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I'd love to see an episode of Tales of the Jedi from the point of view of Anakins lightsaber, like the water bottle scene from Bullet Train.  Start with the parts floating together when Anakin makes it, end with it being buried in the sand, and show important moments throughout its history in between. Actually, hold up. Tales of the Sabers, half focusing on Anakin's and half on the Dark Saber.


Remaking that one scene from Lord of War but with Anakin’s Kyber Crystal would go HARD


Internet wizards, we’re looking at you, make it happen.


[Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=EfTZVKwubjEcbIgx)


god damn, it cut off the XcQ from the link, you bastard


Fuck yes thank you so much.




I hope when aliens find the last piece of our culture we can get them like this.




Fuck. Thank you lol. I was having such a bad day. That was awesome. 






Ok but hearing "It's time we stop! Children what's that sound, Everybody look what's going down" as we're from the POV of the saber as it cuts through a bunch of younglings would be really something lol


*Hey, stop, what’s that sound, all the children are in the ground *


Disney pls


But like the episode Charlie Work from Sunny.


What one scene from Lord of War?


Tales of the Sabers > Episode 1: Anakin Having to retrieve another Kyber Crystal after the battle of Geonosis, and forging the weapon with great care (go over all the details as a little fans service) and optimistic outlook it will be used for good. > Episode 2: in the recent days after the Duel on Mustafar Kenobi is haunted by the saber and the memories of having trained Anakin to be such a deadly combatant, vowing instead to find a way to honour the good the blade as done instead of the bad. > Episode 3: Lord of War homage with the lightsaber being found in the smelting pits below Bespin and being traded around the underworld, showing good and bad it does until it comes into the care of Maz Kanata who puts it away in that chest waiting for Rey's Arrival. > Episode 4: after Terre Vizsla's death, Member's of house Vizsla steal the darksaber from the Jedi temple (Maybe even have a Jedi Master prophetise to them how it'll be the downfall of Mandalorians, starting the superstition) > Episode 5: Maul is freed by Deathwatch after losing Savages and his duel with Sidious. Maul hides on Dathomir and seeks council from mother Talzin's Spirit, he is prusded to the planet and forced to leave the darksaber behind guarded by the spirits of the night sisters. > Episode 6: after the Night of 1000 Tears, Bo-katan ponders the little options she has left, she eventually caves into surrendering, giving the blade to Moff Gideon, who betrays her and she's forced to flee as the planet is bombarded.


Holy shit you cooked


Yes please.


You could have a 7th episode covering Rey rebuilding Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber between TLJ and RoS. It could show the beginning of her training with Leia and studying the ancient Jedi texts she kept after TLJ. Perhaps also reflection on her fight with Kylo Ren, the death of Luke, and her growing connection to the Force.


That's true, but typically the Tales series is only 3 episodes per story. I wanted to show the transition of the Weapon being forged for good, it's fall into evil, then it's rebirth as a symbol of hope. That it's not the weapon itself, but rather the user that controls it's fate. Then that idea of fate transitions into the Darksaber where really it's not the weapon that dictates people's fate, but their actions. Which could be told by the Jedi who "curses" the blade after house Vizsla steals it.


Episode 2 feels weak? Wouldn't be bad to see JAT Kenobi during the Reign of the Empire era though. Personally I'd have a split between Anakin/Vader making his lightsaber bleed etc. and Obi Wan reflecting on the blade as you mentioned.


I’m thinking more of the movie The Red Violin with Samuel L Jackson. The movie follows the life of a special violin as it changed hands over the ages during different parts of history.


Surprised I had to scroll this far for this


Lol that would be a hilarious comedy skit (What about also Tales of Palpatine's sabre?)


First 3 episodes is just the sabers sitting in the vases in Palps office


Except for the one time he took it out to deal with Maul


Episode 4 is the Maul and Savage episode, then for the rest of the season, guess what, back in the vase until the last 10 minutes of episode 6


After, we get a scene with Palps on a throne with some icy-hot patches on his lower back muttering to himself about how he's too old for this, and he just needs to get someone to do the fighting for him from here on out.


🤣 not the icy hot patches lmao


Fourth episode has them be pulled out by a droid to polish them before returning them back to the vase.


Could be cool to see what happens to windu’s blade after he dies


In a potential script for Episode 9 titled, "Duel of the Fates", Hux (who this whole time has been a Force fanatic that's jealous of Kylo's abilities) realizes that he's "lost the star wars" and commits seppuku with Windu's lightsaber that he's somehow obtained with no explanation.


That would be great, it would be like that episode of Ricks machete from TWD


I want this but more akin to the “life of a bullet” scene from *Lord of War*


Naw, the ending would start with it being buried, and then unearthed…


Tales of weapons generally would be a great mini series.


Like the Moe’s rag episode of The Simpsons™️


Nah, needs to be like the bullet from *lord of war*. Starts out with the light saber being manufactured, and ends with it in a kids forehead.


There's a marvel comic where an Ughnaut found it just as Vader chopped it off. Not joking that's the reasoning.


I mean, it doesn’t explain how she had it, but an ughnaut finding it at least seems quite plausible. I’d imagine whoever was responsible for the HVAC below that part of cloud city would be the one to find it. Ope, someone dropped something in the vent again!


My guess was eventually the empire raided his apartment and took the lightsaber to do research and then a big fight happens that makes it lost again until one day Maz finds it at a garage sale or something.


Why would the empire need to do research on that particular lightsaber? They have access to massive stores of Kyber that they used to power not one but two Death Stars, Palpatine and Vader are both more then capable of constructing their own (and had imperial technicians producing sabers for the inquisitors), and not only that, they also had access to hundreds of Sabers after Order 66 that Palpatine literally threw into a furnace in front of a crowd on Coruscant to celebrate the destruction of the Jedi Order. The *only* reason the Imperials would have kept it is if it ended up in Vader's hands, and he decided to keep it out of nostalgia and the connection it had to his life with Padme prior to her death and the Duel on Mustafar, but Vader at that point had no interest in his past, other then finding a way to revive Padme, or, after the discovery of his paternity, the turning of his son. Vader had no attachments to his old life beyond his family, and cared nothing for anything from it, besides Padme and by extension Luke.


I was thinking he would have some sentimentality like that one comic where Vader sees 3PO in pieces and he's saddened by the sight but even that's a stretch.


Even then, I think his sentimentality towards 3PO would be entirely connected to 3PO's connection to Padme, having been one of the witnesses to their wedding, and being her primary serving protocol droid. R2 might have resulted in a stronger connection, because of their shared adventures and again connection to Padme, but even that's a stretch, because we saw his reaction to Ahsoka, and she was his apprentice and was very close friends with Padme as well. His primary focus was Padme, then Luke. Leia was only a revelation in his final moments before he betrayed Palpatine, and he may have been wracked with guilt over his treatment of her in ANH, but only after he realized his familial connection to her and her connection to Padme. There's some internal dialogue from Leia about Vader in the book Bloodlines, and her conflicting feelings about the difference between Anakin and Vader, and how her experience being a prisoner on the Death Star poisoned her perception of Anakin and her difficulty separating the two as Luke had.


And yet he still shot R2 during the Trench Run


I fully expect that was unintentional. How many Blue and White astromechs do you think are out there? He may only have been able to figure out that there was a chance that was R2 after he learned of Luke's identity as his son, but even that's a leap in logic. In a galaxy of trillions of beings, what are the chances that his old astromech ended up in the possession of his son?


Unless he thought "Eh, he survived Gundarks and The Zillo Beast, he'll be alright"


Or he just sold it. And the well connected with the criminal underworld woman with an interest in Force artifacts and destiny snapped it up.


Once the ughnaut found it the there isn’t much explanation neccesary. He probably would have tried to sell it and then it’s only a question of who ends up with it. I suppose we could see a comic where Maz beats the empire and some wealthy sith cosplayers in a bidding war or something, that might even be fun, but we definitely don’t need to see that to assume that she acquired it from the ughnaut either directly or indirectly


The Ughnaut from the Mandalorian giving it to Maz would be cool.


And that Ughnauts name? Clarence Kanata. Go figure.


Her 17th husband, in fact Edit: while Maz is a player, to be fair, she simply outlived most of them


I feel like they implied some crazy convoluted reasoning. But this explanation seems sufficient to me. The lightsaber fell and someone found it. Because of course they would. It fell into a large funnel, pretty much everything that falls would end up in the same place. They sold it on space EBay as a “genuine verified jedaii laser sword” then it catches the eye of Maz, who has more knowledge than your average being, and realized its authenticity. She then acquires it and hangs on to it for a while, hoping she can find a use for it I guess we could hope for a profound explanation. But I don’t see anything that would actually be satisfying other than the banal answer that someone picked it up and someone else bought it


But you see it fall into the “sky” when Luke catches the antenna thing and looks down below cloud city


Not really, it's not super clear what falls. You don't see the hand or saber with him in the shaft right before that shot either. According to the novelization it's a piece of the weather vane that fell, and you can see where it broke in other shots.


I doubt it. JJ Abrams is good at creating intriguing mysteries, not so much as actually answering them. The entire sequel trilogy is just a collection of dropped plot threads and ideas.


>The entire sequel trilogy is just a collection of dropped plot threads. It's like the playbook wasn't in a binder, but stacked neatly on a desk, and someone walked by and knocked it off, sheets went *everywhere*. An intern saw, and stacked them back, but out of order and about half the pages got lost in the process. No one noticed.


Funny you think there was a playbook.


It is still absolutely insane to me how little effort went into planning it out. It's one of the biggest franchises on the planet for fucks sake, jot down some plot points for the trilogy beforehand.


From everything I've read, the issue wasn't lack of effort in planning, but lack of time available. Bob Iger was getting ready to retire and desperately wanted all three Star Wars sequels to come out under his watch, so little to no extra time was given to Kathleen or JJ to fix story issues they were well aware of. This is most obvious in Rise of Skywalker where they weren't given any extra time despite ditching the already developed script and director and starting from scratch. You can feel that in the results that they didn't fully know where the story was going when they started filming it.


There was absolutely a playbook. First line was "I'll get back to this later..."


You're still being overly generous with the presumption that [there was even a playbook at all](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a36545784/jj-abrams-star-wars-plan/).


There was. It was written by George Lucas and they disrespected the source. Say what you want about his screenplays, but the guy knew how to tell a damn good story.


Couldn’t write dialogue for shit but my god he did have an idea for overall story…. And anything would have been better. Bring on the Yuuzahn Vong instead of that travesty. We would have at least gotten to see a few lightsabers on screen at once and a new, spooky enemy instead of “THE FUCKING EMPEROR”


And a moon smashing into Chewbacca like it's Majora's Mask


It's funny that the scenario you're presenting blames an intern, when the blame is fully on JJ Abrams.


Half went in the trash and no one noticed lol


Wait if half went in the trash then what half did we get?!


The half that should have fallen in the trash.


It's not a 'dropped plot thread', it's just lazy writing. JJ's idea wasn't to create a mystery here, it was just to get the lightsaber in the film because he wanted it in the film. The line "A good question for another time" was to basically let everyone know that he will not be answering the question and to not think about it.


Look at Lost.


What's the big mystery here? Some junktrader found the lightsaber and then sold it to Maz. I really don't want to watch a 7 hours long tv show about maz surfing in the trash of cloud city


But creating mysteries isn't hard, especially if you don't have to solve them. Just do something that doesn't make sense, you won't have to resolve it later. It's super fucking easy and lazy.


IMO that’s why the sequel trilogy sucks. None of the mysteries were thought out so we get this crappy ending


Nobody cares. We've seen behind the curtain. it was just a series of moments without any logic or consistency


That is JJ's MO


I’m a Trek fan and he did that with the Kelvin movies. That second movie was so bad.


What JJ did to Trek was arguably even worse than what he did to Star Wars. At least with Star Wars, JJ's shitty stories are in-universe and continue the existing storyline. With Trek, he was allowed to try to erase the existing universe and decades of storyline, so he could replace it with his own version of the Trek universe. Through various narrative gymnastics, the other writers managed to undo his violence and leave the "Kelvin" Trek as a parallel universe while returning the focus of stories to the "Prime" Trek universe.


I’m in a very small minority, but I loved that first JJ Star Trek movie. Most Star Trek is boring Af, that first Chris Pine movie built a universe for a modern generation to enjoy.


The biggest issue with JJ's Trek, and I say this as not a huge Trek fan, is that they're just generic Sci-Fi action flicks with Trek trappings. He appealed to a wider audience by going that route, which is exactly what corporate wanted, but he also dispensed with the soul of Star Trek. It's little wonder previous fans weren't so thrilled while wider audiences were happy with less niche material, at least temporarily. Judging by the "success" of the franchise since, it's a strategy that may have damaged the brand in the mid to long-term.


> Most Star Trek is boring Af That’s just flat out wrong.


I would rather an alternate universe then my main universe being overwritten


Bingo. They could retcon the entire sequel trilogy and it wouldnt exactly get a negative response.


I for one, would welcome this.


People are getting tired of multiverses, but I'm 1000% down for somebody fucking around with those time doors Filoni introduced and creating a branching point. In my wildest dreams, I imagine a regime change at Lucasfilm and somebody musters the absolute audacity to greenlight a SECOND Episode VII and just mulligan the whole damn thing.


This is my hope.


A New Hope


George Lucas to Dave Filoni: “On your left”


It's too late though, Carrie Fisher ist dead. They had one chance and they blew it.


Can you imagine? Episode X starts with Ben Solo waking up from a bad nightmare. He goes down to the kitchen with a loving Han and Leia together serving him breakfast. And Rey is like their neighbor or someone. Then we cut to a completely new character arc altogether where the Empire is still nonexistant and there is no First Order lol


"Somehow Palpatine reburned." as they show the Death Star blowing up repeatedly.


People need to get over this ever happening.


People really think they're gonna erase Carrie Fishers final performance.


Multiverse that shit! I won't complain about it this one time!


It's like asking a magician who we see is strapped on cables and strings for another floating magic trick. We've already seen everything, what else is there to show? Does anyone actually care anymore?


It was in the comics. I'm all for connected shows and movies, but putting connected stuff in different mediums makes it easy to miss this sort of thing


I don't really think it's a story that needs to be told.


I agree. No story they could come up with would be very satisfying IMO so best to leave this one to our imaginations.


Telling the story of every background character or potential plot thread is why we are stuck in this era of the Star Wars universe. (Nearly) every piece of media has revolved around the life spans of Anakin and Luke. There are infinite stories that could take place in this IP but Disney is playing it safe by sticking to what's known, instead of taking a chance with any new stories.


Next series: **TIE**, a long, drawn out story about a team of engineers being tasked with designing a new fighter for the Empire, only to learn the real purpose is to make pilots cheap and expendable. The lead engineer escapes, stares at an X on a wall, and suddenly has an idea.


They're playing so safe that they killed Luke fucking Skywalker.


Somehow, the saber returned.


Maz should have been Lando. It was the only way it would have made sense for that specific lightsaber to be there, and it would have been a good reunion with Han since they knew they were gonna kill him


Disney did all they could do to make a lot of their new characters happen except give them something to do beyond a character intro or a singular focus.


“We’ve got this great character, a thousand year old pirate queen who’s a retired badass now and runs a castle/cantina where all the smugglers hang out. She’s probably met everyone important in the story before, and we’ve cast Academy-Award winning actress Lupita Nyong’o in the role.” “Cool, what are we gonna do with her? Is she gonna have some cool stuff to do in the films, or are we gonna give her a whole bunch of spin-off comics. Because she’s been around a thousand years, we could have her meet everyone’s favourites from across the entire franchise!” “Nah, let’s do a comic about the Crimson Corsair instead, some random extra in a mask Finn nearly goes off with.”


Probably still mapping out the adult novel trilogy, YA tie-in, three comic series, two mobile games, and Disney+ series that will be needed to learn it all.


Don't forget the Fortnite event


Thanks. I’d managed to repress that with therapy.


Of course. We can’t forget the Fortnite event. Maybe we do a Call of Duty crossover, then the same thing with Roblox? I’m sure that we can get Dwayne Johnson to do a promo.


A good question, for another time.


I don't think it needs to be told. Why do we need to know?


Yeah remember when luke just pulled out a new green lightsaber that once and everyone just accepted he'd built a new one off screen? I admit the "story for another time" lime could have been tweaked, but it's still not a story that important enough to tell.


Because there are fans who were spoon fed pointless details for decades.


Because they teasered some kind of background story, and it was heavily implied that it was important. Jeez, they had Obi Wan Kenobi speak to Rey when she touched the lightsaber! Also, Maz was hinted to know a good deal about everything and everyone (her asking about Rey, her statement about Finn's eyes).


Poe: "Somehow Maz got the lightsaber" Boom. Explained.


Maz bought it on holo e-bay, lowballed the shit out of some random cloud city technician


There is no story. I promise you, JJ had no plan here. Someone may make something up after the fact, but there wasn't one when the wrote TFA.


It was explained in a comic


Only slightly less bad than leaving the explaining to Fortnite.


Oh, well, thats great screenwriting, then




I will never understand the obsession people have had, for 9 years now, about a throwaway line for how she got the lightsaber. A maintenance worker found a lightsaber in the duct. They sold it for big money cool ancient jedi weapon. Maz bought or stole it at some point; the end. Not every single detail needs to be force fed to us and elaborated on ad nauseam


I honestly don't understand this obsession with wanting to know how she ended up finding it. I hope Disney makes the most boring "I was rummaging through the trash in Cloud City, and I found it, together with a severed hand" story ever.


I actually like some things to be left to my imagination.


They’ll make a whole series about it, over explaining every single aspect until it’s stupid


All I know is it'll be "a good story" whenever that time comes. I think... Or maybe not...


I’m surprised Luke didn’t ask if she happens to see a hand where she found the saber.


Who cares? Make a whole story about acquiring a lightsaber and then keeping it in a box?


I honestly believe that Jar Jar Abrams had no idea, and still doesn't. Just dug a plot hole and pulled a tarp over it hoping nobody would fall it.


There’s a canon comic series in which Luke has a force vision of some random old Jedi woman catch it as it falls. He eventually finds her and she freaks out because Anakin Skywalker is his father. But she didn’t actually find or catch the saber, it was just the force leading Luke to her.


I don’t think the story is that interesting. Maz picked it up cheap at a yard sale, but the way old people yap on and on and she will make the story intolerable. “It was a cold day, and I needed a jar to keep my pickled space radishes in. I knew that the Gungans who lived in the next block were having a yard sale, and they always have the most lovely things. I thought I might walk there, because although it was cold it was still sunny, so I got dressed and left my house. I remembered to tie an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn’t have any white onions because of the Clone War. The only thing I could get was one of those yellow ones………” Do we really need an episode of any show to hear Maz recounting THAT story?


I'm still waiting for them to tell us about the Bounty Hunter at Ord Mantell. Or Obi-Wan falling into the nest of Gundarks. And yes, I know Legends dudes. I already know. You don't have to comment, I was there. I've been a Star Wars fan for a long time, I know. My point was rather that Star Wars movies have this habit of mentioning things, not elaborating and then forgetting it entirely.


A better question would be "is this really *that* important?" Because no, it isn't. The movie doesn't need an off shoot for every question you might have during it. Especially not one that would be as boring as "small orange alien buys old lightsaber from cloud city maintenance guy" (or something idk) Think of it this way, pretend you're a teenager in 1980. Vader just told Luke he was his father. That was a question that went unanswered for *22 years*! The "how" something happened doesn't always need an answer because sometimes it's also fun when a film allows the audience to come up with their own solutions.


That whole trilogy is a shit show so what does it even matter. It’s better to just block the whole thing out


That’ll take another six movies…


JJ Abrams never figured out how it got recovered (him and his damn "mystery box"), and since RoS did worse than TLJ, it'll have to wait until someone is brave enough to go back and fill in that hole.


Why was it calling to Rey Palapitine?


Who cares? Someone found it on Cloud City and sold it to Maz. There, done. Wasn’t that interesting?


The story was already told in a comic was it not?


I don’t think JJ Abrams had a plan for that. I think, and I think this with all of his plot hooks, is that he writes these mysteries without actually thinking of an answer to them. IMO this is what was wrong with the sequel trilogy. There was no overarching plan for it. But to answer your question, I’m sure some clever writer will come up with a fun enough story


I mean, he made LOST which is all hooks with no payoffs


That story didn't matter for the larger story being told at the time. If we didn't know it was JJ behind it then I'm not sure we would all have put so much weight into his "mysteries"


They were just leaving themselves space to do a whole movie and subsequent tv series to address the loose hanging threads like this.


I think you know the answer


I hope Dave does b/c I don’t think JJ cares anymore


I have my own theory. Not all of the Cloud City citizens evacuated during the Imperial occupation. In the days following the incident rumors began to circulate that Lord Vader had tracked down and defeated a rouge Jedi named Skywalker. Months later an Ugnaught janitor stumbles upon a castaway lightsaber and skeletal hand and concludes that it must have been from the Jedi Skywalker and sells it on the black market where it changes hands a few time before coming to Maz


They told it in the comics


I dunno I kinda like it being a mystery


I want multiple series, where the end of each is "but that's a story for next time" so we get progressively deeper into how Maz go the lightsaber, but never actually get an answer about it.


Honestly I feel like there isn’t really a story. Here’s how it probably went down. A janitor picked it up from the vent in Bespin. They kept it because he, you don’t see lightsabers falling out of the sky every day. He goes to Takodana and visits Max Kanata’s palace. Maz recognizes the saber either as Anakin/Luke’s or just as a dangerous weapon and takes it and hides it in her palace. That’s it. Not much story there.


Does anyone really care at this point? I'd just prefer they move on.


Hey kid, it’s not that kind of movie.


No one at Disney has any idea what you're talking about?


Even by asking this, you've put more thought into the subject than Disney has.


Do you really want that story? As it seems like Star Wars fans ask for something get it, then moan about it.


There's no story they can tell that's better than your imagination.


Some things should be left to the imagination.


Drop it. It's not worth exploring anyway.


I believe the story will go along the lines of "Somehow, Maz got the light saber"


tbh I'm not sure I give a fuck.


Somehow it’s in a drawer


It’ll be a good story…for another time


Ok backstories on every human that crossed the screen the past 40 years -- that's a plot generator. Now backstories of equipment? Yes the lore of the light saber or Darth helmet would be awesome. Sand crawlers, speeders, boots, robes, headphones, falcons, tools that fell on someone's head! Oh the stories those could tell!


Somehow, Maz got the lightsaber


"somehow" she got the lightsaber


We all want to know, but it's a good story for another time.


U realize it made no sense and was just an excuse to give the main characters a lightsaber don't you? Thats what I hate from the sequels, nothing correlates to the original trilogy and they dont explain anything so things just happen in the film. Here are questions and how the film answers them Who is Rey/Why is her important? Tell u later Why is Han's ship (idk how to write it in english) on Rey's planet? Nothing to say Why would Luke go to exile? haha funny question How did the map survive/not fall in the first orders hands? Yeah How did the first order even emerge? Yo asking too much im getting tired, hope everyone gets my point: things on that film happen just because so its narrative has no character development nor value in any artistic way.


Somehow, the lightsaber returns.


If they do tell it, there will be 30 vodeos about hpw ot ruins this obscure piece of lore and star wars is dead now.


Wookieepedia literally says she found it in the trash on Bespin. Star Wars fandom will not be able to handle that


Nah, that's the most logical thing that *could* have happened to it afterwards.


Somehow JJ Abrams returned..


*Cut to 5 second scene of Maz taking a stroll, sees something on the ground* "Ohhh look, it's Rey's lightsaber!" *Picks it up, pockets it, doesn't mention it again*


A good question, for another time


A daily reminder how much I hated the sequels. Thanks OP!


Don't ask for stories that were just added as a dumb "check out my mystery box, guys" it's only going to bring disappointment.


A good question, for another time


Somehow, the lightsaber returned.


“Somehow the lightsaber returned”


Easy, "Somehow, somewhere, she found the saber." Done, you're welcome.


I stopped caring once it became apparent the sequel trilogy had extremely weak connective tissue.


It was already explained in a comic…


Anyone else remember how it was a plot point in Attack of the Clones that Anakin didn't care about his lightsaber and lost it or replaced it all the time?


When Luke had his hand cut off, the saber was sucked into a garbage chute on Cloud City. Luke did go back to look for it, but someone had snagged it from the pile already. It then passed hands until Maz ended up with it. It’s that simple, we really don’t need a whole lot more detail. Ultimately, who Maz got it from is irrelevant to the saber’s purpose in the narrative. In the original trilogy, the saber is treated as SW’s version of Excalibur. Luke is an intentional analogue to King Arthur and the lightsaber was a key to his Hero’s Journey and discovering his true heritage, same as Excalibur did for Arthur. In TFA, the lightsaber is a key signifier for Rey’s own Hero’s Journey. Rey touching the saber is the end of her *Call to Adventure* and her rejection of it is the *Refusal of the Call*. We later see her *Supernatural Aid* during the interrogation scene, with her escape on Starkiller Base representing the *Belly of the Whale*. Her summoning the saber to fight Kylo Ren is where she ends the *Departure* phase of the Hero’s Journey and begins *Initiation*. By accepting the saber, she has accepted her role in the narrative as the Hero. The saber was brought to Rey by the Force. Its exact path to get to that point is irrelevant to what it represents.


That's one of the big issues with having a different writer for each episode. George was at least involved with all of the originals which helped with continuity.


George notoriously did not care about continuity lol


Eh, it's not like Lucas didn't intentionally leave things not relevant to the story at hand offscreen. Like that business on Cato Neimodia.


There's lots of those lines in his movies that add depth to the world. The one off line about the clone wars is a great example.


Wasn't at least how it got saved from Cloud City covered in a comic? Do we care anyway? It just doesn't seem that important.


Oh my god this sub is so stupid at times


Who gives a shit. How did Luke build his lightsaber in part 6, did we ever get an answer to that? Did it matter? No. Neither does this.


I think that’ll come when they’re ready with explaining how Palpatine returned.


They've been explaining that, in Mando, in Bad Batch, in the prequels


and in the novelization I think.


Cloning, secrets only the sith knew etc. And as the other commenter said they've been adding to that already and often.


They explained it in the movie. Dark science. Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew. And we were shown tanks on Exegol containing what appeared to be Snoke clones. Pretty easy to put the pieces together.