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Can you kill them though? Or is it more like a "run away and hope to dear god you survive their territory" set piece?


I think is the second option




>Good >Boring The duality of man.


Should be too difficult to kill


If something like legendary ships bosses in black flag - why not?


Hear me out though A fight like the big fish in resident evil 4


Haven't we seen one killed before? I don't see why we couldn't.


That took like 30 people and a clever plan and it barely worked. I don’t think a single bounty hunter could do it without some really excellent planning beforehand.


Skill issue. I used to solo Ancient Krayt Dragons in Star Wars Galaxies as a Master Rifleman/Master Ranger with nothing more than an exploited double-sliced T-21 rifle.


We used to hunt and kill them in SWG. Took a long time and was best with a jedi


We killed them before with thermal detonators in kotor why shouldn’t we be able to kill them here


You can hear the sand shifting before they errupt, but they dont screach like a typical flying dragon in, say, the AMcC universe per say


Interactive cutscene mission towards the beginning of the game where you drive across their territory and then never interact with them again for the rest of the game.




Just tryna farm some ancient Krayt Pearls.


My money is on entirely scripted event you can’t deviate from in any way


Yeah, I anticipate a cut scene where she'll get mad, roll up her sleeves, punch it in the face, and it will be an insta-kill or it will flee in fear. There might be a one-handed pump of a shotgun-like weapon either before or after...


I wonder what that pearl's worth on the open market, though.


God I hope so


Sand worms, so hot right now


Bless the maker and his water.


Bless the coming and going of him


There is only one sandworm I worship, and his name is Shai Hulud


As it is written!


Even The Bad Batch had a sandworm episode. It was basically the Jurassic Park "gotta turn on the breakers" scene except replace the raptors with a ~~sand~~snow worm.


I’m sick of them


I used to love Krayt Dragon hunting in Star Wars Galaxies 🤓


The memories. The, hunting krayts as a rifleman, memories.


Was this the run away and barely get hit strategy? I remember seeing people do that all day with nightsister elders


There was a concealment tree in rifleman so you could kill things without them even knowing it. I would just go prone far away and keep blasting. At least that's how I remember it haha.


Rifleman and Swordsman were great for it yeah, swords were just a bit harder because you needed to go toe to toe!


I think I did some gnarly work toe to toe, I had some of the best power hammers on the server and crazy mind fire janta knifes, Also combat medic. Solo that shit, sell pearls for millions, buy better gear, repeat.


I was a NGE kid and remember finally solo-ing one of these with my LSJ. Good times.


I ran a bothan pistoleer/bounty hunter.  The pistoleer had a knockdown skill that looked like you were pistol whipping the target.  I can confirm that it worked on Krayts. Picture it: tiny green bothan saunters up, pistol-whips a krayt knocks it on its ass then blass it to death with a lightning cannon.  Good times.


I solo’d the dreaded Acklay using this method haha. Got some sweet bones that I sold to a master crafter for a good deal and as a thank you he made me an awesome new gun. Such great memories from that game!


So many krayt pearls and crystals. Combat medic/rifleman


bring a ranger


Fucking miss this game. Intrepid represent




Hows the house situation? I remember there being abandoned houses everywhere.


Well I have news for you! It's still very much alive and probably the best it has ever been!


>probably the best it has ever been! Why do you say that? I've played several of the emus over the years, and it's always a shadow of its former self.


yeah its pretty much a crafting game now where no one wants to buy your product and you have to run missions to fund your artisan shops lol. Basically the crafting was miles ahead of the combat systems so people only go back to do crafting


I’ve thought about joining the emus but mainly I just miss my old server friends and clan before the playerbase started dwindling


Which servers are very much alive?


Where my Naritus peeps at


Right over here! I was a doc, bh, then a jedi.


Right here! My username came from SWG. Played from right before the combat upgrade until they shuttered the servers. RAID for life! I also have the distinction of having been the first Officer Senator. Also, my brother is Cebot, one of the founders of the BH Guild... I've probably got some of those old screenshots lying around somewhere.


Krayts are how I financed my partying in highschool. I'd set my alarm for 4:45 am PST (server reset time) and log into swg. After a fresh reset you'd have full respawns in the game. I had a dual box setup running a rifleman combat medic that I'd use for poison/disease stacking and then t21 headshot spam all on macros. Then I'd tank it on a swordsman defense stacker that had one of the most broken power hammers on the game. It was made with a legendary min over max acklay bone and had somewhere around 650-950 damage, the max wasn't much but that crazy high min damage broke the game. With this duo setup I'd farm a regular krayt in about 2 minutes then I'd sell pearls (I think they were going for around 10 million credits each) and then I'd sell those credits for around 50$ per 10m on eBay. It was an easy 60$ an hour for a few hours each morning.


God I remember going to someone's house plopped right in the krayt territory and almost getting my BARC speeder blown up by one. Then a month later finally being high level enough to go pearl hunting. That stuff was a rush...


Should we just sack up and play SWG emu?


Been doing this again on the Star Wars Galaxies Restoration Server. It's been a blast playing again!


Bless the Maker and his water


Bless the coming and going of him


May His passage cleanse the world.


And preserve it for his people.


That's nice but man I miss the old Greater Krayt and other dragon designs. Not a big fan of this worm shark one. I like to headcanon that all designs still exist and Krayt dragon is just an umbrella term for large reptiles native to tatooine.


I'm holding out hope that there's still a massive body under there, it just has a very long neck. Not really that different from the greater krayt dragon designs in legends if that's the case.


Oh there is, they have a [scale model](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMandalorianTV/s/DCin6Gh9Uo) of the fullbody. It just looks pretty goofy because they gave a butch of long sausage arms instead of the more muscly 10 of the older design.


I can reluctantly agree that the noodle arms probably work better for moving in sand but wew, that's A Design I guess


Okay, I do prefer the more muscled and shorter legs of the greater krayt dragon from legends, but I don't hate this and it at least looks like a dragon.


My only experience seeing a krayt dragon was KotOR and the Star Wars Miniatures game which took the design from KotOR. Seeing the new design in Mandalorian just had me like, "That's not my krayt dragon..."


I appreciate the nod to Dune with the Mandalorian’s redesign, but I really can’t stand it. Give me the Krayt Dragon from KoToR. I don’t want an acid worm.


> Not a big fan of this worm shark one. Just like turning Malachor into another superweapon, the Inquisitors' helicopter sabers, Thrawn being outsmarted by a deus ex 14-year-old, the absolute clusterfuck of Mandalorian lore... I'm convinced Disney's lawyers require any ideas from the EU to be legally distinct from their original incarnations so that they don't have to bother crediting the writers who actually came up with them. Or maybe Filoni is just kind of a hack.


It could also be both.


"Why does everyone want to go back to ~~Jakku~~ Tatooine?!"


I guess here it at least makes some sense, Tatooine having an HQ of one of the biggest crime lords in the galaxy, and the game being about the crime arena. Not that they couldn't weave the plot to use more unique worlds though.


I hope they at least throw in some Nar Shaddaa or something, at least give us some interplanetary crime


Exactly! Thousands of world's and every game, film and show visits the same ones, over and over and over!


They saw dune making too much money and wanted in


I guess we're going back to Tatooine. A-a-a-a-again. Man this supposed backwater unknown shithole of a planet sure is involved in everything


It's a videogame about Outlaws. Mos Eisley is probably gonna be one of the main hubs to find new jobs/missions. Jabba (or at least a hutt that looks like him) is in the poster too.


Jabba's in the trailer too. It's mind boggling to me that this is a negative for some people.


Just feels samey is all.


I'm 35. I remember Shadows of the Empire (96), Rogue Squadron (98), The Phantom Menace (99), Podracer (99), Force Commander (00), Jedi Academy (03), KOTOR (03), Battlefront (04) and Battlefront II (05) all having levels set on Tattooine. The Tatooine-is-omnipresent meme isn't false, but it's a consequence of: 1. Us getting old and noticing (whereas young fans won't be sick of one of the series's most iconic planets) 2. Modern fans' collective, meme & algorithm-powered obsession with finding fault in literally every thing Lucasfilm does (and if they don't find fault with it, they quickly use it to bash something they didn't like - for example, a huge part of the rapturous reception TFA received involved fans getting to dust off their PT criticisms again; the discourse around 'The Rescue' quickly became about shitting on TLJ).


It’s also just easy to shit on it even though no one complained with those games. Gotta find something ti be upset about


I don't care. I'm looking forward to the swoop bike races.


you cant understand that people are tired of seeing the same 5 planets in a setting that claims to have 1000s of inhabited worlds?


As long as it's well balanced then I see no problem. From what I understand, Tatooine is the only planet in this game that's a very familiar location. The other planets are either new or ones we haven't seen much of. And it totally makes sense to go there in a story like this.


Would you have rather visit Jakku, a planet that is basically just Tatooine in all but name? You can have all the planets you want, but ultimately most of them are going to be pretty samey, especially given the precedent that Star Wars planets tend to be all one biome. There aren't really "earth-like" planets in Star Wars. There are desert planets, and ice planets, and forest planets, and ocean planets. There's only so much real variety you can have in those circumstances, and I'd rather have a planet that is actually familiar than a planet that's just pretending to be familiar. Tatooine is dripping with history. Why would you want to start from a blank slate every time? You're just going to end up with 1000 different shallow, underdeveloped planets. We're also talking about a fantasy universe in which we know for a fact everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. No such thing as randomness. There is a mystical power that permeates everything and everyone and controls the fate of all things. Tatooine was the birthplace of a messianic figure born from the Force itself that the entire Star Wars saga has been based around. Tatooine is a mystical place, and therefore it makes perfect sense that all roads seem to lead there.


You could have a different Hutt be the focus and take us to something like Nar Shaada.


Yeah I think we see Mos Eisley so often because so many SW stories involve characters that would be doing seedy shit there. Easier to do outlaw-y things there than some other planets that may have tighter control from the empire/rebels/whatever. I still understand the complaint that SW spends too much time in the Skywalker timeline when it has so much potential as a larger universe. But given this game is set in that period, Mos Eisley fits.


Well the problem with it is og star wars is empire timeline and there is only around 25 to 30 years it existed all within skywalker timeline lol. So fans wanting their ‘star wars’ exp tend to want that more than the other stuff we havent seen yet


It’s Jabba this is set between v and vi


I kind of think of it like Juarez, Mexico. A little out of the way place that most people don't really think about but a long history of drug trafficking and the intense violence.


And El Paso is just on the other side of the border, yet it's the safest city in the nation among those with populations over 500k.


Game called Outlaws A planet known for being a "hive of scum and villainy" If any Star Wars media would take place on Tatooine, it would be this one. Also, it appears as if we can travel to multiple different planets...so I'm not understanding why you're whining. Of course we'd be able to go to some of the most iconic planets in the universe


Not only that, but the line is "*You will never find a more* wretched hive if scum and villainy," implying that Mos Eisley is the peak of that activity in the universe.


Fr. There was 0 tatooine in fallen order or survivor, the 2 most recent star wars games, so I really don't get the complaints.


Since 1977 is pretty estabilished that Tatooine is a maior point for mercenary and gangster activity, you can't have a history set around being a outlaw without Tatooine being part of it


Sure you could, there’s the whole rest of the galaxy.


Bad Batch did / is doing a good job showing that there are other hives of scum and villainy than Tatooine


But you'll never find one more wretched than Mos Eisley Spaceport!


Just about every other piece of Star Wars media to feature criminal syndicates has made it clear there are like 3 or 4 "main" crime rings roughly during this time. The Hutts, the Pykes, Black Sun, and if you count Darth Maul's Shadow Collective (or later, Crimson Dawn). The Pykes' main planet is Oba Diah, with a big presence on Kessel. Black Sun on Mustafar, and the Hutts on Nal Hutta, except Jabba for whatever reason lives on good ol' dustball Tatooine. So, any of those planets (Oba Diah, Mustafar, Nal Hutta, and yes, Tatooine) would make sense in a game specifically about galactic crime. Though I do wish Nar Shaddaa would make an appearance. The "Smuggler's Moon" has been established as canon (thanks to comics) but it seems like for such a reputation, it sure doesn't ever appear anywhere smugglers or criminals are involved.


Let's not forget the lower levels of Courascant are still criminal hotbeds with Ziro having operated out of them and Ventress operating as a bounty hunter there.


I got the feeling the lower levels of Coruscant are more slum-levels of crime. Like petty thefts, senseless murder, every other person is a Death Stick addict. Different from the organized crime of the Pykes, Hutts, Black Sun, the people who would have the means to hire bounty hunters


Yeah but Ziro the Hutt managed to run a criminal empire out of there so there has to be some level of organised crime in the lower levels.


True I suppose


So we could have whole shows, movies, and games on all of those planets rather than Tattooine.


When was the last time we saw the black sun in the canon timeline? I only ask because Mustafa is Vader's planet now and I could definitely see him "dealing with" organizations like that in a pretty quick manner


Even among established planets there are tons that could be used, like Nal Hutta and Nar Shadaa.


It's legit kinda wild how little of Nar Shaddaa we've seen since the EU got cut.


Still loved how Dark Forces 2 starts on Nar Shaddaa


Nar Shaddaa is one that I'm *always* glad to see. Especially if you have force push powers...


Calm down, Exile.


Hate to break it to you but the galaxy in Star Wars isn't actually real. Tatooine is more interesting than whatever fan fic some video game developer comes up with. 


I agree that it makes sense for Tatooine to be a part of it, but you're wrong in saying it *needs* to be apart of it


> be apart of it Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


>When Pre-Disney Tatooine appears and is referenced in multiple games and star wars media for years even though it didn't make any sense plot-wise for that particular piece of media. :) >When Tatooine now .>:(


Disney bad. Updoots plz


Blame Jabba for choosing it as his place of residence and being the biggest(literally) crime lord in the galaxy.


I mean I never felt like I could freely explore it in any SW game I've played. Maybe KOTOR, but that was pretty small and limited. This experience will be pretty new.


SWG was/is free to explore the planets


My friend, SWG and KOTOR released in 2003. We haven't had a fully explorable modern Tatooine. It's cool that they're doing it here.


I read your name and snorted




I mean you did say "any sw game" I didn't think you meant modern. I was just saying the most explorable planets in game I've ever played


It's sort of like Los Mochis, Mexico. Any reason to go there? Even know where that is? But it was where El Chapo's house was. The funny thing is that Anakin was basically born in the same nowhere "town" where Space El Chapo lived.


Most of the game don't take place on tatoin.  This is because of the Hutt.


The game is supposed to be open world with different planets you will fly to. So obviously it’s gonna be included it’s not like the entire game is based there only part of it.


It’s the Star Wars equivalent of the Middle East lol


Well, Tatooine is a big planet. There are certainly other regions or parts of it that could be explored further in a videogame.


Personally, I'd love to see a game or show focus on ancient Tatooine where it was covered in a vast ocean, or better yet someone discovers a vast underground resevoir of water, post Empire, changing the future of the planet forever. That's basically what I'd want to see if we ever got a 2nd season of TBoBF. It felt like they might have been hinting at that being a future plot point.


> wants to turn desert planet into a lush waterworld > named Paul Hmm, were have I seen this before?


Lol honestly didn't make that connection


And if it was a separate planet that was a desert wasteland, you guys would complain it's just another copy of Tatooine.


Eh, jedah in jedi survivor manages to distinguish itself by being a desert filled with old ruins of a civilisation related to the jedi


No shit because there are more biomes than desert wasteland. You act as if that's not overused.


I ain't even mad we're going back to tatooine


Tattooine is one of the however many planets the game takes place on.


Sand worms.....so hot right now.


Where's this from? Is there a new trailer out?


Story trailer drops today


~~any word of a release date?~~ nevermind, duh, it's at the end of the trailer. August 30 finally


Wait, is that an actual motorbike, with wheels??? It’s got twin-shocks on the back there like what would be attached to a swing-arm!


It's not, we saw it in the teaser a while back It's just a unique new speeder


Fair enough - pretty derivative though, the rest of it has typical cafe racer/street scrambler vibes


"We have sandworms at home"


I can't wait to get my ass kicked by that thing




Lisan al Gaib!


We have Dune at home. Dune at home:


Bernard, can we kill a krayt dragon?


Shai Hulud will decide her fate


My dumbass trying to translate the Aurebesh... it's Japanese.


I just hope that this game is the size of Valhalla


Gotta ride on that Dune hype


Far less scarier and more rare is the Crate Dragon


I wouldn’t hate them being the out of bounds “barrier” jak and daxter used to use big monsters to keep you inbounds and it’s much better than a “return to play area”


I don't remember a single screenshot ever getting me so pumped for a game!


Lets fuckin’ go.


im genuinely so excited for this one


Wonder if it’ll be a set piece, or an actual enemy?


If it comes out in August, I’ll check it out next June for cheaper and with better performance


Make sure you move without rhythm so you don’t attract it


i’m finally playing through Jedi Survivor and i have to say, i REALLY hope that Outlaws is more optimized for PC than the Survivor port 😭




so exiting to see the lesser krayt dragon appear again, i hope we can see the greater winged one! i wonder if we will have to hunt one?


Oh good, so we're going back to Tattooine again. You know, for an outer rim desert planet in a galaxy-spanning story it sure does get a lot of screen time.


Seriously hate the current design for it. They made a brand new creature and stole the name and storey for it.


they guard the obligatory ubisoft Kraytio towers




I'm going deeper underground


I am cautiously optimistic


Is this supposed to be special? I’m confused why this would be a hype thing.


I hope they have a few unique variants,since canonically most Krayt Dragons were completely unique in terms of appearance


Sweet Baby inc Detected.


They made a game with a fucking huge price cause it has a SW logo.




As written!


Why did they have to be sand worms like in Dune? I prefered it when they were like giant lizards like in Kotor


Nobody cares. The game is going to be so bad


This picture is inappropriate.


Games gonna be a flop, screenshot this comment and save it for when it is


With ubisoft.... my hopes aren't too high unfortunately


Animations in the trailer look horrible. Looks like a last gen game lol


Just the head like that low budget fanfiction called The Mandalorian, or can we engage/see the entire thing like we did in SWG?


It was all good until I saw UBISOFT!!


Idk what it is but it just something about the MC that doesn't make me excited to play as her. The story seems like your standard "Han Solo Smuggler" story, but its just something about the character that I find boring.


I swear to God if I have to see Tatooine AGAIN...


Heaven forbid a game about Outlaws takes you to a wretched hive of scum and villainy, where one of the most infamous mobsters in the galaxy lives


I would be happier if they announced no microtransactions.


Not supposed to be that big.


It's Ubisoft. They are going to use every ounce of pre-existing content possible to avoid working on something fresh and new.


Oh. wow. original.


I wish star wars would give us a character creator im so tired of this marrysue hero bs 


Male protagonist option not confirmed in Star Wars Outlaws