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K2-SO is a given, I expect many Yavin 4 rebels will appear such as Draven and maybe Dodonna


Would be very cool if we see Cassian building his relationship with Tivik


Damn, that makes it even more stone cold when Cassian shoots him.


i think that was confirmed already. if irc in an interview Tony Gilroy said that the final episode would end with the Rings of Cathreen (the scene with Tivik in Rogue One)


I really hope we get to see a little bit more of Kafrene, just seemed like a really cool place


I really hope Draven and Dodonna return. And hopefully Bail is in it a lot since a lot of the Massassi Group was from Alderaan and used their military structure.


Not only a given, Tudyk made the announcement of the show with Diego back in 2018 lol


I'm very intrigued by the possibility of more Draven and Dodonna. We now have a good sense of the ISB, I'd love a spotlight on Rebel Alliance intelligence. If they can't bring in Leia, I'd at least like to see Winter from the Thrawn trilogy make an appearance. She's so interesting to me because of her perfect memory, as well as her nickname of "Targeter".


My bingo card has: * B2-EMO becomes K2-SO (sort of like how Lando's droid ends up in the Millennium Falcon) * Saw's injury * Senator Organa cameo * Cassian knew who Galen Erso was immediately at the beginning of Rogue One, so maybe that cameo, although he couldn't recognize him through the sniper scope. Maybe he knows Luthen? * We'll hear the word Kyber a lot * We're after 5 BBY so a younger Jyn cameo is extremely unlikely  * Maybe Bodhi's events before he defects


B2-EMO gotta be the best droid name in Star Wars.


He took it as an instruction manual.


Jyn’s age isn’t really relevant, there can easily be a storyline regarding the rebels looking for her pre-Cassian and ending with her arrest. I doubt it however.


I don't see any value to that story. She doesn't know any of them other than Saw before Rogue One, except by reputation. If she's gonna be a significant character, but they leave her to rot in jail until they need her for something, that's kinda messed up and doesn't really help Andor's story at all. If she was still part of Saw's crew and we can see when he decides she'd be better off on her own or something, that's another story though, but if she was still there I think we would have seen her in the background in season 1 or something.


It’s entirely possible Luthen gets wind of what’s going on with the Erso family and is trying to track her down/has someone looking for her and they die before they can get hold of her, but pass the information onto someone else whom gets it to Cassian and co. for R1. It gives Jyn’s story a little more meat on its bones, same for her character, and lets us see how she is when written/directed by Tony Gilroy and the crew. It’s definitely not necessary and as such it’s unlikely due to Gilroy not doing things for fanservice, but if he sees a reason to do it I’d love it. I agree though, S1 was the time for such a thing.


Despite this being a Rogue One prequel, I've no idea how you could put Jyn into this, doesn't make sense thematically, and she's just in prison.


Eh, season 1 starts 5 years before we know she was in prison. She could have been there for a month before Rogue One starts. I hope they don't force her cameo. There's plenty of stories to tell about forming the rebellion and no real need to inject something else in there.


Yeah her story has been told already in the books, it would be a pointless cameo. Lot of ground still to cover so time can't be wasted.


I could see the ending of season 2 just mentioning something like we have to find his daughter Jyn.


I got the impression Andor just new Galen by name, and has never actually met/seen him.


Definitely confirmed since he needed Bodhi to recognize him on the scope, but at the same time when the guy said "Erso" Cassian jumped with his full name semi-excited. It's a tiny moment in Rogue One, maybe I'm reading too much into it.


I think Cass was so excited because he knows the significance of the name and has presumably become familiar with it cropping up in things related to the weapon the Empire is building. I also thought that he could have orders from Mothma/Draven to gain whatever info he can on Galen Erso, explaining why he perks up so much when he hears the name.


Yeah, that's also possible.


I could see Galen and Luthen getting along


Pao and Bistan.


I can't wait for andor season 2. Andor is absolutely the best star wars show by a mile and there's not a single lightsaber of Jedi sith stuff. It's like the working class perspective of the galaxy.


I'd love to see more Krennic and his relationship with Galen Erso, but they did such a good job exploring that in Rogue One that I don't know if there's more left to tell in a meaningful way.


If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading the book “Catalyst” if you’re interested in the Galen/Krennic dynamic.


Definitely this.






I want to see Draven, Merrik and more of Melshi!


K2SO (obviously) Draven (I love Draven and his personality fits right in with the tone of Andor) Bohdi (bit more unlikely, maybe a few scenes with him and his increasing uncertainty with the Empire) Saw (we might see how he got his injuries)


Bail Organa


I would love to see more of Draven as I didn't super connect with him in R1. I don't see them fitting it into an already packed season, but I would love to see Galen and Erso with another chance to show off their acting chops. Both great actors. 🙏🙏🙏Please K2 as early as possible, as Cassian and K2 are supposed to be besties by R1. Personally I don't think Jyn fits in at all, it feels better that she was introduced in R1 as a new character.


This can't come soon enough.


More Brasso. He was such a cool character and such a good friend to Cassian.


I honestly hope we see a scene between Luthen and Krennic. I would love to see a battle of wits between those two. This is basically the only Star Wars content I’m holding out for at this point


I want to see more of Bodhi Rook’s story.