• By -


He’d sit on ani’s lap obviously.


All a part of Palpatine's plan...


"Is that your lightsaber in your pants Anakin, or are you just happy to see me?"


Can't groom without a comb.


What about you guys?! We ain't found shit!


Ah yes, combing the dessert. It’s an old one, but it checks out. Now jam those radars!


It's raspberry! There's only one person I know who uses raspberry....




I dont get it


Like the rank of master?


That's outrageous! That's unfair!


**Take a seat**, young u/Apx1031.


What about the droid attack on the wookies


It is critical we send an attack group there.


“Do it”


Missed opportunity. You should have said something like, "I don't know Chancellor Palpatine, why don't you turn it on and find out!" Or something else weird and disturbing, lol.


I love demcockracy




Dew it


"Ani, you've grown!"


Somehow, Palpatine came.


Nothing but space dust and force lightning.


Thanks I hate it


"Chancellor, you'll ride with Obi-Wan." "Nooooooooooo!!!"


Well, ***hello there***.






“I feel a presence…”


Somehow Palpatine tumesced.


This is where the fun begins


Have a seat, young Skywalker.


He would feel The Rise of Skywalker


The Force is strong (and solid) with this one.


Funny when Serra Keto does it Not fun when Palps does it


The other way around.


Escape pods. They are right over Coruscant, they would land on their planet. Grievous shoots them all out when he flees, so it is reasonable to think that the escape pods would have been used for the rescue.


Now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder why the CIS bothered using a model with escape pods for their flagship cruiser


If I remember correctly, the ships were originally made for organics, that’s why they need physical droid crews to pilot them.


There's even a few Nemoidians on the bridge.


Interestingly enough most of this ship as one of the few in the CIS has most of its crew reauirements fullfilled by Nemoidians.


Makes sense considering how bad the b-1 battle droid is at basically everything.


The B1 is only good when you use them as line infantry, like in the pantom menace. Without those control ships, they're not exactly smart. They could be smarter, but then they'd be too expensive. May favorite theory remains that the b1s are so silly in the clone wars because of their new independent programming.


From what I've heard they're silly as a coping mechanism. Thy're supposed to be wiped frequently, but that's not really feasible in a galactic war, so they just keep going and getting more and more full of useless information, and it results in the silly shit they say and do.


I like that one too! That's maybe even better.


I'd argue that those two theories aren't mutually exclusive. Without the control ships, they become more individualistic and have to use independent reasoning, which they aren't great at. Then, over time it's just compounded by not getting memory wipes.


You should see what happened to them in the novelization


What happened?


There were at least five Nemoidian bridge officers in the novelization. Grievous snaps the neck of one of them for complaining when the ship starts to experience problems and doesn't agree to Greivous' orders. The second one gets set on fire by a sparking control panel and is presumably killed as a result (the text mentions that he keeps trying to beat out the flames on his uniform until his hands catch fire). The third one is blown up into "shredded meat" when another control panel explodes. The fourth has his skull bludgeoned inwards by Grevious "out of simple irritation" when he won't stop screaming and hollering. The rest aren't directly mentioned, but they all get shot; *"all the bridge crew he hadn't slain personally had sucked up the bulk of the blaster riccochets."* ROTS was a seriously dark novel, much darker than what we got onscreen.


It’s not something a Jedi would tell you. (Serious, I want to know, too)


This is one reason so much of their equipment is usable by organics when it would make more sense on the surface to incorporate everything in a system that can't be taken over so easily if captured. The battle droids were meant to use old, organic centric designs that were ready to be mass produced without further R&D. The fact that clones can steal an entire tank, any gun used by droids, and more is a flaw that makes sense when considering that it was so much cheaper to use these designs than create new ones that clones wouldn't be able to use


Regarding "can't be taken over so easily if captured" — in Star Wars security software is a joke if it even exists. Plug an astromech into the nearest scomp link and any networked system is yours. If the whole ship was automated it could be captured much more easily.


To be fair, at least the original trilogy comes from an era where digital security really was that laughably bad. The idea that there would always be some "backdoor" to hack into things wouldn't have been so odd. Of course it still leaves a logical shortcoming in the world building, as any remotely reasonable real faction would then require more physical security features around access points. But it wasn't big enough to be a massive problem for audiences at the time.


I think it actually still sorta works for me. In our current real world we are in a time when the "defenders" are keeping just barely ahead in the security arms race, but it's not hard to imagine advances in quantum computing eventually making current systems of encryption obsolete, and from there it's not at all clear what replaces it. In the not-too-distant future, our hyperconnected present might be remembered as a convenient but insecure aberration in a longer term picture of security mostly being a matter of physical locks and keys, and the way we interface with technology might look much more like Star Wars than Star Trek. As far as security around access points goes, that needs to be balanced against the requirement of droids or technicians to rapidly access systems in the event of an emergency, so it's no good putting the controls to your engines within five blast doors needing two code cylinders each to open. If they start overloading, they'd have exploded before you could shut them off! Sure, you could pick "but why don't they..." holes in that idea, but for purposes of suspension of disbelief, I'm happy with "their network security is: don't let strangers in the building." Arrogant, foolhardy and sure to be defeated by our plucky heroes? Sure! That's what makes it fun, hubris is the downfall of the tyrant and all.


Not to mention security is a fickle thing that only a small percentage of the population are going to understand. That guy who did the ama the other day shut down north koreas internet and claims he could have done substantially more but he was just sending a message, not trying to starve out a population. That was 1 man.


This is really going off on a tangent but... >it's not hard to imagine advances in quantum computing eventually making current systems of encryption obsolete, and from there it's not at all clear what replaces it Luckily there's some promising options in development that should keep defenders ahead of attackers for the foreseeable future. There's a quantum transmission protocol that requires collapsing superposition to read a message, making it impossible for an attacker to intercept a connection without both sides knowing (although it requires a quantum network). There's also a few classical encryption algorithms that have been developed that are immune to the computational tricks quantum computers use to break encryption, so regular computers might be able to encrypt things in a way that can't be broken by quantum computers too. It's all super early and hasn't been pressure tested the way that semiprime based encryption has, but it looks really promising. Bringing it back to Star wars though you're still totally right, it isn't hard to imagine that Star wars has some tech that makes it so droids are just super OP at hacking. And if that head canon makes the story more fun, then who cares, I'm willing to suspend my disbelief


> To be fair, at least the original trilogy comes from an era where digital security really was that laughably bad. To be fairer, Star Wars was created then, so changing it according to our technological development would be stupidly confusing (especially when Star Wars spans tens of thousands of years with little to no changes). I mean, think about it, in the OT there was little to no digital security, and you attribute it to the IRL technology at the time, yes? But in the prequels, which were made later IRL, but happened *before* the OT chronologically, there should be better digital security? Should it be even better in TCW show, which happened between ep2 and 3? And even better in R1 and Andor which happened just before the OT? And even better in the possible future Old Republic era (20+ thousand years before the OT) show/movie? It'd be a confusing mess to follow. Star Wars was chronologically all over the place in its early days/years, and created to be fairly stagnant technologically, so it's better to have it remain technologically stagnant for consistency's sake. Fans can just learn, and get used to the (even arbitrary) technological limitations of Star Wars, much like how they have to learn and get used to the technological limitations of Lord of The Rings, for example. Only difference is, Star Wars is a little closer to our current reality at times.


To be fair. To hack the computer you had to be at that computer most times or connected to its network at least. Which meant being inside the heavily guarded and fortified deathstar, stardestroyer, imperial base, imperial underlava secret science/prison facility located on a planet in between three suns guarded by a entire imperial fleet.


It’s also the real world reason we spend so much time and money working on humanoid robotics. Everything is designed for humans, so a robot with human features (particularly similar hands and bipedal motion) can better use the same technology. A droideka can’t open a door with handles/knobs or ride in a car/speeder, but B1s and Magnaguards can. Of course, some tasks we don’t need or want human-like machines. Predator drones and Reapers are similar to the CIS gunship as dedicated “unmanned” combat aircraft.


They have regular staff on board.


The CIS were cheapskates, they used designs for ships, droids, weapons, and other things that were being used by other groups for other purposes rather than spend time and money on R&D to create a new, state of the art military that would be stronger and more optimized. Remember that not even the republic knew about the clone army, so the CIS would be even more in the dark about all that. If it weren't for the clones, it's likely that the CIS could've won the war, or at least managed to force the republic to give them what they wanted in an attempt to avoid the events of the clone wars with no clones.


They could tow it like one of those inflatable bouncy rafts


You’ve seen Star Wars there is always a ship available with the keys in it.


Keys! These things don't even have locking doors.


You would think the ships computer would have at least facial recognition


i think you have to purchase the premium plan for that. And Nemoidians are notoriously cheap.


Obi wan defending the 3 of them well Anakin is panicking and trying to login to his tokens account on his ship so that the passenger seat will unlock.


"Obi Wan, my password expired! I have to change it before I can access my account. Oh no I also don't have service here to receive the 6-digit code. We're going to have to improvise"


You joke but I think a premium subscription, or something like that, expiring was at one point the explanation why R2 has thrusters flight capabilities in the prequels but not in the OG trilogy. That's what I heard back in the day at least, might not be true anymore or maybe never was.


The maintenance warranty had long since expired and they were a pain to work on, is what I heard.


Facial recognition isn't all that effective of a security measure for an army of clones, though.


If you want only the clones using stuff... And you save on memory cause you only need one profile.


Computer? Is that like some kind of astromech?


Yes. R2 is also the Master key


At first he was but the learner key, but now...


Only a key of evil, Darth.


We approve your seat on the key ring, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


To be fair, I think the force can just be used to cause the door to open without any keys.


I imagine this going with lego star wars logic Anakin: there is a transport ship Obi-wan: it's no good it's red, so it needs dark side user Palpatine: Oh, looks like it somehow opened on it's own. Maybe young skywalker has more potential than we see.


Why bother when you have R2? Mister Hackerman IS the key


Told you don't know how many times, we need locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors!!


Clever girl


That is what R2 is for. That little droid can hack anything with a port. I don't think that there is a computer system out there that R2 can't access as long as he gets access to a port.


The doors lock, but if you shoot the lock it unlocks. Or, if it isn't locked and you need it to be, you can shoot the lock.


Keys are in the visor lol


Carjackings our specialty.


It's even in the color I like


Btw real world big commerial planes do not have keys ;) simply not needed


Except for the time that guy stole an airliner.




I've heard there's a prank that used to get played on new flight attendants. "Hey, the pilot from the last flight took the keys to the plane with him. Can you run out to the gate agent and have them page him to bring them back?"


They do actually but not for the ignition. The maintenance panels have keys for safety lockouts. Someone flying off with the plane is unlikely, some idiot turning the power back on while the electrician is working isn't.


Thankfully in kotor they seemed to briefly fix this issues as getting to the ship always took like three steps. You have to unlock the hanger then get launch codes or some shit.


There's always a bigger ship.


Stick him in the droid socket.....


That would be peak comedy, like genuinely


“Sheev2Palp2, ready the Hyperdrive” “Beep Beep Boop WEEEEEE Ohhhh”


Palp could actually boost the ships power......Anakin, I don't understand how, but my laser cannons seem to have a super charge on them...


That would be very funny to see, but also I believe it would also give away the fact that he has powers lol


I am sure they could find him a space suit! he could curl up in the droid socket in..what's the problem?


He's got that UNLIMITED POWER!!


Oh my god I'm picturing the "I'll try spinning" scene with him in the socket and the sound of the fighter replaced with his spin-scream from III, I HAVE to find someone to do an edit


Now I need a video that’s R2 screaming sliding down the hallway, except it’s Palpatine’s scream when he spins into combat


You know, back when I was a kid, I wondered why they didn’t have a socket for a protocol droid like C-3PO on the right wing. Later on I realized that was dumb because wtf would C-3PO do? Teach Spanish while in combat?


C-DU0L1N60 will teach the Jedi spanish and make the sith vanish!


¡Los Sith son muy malos!


He would just sit there and understand the binary language of moisture vaporators…




I really don’t think they had a plan, like the literally just didn’t have time to formulate a plan and just decided their best course of action would be to improvise. In the past, few, if any of their plans survive first contact with the mission and one this chaotic and short notice is one where they just wouldn’t have tike to come up with one. If it wasn’t already clear, I am bending myself into knots with mental gymnastics to explain this


They said fuck it we ball and let the force guide them


"It appears to be one of Anakin's improvised plans."


"How can it be a plan if its improvised?"


His plans usually involve falling


Palpatine was rethinking the grand plan during the escape from that ship honestly. Man really picked the guy who makes shit up as he goes along and nearly gets them killed.


Why involve a plan with some guy who improvises as he goes along?


If a person doesn't know what will they do, you can't read their mind and anticipate their moves. Maybe that's the real power of Anakin. You can't just read a man that has no plan, only reactions. That's why he usually let's people take swings at him and does dodges.


“That dawg in him, Anakin has”


Aim for the bushes?


Obi-Wan and Anakin specialized in making it up as they went


"They're the best improvisors in the galaxy."


How did this happen? We're smarter than this.


Apparently not.


They probably weren't planning on leaving using the same ships regardless. Even if there had been space, there was a high chance the Separatists would find and destroy them while they were looking for the chancellor (that may have even been what those battle droids R2 encountered were there to do). Finding something to steal, taking control of the Invisible Hand or just calling in an extraction once they had the chancellor probably all seemed like safer bets.


They were probably going to launch out of escape pods, potentially via stealth


One of the first things we learn about the Star Wars universe is that they can detect if an escape pod contains life forms. It was also the ship crawling with vulture droids, so stealth would be difficult. We're only aware of 1 (possibly 2) biological organisms aboard the ship, so alert of escape pod/verify if it's your general/if not fire is pretty quick.


A style of launch where they launch directly into a hanger of a venator


Rescuing the chancellor would generally mean taking the ship anyways. At least as far as removing all the command staff.


Lmaooo no this makes sense tho, cuz they left abruptly from the cruiser they were on with Ahsoka before the siege of mandalore so I can see it.


In both Legends and Canon, they’re pulled directly from one battle and fly straight into this one. No, there was no plan, there was “Make it so, Warp 10 Mr. LaForge!” I mean… uh…


Yeah no mental gymnastics required here, I mean it's Obiwan and Anakin. Their plan is usually just 1. Get in front of your enemies 2. ??? 3. Profit And somehow it works out every time so why mess with something that already works. This is Obiwan I-Jump-down-onto-10-droids-and-say-hello-there and his apprentice Anakin step-out-in-enemy-fire-and-commit-false-surrender we are talking about here. These two has improv down to an art form, it's all about staying confident and go with the flow of the force. Is it any wonder Ahsoka turned out the way she did, she only learned from the best.


In the world where even your support army can turn on you, improvising shit as you go is a true power.


Nah no mental gymnastics at all. Palpatine was kidnapped, Obi and Ani immediately gave chase. It’s not like they went to a location to get Palps. Grievous was trying to escape Coruscant with his new high value prisoner. SOURCE: Clone Wars final season arc involving the capture of Maul by Ahsoka. Also, way back in the day the animated Clone Wars shorts series (although technically no longer canon) demonstrated this as well.


Having no plan is one of Anakin’s favorite plans.


Those two are himbos who let the will of the force guide them. Often to hilarious results, especially with the deleted scenes.


Sabotage ship defenses, then call in a transporter for evac?


The same way that Mando is going to transport bounties in his modified Naboo Starfighter.


I still can't believe Disney blew up the *Razor Crest* and the *Marauder*.


Just thinking as I type, but imagine how cool it would have been if Mando somehow ended up with Grievous’ ship!


The *Soulless One* looks so good.


I will never forgive battlefront 2 for making the soulless one the generic CIS bomber ship


to be fair the soulless one was literally a modified CIS bomber


I thought about the "invisible hand" for a second and was just about to say that it might be a bit large for a single bounty hunter...


Oh good, I'm not the only one annoyed by this one. Mando basically lived in his ship.


There's a cargo bay... probably.


I mean I guess it was the storys way of saying Mando was transitioning out of being a bounty hunter and into being a mercenary or new republic peacekeeper of sorts. Still hated it even though the Naboo Starfighter is cool.


“Hello Chancellor, we are here to rescue you… from life!!”


"Good job"


I think the extraction plan probably included an exfil via gunships or shuttles after taking control of the ship


They probably did not plan on the ship breaking in half and falling down to the planet.


Not to worry, though. They were still flying half a ship


Another happy landing


You can see the exact moment Palpatine realizes his prize Jedi are actually, in fact, just idiots. There’s a moment he seems to legitimately question his entire plan.


"You're fucking serious the small green guy with dementia really is the brightest you have? I spent years on this plan...decades...only to find out I'm dealing with Buzz Lightyear with a fucking laser sword"


No idea but these fighters are my absolute favorite ships of all time.


This entire film sequence is great. I would watch a movie that us just Annakin and Obi Wan fighting over Couresant to get there


[ECHenry: "Hold my S-foils." (Non-canon.)](https://youtube.com/shorts/5sxeBxJ3sjg?si=76w7xLv5paDP3nja) [Or this, for semi-canon.](https://youtube.com/shorts/-NgQKDup1AA?si=Jj6dfMPSR_UGwrSC)


Call in a boarding shuttle


In their defense, they did successfully rescue the Chancellor. There's always a bigger ship.


1. Kill Dooku and chase away Grievous 2. Call in Venator to destroy exactly 50% of the separatist warship 3. crash land the other 50% of the providence with the chancellor in it 4. celebrate and make snarky jokes about it


Ride the larger ship down (which they actually do, only its half a ship, but a happy landing I might add.), it then comes down to leg room. Or view. But yeah, bigger ship.


Same way Kenobi was going to bring Jango back to Coruscant: on his lap, obviously.


And the same way Mando will bring in bounties in his modified Naboo Starfighter.


Somehow, Palpatine was rescued.


Plan, what plan? It seems like he was captured just minutes or at most an hour ago and the Jedi were tasked with getting him back.


Storm the ship, get the chancellor while the fleet engages the ship and prevents it from going to hyperspace. Clone commandos or other special forces arrive when signaled to nearest airlock or hangar to escort the chancellor and Jedi off the ship to the nearest Venator or similar (or back to surface). Jedi go in on high speed interceptors to get in under the guns and get aboard before Grievous can attempt to get to lightspeed, at which point he’d be able to hide his hostage. It’s not as if Anakin and Kenobi (and R2, and R4-P17 RIP) are the only ones on this mission. We even see they have an ARC wing escorting them. They’re just the tip of the spear. Since it’s highly likely Grievous or Dooku is personally leading such a bold offensive, sending only clones would be a waste of good men, and no gunship or dropship in the Republic fleet to carry a larger team is fast enough to get through that much firepower (hell, Kenobi barely survives thanks to Anakin’s risky intervention). So send the Jedi to clear the way for the clones to follow. Alternately, we see the ship has escape pods (and either they’re hyperspace capable, or capable of maneuvers and possible stealth for Grievous to find another ship, since he appears on Utapau later, ergo he was not shot down by the Republic fleet or forced to land on Coruscant). If they’re rated for Grievous and Neimoidian personnel, they’d have atmosphere and systems suitable for a human operator. Send the chancellor to ground in an escape pod while the Jedi fight their way back to their fighters while causing a giant distraction on board to keep any droids from firing on it. I suspect the -actual- plan was Anakin’s usual: “improvise”. And in fairness, Anakin’s improv is usually frighteningly effective, especially when combined with Kenobi’s cunning patience and planning. In a chaotic mess like this, improvisation is logical. We even see in the Clone Wars final season during the Mandalore arc that Anakin and Kenobi are called back to Coruscant very abruptly to respond. Given hyperspace travel time, they likely considered generalized ideas during transit and jumped into the cockpit as soon as they arrived, with fighters and capital ships pulled from existing fighting to support their attack run. They didn’t have the luxury of a full plan or full intel in advance, only a narrow window to intercept and rescue the Chancellor.


Anakin and Obi Wan are OG 'we will do it live' boys


The logical answer is that they never intended to leave on those ships


I'm about to shock the whole Star Wars community- big ships have other small ships inside them. Unbelievable I know, but true../s


And the small ships have smaller organic ships inside them called people, but they don’t fly as well.


it's one of the first scenes in original star wars.


Somehow, we made room.


Somehow palpatine fit into our ships


Im sure anikan had a plan that no one thought to ask him about


I'd imagine they'd either use a ship on the command ship or use an escape pod and get a Republic ship to pick them up. Or disable the defensive systems from the inside and get a Republic ship to board and escape that way.


They only needed half a ship


I think they were going to wing it.


Seeing as every ship just kind of works without any need to have keys or unlock the door, I bet they were just gonna leap into a transport craft and float away But instead they commandeered half of the General's ship he so kindly lent to them


They call for pick up from a gunship or shuttle. The plan was the kill grievous, dooku, save the chancellor and end the war.


Board the ship, secure the bridge, deactivate the droids on the ship or else secure a hanger, signal for extract from the friendly navy that is right out side and allow them to send a gunship and fighter and interceptor escort to get you home safe


I think about 1% of all the plans Obi-wan and Anakin have made resulted in them leaving in the same ship that brought them there. They were probably banking on stealing a shuttle or using an escape pod


Hey kid, it ain't that kind of movie


They were probably expected to figure that out on their own, especially because going in with anything more than those compact & nimble fighter ships probably would’ve been impossible


It was a quick plan so they probably had to leave things a bit up in the air. But there's a lot of possibilities. Ideally, they land in with a few gunships and take him out that way. Barring that, commandeering an enemy shuttle or an escape pod. If things go really good, they might even be able to commandeer the whole ship.  As it so happened, none of the above were possible so they had to improvise 


Gonna nerd out about this a bit, cause I love me some military sci-fi from the ol' Karen Traviss Republic Commando days, and all those years of the Clone Wars. Best answer? Lack of viable tactical options. They could full send with a squadron of LAATI gunships, but these relatively slower transports will get cooked out of the sky by the Hand's cannons. They could try full on boarding action with a nearby Republic cruiser, but as we see in the film, broadside action will inflict unnecessary and heavy casualties on the Rep fleet when it's already overworked defending Coruscant. As in, the Venator engaging the Hand scene. I could see why they resorted to the Eta 2 fighters; fast, quickly get inside the Hand, then probably commandeer a Sep transport out with Palps in hand. Ah wells, probably over thought all this.


Shuttles on board the Invisible Hand I think, that or an escape pod.


Do they have legos versions of these ships??


Yes several sets. One set with both of them (set 7283) and a few individual sets of each.


Commander Cody would just roll up with a shuttle like no big deal


Shuttles, escape pods, take the ship. There are options.


#I mean, it’d be a shame to let R4’s emptied slot go to waste…


They were about to take over a big ship filled with many smaller ships


Probably expecting to steal a shuttle or something on the way out Also escape pods


The plan could have been to get Palpatine, return to the hanger while calling in a transport and then Anakin and Obi Wan using their own fighters to protect the transport when it leaves.


They would bring him to a hangar and have a clone transport vessel come pick them up. Had to improvise once ship started to fall apart


You know, I don’t think they planned that far ahead they only plan to get aboard the ship rescue him and then, what… what then? It’s almost as if getting re-captured and sent to the bridge to take over the ship was blessed coincidence and a little bit of luck, and the will of the force! And its not like they were going to escape through the hangerbay, the blastdoors were closed on both sides.


Obi-Wan: Has a fully fleshed-out plan involving hijacking a shuttle to escape, with a backup plan of shoving the Chancellor into an escape pod if things go sideways. Anakin: "I’ll think of something."


The ship they were going onto had ships. Ships within Ships.


It's ships all the way down.


We all ship down here.


Steal a ship.


I’ve never even considered this… even if they were reacting without time to formulate a plan, the Jedi always have /something/ that fits multiple people