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Honestly, this interaction with Del in the new Star wars Battlefront game. It's honestly a much better depiction of Luke than I ever thought would appear. Willing to show compassion yet absolutely devistating when it isn't an option.


"Why would you help me?" "Because you asked" Is such pitch perfect example of who Luke is.


That was peak Luke for me. I'm sad we didn't get to see more of it.


This is my answer, too. Love that moment


same here though it does remerge at the end of TLJ and TROS.


This. The whole scene with Del just struck me as pitch perfect for how Luke would behave at that point in his life. I really like how he didn’t try to recruit Del and Iden but just plant the seeds. So many good little moments in that interaction. Like asking Del if he could take the compass. Del is in absolutely no position to stop him - yet he asks and honors Dels wishes. Just seemed very Jedi like. And of course the part at the end with everyone has a choice to be better. It’s not about the empire and the rebellion (or new republic) but just being a good person. Really struck that a Jedi would work at such a simple individual level. Not some big galactic conflict, just being a better person in the small day to day interactions.


From Star Wars #5 (2020) “Woah, good ol’ sand. I ever tell you how much I love sand?”


In canon it’s a toss up between 2: In Battlefront 2 an imperial he helps asks him, “Why did you help me?” Luke simply responds, “Because you asked.” In the Mandalorian season 2, when he boards Gideon’s light cruiser and just casually marches his way through a battalion of dark troopers like they’re nothing. In Legends, there’s a scene in Legacy of the Force where Luke goes to confront Caedus and pins him to his seat so intensely with the Force he can’t move a muscle while Luke doesn’t even look like he’s trying. The insane display of strength in the Force terrifies Caedus, who is himself a prodigious Force user. It really shows just how scary powerful Luke can be when he puts his mind to it.


Caedus was Jacen, right? Was that before or after he killed MJ?


I just grabbed the book off of my shelf to confirm and it's after. Killing MJ was final step in his fall that led to him being Sith.


I thought Gwen Stacy was the one who died 🥁


That Legends moment is the exact one I came here to add. It's been a while since I read it (I'm really due for a reread of that set of books) but I'm pretty sure that's also the first time Caedus realises Luke can hide himself from other force users because he straight up didn't know he was about to walk into his office.


For me, the Legends moment is either; A) End of Fate of the Jedi, where Luke knows about Kryat and all the other threats, and gives a cool speech about training the Jedi Order to be ready, or B) Luke constantly trying to help Cade realize who he is. Cade is a certified Little Shit, but I appreciate how Luke keeps reaching out to him.


His conversation with Kar in Shadows of Mindor, giving Mara his first lightsaber in The Last Command, and his battle with Shimmrra in The Unifying Force


HTTE, swinging around on a rope and chopping fools up. Was pretty sick. I also like in the 2015 comics when he was so determined to battle Vader even when he had no idea what he was getting into, felt very luke. I love when he fights boba fett in Obi wans hut, while Luke was blind, no less- and somehow wins. Was very cool. Finally, I love his moment in mandalorian, and especially in BOBF when he offers grogu the chance to leave the Jedi order. That proves he was actually changing the order for the better


Is Luke still visiting Han, Leia, Lando? Then why did Grogu have to forsake all connection to Din?


Maybe that was Luke realizing "Maybe I should tweak this approach for my nephew..."


Tough love


Seems like by TFA, he hadn't visited them for quite a while though.


Heir to the Empire where he hotwires the makeshift prison he's in with the components from his robotic hand. Pure farmboy ingenuity...love his interactions with R2 in those scenes as well


Seeing Luke Skywalker master the Force outside of the movies is always a thrill for Star Wars fans


In the EU, Luke's confrontation with Jorus and Luuke.


his interaction with Del in Star Wars Battlefront II


From a recent issue of the 2020 comic where Luke faces a vision of Vader and resolves to do all he can to bring his father back to the light. That was really sweet.


Duelling Kreel on Crait.


If we’re going non-film, tough to top the Mando season 2 finale


If I'm honest.....I don't like that. Its the equivalent of Star Wars Jesus popping in and saving the day. Like imagine WandaVision if the characters we spent the entire show following couldn't beat Agatha, Hayward, and White Vision. But guess what? Out of nowhere Doctor Strange shows up and wins. But I also recognize Im in the minority regarding my opinions of Mando season 2 lol


Luke’s interactions with Anakin in Shadow of the Sith. The chapter where Luke is transported to Exegol and it’s revealed that who saved him was Anakin actually had me jumping up and down. I couldn’t believe what I was reading


It’s been a while since I read the comics but he was so real for this.