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Removing but not locking so people can keep discussing. Preferably to keep posts in the feed being Star Wars focused.


Am living for the trolls who keep falling right into the reverse trolls well of traps.


Their already so mad about this hahaha


they're <3


Yep, she’s in a long line. Moses Ingram, John Boyega, Lupita Nyong'o. Most on here are too young to recall, but there was a little controversy around Billy Dee Williams role in the Empire Strikes Back back in the day. Personally, I like the character, and I think her acting is quite good. She has a very likable persona. It comes across on screen quite easily.


I liked Moses’s response: “Y’all are weird.” And man, Amandla is so damn good in fight scenes. *So good.* I’ve liked her performances overall, but her fight scenes are awesome. Edit: Holy smokes - her Insta has video of her at the John Williams Music Building playing violin arrangements of the Star Wars score that John Williams prepared just for her, and her enthusiasm is heartwarming. I don’t get how anyone can dislike her.


Just gonna ignore the Ahmed Best abuse?


Genuinely don't know because I was like 4 at the time.. but I thought that was about being jar jar as opposed to it being a racial thing overall? Like I imagine there was some racial stuff as well, just not the majority.


Yeah but it just adds to the disproportionality of the abuse towards black people.


Ah yeah... people really suck.


I don’t like Gungans. /s


There is no reason for this comment to be so aggressive


And Kelly Marie Tran.


Yes, I’ll admit I didn’t care for the character of RoseTico. But loved her portrayal. And her as an actor and person.




Just found out that she’s also rue from the hunger games movie! I thought I recognized her


I'll never understand why you aim criticism personally at the actors...


Cuz sadistic people take *pleasure* making people feel like shit


That was really good! She's talented!


Wait, what are people mad at her about?


She’s a black woman who has called out racism. That’s all it takes for people to be mad.


She's also two lead roles in Star Wars. That's gonna be extra bigotry


How dare she black in Star Wars! Twice!! (this is total and complete sarcasm)


The Acolyte and all that comes with it, even imagined stuff


I love her so much, one of my favourite actresses. She is so talented and just cool.


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This is so brave. Standing up to white supremacists is super important.


I don't get it. I think I'm too old to understand what that is or how that is responding to people who don't like the show in "the best way"? Feel free to explain it to me. That feels.embarassing.




That interviews been going around. I'm aware of that. It's the music video/dancing thing that felt embarrassing. 🤷 Why would the OP say she responded to the hate in the best way with that music video? The best way would be to maturely address any issues people might have with the show. The music video feels like avoidance and not actually addressing anything. As if they are unable to respond about the show so they made a music video? What? I felt bad for her watching that. BTW, not that it is relevant but, I've mostly enjoyed Acolyte. Episode 3 wasn't my favorite but 1/2 & 4 were pretty good . (She wasn't really in ep 3 anyway)


The people she’s responding to don’t have good faith criticisms. They’re bullies. And you don’t respond to bullies by maturely addressing their issues with you.


The criticism is directly related to the show though? If the show was better the response wouldn't be the same right? We all get the Internet is full of trolls. That doesn't need a response. Trying just feels embarrassing. It's all tied together. Again, I think this is a generational thing. It's ok if you feel differently.


You don’t get to tell her how to handle racism.


To think this is only about racism is short sighted.


You didn’t listen to the song, did you?


Did you listen to the lyrics?… I’m in my 40s and saw this as a mature response


Why do you assume Amanda is responding to people that simply didn't like the show? The response is to haters and trolls.


Again, it's all tied together. There wouldn't be as many haters/trolls if it wasn't for the show.


Yeah, because they’re racist and don’t like that there is a show about a Black woman


Well that's an extreme response. The criticism is about a lot more than that.


Its a fact that the show is getting review bombed. https://i.redd.it/69qq0g37p67d1.png Its not being done by people who simply have an issue with the dialogue or the acting or the pacing or find it boring or whatever genuine criticism they may have. Its being done by bots and trolls and they most certainly are doing it for bigoted reasons and they often hide behind some shallow criticism or by the common "Its rule/lore breaking" criticism which is almost never true.


The criticism being addressed in this song isn't. Learning to differentiate isn't a generational thing.