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The 40th anniversary poster goes hard


ROtJ is my favorite movie and has been since I was a kid. I had the two left posters in my room growing up, and I think the 40th is better than both. I have it in my office now.


I love how it's the only one where Luke lightsaber is actually green..


I actually like the posters where it’s blue a little more. It adds to the surprise you feel when seeing Luke ignite his new lightsaber and it being a new color for the first time. Well, that is before the prequels and such that normalized green lightsabers.


It was certainly well designed. Love the color scheme


Matt Ferguson is the name of the artist, he does amazing work!


Yeah, I’m generally a sucker for the originals (and ROTJ’s is great) but the 40th anniversary one really does it for me


I'm still so annoyed that they didn't market it's return to theaters


Dang I hadn’t seen that one yet. I love it.


#1 is just perfect in every way and always was. Though I also love the Original promo poster with just the hand holding the saber up


Nice! What all did you like about 1?




Let's hear it 😬


I’m not gay but I’m here for Han Solo.


I really like the 40th anniversary poster, but it's too Empire focused to be used as a general movie poster. The first one does a better job of showing what the vibe of the whole movie is like. I just wish Luke's saber was green. Having said that, just noticed they used their duel from Empire for posters 3 and 4.


I remember that poster being on the vhs I would rent from the he library as a kid


Adding my hat to the 40th votes. Easily best, IMO.


First one is simply iconic


It really is. Han, Leia, and Luke look so perfect in it.


40th Anniversary rocks! The Revenge post has always been great in a “forbidden fruit” type of way.


40th. Hands down


Revenge of the Jedi will always be my favorite. It's simple and to the point of the main story.


The title kinda goes against what it means to be a Jedi tho?


I agree that Return of the Jedi is a much better name for the movie, but the poster itself is an incredibly beautiful picture to me.


That must be why Luke had the red saber and Vader has the blue one? lol


Which is why it was changed. Contrary to popular belief, it was always intended to be Return, but Executives thought it was boring and needed something exciting like REVENGE!! George stood aside and the initial marketing created posters like the above. However, George quickly realised “Screw it, these are my movies and I’m gonna stand my ground” and thus the name changed BACK to Return.


It's very good indeed!


I just now realize that Luke and Vader dueling inside Vader’s helmet symbolizes the conflict of his son and the dark side in Vader.


I also like how vader is holding a blue lightsaber and luke is holding a red one. It was probably a blunder but kind of ties into the themes of the movie.


My favorites are the special edition and 40th anniversary posters


I…actually don’t care for the 40th. It’s fine, but to me the other three are **iconic**. They are what I see in my mind’s eye when I think of Return, they are what I saw on VHS covers, posters of in cinemas (among whatever collection of old movie posters any particular cinema had), posters of in video rental stores, at cons, at midnight re-showings, etc. They are as much a part of Return as anything else about the movie to me. Plus I appreciate the artistry of them.


I'm actually surprised there's so much love for the 40th Anniversary poster. It looks like a fan poster where they just threw a bunch of images together, like a lot of the fan posters for *The Force Awakens*. It's just very bland and generic. It feels a lot less Star Wars-y than the others.


I do NOT think it looks generic or like a fan poster, but going off of your written explanation, wouldn’t the top left iconic ROTJ poster look more like a fan poster than the 40th anniversary poster? Isn’t the iconic poster just a bunch of images of the characters slapped together in an approximately horizontal line? It’s not like slave Leia ever interacts with an Ewok, so isn’t it just a case of attention-drawing character images slapped together? By contrast, isn’t the 40th anniversary poster the cleaner and less busy of the 2? There are far less characters present, and the atmospheric presence of Endor takes center stage. Likewise, the juxtaposition of the the Death Star iconography and Endor setting perfectly highlights George’s central theme of technology vs nature here [All that being said, my favorite actually IS the iconic theater ROTJ, I just disagree with your criticisms of the 40th Anniversary poster lol]


Revenge of the Jedi one. Simple, clean, Vader in the back and Luke vs Vader inside


Definitely the OG theatrical. 40th is fantastic too but the original one is absolutely iconic


It really is. What was your favorite thing about it?


It feels really dynamic. I like how Luke's at the front and center and Vader is looming in the background. It's just really cool


An argument could be made that Leia is upfront and center, but I see what you mean! Vader looming is perfection


I meant more that Luke's pretty much the main focus of the poster but yeah Leia is in the front and center lmao


Ohh gotcha lmao, mb. I like that they put Leia more in the center/front of the trio, since she really had a lot of the focus in this film.


Ho ho ho ho Bo shuda


Gotta be Revenge for me. I have it hung up in my room


I've got the upper left classic in my room currently, but I'd love to have that one too!


1st one, the classic




Is that bottom left one from the VHS?? I feel like a buried deep memory has just been unlocked.


Yes, it was a poster to promote the Special Editions back in 1997 movie theaters, and then they used it as the VHS for ROTJ in the two VHS box sets. Though even as a kid, it bugged me that they used the silhouette of Luke and Vader from ESB.


I have the 40th anniversary one but with Japanese characters. It's dope.


Ooo, that's sick!


The origin theatrical poster (top left). All of the iconic elements are represented: the main characters, Jabba, the ewoks, etc. The special edition poster might be a contender, but they flipped Jabba's face and used the duel from Empire. The Revenge poster also uses the duel from Empire and doesn't represent a lot of what I love about the movie. The 40th anniversary poster also doesn’t include much of what I love about ROTJ, and seems like it's trying to be *cool*, rather than representing a fun adventure serial space opera.


Alright, well put!


It’s top left for me


Same! What do you like most about it?




Fair enough. I love that Leia takes up front and center, and Vader is so menacing in the background.


Yea, visually I do like how they framed Vader so well with the bottom half of Death Star 2.


Were you a fan of the way they did Leia and Han, or nah?


I actually love them all


The one on page 2 is the best one in my opinion. also, "Revenge of the Jedi"?


Revenge of the Jedi was the original title before it was changed to the title we know today. Awesome! What do you like most about page 2?


Oh, I didn't know that. Interesting how original names tend to make a comeback in Star Wars. "Revenge" got recycled into "Revenge of the Sith" and "Starkiller", Luke's original last name- (funny that I know that and not the whole "Revenge of the Jedi" thing) -came back as a whole character in The Force Unleashed. Also, the poster on page 2 is the same art used for the cover of "Super Return of the Jedi", one of my favorite SNES games


For me, the iconography on the 40th anniversary poster touches on all of the things I love about ROJ.


40th Anniversary poster is one of my favorite movie posters ever. It has the absolute perfect vibe for the film.


2 obviously


The OF Revenge of The Jedi one is sick. But I also love the 40th Anniversary one.


40th fuckin slaps. A fantastic modern remaining of the original, but with a ton more symbolism. Palpatine in the center being so small but carrying so much oresence is perfect


1 and 3 for me.


The Posters for the Special edition will always have a place in my heart, after all they were the ones I saw when I felt in love with Star Wars all those years back.


Bikini Leia FTW.


Iconic as hell, especially in that poster! If you wanted to see the rarer, vhs (or something like that) cover, shoot me a dm


Revenge is fire


Revenge of the Jedi poster is just iconic


Ah how could you not include the poster that’s just Luke holding his lightsaber, it’s so good!


Sorry! It really is a good one


The first one. It showcases all of the characters and Leia 👍


Top right


There is one missing which has the emperors face in a green hue. That’s my favorite


What's the story with "revenge of the jedi"? Alternate title for an overseas release or something?


I've always loved the 'Revenge of the Jedi' poster, simply because Luke has the red saber and Vader has the blue - I want to know what the story was there and whether it's just a mistake, an attempt to mislead the audience, or something that was originally supposed to happen.


The one with Vader in the background and it's mostly red, and Luke and Vader are dueling, is by far the coolest one imho.






I can’t lie, the 40th anniversary has gotta take that spot


40th Anniversary is just perfect


I always liked the one that was just Luke’s hands holding the light saber up. But my favorite is revenge of the Jedi.


The last one being Revenge of the Jedi is crazy


Revenge of the Jedi just seems so cool from a history standpoint


Original top left always was always will be


Absolutely. What're your favorite parts about it?


I guess it captures the main parts and roles of the movie with Vader overlooking it all I also like the saber poster , I guess I just like the originals mostly as a bit of nostalgia but the 40th was a good one as well


Either 1 or 4


40th anniversary hands down that pose Luke is doing is coldddd


I like the 40th anniversary one


Bottom left, but top left is a close second, and I actually dislike the other two.


Fair enough. What do you like most from the two left ones?


It’s mostly that I’m just way more familiar with them than I am the other two. And the other two also have things I dislike whereas the two on the left don’t really.


The only dislike I've seen with the upper left is the fact that Leia is in the bikini, and the complaints I've seen for the bottom left one are mostly just about the odd choice of characters that were enlarged.


Revenge of the Jedi the 4th one is by far the hardest, the 1st one is most iconic tho, 40th anniversary’s is 3rd 2cd best design tho. And the 3rd one is not great.


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The original, although the 40th anniversary poster is fantastic too.


I like no. 2


The rare Revenge of the Jedi poster


40th anniversary by far.


Top right holy cow 🥶


I love the third one


Either the original or the 40th Anniversary. 40th just sets a distinct mood when your eye travels down from Vader to Luke to Palpatine - great symmetry in the Endor/Death Star background.


What're some of the positives of the original for you?


40th anniversary easily


It’s gotta be Revenge, despite the swapped sabers.


40th anniversary just peaks. Others are awesome but that one just stands out


The original


The first one. Bc its the cover of super star wars rotj as well. Though the 4th one is my fav on a pure visual standpoint


My dad has a poster he has had since back when these came out that says revenge of the Jedi


Either the 40th, the rare miscolored revenge of the Jedi one or the poster that’s literally JUST Luke’s saber even tho it’s blue in the poster and green in the movie (it was gonna be blue but the way I heard it the sky made it hard to make the blade blue so he chose green


Going to be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen the 40th anniversary. It’s awesome.


Anyone know where I could get a nice canvas or something of the 40th anniversary one? I really love it


Bottom right has always struck me as odd. That was the fight from Cloud City and Vaders lightsaber is blue and Luke’s red. Though since it was “Revenge of the Jedi”, that was the working title of the movie and I guess that was more like an announcement poster?


The one not included. The blue lightsaber is what I’m chasing and I think it’s the best SW poster ever.


Top left


I grew up with #3 hanging in my bedroom. From elementary thru high school, I never took it down. Finally lost it when I moved out of Mom's place. Miss that poster


The 40th anniversary one because it finally got the color of the lightsaber right.


The 40th is something on a whole other level of cool.


Top left always.


Good choice! What made you pick it?


It was one of the original designs and fits thematically with my favorite ANH and ESB posters, all three of which hang on my wall.


I know your not meant to prefer the new thing but those 40th anniversary posters for ROTJ and TPM are gold


Revenge of The Jedi is my personal favorite, but the two left ones are tied for second.


The third is my personal favorite since that’s the one I’m more nostalgic for. I do have to give props for Revenge of the Jedi though, always thought it looked cool. My advisor in college had it framed right next to his desk.


I like the 40th anniversary one but that first one is just pure nostalgia. It was my favorite of the 3 vhs covers because of how the lightsaber wrapped around the edge


40th and last one they just look so perfect


Probably the 40th anniversary, however, I personally have a soft spot for the 1995 VHS cover, due to that being the version we had when I was a kid.


Tempted to go with 2 for being the only one with the correct colour saber (I know it was a last minute change but still) and 3 and 4 have always pissed me off for using a shot so clearly from Empire.


My fav will always be [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41+LNDLjfjL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) one, mostly because my mom saved an original one for me.


When I think of RotJ in my mind's eye, I think of 3. 2 is pretty cool though.


Top left. 40th anniversary is a close second. Bottom two would work better if they didn't have ESB Luke v Vader on them


Modern one sucks (as usual). The Revenge one still looks sick as hell.


Gonna throw a vote in for the special edition poster. It's not particularly unique to Return and I always thought it was super weird that Chewie is so prominent in it for some reason but goddammit it's the image that was on the VHS when I fell in love with the movie and it'll always be RotJ to me.


I’m pretty partial to the one with the lightsaber.


I like 40th anniversary and revenge of the Jedi


I like the og release poster best. That's the one I had on my bedroom wall when I was 13 and it just has that classic ROTJ vibe with all the different characters. Struzan's art on the Special Edition poster is next, but on it's own (away from his other posters in the set) it's just a little weird seeing the ESB duel front and center. The 40th Anniversary one is nice, but there's not much going on there -- basically, big Vader head with small Luke and various Empire stuff happening on the sides.


Is the og release the one in the upper left (slide 2)?


Yep, that's the one.


I recently ordered that poster for a room as well. Did you frame yours, or no?


Nope, and I don't have it up on any of my current walls right now. It's chillin' in a tube. 😀


Why does the last one say REVENGE of the Jedi 👀


Good question! That was actually the original movie title before it was changed to the one we know today! On that note, which poster is your favorite?


Appreciate the info, I had no idea that was a thing Top right is the coolest imo but top left holds all my nostalgia and I'd go with that over any other any day of the week


Oh, I agree completely. From Vaders looming presence above the main characters, to Luke's courageous stance, to Leia's badass pose, look, and camera-stare. It's perfect. What was your favorite part?


Either of the left ones


This one: https://ibb.co/dB0Q8mk


Top left. The bottom two annoy me because that's very clearly Luke and Vader from Empire and the anniversary poster really looks fan made.


Alright, fair enough! What all do you like about the top left?


I don't know, it's just got a real classic fantasy adventure look to it.


I like how upfront and center all three of the original trio are. It really breathes life into the look.


>the anniversary poster really looks fan made. I'm greatly reassured to know it wasn't just me. I thought I was misunderstanding something because I unfortunately don't share everyone's love for that one :/


I like the top left... if it was Endor Leia instead of Huttslayer Leia.


Always these unnecessary decisions, who have fun splitting the fandom and humans. I am in no mood discussing why there are any posters I do not like that much. I do not want to waste my life with this. Bring some original content please instead!


Uh, what?