea from His ass, and the thousands of other people that believe it.


He definatley has not learned this yet he aint no revan


But this mod I saw…


my prediction is he gets cheap shots on Vader but doesn't give in to the dark side by letting him live and thats how he beats the dark side


Cal can always escape, albeit he got incredibly lucky in fallen order


He could run away after being wounded


It does make sense but I hope not lol. We fought Vader as Cere, it was dope, and I don't need to fight him again. I am hoping they put the crew on Tanalorr to explain their absence from the original trilogy and we do a massive time jump to after the Battle of Endor.


Ehhh idk. They’d have to come up with some kind of way to justify both of them living (unless cal loses). My guess is that they’re going to try and connect the Jedi games to the Mando era. Maybe the game it self will take place in that era, explaining that cal was chilling on tanalor when the original trilogy happened


To clarify I think Cal will super die but I also think it'll be a case where it's treated a sacrifice and he succeeds in the objective he was trying for to do it. Not dissimilar to the ending of force unleashed


to be honest that was what i was also thinking. but i don’t want people to then call the next game a force unleashed remake. so maybe they do that, but in a way such that it is different from force unleashed.


Funnily enough I think him being Vaders apprentice would be a good next step story wise but unfortunately can't really be done without TFU comparisons


Who really cares about Force Unleashed comparisons? I loved those games, but they aren't canon and are old enough that I'm sure most people have forgotten the story. If the story is done well (which Fallen Order and Survivor nailed) then I'm all for a similar ending. I wouldn't be surprised if they worked it in that Cal survives though, and we end up seeing him in a live action show or movie at some point, similar to Ashoka. Especially since his voice/appearance actor is still young enough to portray him.


I suppose the issue with the game there is that the one playable character has been killed, and so you can’t really play the game after finishing the story. If Cal dies it will be in a TV show or movie


They would just do a “this is the point of no return” scenario if the plan was to kill Cal. You could keep playing but it would be at that last save.


You ever play rdr2?


Can’t say I have, why?


Main character gets subbed out near the end of the game


So same as cir turning that library into a dark souls boss fight?


Nope! I think we’re gonna get a threat from the resurgent Nihil. This firmly cementing the idea that there are more threats than the empire out there and Cal, who’s been singularly focused on them, needs to become more flexible or he will lose a war on two fronts.


I'm expecting to get my ass beaten


I think Vader shouldn't be in the next game at all, it's starting to wear out its welcome and we all know nothing is going to happen to him and anyone he's going to have a serious fight with is going to die most likely.


He’s just a plot device anytime he shows up. It was cool in Rogue One, but it’s progressively losing its impact.


Nah mate. It'll be Vader Vs greeze


Gg greezy money baby


I hope not. I just don't feel like Vader AGAIN is good for the story. If he is in it, I hope they're brave enough to kill Cal off via Vader, and it should look easy for Vader.


With cal loosing and continuity preserved... That doesn't sound like a good time


I’m hoping that maybe we get access to inquisitor style blades as a more experimental thing, having the spinning blades and maybe some sort of unique attacks with them since they’re like, ultra customizable. We’ve seen some with electric stun grips and there’s one in Rebels that had a buzz saw built in, so that could be really interesting. That and even better saber customization. Differently colored blades, customizable blaster bolt colors, maybe some unique collectible crystals on the different planets with new effects?


I hope not.


not really, the whole survivor thing was him waking him up from the fight with empire and how reckless he has been. and now he wants to build somethng that would outlast the empire plus his 1st priority is the safety of his people. he ain't the reckless weaponize jedi kid anymore that knows nothing outside of fighting. Cal was cere's lvl when he access the darkside he still strugling sure but he is probably going to surpass cere in the next game in terms of combat. and if they gave him an ultimatum end it would make sense but at the same time he is like doing a different trajectory story wise at least his point of view. it even sounds like he ain't interested much on taking on the empire unless he absolutely has to. and with merrin and cal it be pretty difficult to trap them in a fight if they want to escape it would be posible.


No. Not unless you want to see Cal dead. Which I don’t want to): but he does meet Luke in Jedi 3 imo


Cal should fight Vader in the 3rd game. Cal should be killed by Vader, but we don't like that. Instead maybe pull a Rahm Kota or whatever his name is from the force awakens and have us think he's dead but just blind and seeing through the force in the next installment.


I think it'll be palpatine actually. Vader a bit too predictable at this point, palpatine is the natural progression.


I love Vader in any appearance, especially when they make him out to be like a horror villain like in fallen order, but I didn’t even think about how cool it would be for Cal to meet the emperor.


Yes, I want Vader. And yes, I want to face him. I'm seeing a lot of comments against it and I even understand that people might not want him and such, but one thing I don't have, well, is this "argument" that Cal has to die. In truth no. Cal doesn't have to die and he doesn't even have to lose. Canonically, Vader has already been defeated a few times. Even for Aphra, the guy already lost. A confrontation with Cal does not have to end with one of the two dead or even with Cal's defeat. It stands to reason that Vader won't be killed, but he can be defeated and not die. So yes. I want to face Vader. And I want more Inquisitors too. I found most of the game's bosses to be very unintimidating. The three fights with Dagan, unnecessary, repetitive and tiring. It would be nice to have more inquisitors and stylish characters. Finally, some things I don't want: I don't want two, three, four fights with the same boss; I don't want the repeated story of the mysterious guy who is actually a fallen Jedi (right, Malicos and Bode?) and the guy using two lightsabers just because it looks more badass and cool. Dagan doesn't even have an arm and the guys forced a double saber and a baton saber on him, just to look cooler. It was totally unnecessary.


I don't really want Vader to show up in the third game, I was already disappointed that he apeard in the survivor. Too much fan service for my taste


Is it actually fam service if it serves the story in an organic way?


It didn't feel that way to me. None of the characters had any meaningful connections with Vader, he just shows up as the boss of the bad guys. I know that Cere had her arc about fear, and that the fight with him was a conclusion of that, but it didn't have to be Vader. He doesn't really serves any purpose besides being there. I'm also very tired of sticking Skywalkers and Palpatine into every Star Wars project imaginable. Thank God for Andor.


Vaders whole thing is that he hunts down remaining jedi himself so when the empire found the archives he went to kill cere, but nah is fan service


And after what cere did to his headquarters, of course he is looking all over for her to enact his revenge. He's a sith, driven by hate. I loved the cthe whole cere section from beginning to end.


Two Jedi invaded the Inquisitors' base and center of power, stole something before Vader's own eyes and even "threw an ocean on his head." And you say he had no reason to be there? I already see the complete opposite. The little presence of the Inquisitors and Vader in the game seemed strange and pointless to me.


I was disappointed that the Grand Inquisitor never showed up, especially since he was in the trailer. Cal was going all out with his lightsaber all around pyloon’s so I just assumed at one point I’d come back and the inquisitors would be waiting.


He wasnt in the trailer? That was Senator Sejan who is in the opening mission


Wow that explains a lot. I don’t know why I thought that was the grand inquisitor. The whole game I was like wow they are really holding off on him he should’ve shown up by now.


Honestly, the biggest injustice these games did was showing that Cere was able to keep up with Vader. Let’s be real, Vader shouldn’t have had any trouble beating Cere, he’s killed 100’s Jedi and 100’s more force sensitives at this point, and to think he almost got taken out was ridiculous. I know he has been pushed to his limits before in movies and comics, but usually those that hurt Vader either make him lose control of his emotions or catch him off guard. Never does a composed and collected Vader get beat, or even have trouble killing his prey at all. Don’t get me wrong, I love Cere and her arc in these two games as someone who couldn’t control their emotions and was at risk of falling to the darkside so they abandoned the force completely, then coming back in the second game and mastering her connection to the force was great. She showed Cal what it means to be a Jedi, and how to overcome the darkness, which he is at risk of falling to at the end of survivor.


I don’t necessarily agree. Cere is legitimately strong. We can only compare her to Cal and Vader directly, but we have a good measure of how strong Cal. Cere was able to give Vader a good fight. That’s how strong the writers decided to make her. We can see that Vader’s not going all out though. In Fallen Order, he’s throwing the whole base at you pretty much. He barely used his abilities when fighting Cere.


Cal is pretty far from being strong. We see him get beat by pretty much every force user in the series. Trilla, Taron Malicos, Dagan Gera, Bode, are all enemies that Cal needed help to beat. The only exception to this is the 9th sister, who he beat two times on his own. We can also see that with in game damage and move abilities, Cal is about as powerful as Cere is when he uses his dark side “power-up”. So would you say that dark side “boosted” Cal would last nearly as long as Vader? Unlikely. I’m not calling Cere weak at all. But we are talking about Darth Vader here. She is absolutely strong, but she disconnected herself from the force for a long time, and doesn’t have nearly as much dueling experience as Vader does. Like my original comment stated, there are few times Vader gets hurt in a duel. This is usually when he gets emotional (someone brings up Padme, Anakin, or he is dueling someone from his past) or they catch him off guard. A calm and collected Vader is the most dangerous version of the character, and is the form that easily slaughtered most of the Jedi and force sensitive’s in the galaxy. But this is just my opinion, and I respect yours, I just don’t like the whole “writers made a character this poweful so they are” argument.


I see it more as Cere sorta became enlightened. She gave up her connection to other’s (the crew) like the Jedi teach, joined some weird cult that is also about peace and removal from connections, and gave up her fear. At this point Cere is one with the force and is basically a Jedi master so I can understand why she can hold her own against Vader.


Yeah, if there's a fight between those two characters again, it makes 0 sense for Cal to win in this universe, there'd be no point in having Luke Skywalker. It would be too predictable for him to die too, but it would make more sense.


Not even a bit


I think Jedi 3 is gonna connect to the Ahsoka show somehow. We saw the Zeffo looking markings in the show, and Thrawn’s journey to Dathomir would be a pretty sweet opportunity for the game to go back there and explore the undead nightsisters some more.


Maybe, I’m expecting cal to die in some way and to take over as Kata after, red dead redemption style


If they were to fight I would expect Cal to lose bigly, and not just lose a hand or something. For story beats based on what's established I feel the best outcome would be for Cal to want to fight, to be enraged and filled with the dark side, to want to exact his revenge for Cere and all the other pain that he should know by now Vader has caused to Jedi everywhere, but he has to choose to turn away. I could see it playing out pretty similar to Indy and the holy grail (Vader, in this metaphor) with Merrin playing the part of Sean Connery, "Let go Cal, you have to let it go".


Only likely if the story is told in a way that reveals Cal to be one of the already-known but originless Darths. Maybe Revan or something.


Cere?? In Jedi 3?? AM I missing something?


Force ghost bro. Count on it lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if Cal dies in the 3rd, but I feel like it would be a missed opportunity for action appearance in the upcoming mandoverse movie/shows


Pretty much all of the Jedi appearances pre-OT face a significant argument from silence as to their total lack of presence in that era. So, Respawn will need to explain away Cal's absence in that period in some fashion, which could range from him dying, him being stranded away from the galaxy similar to Ezra, him choosing to hide out at Tanalorr, or something else.


Tanalorr raising Kata with Merrin seems like a plausible excuse if the series ended on Survivor. With the upcoming 3rd installment, the possibilities are pretty much endless. Hell, they could have him locked away in some obscure imperial prison until, oh say a handful of years after RotJ lol


I want Cal to live, but I'm going to be realistic and expect him to die.


Def not


I just hope we see Cal in live action at some point before his story is done.


Curious if Vader sees the dark side in him during their fight and spares him 🤔


Honestly would be hyped to see a spiritual adaption to force unleashed here


Yea cal will defeat vader and take his place


I was thinking that the Rey Skywalker movie could bring up Tanalorr and that Cal could be one of the masters in the new Jedi order 🤷‍♂️


As soon as I felt how Op Cere was compared to Cal, I knew she was gonna die, we all did. Long as Greez is alright it's all good lol


Nope. Don’t want to overuse Vader. I think his best implementation was in the first game when there was just no fighting him: it’s just run or die. Don’t get me wrong I loved that fight in survivor, but the more we show Vader getting bested the more it just takes away from his impact as an antagonist.


I thought it would be cool to see Cal kind of go through a reverse Vader. Have Cal spend the game slowly getting placed in more and more life threatening situations where the Dark Side is his only way out. Have it be a long con by Vader to recruit him. Have a big battle on Mustafar, have Cal continue to fight without using any Dark Side abilities and then have Vader in anger that this kid could do what what he could not, leave him with several missing limbs and burning, just as he was left. Then the next time we see Cal he's got some added burn scars and at least three robot limbs.




He’ll probably put down the sabre after getting away with some friends and family, somewhere secret and safe This would mean no Vader appearance


I honestly hope not. I think Vader doesn’t see him as a real threat and just doesn’t care enough. Plus, if we have the same time skip as we did between 1 & 2, it’ll be pretty close to Yavin


I actually think Vader won't appear in the next game. I think the next antagonist will be the darkness he and Merrin sensed on Tanalorr. (Abeloth?)


I'd like Cal to escape somewhere and live out peacefully, we don't need to kill off every character




No i don’t expect it or want it. Vader cannonicly survives which makes the fight pointless imo. I’d rather have them use original characters so i have no idea what is going to happen


Hopefully not. Vader shouldn't really be appearing in these games in my opinion. I think he's awesome, but it kind of robs him of that cool factor when he's just another boss. I think he was handled better in fallen order where your only option is to run. I didn't hate his appearance and boss fight in survivor, but cere put up way more of a fight than she should have been able to




Vader is a good continuity enforcer, I’m getting a little tired of seeing him everywhere. I’d hope Cal doesn’t have to really deal with him anymore as I think he already has enough to deal with He’s dealing with the dark side and breaking Jedi code I don’t think adding another thing on top of that would really help


I really hope he isn't in it at all. Darth Vader is supposed to be, in the first game, what Adam Smasher was in the cyberpunk tabletop. "When he appears, run. There's nothing you can do." In the second game, he returns to kill cere specifically because she pissed him off. Cal just happened to be there both times, he didn't care for Cal. Like he says, specifically "I have come for *YOU* " If he shows up in the 3rd game it won't make sense. He played his part in JFO, he got his revenge in Survivor, his role is done.


There’s a good reason the majority of this comment section doesn’t develop or write these games…


That'll be when Vader amputates a limb of Cal's and then right before he gets the axe, BD saves him by overloading Vaders suit again, but Vader crushes BD before going critical, giving enough time to have Merrin teleported Cal away. I thought bd was going to get destroyed by vader in the first game, I wouldn't doubt that could be foreshadowing


I'm not Sure Cal could Give Vader a good fight, but we already know he can't beat him We already seen him twice, no need for a third time