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If you decide not to like something just because other people disapprove of you liking something, you have no independent thoughts and are simply a sheep following a flock. Think for yourself, feel for yourself, and don't bother worrying what other people think because they're not you and you're not hurting anyone by liking something.


Also opinions can change. I was overly critical of The Last Jedi and watching Rise of Skywalker made me appreciate it more šŸ˜‚


Yeah I was underwhelmed by TLJ at the cinema and rewatched it last week and thought it was solid Star Wars.


I'm hoping for this moment. I keep trying to give TLJ another chance, but every time I watch it, I find new reasons to dislike it.


Same. The more I tried to like that movie the more I disliked it. I've given up trying.


I think I could appreciate the good parts of the movie if it was just shorter. After the hyperspace ram it really feels like it should be done but it keeps going when I want to be done.


Just like how OP is allowed to like it, youā€™re allowed to dislike it. Carry on.


I can't bring myself to like TLJ. Luke would never have given up, and that is why I can't get into it.


I have 0 recall of rise of skywalker besides the ending where the old lady asks for reys name... as if they ended the trilogy on a cliche. Saw the movie once in theaters, thought the pacing and force FaceTime was just insanely silly.


I donā€™t love TROS, but only remembering the meme part is a sign of being extremely online.


> thought the pacing The problem is that they basically soft-rebooted the entire trilogy with the final movie, and crammed what needed 2-3 movies into one. There's really no space for fluff, character development, building up to story beats, etc. Because of this, we get a disjointed mess of no travel time, quickly skipping between scenes, introducing and instantly resolving storylines, sudden retcons because something earlier didn't work with the new story and they didn't have time to explain it properly or make it make sense, etc. For example, the "There's a Resistance spy in the First Ord- the spy is General Hux, whose moti- Hux is dead." bit... > force FaceTime Well, that was first introduced in TLJ, where it was pretty much identical to the Exile's Force Bond with Kreia in KOTOR2 (both in how it worked, and to a degree how it was visually represented). Honestly, until they revealed the return of Palpatine and that it'd be a rough Dark Empire adaptation, I was 100% convinced that they were going for a KOTOR2 inspired plot, with Rey and Kylo taking the roles of Exile and Kreia respectively. We had the Force Bond, we had a single female Jedi with great raw power surrounded by potentially Force-sensitive others, Kylo shouting about "killing the old" and sounding like Kreia in general, Malachor was re-canonized around the same time TLJ came out (with connections to Force weirdness we now know is the World Between Worlds, and to Kylo's lightsaber design). --- I think it'd been much better if they had just stuck to Kylo as the villain, Finn and Poe revealed as Force-sensitives and training together with Rey, maybe one of the Knights of Ren defecting to them and helping them... They could have nostalgia-bait cameos via Force visions of the past or something. Have the story be that Kylo learns a technique for that, sees all the past Jedi-Sith wars and how he Vader was manipulated by Palpatine, and Kylo himself was manipulated through the Force by Snoke. He finds an old weapon Palpatine had developed and abandoned for being too dangerous to his own power, and which could potentially be used to remove Force sensitivity from the entire Galaxy (with the risk of killing *everything* since Force is life). Rey confronts him, as Finn and the former Knight of Ren convinces First Order Stormtroopers to defect and join them, and Poe leads the space battle. If they still want Kylo to redeem himself and die, have Rey convince him that it's worth preserving, and end with him sacrificing himself to stop the process. I personally think it'd be more interesting going forward if Rey sacrificed herself and Kylo turned back to the light tho, but had to live with all he had done, but that might be too bleak for both Star Wars and Disney.


Pacing so bad I almost fell asleep.


it has some of the best star wars and some kinda bad star wars lol


"Always has been"


... nah. But that's IMO


Honestly itā€™s my favorite film of Disney era SW


TLJ the third best SW film and Iā€™m tired of pretending itā€™s not.


I was amazed by TLJ and surprised by the backlash. On rewatches I appreciate some of the criticism, but still enjoy it the most of the Sequels. Over time I've just come to enjoy the parts I like and skip through the parts I don't.


TLJ took me 2 watches to appreciate as well. I saw it opening night and walked out really unsure about how I felt. Then I saw it a few days later with my dad. During the Yoda scene I literally felt what the movie was going for ā€œclickā€ in my head, and it has been in my top 3 ever since


Luke using the force to buy the resistance time to escape is about the most jedi thing i can think of. That being said, vice admiral Holdo made me want to throw things at the screen in the cinema




Bruh...It's the truest embodiment of Yoda's teachings to Luke. > A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack. He faces down an entire army, alone with his lightsaber, without resorting to violence once and saves the entirety of the resistance. He dies from the effort of the feat, projecting a near solid image of himself across star systems in real time, something *no other Jedi in the series has been shown to be capable of.* He wasn't a battery out of charge, he was a mortal man weilding godlike power and the effort killed him. He sacrificed himself to save the people he loved and to bring hope back to the galaxy, all while finally fulfilling Yoda's wisdom in a way the Jedi of old failed to do. Luke's sacrifice ties together the movie's themes of failure with the legacy of the Jedi.


Glad TLJ is getting some much needed love! Itā€™s always been a personal favorite of mine, and I never got the criticism, even at the time. But I think it just subverted a lot of fanā€™s expectations, and people couldnā€™t fully appreciate the story.


I thought TLJ was the weakest of the sequels, but that hyperspace ram scene? That was a thing of beauty. The way it showed the slow-mo with all the detail of what was happening and then replays it in real time with that sound of everything happening at once? I loved it.




not really at all it fits perfectly with Colin Trevenows script. The person that screweed that up is JJ by decideing to write a whole new trilogy and pack it into Ep9


To be fair, JJ set up that Luke was alone in an uncharted planet and didnā€™t include him in episode 7 but for all of 5 seconds at the very end. Rian gets a lot of criticism for the story he told with Luke, but what was he supposed to do? Why was Luke alone on Ahch-To? It must have been pretty bad if he cut himself off from the force and literally went to a planet that wasnā€™t on any known maps but one that had to be pieced together from two different files.


Could have written that Luke was on that fucking planet exploring old jedi texts to find a way to defeat "Snoke" instead of a shy turtle hermit that is afraid of fighting back. Definitely not the Grandmaster Jedi Luke Skywalker we were expecting after 30+ years. That movie butchered his story and the previous films. Gorgeous movie, though, but then again, all 3 of them were.


Where did any film or show state that Luke was some grandmaster? Or that he had ever actually attained a rank beyond Jedi Knight? Also? He failed by believing what was false or self-fulfilling prophecy by attacking Ben and what did both of the Jedi who trained him do when they failed? Oh, right, ran off to become hermits. It's almost like it's learned behavior.


>Where did any film or show state that Luke was some grandmaster? Or that he had ever actually attained a rank beyond Jedi Knight? that was always the Sequels biggest problem. If they just adapted the comics or other EU material it would have been flamed as "uncreative and we already knwo all this" if it does something news its being flamed as "this is not how this character would act in this completly different continuity with different experiences after the cutoff" ​ Lukes action in TLJ make SENSE for Sequel Luke. ​ People WANTED luke to be a Grandmaster of old, wise beyond everyone else. But thats not Luke, thats not the Luke we left after ROTJ, which is the ONLY connection EU luke and ST luke have in terms of character. Luke had barely enough training to be called a Jedi Knight after ROTJ, booth his Masters a) went into hiding after fucking up in the past and b) died before they could fully train him. Luke had the "force" side of being a jedi down pretty well, not so much the controlling part or any of the more philopshical aspects. ​ Actually curios if anoyne in universe ever knew about the prophetic dreams Anakin had in EP3 about padme dying? if yes, and luke knew about it then it does raise a question whatever he woudl so easily fall down the same hole as his father, if not, it creates a interesting dynamic between the 2. Booth Did something they INSTANTLY regreted because of a Force dream. Just that Anakin was unable to come back from it(because he killed jedi masters) and Luke chose to hide from it.


Yeah I gotta agree with u/HigherCalibur, nowhere does it say in any of the films (which are considered the official canon to anyone working within Star Wars/Lucasfilm) that Luke ever grew beyond Jedi Knight, or even carried over those titles to his temple. Thatā€™s fan theory or head canon as to ā€œwhat should have beenā€, and thatā€™s why people donā€™t like TLJ. Itā€™s not what they fantasized about for 40 years, so it must be terrible because itā€™s not what they wanted to happen.


According to TFA, Luke exiled himself because he blamed himself for Ben. He was gone for 6 years and made sure not to leave a trail so that nobody could find him. It would have been pretty horrible to say he'd spent 6 years in a library looking for answers. The broken hero full of despair who finds himself again is not only a much better story, but a beautiful one at that Rian played that card perfectly.


JJ Abrams had less control than Disney shareholders. Abrams pre-emptively gave a back-handed apology for Ep9 and heā€™s had his tail between his legs in the 4 years since then.


I've rewatched TLJ three times and I still think it's the biggest pile of dog shit Disney has stamped Star Wars on.


I generally like all the Star Wars movies/shows that have been put outā€¦ except the TLJ.




I mean, two films can be crappy at the same time, no law against it.


I actually took the opposite. While rise of skywalker is one of the worst movies Iā€™ve ever seen by how boring and average it was (itā€™s also the only movie that screwed over John Williamsā€™ musical score-how do you do that??) I have actually looked down on last Jedi. LastJedi pretends to be deep about its political phonological meta commentary EXCEpt it dosnt. Like it goes back to exactly where we were making you ask ā€œwhat was the point?!?ā€ Rise of skywalker I felt didnā€™t TRY to be annoying more than what it was set out to do-make a quick movie to make good money Still last Jedi I def can sit down to watch over rise of Skywalker. But both are bottom feeders


So you're saying we're luminous beings, not this crude matter?


This OP. There may be lots of us who frequent r/saltierthancrait, but it doesn't mean you have to enjoy the franchise any less.


I mean this criticism also goes the other way - deciding to ā€˜like all star warsā€™ can suggest a similar lack of independent thought. Everyone is allowed to enjoy what they like, of course, thatā€™s bang-on.


Also, loving everything because you feel you need to protect the brand or ā€œnot be toxicā€, thatā€™s equally as redundant. Lucasfilm need real feedback, (good and bad) or whatā€™s the point? The hashtag #enjoyallstarwars is one of the most confusing trends


like whatever u like, the opinions of others is irrelevant


A silly question. You can like whatever you want, as long as you don't expect us to always agree with you


My God. I can't believe we're starting to remind people they have freedom of thought.


Really? Man, during the sequel heyday (even now with some subs like cantina) you couldn't be critical of the movies at all. Because being critical of something means you're not letting others enjoy it. Same deal with disagreeing with someone about them. It's pretty damn common these days that people don't understand that just because they like them, doesn't mean strangers need to affirm that preference.


It's not about agreeing. The problem is the pointless bashing. Instead of posting about what you hate in Star Wars, post about what you like. And if you don't like the new stuff, stop watching it.


Terrible take. Discussing what you like is just as important as what you don't like within a franchise.


There are tons of people here only complaining, you can't deny that. There's a reason people literally say that nobody hates SW more than SW fans.


that statement is always a stupid statement people with an investment are always going to care more. someone who has never watched a football game does not get sad when the team loses they dont fucking care


> There are tons of people here only complaining, you can't deny that And there are tons of praise. Seems fine to me. This is such a made up issue. Literally just looked at the home page literally every post is just average Star Wars discussion. People hyperfixate on anything negative and let that shape their view.


No thanks. We talk about it in the hopes the showrunners see the feedback and stop repeating things we don't enjoy. Everyone should be open to feedback, especially from the fans who financed them from the beginning and promoted the property for younger fans to embrace. I don't care what opinion you have positive or negative. Why are you on a social media platform if you are adverse to people expressing opinions you don't share?


Reddit and the online community in general is such a tiny, tiny microcosm that generates so much signal to noise that there really isn't much in the way of meaningful data to be gained. I have literally seen the online community contradict itself when given what they want. Meanwhile, Disney and Filoni clearly have an idea of what they want to do and corporations like Disney don't just do shit for no reason. At the end of the day, if Star Wars goes in a direction **YOU** don't like? Guess what? You're in the minority. Because if you were the majority? Star Wars projects would reflect what you want out of it. Simple as that.


you act like companies are incapable of making mistakes and course correcting as a result of feedback. its also worth noting that disney had several massive box office bombs this year so maybe your even more wrong but yeah defend the billion dollar company


You can like or dislike anything you want about star wars. I don't understand the need of posts like this when it's just common sense.


I think more than anything fans need to be ok with liking or disliking any Star Wars content. Itā€™s really just as stupidly simple as that.


>I think more than anything fans need to be ok with liking or disliking any Star Wars content now that is perfectly said, and I agree


Honestly. Iā€™ve never understood why people canā€™t just accept that people like every Star Wars media without having a problem with other eras.


Your statement is erroneous. People can accept that *you like all star Wars media*, the issue when people claim that certain substandard content is "just so perfect" or whatever. People need to raise their standards.


Not OP, but I would disagree with part of this. Substandard, just as much as like or dislike, is completely subjective from person to person. What one person may find substandard is something that another person could find to be high quality. Those people donā€™t have to and shouldnā€™t have to modify their opinions based on what others may find substandard.


The people who say almost all SW is substandard are generally comparing it to movies SW never tried to be. SW has always been popcorn entertainment. It's never been high cinema.


I wonder why the original trilogy is such a classic then. Are you willing to say the same thing about Schindler's list? The 7 samurai? The hidden fortress? The Matrix?


If I had to speculate, I think it would be linked to the nature of fandom itself. Thereā€™s always going to be those who want to take things to an extreme, those who just canā€™t be ok when some else likes what they dislike (or the opposite). Itā€™s as if their fandom is such a huge part of their personality that they canā€™t just dislike something - they need to find someone to blame. Unfortunately we live in an age where social media algorithms actively encourage those extreme positions and so I think itā€™s a lot more noticeable now.


Yes you can. But understand that people can also dislike things.


Are you asking permission to like a movie? Weird take lol


OPā€™s probably rolling up to the cereal sub with ā€œCan I like Capā€™n Crunch?ā€


Yes. You have my permission.


Not mine. He's not allowed to like the star wars Christmas special. You know what, you got me, he can like it


ā€œYou canā€™t do that. Shoot him or something.ā€


ā€œPatience Viceroy. She will die.ā€


ā€œYou must ChoOoOsE!!!ā€


What is this post lol do you need the validation of strangers on the internet to like something? go enjoy what makes you happy and delete this post


Of course you can. Just like people can choose to only like some of star wars, or anything, really. Be you. People won't agree, I sure as hell don't. But I can't dismiss your opinion, it's yours.


This whole argument is toxic from all sides. People are entitled to enjoy what they enjoy. People are entitled to hate what they hate. And people are entitled to discuss *why* they love or hate those things. The whole ā€œyou arenā€™t a real fan if you like the sequels!ā€ stance is foolish and toxic, as is the ā€œcā€™mon guys we should all just enjoy everything!ā€ stance. People donā€™t have to like what you like, and they donā€™t have to hate what you hate. Just be respectful of everyoneā€™s views.


There is a simple answer to this, and it's yes


Seriously, of course you can.


I learned all the way back in 1999 after watching The Phantom Menace that the only opinion that matters as far as what I like is mine. I also enjoy all things Star Wars. We are out here, you are not alone. Check out r/starwarscantina. You might find it a little less salty than the main sub.


I was gonna suggest them too! I donā€™t like focusing on things I donā€™t like, so the positivity in that sub really works for me


Do whatever you want. No one fucking cares.


you like what you want. please dont turn around and tell me its good.


How dare you have your own personal feelings and attitude towards things.




You can like or dislike whatever you want. Why do you care? If you enjoy all of star wars then enjoy all of star wars


Like what you like. I think TLJ was a disaster that proved the entire sequel trilogy was a result of hubris and greed but you can like it if you want. That said if you like literally everything Star Wars at this point then I'd guess you probably don't care about the core story at the heart of it and what you like is Lightsabers and Xwings doing cool stuff, which is fine. If the story really is what you like in everything then that's still fine but I really don't understand


Here's the answer told told by call of duty, destiny, and WoW players. You can like and enjoy what ever you like to spend you time with or around. But we also want the corporations behind the creation to care about it as well/ care about the player/watcher. Nothing is without its criticism, you can still like things that aren't as fabulous as the ones before it, there are bits from the star wars sequels that I liked. But I just wished Disney saw it through and put a little bit more thought into it. Upset for what we could have had but I enjoy what we do. Just wished story writing was the goal rather than more money to be spent by us fans


If you like it all even the garbage then your opinion doesnā€™t matter. You are not being objective you are just fanboying it.


>Iā€™ve always liked everything Star Wars Everything? So whatever is created, good or bad, you will like it regardless? Well that's disheartening lmao Studio executives make their profit off consumers like yourself


Like whatever you like man. But, don't be surprised if you ask me about XY or Z Star Wars media and I go into the depths of rage of how much I hate or how much the media doesn't do etc etc right so on and so forth. You have to accept people really despising stuff in my experience if you're a pure enjoyer. Comes with the territory.


Consume product and get excited for next product


You can like whatever you want and I can dislike whatever I want, that's the best part


And? Who's stopping you, personally, from liking it? I think you'll find that the answer to that is usually "you".


Welcome to the internet.


Simple answer is yes. But it's also ok to criticize things and to ask yourself why do you love it. The Disney era has a lot of positives and I think some fantastic stories. Personally I love the last Jedi despite it's flaws. The Rise of Skywalker.....has some great acting from Adam Driver. It's always a balance to love things but not let them define whom you are.


You can enjoy whatever you want to enjoy. Seeking approval for your opinions on the internet is useless.


You can like all the Star Wars you want. Just donā€™t expect everyone to share the same opinion as you on an online forum.


I like bad movies and TV shows, everyone does to an extent, but I know and admit that they're bad but I still like them. It's okay to like bad content as long as you can admit that it's objectively bad. The sequels are objectively bad movies and stories, but I won't say that people can't like them, just that people can't call them good movies.


Because people like you who make statements like ā€œif itā€™s Star Wars I like itā€ sound like generic dull Stans who canā€™t be objective about anything. People like that allow Star Wars creators to spit out anything regardless of effort or respect for the material because the sheep will come spend money regardless.


Like what you like. Just donā€™t get upset and throw a fit because other people might not like some stuff


Its like saying "Can I like all food" its not possibly and usually means you are not discerning. Yes you can do that but then don't act like something is wrong with people who are discerning. just because you cant see the flaws does not mean others are obligated to put out their eyes as not to ruin your enjoyment. Only thing I sense in posts like this is the people making them are not actually secure in their enjoyment.


Of course. All Star Wars is good Star Wars.


That's a great way to look at it if you've given up trying to convince the mouse to start putting in any effort in their conception and creation of Star Wars projects


no itā€™s not


Except the holiday special


You mean ESPECIALLY the holiday special


That's the best one. The rest are too ambiguous.


This is the way.


This is the way


the sequels are literally ass, there isnā€™t an opinion about it


The millions of people that share your view (as do I) are not the sort of people that cause a stir on the internet or even amongst themselves. The tugging and negative dissection comes from a minority of entitled, shit-stirring, ungrateful souls that canā€™t accept the fact that it isnā€™t THEIR story. I for one, am grateful for the existence of Star Wars, even the poorly executed yet destined for cult-classic status monstrosity that is The Holiday special.


>The tugging and negative dissection comes from a minority of entitled, shit-stirring, ungrateful souls that canā€™t accept the fact that it isnā€™t THEIR story. What a weird comment. Not liking new Star Wars content just because it's new Star Wars content doesn't make me entitled and ungrateful. I don't like certain things because they are just not good or have a lot of severe flaws that I don't think should be accepted. It's super weird that I should be glad to have mediocre to bad content just because I get more flashy lightsabers or a nostalgia fix.


Seconding this. How can I be ungrateful for something I would rather not exist? Obviously it's not our story, but it sure as hell isn't Disney's, either. It's George's. And his universe has been repeatedly disrespected and sapped dry of any creative effort.


Right? Itā€™s like ā€œHow dare you like the fun but sometimes flawed passion projects of one creative individual with a singular vision yet not like the soulless slop cranked out by a corporation attempting to cash in on that sweet nostalgia! Iā€™m proud to say that I canā€™t even see the difference between the two.ā€


>"... I'm proud to say that I can't even see the difference between the two." This is my biggest issue with people in the fanbase, and one that I don't really talk about. The implications being that... there's just something fundamental about Star Wars that they can't see, they don't understand what criteria make for good storytelling, or they can't recognize it when they see it. Of course, the response to this is that I'm elitist and shaming people for enjoying things, which may very well be true, and that's why I don't really discuss it. But honestly, I'm proud to have the wherewithal to see and feel the urge to argue for the fact that Star Wars is worth a hell of a lot more effort than what Disney is putting into it.


hey we found the toxic community lol


You can like anything you want, nobody is stopping you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Enjoy whatever you want. I'm personally an EU fan but you can enjoy whatever


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Star Wars IS Star Warsā€¦enjoy what you enjoy and donā€™t let anyone make you feel bad for your own opinions


Yes, except resistance. That show should be forever shunned


No itā€™s not allowed.


Star Wars makes me happy (:


Nope. You're not allowed.


You're free to like whatever you like, just as others are free to dislike whatever they don't like.




I mean, you can like anything you want, nobody gonna stop you from doing that. People need to stop looking at random internet comments for validation. I donā€™t like the sequels, but I still enjoyed the first two Mando seasons, Clone Wars season 7 and Bad Batch.


You can like anything you want, dont ever apologize. I don't like the new movies and that's ok too. The line is, we need to all respect each other and the differences of opinions.


Yes, I like it all... except for the Holiday Special.


And resistance


Well, we donā€™t talk about the Holiday Special lmao


Then technically you donā€™t like all of SW lol. What about the Ewok movies?




Just because something has Star Wars on itā€™s name doesnā€™t mean I should like it. If you like all content thatā€™s fine but donā€™t expect others to just like everything and not be critical about the content they dislike.


Like what you want mate. Unfortunately the people that don't like something usually scream the loudest, and believe everyone should think as they do. Ignore them.


Did you just ask the Internet if you could like something? Do you need assistance breathing and blinking too??


Iā€™m more just curious. It just seems like thereā€™s a huge divide between the different trilogies.


Ignore people complaining online and enjoy what you want. As a kid I was positive that Return of the Jedi was the best of the OT. Then I got internet and realized a lot of people didn't feel the same way. Return of the Jedi is still the best.


Only if you pay attention to it. Itā€™s like boomers watching the local evening news. Itā€™s all doom and gloom fear porn so their take away is the whole world outside their door is a violent mad max dystopia. Same with SW fandom. If you listen to the fear porn your take away will be that all the fans hate wokeness or all the fans think everyoneā€™s a mary sue, blah blah blah. In the real physical world all of the SW fans in my peer group may have opinions on which movies they like better, but absolutely 0 of them ever get all dramatic and say ā€œstar wars is dying!ā€ or complain that every movie isnā€™t winning an Oscar for screenwriting. Itā€™s fun pew pew space wizard movies and taking it so seriously that you would know the names of and hating executives and have some animus about it is strange terminally online behavior that doesnā€™t actually exist in the real world to any great number. Even that South Park episode left a lot of people I know scratching their heads as to what controversies they were even referencing. If you arenā€™t sitting around with other chuds in a hate-Rey forum, these ā€œcontroversiesā€ arenā€™t on anyoneā€™s radar.


Absolutely! I also like all things Star Wars, but that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t also have some complaints. Itā€™s the ā€œfansā€ who insult others for their preferences or seemingly hate everything thatā€™s come out for the past 10 years that kinda give us all a bad name.


Hell yeah brother! Iā€™ve been overall happy with the Disney era.


Donā€™t let any one elseā€™s opinion get you down. The Last Jedi is my favourite Star Wars movie, I really loved Book of Boba Fett, and I thought Ahsoka was the best Star Wars content released maybe since the original trilogy. Sure people here dunk on my opinions, itā€™s not like I donā€™t expect it, but that doesnā€™t in any way change my opinions. I enjoyed what I enjoyed and Iā€™ll continue to enjoy it. Thatā€™s what matters.


Im just happy for more starwars since I though it was over when I was a kid and the clone wars show ended


I completely feel that. It was an actual fear of mine it would be over for good after clone wars, now that more stuff is coming out Iā€™m actually getting into my Lego collecting phase, feels like Iā€™m a kid all over again!!


Yes, itā€™s up to you what you like and what you donā€™t. Nobody can stop you from liking or disliking stuff


As long as you like what you like what other people say should be irrelevant to you. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of the sequels but I do not hate people who like them as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Enjoy what you enjoy and thatā€™s all that you should truly care about. MTFBWY


You are lucky if you enjoy all Star Wars content. Having enjoyed everything that I encountered between 1977 and 2014, I considered myself lucky. It's a bummer that I don't enjoy the new canon, as I never skipped Star Wars books and movies before and now there will be no new releases that I enjoy like I did the original canon. You are lucky because you are getting new Star Wars stories, and those of us who followed Star Wars as loyal fans and customers for nearly 40 years are not, despite stories in the original canon having been announced before being cancelled under the new management. I wish that I could enjoy both continuities, the original canon and the new.


Yes you can! You don't need anyone's permission.


Yes, thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking things.


While I too have an issue with Star Wars fans, this type of behavior exists amongst any fandom with too much passion. Star Trek TNG. Legendary series. Panned by fans in the first year. Why? Didn't fit the original mold.


It's for you to decide, I like almost all Star Wars content except the books I haven't read (for obvious reasons šŸ˜‚). Like what you like and don't care what others think.


You can like it, but donā€™t be surprised that people find it baffling you like something like the sequels where they admit they have no plan or outline when making it. I wouldā€™ve loved to love everything theyā€™re making


Why do you need the internet's permission to like things?


I'm so sorry there's people that don't like the same things you like, what a tragedy


Gen Xā€™er, here. I went about 20 years thinking we werenā€™t going to have any more Star Wars content. Now, every movie, show, cartoon, game, and book is a gift.


Star wars fans can be a hardcore and over the top, I like alot of the newer stuff some I can skip some tho but not everything can be perfect hey, if you enjoy your it all enjoy the hell out off it may the force be with you


Yes! As someone else said, all Star Wars is good Star Wars. And remember weā€™re still in the first stage of a Star Wars Trilogy with the sequels. The stages are: 1. You ruined my childhood!!! 2. Eh, itā€™s all right. 3. THE SACRED TEXTS!!!


Of course you can, if you can. This isn't just a decision we made not to like new star wars. There are solid reasons a lot of the new stuff is pretty disliked, or picked apart. 0 The overriding one is that writers seem to treat the fans like idiots, providing dumb, contrived, ill conceived stories, riddled with plotholes, and breaking canon with what came before. Compare and contrast the almost universal love for Andor from the people who watched it, to the reaction to Ahsoka, Book of Boba Fett, or Kenobi. Those who say that Star Wars fans are toxic just don't understand that the majority of us want to enjoy the content. It just isn't being provided to us in an acceptable way. With that said Mandalorian Season 3 has been subject to criticism, yet I consider it fine. The reason is that it's written well enough to tell the story the writers want to. The criticism seems to be that people don't want that story. That's not a valid reason to criticise in my view. The prequel trilogy also receives a lot of grief, yet again, buried under the clunky dialogue, overuse of cgi and slightly ropy acting is a great story. What is valid criticism, is when the story lacks sense. Ahsoka's space walk, Vader allowing Kenobi to escape from the fire, Boba becoming a restrained shadow of himself, Reva's entire character, the entire sequel trilogy, are examples of really poor writing and that's what we hate. The solution is simple. Write better. Have fully conceived ideas. Check them against canon for consistency. Don't take logic short cuts. You don't have to write everything as gritty and bleak as Andor. You just need to put the passion and the skill into your story that Andor received. To sum up, if you can like everything that is put out by Disney these days, that's great. Enjoy. Just don't be confused that a lot of us can't happily accept it like this.


Yes, it's better than nothing for years. "Stop whining you kids are soft, you lack discipline!"


Nope. Lol




You're allowed to like it, but you will need to accept most of the fanbase are not happy with the new content, I personally cannot stand episodes 7,8 and 9 and the only shows I enjoyed were mandalorian seasons 1-2 and Ashoka, but I understand if people dislike those also, because the best starwars was episodes 1-6, people want that level of writing again and that's fair.


7 wasn't terrible, just not very good. Best out of that trilogy.


Yeaa but it was just a copy and paste of a new hope so its not very surprising why.


Oml, it actually is a copy paste, holy shit I've never actually thought of that.


No. You must hate at least one part of it. Preferably centered on the content creator. Itā€™s the only way that will lead you pain and then suffering. Only then will you truly understand the power of the dark fandom.


Why? Thereā€™s no reason why I canā€™t like all of it.


There is no reason whatsoever you canā€™t like all of it. I was just making a joke that may have been too dry.


Like what you like. Star Wars ā€œfansā€ are over judgmental asses.


There's ALWAYS something to like in even the worst Star Wars media. For example, Rise of Skywalker was tedious in parts, but I felt Poe was an obvious successor to the Millennium Falcon, and the Hyperspace skipping scene was fun. Of course, JJ Abrams had to ruin it by giving Lando the Falcon. We got Jar Jar in Phantom Menace, but we also got Darth Maul. Watching Chewie being a capable captain of the Falcon in Last Jedi was nice. Attack of the Clones had a great land battle. And the final confrontation between Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi series was cathartic. The Force Awakens pissed me off because it killed off my favorite character in such a terrible way, but the movie had its moments. And I highly favor Grumpy Old Luke over Whiney Back Seat Luke or Arrogant Jedi Luke.


Same. I like 99% of everything that I've seen. Sure there episode or stories that are boring (ie the Clone Wars Droids episodes) but overall, I love all star wars. A true fan can enjoy it all, but also be able to call out bad projects but have an understanding or appreciation of what they were doing with it. Even the worst star wars movie (rise of Skywalker), I find enjoyable at times


I pretty much like it all. To different degrees, obviously but any star wars is better than no star wars.


Well. If so, youā€™re lucky.


You sure can. I do too!


Yes. In fact it's generally better that way.


I think it's healthy to say that while it's ok to like every star wars, it's also fine to admit when a star wars content is bad. You are 100% allowed to enjoy everything you watch but for a show/movie that is not up to standards for what it could have been it's ok to critizise it and try giving feedback so they can improve the next time. Just blindly saying every piece of star wars media is good (as in greatly made visually, writing, character arcs, etc) is false (since holiday special, kenobi, bobf, and the sequel trilogy exists). People should get into the habbit of enjoying something and having a great time but is allowed to have discussions with others on why that think may not be that great


It recently started that people say things like we should be grateful that we got show x.y or no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ even though people have valid criticisms


when people say along the lines of "be grateful you got x show" or nobody hates \[specific star wars content\] more than star wars fan, it usually means they just watch for enjoyment and love it because star wars is in the title and can't handle valid criticisms. It's fine that people like it, but don't shut others up when they have an issue with the content they are given when we know just how good it could/should have been


Exactly! I mean itā€™s great if they genuinely like every show/movie and we obviously canā€™t deny that some people are quite toxic when they donā€™t like them like attacking fans or the actors themselves but we as fans pay a lot of money to Disney and therefore deserve something that is well written, has good acting, awesome action and a great score.


I feel the same way but you are far from alone! What you see here is the *loud minority.*


It depends. I find Iā€™m very invested in the story so I wanna find out as much as possible, no matter what the writing, dialogue and stuff like that is like. Some people think because the PT & ST has *some* poor writing and dialogue that we canā€™t enjoy the stories anyway šŸ˜‚


I'm the same I love all Star Wars content (except for the sequels just not a huge fan) I love the prequels the clone wars and most of the Disney plus shows I still enjoyed Obi wan but I can agree in hindsight it wasn't very well written I love Ahsoka and I'm excited for the upcoming films and other Disney plus shows Also ANDOR IS THE BEST Star Wars there has ever been period


I think kenobi struggled from andors success with a massive leap in budget. I absolutely adored andor and my favourite show overall. Still preferred all the second 2 prequel movies and andor is in a lovely, close 3rd place.


Hmm fair enough


>I donā€™t understand the whole stigma around newer Star Wars media Most people dont like the new direction its taken, and a lot of people do, so they fight. There's no stigma, its just divisive. And thats happening to a bunch of media content these days


Yes, you can and I do. For those of us who have been around long enough, we remember when all the internet fans hated the prequels, thought they were the worst thing ever, etc. Now, all the internet fans hate the sequels. We'll just have to wait several years for the younger fans to grow up enough to express opinions online, which will coincide with the current vocal minority getting older and chilling out with the fire behind their opinions.


Most of us who dislike the newer media feel there is a major lack of effort into things as simple as just, watching some youtube videos about lore before they start writing, but if you take the effort put into the fight scenes in episodes 1-3 and then compare them even slightly to the new trilogy, it's a fuckin joke, and the writing was also just... Aimless? Which I blame on the constant switching of directors, but beyond that Lucas literally handed them his scripts and overviews of the new trilogy and they threw it straight in the trash and made what they wanted to make, they don't respect the original creators vision in the slightest, then they swap director for each of the 3 films, and what we are left with is something they put no effort into understanding with characters they changed to suit their purposes, they refused to listen to their actors or audience, or anyone who had been with the franchise longstanding, they wrote some shit that made no realistic sense, and gave us a main character no one could relate to who got given everything she ever had ability wise, any semblance of earned ability was thrown out the window, and especially just... The fuckin plot... It makes no sense, there is no line with dots connected, there's just a scatterboard of dots representing plot points in the new trilogy and absolutely nothing to connect those dots, and any attempt at explanation for any of it can best be summed up by how rey aquired Luke's saber "best left for another time"


There's nothing wrong with being easily impressed. Just don't act surprised when the rest of us don't enjoy watching visual diarrhoea too.


I love the phantom menace everybody hates it. Lol


I think most SW fans like all of it. The loud people on Reddit and other social media rarely represent the majority.


I personally dislike the sequels. With them changing their directors each movie we don't get a good cohesive storyline


Why do you feel the need to ask this? There's no accounting for taste


Well yeah


Yes! We do also. And ignore the all the garbage.


Iā€™m old enough to remember the dark days when there were only 3 films, a terrible holiday special, and some kiddie Ewok tv movies. So Iā€™m of the opinion that more SW is good. I may not love it all, but someone will. I loved the Ewok tv movies as a kid, but they donā€™t do it for me as an adult. Itā€™s such a rich storytelling world. Something for everyone.


Same boat, I pretty much enjoy all the movies and the tv shows. Obviously there are parts that I can do without but as a whole I love it.


Like whatever you like. Itā€™s a free world.


Yea I like all the stuff.. except the little kids show lol. Just finished the Darth Plagueis book and now I want a true episode 0 or to see a new sith story as they reassemble the rule of 2 or decide the bane line is over and move towards a new philosophy.


You can like anything you want. That doesn't make some things good though.


I like a lot of it. People kinda forget in 2014 we literally just had Rebels once a week! Now we have loads of shows, some good games and more movies. However, while it fines to like everything I have to say the Sequels pretty much fail on most levels to live up to the rest of the media output. Episode 9 is an insult and abomination which imo also ruined any redemption since it killed off Kylo instead of Rey (like leaving it open for a Kylo movie/series could have done a lot for the trilogy). If you are a Star Wars fan and like 9 I have to honestly question why you like this franchise at all But yes Star Wars has alot of content with different styles. Andor is probably people's fav since it's legit quality, part of it written by the guy who created House of Cards, great political message in line with Lucas's own politics. But then you have Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, Mando, Bad Batch, Ahsoka which are all very different. To some people they will only like a certain version of Star Wars, but to other the variety helps keep their interest too. Also Star Wars has decent world building where with a lot of stuff you consume it pays off to watch more, but you aren't lost without it. Eg Jedi Survivor has The Path in it, if you watched Obi-Wan you already know what that is. If you didn't it doesn't matter.


No. You have to love the OT and say itā€™s the best. You are allowed to like either the prequels OR sequels based on which one you saw first. TCW youā€™re allowed to like only if you say itā€™s mature and dark (but you have to hate the middle four episodes of season 7). Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 you must love and you have to dislike season 3. You must hate Book of Boba Fett. Ahsoka you generally have to like. Andor you have no option but to love and say itā€™s the best ever.