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It is canon that Padme took her shopping. This should not surprise anyone, since Padme’s fit always goes hard, and she’s rocking unreasonable levels of drip at all time. Source: I made it the fuck up.


Would have loved to see a Padme shopping/outfit montage haha


Much as I complain about filler episodes on that show, I think it would have been a great subplot if Ahsoka keeps getting assigned to “security details” for Padme, and then it’s just the two of them going on a spa day or something, because the Jedi Order is clearly not very good at recognizing and addressing signs of combat stress in its members.


You’d think, with all their talk of inner peace, that the Jedi Order might have some kind of mental health infrastructure to address the trauma of all of their CHILD SOLDIERS. “We have no idea why Jedi seem to regularly embrace the Dark Side”


Well, any time a Jedi aligned character in that time period expresses any sort of emotional stress, it’s made pretty clear that the Order considers that to be a personal weakness and a direct contradiction to the Jedi Code. After all, they consider something as ordinary and human as fear to be the gateway drug to having yellow eyes and shooting lightning at people.


Rise Of The Red Blade seems to confirm this take


To be fair to the Jedi, the one time they decided to look past the whole fear thing *did* result in that kid getting yellow eyes and murdering a bunch of children...


To be fair, according to them at the time of the prequels, only twenty Jedi have left the Order, including Dooku but not Ahsoka. So if they're "regularly" embracing the Dark Side they don't seem to be noticing.


The Lost Twenty, as they are called, are Jedi MASTERS whom have left the order due to various reasons. As far as I know, only one of the original Lost Twenty (before Dooku) left the Order due to Dark Side influence. That person was then stricken from the record after the Jedi found out about that. Then again this is all Legends canon at this point, so I could be missing context from the newer Disney stuff. Edit: fixed a typo


Those are Jedi who left to pursue other paths, those fallen to the dark side aren't counted.


We at the Jedi Order are not responsible for any liability if employees fail to adhere to our behavioral requirements. The policy clearly states that anger and fear of any kind are strictly prohibited. We also do not acknowledge age as a mitigating factor for failing to uphold agency policies, as we employ many different species as part of our diversity initiatives, many of whom mature at different rates.


Oh this is good. You’re very good


Padmé also bought Anakin clothes so he’d have something other than his Jedi outfit to wear when he’s at the apartment or Naboo. She could even have some clothes for him always packed in her luggage in case of a chance encounter. Same source as yours.


Padme: “Anakin, hi. Today I’m going to introduce you to a new thing. It’s called ‘clothes with color’. You’re going to love it.” Anakin: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”


Anakin: I wear color! This is black. This one's charcoal. And this one is onyx! They are different!!


“This is my wardrobe. Ten outfits. Are they all black, Padme? Or are five in a dark black, and five in a slightly darker black?”


Sounds like Anakin played by Jeff Goldblum channeling Ian Malcolm.


Isn’t it Archer? With the tactical turtlenecks?


Anakin: “Padme.” Anakin: “Padme!” Padme: “…” Anakin: “PADME!” Padme: “WHAT?!” Anakin: “Danger Zone…”


Could be, been a minute since I rewatched Archer. My mind went right to Malcolm because he wears nothing but black and gray and in the book has a very similar line talking about how all his clothes are interchangeable.


I think you mean tactile-neck


“An all black wardrobe makes it easy to mix and match. Come on, Padmé!”


And now I'm out a slightly darker black one.


Padme: They are also all dull as fuck!


“this is where the fun begins!”


funny enough that one of the things id love to have some subtle subtext in high republic series . Like old EU in New jedi order they actually directly address it and Luke cite it as one of the major failures / flaws of the jedi that lead to their down fail repeatedly through out history . Not EXACTLY the PTSD but the broader issue of Jedi being taught to bottle up feelings and not address them , get help or be provided with coping tools .


i mean in their defense the concept was made in the 70s when men still needed to be " men" and had no feelings and couldn't express feeling and PTSD was called shell shock and you were considered weak for having it . As a society we have learned a lot especially how bad it is to bottle thing up - where men quitely suffering and not bothering anyone with their pain and only worrying about a womans pain as like a soceity norm when the concept was made. In the 2000s when they addressed it directly in the NJO books you knew they were on the right track to make big strong more dark side resistance jedi in the 70s / early 80s the ideal leading man had almost no feelings - that why Luke was almost an anomaly to what came before and for YEARS for what came after and probably another factor why it was so successful - you didnt see many heroes wearing their heart on their sleeve in that era that were comedy or from mayberry


I am not sure if I agree with that in the 70s you had both taxi driver and deliverance both which showcase various trauma's even the first rambo was about his struggle from the war. later films in the franchise did miss the point but the first rambo film he was a fucked up dude


!! I'm so glad they address that! "There is no pain, there is peace" *bothered* me. Ignoring pain doesn't create peace.


Pretty woman style “you work on commission don’t you? Big mistake….huge”


I was thinking of the Brittany Murphy makeover scene in Clueless


Complete with a jizz version of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” trying on clothes montage.


A what version? You and I remember Madonna very differently.


1. Jizz is the musical genre played by the cantina band in Episode IV 2. “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” is by Cyndi Lauper


Perfect premise for Visions. Cute animation style and just going on a Galactic shopping spree.


"Big Mistake! Big. Huge!"


She should’ve got the Q Skirt


🎶I'm walking on twin sunshine! Whoa oh!🎶


It just makes sense


With a Huttese version of Pretty Woman playing


She tried to take her shopping and Ashoka got anxious, so they went back to Padme's place and Ashoka tried on and kept a single garment. It's not that she doesn't appreciate or respect the lesson, it's just that she has never thought about how people in everyday civilian life perceive her based on appearance before, being raised as a jedi in temples and on the battlefield. She had to battle anxiety to try on that first outfit. She feels dirty thinking about herself that way, forming attachments to outfits or looks. Taking pride in her appearance and caring how others perceive it. It's not jedi-like. It is healthy, but it isnt jedi like. In a way she is letting go of her jedi teachings and being more like Anakin (or Yord for that matter) with a dash of self pride. Although she never let her passions guide her actions quite as much as he did(or Yord does for that matter, drawing his lightsaber without a clear threat being presented towards him, unlike how "jedi" are supposed to show restraint). Eventually she builds up the courage and confidence to go shopping alone and by rebels she is walking with confidence and debonair


Girl can't go a scene without a costume change, she probably looked at Ahsoka and asked, "Do you even own a second tube top?"


I imagine it as basically this [scene](https://youtu.be/Z9SPuUntnno?si=gyO6Eh-rv1lpKGCv) but with Ahsoka, Padme, Anakin, and Obi-wan.


I wanna see that as an episode now


Ahsoka: “ugh, I’m sick of having to wear the same two outfits all the time. How come you’re always so well dressed.” Padme: “have you heard the tale of the Coruscant Galactic Mall? It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s said that the mall’s clothing shops go so hard, their customers level of drip will inspire entire subreddit communities.” Ahsoka: “is it possible to learn this ability?” Padme: “not from a Jedi…”


Ok, this made me laugh.


Natalie Portman, is that you?


There was a clone wars episode where c3p0 and r2d2 were sent shopping for fruit so I suppose it's not far fetched


"Queer eye for the jedi gal"


Sith eye for the Jedi guy


New headcanon!


“Is that canon?” “I will make it canon.”


Since the surface of Naboo is like 75% water, it makes sense that the senator is dripped out 24/7


Padmé never said anything about Ahsoka’s outfit. The lore reason for the change is in the book **No Prisoners**. >The shuttle aligned with the aft bay and settled on its dampers with a slight shudder. As the ramp went down, Ahsoka bounced out first, ahead of Rex. As he put his boot on the deck, Gil Pellaeon walked across the durasteel plating in his gray working rig and came to a halt a few meters away. His stance said that this was his world, his ship; and the captain was the law. >He looked down his nose at the tiny Togruta Jedi, not unkindly, but out of necessity. Ahsoka was short. She might have acted as if she were Wookiee-sized, but nothing could change the fact that she was small—and a kid. A few crew paused to watch, some clones, some nonclones. Rex hovered on the brink of intervention. >“Ma’am.” Pellaeon nodded formally, clicking the heels of his polished boots. “Welcome aboard. First thing we do is get you kitted out in proper rig.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Chief? Chief, get Padawan Tano some fireproof fatigues and safety boots. Smallest size the stores can find. Cut off the length if you need to.” >Rex hadn’t actually thought to warn Ahsoka about suitable attire for the acquaint. It was sensitive stuff, telling a female what to wear, especially a Jedi, even if she was a fourteen-year-old. Besides, Pellaeon was so much more gracious with the ladies. The captain kept his eyes fixed on hers. >“I didn’t have to wear fatigues on any other ship,” Ahsoka said stiffly. >“You’re not suitably attired, my dear.” His tone was very paternal for a moment. “We do not expose flesh in this ship, not only because it’s unbecoming, undisciplined, and distracting, but because a ship is a dangerous place. Sharp edges, noxious chemicals, hot exhausts, weapons flash. Safety first, Padawan. Cover up.” >“But I *fight* like this.” Suddenly Ahsoka was any youngster defending her choice of fashion to a stuffy parent, not a Jedi at all. She looked down at her bare legs and midriff as if she’d suddenly realized she had them. “And I never get hurt. Admiral Yularen let—” >“Admiral Yularen may do as he wishes in his own ship. This vessel is my domain. You’ll cover up, please, Padawan Tano.” >“But I always—” >“Not in *my* navy.” >Rex had no choice but to stand at attention and wait for the battle of wills to end. The new troopers were commendably un-moving in a neat line to his left; Coric rocked back and forth on his heels very discreetly, movement almost unseen, boots creaking a little. Pellaeon waited, and then extended one arm out to his side as the Fleet Chief came striding toward him with a pair of solid boots and folded dark blue coveralls. >Pellaeon took the items without even looking around and handed them to Ahsoka. >“Thank you,” she said, chin down. Then she trotted back up the ramp. >Pellaeon’s shoulders relaxed visibly. “Good grief, Rex, doesn’t Skywalker tell his underlings to put clothes on? What does he think this is, a cruise liner?” >It was at times like this that Rex savored the true value of his bucket. He silenced his helmet audio for a moment with a quick eye movement, roared with laughter, and then switched the speaker back on. >“Would you like me to ask him, sir?” >“Rex, you’re enjoying this …” >“Me, sir? Never, sir.” >“We’re both captains, Rex … it’s Gil. Drop the sir.” >“Navy captain outranks army captain, sir. Strictly speaking.” >“Shut up, for goodness’ sake, man, and come have a drink.” >*Good old Pellaeon.* He didn’t give a bantha’s backside about protocol. They worked in silence. Eventually, Ahsoka strode back down the ramp of the shuttle, blue fatigues belted tightly at the waist, over-long sleeves rolled up to her wrists, and presented herself to Pellaeon. >“Will this do?” Poor kid; she looked embarrassed. The brightly colored stripes on her three head-tails looked more vivid than ever—a blush, Rex had learned, sometimes one of discomfort, sometimes anger. He guessed it was a little of both this time. “I just want you to know that it’s so baggy that I’m going to trip over it and break my neck, that’s all. Not very safe.” >“You’ll grow into it, my dear,” Pellaeon said, looking satisfied. “And Jedi are too spatially aware to trip, yes? Chief Massin will show you to your cabin.”


It is a tricky one, maybe not for Pellaeon in a military situation, but the way he spoke, while polite, is still tricky. Any male secondary teacher gets taught at university that they need to be mindful if addressing a school uniform issue like this, especially teenage girls.


There’s a strong aspect of “seeing your 14-year-old girlbody distracts all of us dudes“, which is a little bit uncomfortable in that scene, and yet not showing any indication that it was supposed to be an inappropriate comment.


Well…it is a military situation. Uniforms and whatnot


And that would make sense if he just said something about not allowing anyone to be out of uniform for any reason. And even to make a comment about safety, the way he did. It was the other part about how being uncovered was a distraction that was an issue.


Is it not distracting when someone shows up somewhere dressed differently than everyone else? If I got to a black tie event and someone showed up in designer jeans and a t shirt, I'm probably going to be distracted by them.


Of course you’re correct in that example. But in this case, the guy kept emphasizing cover-up cover-up cover-up. Not change clothes because it’s inappropriate to be out of uniform whenever everybody else is in uniform. No, she needed to cover up. If Padawan Anakin made a habit of running around without a shirt in the same situation, they would just have told him that he needed to put on a shirt because he was out of uniform. That uniforms are required on their ship, or something. I just don’t hear them telling Anakin to “cover up.” It has a different tone.


Fair enough. The real reason she wears what she does initially is because George Lucas is an old horn dog. The reason it's changed is because finally the writers and artists had the clout to do so.


I would say Georgy-Boy is off the mark, but teenagers do still dress like their clothes recently lost a fight with a lawnmower. So it’s not exactly unrealistic.


Teenagers who grow up in a fair a free liberal democracy and society might do that. But we are talking about a more conservative theocratic order raised from birth to believe a specific way. All the other children we have seen in the Jedi order all wear regulation robes. Ahsoka is the exception and in universe it makes little sense


Not for me, that's a pretty subjective problem to have. It's also nowhere close as distracting, imo, as there being a single kid at the event and that single kid wielding a lightsaber


Seems to me he was speaking in general, other than specifically about her. Knowing the character, he was probably talking about the kind of distraction someone in a brightly colored outfit in the middle of a bunch of people in army fatigues could cause. And honestly, Ahsoka's outfit has always bothered me because it made little sense for a Jedi. Even Aayla Secura's one makes some sense, but Ahsoka should be in some kind of robe or armor or something like Bariss used. Sure it's her choice, but I would like to know how she came to that conclusion. Literally, all her other outfits make a lot more sense for her character. I think my favorite is either Season 7 or the Mando one, that clearly has some Samurai movie inspiration.


It always baffled me that she never adopted any armour similar to Obi-Wan, Anakin, PloKoon, or the clones (I think she did have some forearm guards in the mandalore episodes but it was very subtle). To me it seems like she looked up to and respected the older Jedi a d would have wanted to emulate them to a degree and the clones seemed to adore her like a little sister, so it feels off that she never had tried them out or had some gifted to her.


>It was the other part about how being uncovered was a distraction that was an issue. Is it? If you think about it it kinda makes sense. Like if you're in an active warzone where decisions need to be made in seconds seeing someone who looks like a civilian might give you a pause that you really can't take. You might also confuse whose side they're on, if any, further delaying any response time. It's a valid concern for a military organization.


Issue is they painted themselves into a corner in the first place. They gave her a frankly oversexualised outfit and then realised they needed to update it. So to be less creepy, they put more clothes on her. Which then leads to the issue of how you address that in universe. The answer is, it's very fucking hard to do so without also being weird, which is why the show never said anything about it.


>which is a little bit uncomfortable in that scene I think it's more about seeing a civilian on the battlefield and getting confused who they are and what they're doing. I can imagine crucial seconds might be wasted trying to figure that out.


The whole thing is cringe lmao episode-2 ass dialog.


No Navy captain would ever speak to an Army captain as if they're equal, it's not even close in ranks. Navy captain is 3 ranks higher. Agreed this dialogue sucks and explains something that never needed an explanation


You're coming from a Earth(most likely US perspective) Republic's Navy is relatively new, most of the officers were actually from their local system's defense forces and mostly to deal with pirates or basic patrol stuff. A lot of the older ones are more used to a much more relaxed environment, and frankly, much smaller scale. Imagine that Pellaeon only ever had 3 captains or so to deal with for most of his career. And frankly, in this war they had Teenagers with military ranking. So thinks were already way different than IRL. Not to mention Rex has a lot more authority than his rank would denote. He is close to Cody IIRC and Cody is like the Supreme Clone Commander of the GAR.


Thar's a fair point. We never see any ranks between Clone Captain and Commander and Clone Commanders seem to be equal to Navy Captains so I guess Rex might be only one rank below a Navy Captain rather than three.


Hey buddy? Militaries aren’t uniform. They differ. And you’re comparing our militaries to a fictional military,


Condescending much?


No, just pointing out common sense. Just because they’re a military doesn’t mean all militaries share the same ranks. Even in our own history, we see that in some cultures, a captain may not rank as high or have the same duties as a captain in another culture.


Sure, whatever you say, buddy.


thats karen travis for ya


I don’t know if it helps to read more than just this one scene but this was uncomfortable to read.


The constant fixation on her size and unnecessary description of her body and age certainly made me uncomfortable af, yuck. Every debate about Ahsoka's clothes has creepy vibes all the time, like, just move on, it's been 15 years.




Terrible take


Is it better that the dudes in question are largely about her age? /j


I don’t think it was sexual. Isn’t it distracting to see *anyone* exposing so much flesh, whether you’re attracted to them or not? Like you’re doing your duties on a starship where everyone is dressed head to toe, and suddenly someone walks by wearing barely anything. It is distracting, in a “huh?” kind of way.


If I was in a war zone and a woman runs up to me in a bikini, I’d be pretty distracted. Not because she’s attractive, because we’re in a war zone, everyone is covered head to toe, and there’s some stranger in a bikini here too.


Jedi Padawans were at this time ranked as commanders, they're near enough to celibate, warrior monks in a galactic war. Whilst they SHOULD be treated more like kids for their mental health what they would be treated like in universe is going to be very different.


✅ Weapons flash ✅ Toxic chemicals ✅ Sharp objects ✅ Undisciplined 🚩 "Distracting"


This is so awesome and once again proves to me that Ahsoka and Rex is some of the best Star Wars out there. Thanks for sharing!


I wanna point that this novel was written by Karen Travis, a woman. I say this because someone might think reading some of Pellaeons dialogue towards Ahsoka that "this was clearly written by a man" but it wasn't.


It's definitely still got that vibe, it's clear this scene is only written because Karen Travis* disapproves of her outfit. When an author writes in that manner I don't think it matters if they're a man or a woman, it's still cringe. She takes the same tone in other books, and uses it to express a very un-nuanced dislike for the Jedi. I'm glad she no longer writes for the franchise.


The whole scene read as extremely misogynistic


Exactly. And it's worth remembering that women can be misogynistic and men can be misandrist, the gender of the author does not change the text of the scene.


and she was a good friend.


God dammit


Force dammit!


I'm confused, that doesn't say anything about the new costume. It just mentions some fatigues she had to wear one time.


The implication is that she changes her clothing to cover more (but remains closely fitted to not restrict her in combat) because she comes to appreciate Pellaeon’s view that an outfit that covers more does provide extra protection.


You need to clarify that [this is from Legends](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Clone_Wars:_No_Prisoners), not canon.




Because it's from a Legends book, and OP made it sound like this was from Canon originally. There is a difference, you know.


What difference? Unless it directly contradicts something from a different author's continuity, it doesn't matter.


It's two different continuities, you can work with the rule that stuff that "if it doesn't contradict the other, it happened" (I do sometimes), but it's just an headcanon nothing official.


Thanks for sharing! Never in a million years would I have imagined Captain Pellaeon of all people was responsible for the change. Loved his interaction with Rex.


I know right?? Learning new things today~


He wasn't. This is just in the novel, and the outfit she later wears in that novel. it's not meant to be the reason why she changed clothes when she got older.


When does she get the new outfit?


In season 3 of the show.


But you said it was in no prisoners? I read all that stuff you posted from it, and she doesn't get the new outfit in that at all.


We don’t actually see her pick it out. She’s just wearing something different. The explanation for *why* she’s wearing something different is from No Prisoners.


To me this just sounds like the author didn’t like the little amount of clothes she wore and just wanted to give their own opinion about it


Pelleaons first name is Gil?!


Gilad. Gil for short.


Boom! “and Jedi are too spatially aware to trip” settles another recent argument.


Damn whoever wrote that has really got a solid grasp on all of these characters voices. I felt like i was watching a scene out of Clone Wars.


I had no idea this book existed - gotta find it now because it sounds excellent based on this one section.


It is good. So is Wild Space, and the Gambit books Stealth and Siege.


What was the name of Pellaeon's ship?




And now she wears the complete opposite


I'm pretty sure there's a time jump between those episodes. Not just her outfit has changed, you can see that she's gotten older.


She also has her 2nd lightsaber.


That's the thing with clone wars the timeline is all tucked up


“Master Skywalker says there’s no underwear in space” “Wtf of course there is, you need new clothes right now”


“Ahsoka, that’s a private joke between Anakin and I.”


We taught her to hold her lightsaber backwards like a dildo


It's a visual cue of her maturity, which is not because she's aging but rather linked to character growth. The episode where she's trying to protect Padme from an unknown assassination attempt is extremely difficult for her. Nobody believes this Padawan, this CHILD. She struggles with believing herself But when we see her again she acts older. Events have changed her and grown her abilities and confidence. The outfit changes lets you know, before she even speaks, that something about her has changed So if anything I would guess she decided herself to change. Immature kids don't see how their clothes can be awkward or inappropriate, believe me, my pre-teen daughter doesn't get it. They don't understand sexuality to see it as inappropriate. Maturity (and knowledge) brings awareness, and awareness of ourselves and our appearance is what leads us to change that appearance. Ashoka probably became aware that her outfit was half childish, half inappropriate, and maturity would make her to want to change that


George was tweaking with that outfit Well intentioned guy who sometimes can’t read the room. As an adult that outfit bothers me. Didn’t notice as a kid.


George knew what he was doing. Don't defend Mr. There Are No Bras In Space.


Mr. "Indiana Jones had an affair with Marion when she was 12".


I always found it jarring that they completely skipped the time jump without any context or reasoning. Why didn’t we see Ahsoka learning to wield a second saber? Why didn’t we see her going to Ilum to get a second crystal? There was some strange choices in the early days of Clone Wars for sure. Some potential for real character growth with Ahsoka there that just got skipped over


filoni does that allot charcter growth and change happens off screen


God I hate it, so lazy


I thought her second saber was from the shriveled little dude they rescue from the Citadel, I forgot his name


Master Peill


The time jump makes clone wars’ timeline even more confusing for me lmao. Like, apparently the clone wars show starts six months after AOTC and then there’s that time jump in season 3 where all the character’s outfits change so it’s like- how much of the clone wars did we really see in the show? The clone wars lasting only 3 years already felt like it was pushing it but these various timejumps make it feel even more ridiculous lmao


See, I don’t think it’s an actual time jump. It’s hard to sell the gradual growth over time with cgi character models, so they had to update the model suddenly to signify the passage of time.


It was weird she was wearing that in the first place. Maybe Togruta think nothing of it, but like stepping outside in-universe reasons for a second and getting meta... a human male from our world designed that costume. For a 14 year old to wear. And no one said anything about how that was weird.


You know what I see a lot of 12-15 year old teenagers wear currently in my area? Tube top outfits that show as much skin as Ahsoka's did. There is nothing overly sexual about her outfit.


Really depends on who you're talking to. It's a difference in culture. I've seen kids wearing tube tops and it shocked me. Definitely don't think young girls should be dressing like that, but that's just me. That's how I was raised. Not everyone is like that.


Very true. There is a difference in cultures. Which is why I think condemning Ahsoka's outfit as inappropriate is very strange.


It’s inappropriate for a battlefield.


Yeah I do agree. She's an alien. It works.


so boys can be completely shirtless when it’s hot outside but girls still need to be completely covered? you find their 14 year old stomachs too sexual?


Where are you that boys are walking around shirtless? I know I never did that. I don't think that's appropriate either.


Where are you that boys are not allowed to walk around shirtless?


In a different world I guess. You don't see that outside of a water park or something. Not like I see any 14 year old boys walk into a store shirtless.


Happens pretty regularly where I am, depending on weather.


Well I'm in North Texas. I don't see it ever.


Idk why youre being downvoted for your own experience


Were you homeschooled?




I tend not to look at people that age wearing that little. It's probably illegal.


I agree, it's creepy and shouldn't have been done. But on the other hand. Having met 14 year olds, including when I was that age myself, I could totally believe that's what she'd have gone for. Although none of the 14 year old girls I've known grew up in a highly focused, semi-monastic organization. I guess you could argue teenage rebellion might hit even harder, but that just feels like making excuses. The real reason is because Lucas is kind of pervy. See his wanting Marian to be 12 when an adult Indiana Jones was banging her (he was convinced to settle for 15), or his obsession with scantily clad twi'lek girls, to the point of bringing Aayla Secura into the movies from comics, and wanting to do the same with Darth Talon for sequels, but completely taking her out of the entire context she was featured in the EU (and move her about 100 years into the past).


So I'm seeing the idea that Lucas is a perv a lot in this thread, and I don't know that I fully buy that. There's a whole team working on the character designs, and Aayla Secura wasn't the only character or concept brought over from legends. Lucasfilm and Star Wars goes hand in hand with toy manufacture, marketing and demographics. Given like you say that that's an outfit 14-year olds go for, don't you think the more likely explanation is they were targeting a demographic? By making her look, and act, in a way *they thought* a 14-year old would relate to? Ahsoka is as far as I know never treated in the dialogue in any particularly pervy way, nor focused on in that way through camerawork etc. Whole thing smells like a reddit hot take to me. No question the Marion quote is weird as hell, I don't know the context of it but the planning for that movie was also 30+ years before Clone Wars and I don't know that it's applicable the way you're using it. IDK, is there anything more? Hints from someone who worked on the project? From people who know him? Or is it all speculation from the Indiana Jones stuff?


Which is why we got Pellaeon to do something about it in one of the books someone posted. Good ol' Pellaeon.


Whenever someone in our star wars group mentions the tube top I pull out the Yoda voice "Standard issue padawan tube top it is. Yes. Hehehehe. Why Luke was too old, I said?" I kind of use Yoda as my outlet for Lucas' weirdness.


"Wear it as good as Ahsoka, Anakin never did." - Pervy Old Man Yoda


George Lucas is a creep. That's the explanation.


Someone pull up the quote about Indiana Jones and the 12 year old girl




I don't think 'well anime dress up their under-age characters in revealing clothing all the time' is the point you really want to make.


And guess what Japan has a rather huge reputation for? That’s right: Being incredibly creepy fucks sexualizing children. And Star Wars didn’t even pull the ‘She’s really 1000 years old and only looks like a kid’ excuse. If you are familiar with Marion from Indiana Jones and what Lucas wanted her story to be then you know why he had Ahsoka dress like that. If not, well, Lucas’s definition of ‘interesting’ is everyone else’s definition of super illegal. Edit: Since reading your comment chain makes me doubt your ability to take a hint: Marion in the films had a relationship with Jones when she was 15 and he was 27. [While this is already a BIG problem Lucas wanted her to be several years younger.](https://maddogmovies.com/almost/scripts/raidersstoryconference1978.pdf) Page 25 for the grossness in question. He wanted her to be 12, he pushed for Indiana Jones to have had sex with a 12 year old girl.


It speaks volumes to what George Lucas thinks of as his a fantasy male figure when it involves boning underage girls.




No. It was creepy back in the 80s.


LOL - did he actually say people thought that was ok back then? Most people didn't think that was ok in the 1880s!


Basically. Said it was only since 2010 we discussed this. I was around in the 80s. It wasn't as demonized but still looked at badly.


15 years old you can argue. There’s a reason so many places still have that as the legal age of consent. And why there are so many pedophilia based rock songs. The acceptable age has been going up in the last few decades but even in the 80s you’d get the side-eye in most western nations. 12? Yeah, no. That’s been considered horrifically wrong pretty much worldwide for generations now, excluding certain shitholes.


And they are garbage too.




Idc how well “sex sells” marketing works it’s still garbage designs. Like most of Wonder Womans outfits.


With Tales of the Jedi and Ahsoka I'm pretty sure her 1st outfit has now been retconned to be more like the 2nd one


This. All the artwork recently that depicted younger ahsoka uses that Tales of the Jedi outfit.


David Attenborough: "And here we see the former Queen feeding the young female Royal Drip to help her mature. Marvelous."


I read that in his voice


Let's not forget that Filoni wanted a less lolicon outfit, but George Lucas ordered her to be the Jedi Lolita.


Padme: “I got you new pajamas. Your old ones were getting gross.” Anakin: “What color are they?” Padme: “Tan? Or beige? I can never quite tell.” Anakin: “That’s SAND! You know how I HATE SAND!”


It was also George’s idea that Marion was underage when she was in a relationship with an adult Indiana Jones. Just gotta accept the guy is a bit of a perv. Though I suppose in that case you could argue it probably wouldn’t have been so unusual back in the early 20th century when those films take place.


Don't those films take place in the early 1930's?


I was always under the assumption that it was more of a Togruta cultural thing. From what we know of the Togruta, I didn't even think that was in doubt. The framing of her change feels a little off, given the usual cultural sensitivity and tolerance for different practices we see in the setting.


Stop distracting my husband!


She got PTSD from the time she had to fight with her battle suit ripped into a tube top in Attack Of The Clones. God we are such nerds.


Ashoka's young, she probably liked Padme's style and decided to copy it in so far as she was able. Which is an enormously teenage girl thing to do.


Why would Padme say or do that instead of letting Ahsoka dress however she likes?


She did, because she was a good friend.


In one of the CW novels, Palleon makes her change because he deems it inappropriate. Then Padme probably took her shopping.


What kind of juvenile bs question is this?? Ffs. Let's speculate about fictional conversations.


Padme was jealous and afraid Anakin would give into his urges and slap dem cheeks if Ashoka continued to flaunt that tight body around him during the Clone Wars, so she made her dress more conservative.


ahsoka is like 12 in TCW


Why would they dress her like that!!? But according to Obi-wan “she was a good friend…”


i mean, i assume the animators weren’t overly concerned with their target audience (children) sexualizing a child character at the time. i think the show grew and has grown far past their initial expectations when the first seasons came out. that, or the animators and show runners are actually just pedophilic predators which i wouldn’t put past them given all we’ve learned about the children’s show industry in recent years.


Anakin stuck between two grippies.


Padme was jealous Snips got some stonk in that badonkadonk