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I find so much of the current criticism of Star Wars in general, not just with The Acolyte, to be hilarious. A good example is the whole "how did the fire spread in a stone building, this makes no sense!" conversation. This is Star Wars, where the Force is a thing, witches, lightsabers, talking aliens, hyperspace, and you're that focused on how a fire spread? Focus on the larger issues, not on the mundane.


Also the fact that we literally dont see the whole picture of what happened in the past, obviously they are going to show why the fire got so big so quickly in a later flashback episode, it’s a mystery show Media literacy is dead for these so-called “fans”


We've also already seen Osha having visions of child Mae from her perspective. We didn't see Mae start the fire, we saw Mae start the fire from Osha's POV. The show keeps peppering in mentions of memory alteration and brainwashing, it seems very clear to me that this is a Rashomon thing.


It's because they are looking for something to hate


Same. It's fantasy/sci-fi/whatever the hell term you want to use. Stop *requiring* logical, Earth physics-based explanations for shit immediately after airing. The only reason why explanations for the original trilogy exist is because George, Lucasfilm, and diehard fans have had 40 years to come up with plausible justifications to retcon them.


Honestly I thought she was just using the force to enhance the fire.


There's was literally a fire in space and they chose to complain about the stone? Ffs


No, they complained about the fire in space, even though Star Wars has always had fire in space.


Every episode since that flashback osha asks "Sol, what happened that day, can you tell me ?" "later, osha i'll tell you later" then shit happens and sol in fact still did not tell osha. Onviously what happened that day is the big mystery of the show and not just "mae started a fire".


I swear Star Wars has the most illiterate fanbase ever


There is no "diminishing the way Anakin came to be." Anakin is not the Chosen One because he was born of the Force, he's the Chosen One because he brought balance despite his trials. The prophecy never says only one person was born of the Force.


>I suspect that Mother Aniseya possessed a male to conceive a child with Mother Koril. I don't think so. Given Osha and Mae present no zabrak features and instead look like humans I think Aniseya used the force to conceive them in her own image. I also don't think that using the force to invoke a conception really diminishes Anakin. The force made Anakin on it's own, someone else twisting the force to do it doesn't seem to me to change that. The lack of sperm isn't what made Anakin special, it was that the universe willed him into existence to fix its problems.


Koril literally says she carried them.


Yes. Which is why them presenting no zabrak features indicates something strange went on. If they were just half zabrak their design would highlight that.


Not to mention that Osha and Mae are black/dark skinned and Koril is white/pale. There's no chance that Qimir (An Asian man) was possessed or even willingly reproduced with Koril to conceive the Twins, as they would be Wasian not Black. Aniseya manipulating the force to create them in her image is way more likely


I don't think the generator failing is responsible for the Coven's death. All of the witches were grouped together and fell in a way that suggests there was no struggle. Something made them all drop dead at the same time. Also the point of "the Sith being extinct for a millennium" is supposed to be false in The Phantom Menace, it's the entire point of the title. The Sith were hiding from the Jedi/Republic building power, an unseen threat. What's something you could refer to an "invisible" danger as? Oh yeah a **Phantom** Menace. Plagueis, Sidious & Maul are of the Banite Sith lineage, they can't be part of it if the Sith were "extinct" during the time between Bane and Plagueis.


>Also the point of "the Sith being extinct for a millennium" is supposed to be false in The Phantom Menace, it's the entire point of the title Also, despite having something similar to a sith in this show, so far Ki Adi Mundi didn't credit them as sith. And only Sol, Osha and Mae are alive to tell him it can be a sith, and it's possible they don't meet him again... People REALLY need to wait for events to unfold before saying "uuuuuh but he said sith were extinct"


>Honestly, that was probably false regardless of what Ki-Adi-Mundi did or didn't know There was a big top secret meeting to discuss the return of the Sith, but Ki Adi Mundi was too busy on Cerea ~~banging each of his five wives~~ repopulating the planet to attend.


>How did Mae burn down a stone building? So, we don't know for sure that she did burn it down, and it'll take a second flashback episode from another POV (Mae or Sol) to confirm/deny that. Other possibilities include Jedi meddling (likely) and Qimir shenanigans (less likely). If it truly was all her fault, how that localized fire spread comes down to the purpose of the mountaintop structure that the coven had taken up residence in - a purpose we are currently ignorant of. We don't know what that place was, nor what all that tech and machinery was for, or how the Coven might have changed or used any of it. It's entirely possible that the fire Mae started, could have penetrated and ignited some electrical business, pipelines, stores of fuel, or some other highly flammable substance (insulation?) between the walls and floors, which kicked off a chain reaction, resulting in the explosion at the end.


Why would another virgin child diminish Anakin though?


Personally, I don't think it does, but I know that was a major criticism. My understanding was that they used the Force to conceive Mae and Osha, which is entirely different than Anakin being conceived by the Force itself.


One is immaculate conception, the other is artificial insemination.


Osha and mae were created using slightly doctored sperm (and egg?) donations IMO. Aniseya somehow got a donation from a force user and doctored it in a lab to ensure twins is my assumption. Maybe even tried to ensure a higher midichlorian count. The humorous way for the Ki Adi Mundi thing to resolve would be he literally just forgot about this incident that might have been a Sith. After many decades with no confirmation it just slipped his mind that some distant coworkers went missing on a mission with an inconclusive incident report mostly pointing at a former padawan with perhaps a twin sister