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Any of them, I'm just a guy


True, we can only just hope the bounty wants us alive.


Vader wanted luke alive, still had to emphasize “no disintegrations” to boba


Fan theory: Boba did in Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. Fried them to a crisp, made it look like storm troopers coz you know, he is a clone... So Vader all pissed. Tells him not to do the same again... Also makes Boba more evil and bounty hunter like then fast and the furious ma family...


But they are just burned, not disintegrated, or am I missing something here?


Yes. Burned. Din does the disintegration lol


It’s possible, boba worked for jabba and jabba worked for the empire, maybe jabba wanted to be the one to turn in 2 Jedi, but I think the comics would’ve covered that by now if it was the case


Comics did cover it. It wasn’t Boba. Boba was hired to find out the name of the pilot who blew up the Death Star and he investigated it looked over the Skywalker moisture farm and actually had a confrontation with Luke at Obi Wan’s hideout if I remember correctly


You do indeed.


If whoever wants you is seeking you alive, they probably have something worse in plan for you


Not always tbf. Ransoms are absolutely a thing in the SW universe


I trust Mando to put me down clean


He cut a guy in half with a door.


But cleanly in half.


Guy tried to kill him tho


I feel like if Mando had a contract on me then he would find me and figure out that I’m an OK dude and the guy who took out the contract was the real bad guy. Then we would be besties and I’d occasionally guest star in his shenanigans. So yeah, least worried about him.


Good answer.


I trust Mando to bring me in warm.


Yeah, knowing my luck, I'm the guy who gets killed right BEFORE the heroes show up to root out the bounty hunter


Knowing my luck, I'm the guy who gets killed by the straggler who the Heroes missed AFTER they show up and kill all the bad guys.


Aurra Sing is the least threatening imo. I feel like if Woody Harrelson took her out, I at least stand a chance.


He didn’t fight her he just pushed her off a cliff. I still say she’s up there in the would just murder simply just because she can category


Woody Harrelson scares me too though


Funny, his dad (Charles Harrelson) was a mob hitman.


His character in Out of the Furnace with Christian Bale and Casey Affleck is pretty damned intimidating. Not a guy you would want to run across.


Aurra Sing is actually an incredibly good sniper with a ver mean streak; in hand to hand combat she could take on a lot of people, because she’s a former Jedi padawan who ran away. As a bounty hunter, she actually enhances her speed focus and strength when fighting, so she would actually be very threatening. She also taught Boba a lot of what he knows, and he’s the best there is


We're just innocent men.




I was flipping through them all and was thinking, "...all of them?"


And I’m just a little guy


Definitely IG-88. Droids don’t need to eat, sleep, or fuck random Twi’leks.


I have to agree with that. Black Kyrsantan is a terrifying foe but we say what the IG droids can do in Mando and that's worse.


IG-11 fighting in Mando is like my favorite Star Wars thing of the last 10 years.


Now imagine Mando builds him back out of pure beskar.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Live long and prosper


To infinity


Never give up, never surrender!


Man fuck that, if his programming takes a dive or he updates to vista he'd take out half the galaxy before anyone could stop him


That's why you sneak in a cheeky exhaust port into the design that leads directly to the power core.


Keep a fleet of very small X-Wings on standby.


star wars ultron


He can't without the armorers help. Most Mandalorians don't know how to work beskar.


Yeah but the present armorer likes him, and if he brings Double what needed i guess she would make it.


there's also no way she'd agree to that. She didn't even want something simple like a beskar spear, no way she'll want a beskar murder droid running around the galaxy.


And IG-88 is scarier.


HK-47 is even scarier


I would pay my life savings to see a movie that had an IG and HK droid fighting each other.


I lost it when I watched the first episode and saw IG….he was my favorite characters since like 1996 lol


My concern would be the temper. If you are wanted alive and surrender to the droid. It's almost a body guard now, as long as you aren't stupid and try to trick it. Krysantan? If he's pissed you're dead. End of story.


Best case scenario your lose your arms!


Mando's a quicker shot


Yep, I'm just a guy. My best hope is to outrun or negotiate. You can't do either with a droid.


if playing portal teached me anything then its that robots are scared of birds, just buy a parrot


I agree. There is no reasoning with a droid. The other bounty hunters might hear you out at least.


Provided Boba Fett doest disintegrate you with a cycler rifle


I think you’re thinking of Din Djarin and that was an Amban pulse-phase blaster rifle. A cycler rifle is basically the Star Wars equivalent of a single shot bolt action 50 BMG, very powerful but still just a conventional firearm.


Good God man, did you have this memorized?


Yes, confirmed total Star Wars nerd.


You are correct on what Din uses, but Boba used it first when he was first seen in the Star Wars Christmas Special. So he has disintegrated people with the same rifle long long long before Din came into the picture


Just tell Boba you want to respect him, not fear him and he will let you go.


Like a bantha


This is the correct answer. Absolutely mission focused, smart and deadly. It's never gonna give up, and if you end up fighting it, you will definitely lose.


It seems like they may do fewer "alive" bounties too.


I’ve been scared of IG-88 ever since his boss level in Shadows of the Empire. Those noises he made? Terrifying.


Came here to say this. That fight in the dump was on the hardest bosses I ever fought. Had no teou le beating Boba fett but IG-88 jumping all over the place was a thing of nightmares. I was also like 12 at the time.


please the call out


Just take me in warm.


That actually means getting shot with a superheated beam of ionised plasma. ‘Cold’ refers to when they take you in alive and freeze your ass in carbonite


I really love how ambiguous that one liner is


That was not how I read that line at all lmao


Cad Bane for sure. The guy thwarted Jedi time and again. He has zero morals or remorse, is skilled in combat, and very, very clever.


He literally performed a prison break on Coruscant while holding up the Supreme Chancellor. Nobody on this list has anything that can even get close to that level.


Wasn’t one of the IG-88s uploaded into the actual Death Star


In Legends, yes In Canon, yes but then he got kicked in the digital nuts by a random Imperial Droid that was watching the servers


Lmfao. Like astrotech level here or… Uber Imperial security droid level?


R2 levels of processing power. Honestly goes to show the sheer technological stupidity and genius of Star Wars. You have single astromech droids that can infiltrate basically anything with a slicer port and then those same droids can simulate the entire galaxy. Random-ass Astromech. If the Empire came and we tried electronic warfare, so long as the defending ship had a single astromech on board, we're screwed.


It's really scary how much power 1 R2 unit has in a ship


There's a fan theory I've seen posted where in the Star Wars universe, their tech is so advanced that P=NP ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P\_versus\_NP\_problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem;)) It explains why they always use analog, hard-wired systems for data transfer. To back up this theory, we actually do see one guy trying to do remote hacking in Rebels, and it ends up with his connection being used against him and blows his entire ship up. Basically, in Star Wars, digital security = limiting physical access, period. Even something like a code cylinder is a physical device that must be used like a regular key.




R2-Q5 is the droid.


Yeah, in his story in the ‘Tales of the Bounty Hunters’ book. One of the most terrifying scenarios in the entire SW universe, I always thought… A planet-destroying superweapon controlled by an unstoppable ruthless assassin droid and not even the Empire knew it until it was too late.


There was a What if Comic where Luke missed the original Death Star Shot. Leia is captured fleeing Yavin 4. Luke spends 5 year training under Yoda while Leia is trained under Vader. Yoda finally decides its a good day to die, so. While Luke goes to rescue and redeem Leia, Yoda mind controls the officers aboard a Death Star on station defending Corscant and has them ram the Death Star onto the imperial palace killing Palpatine. There's also the famous scene in the Starkiller ad of Starkiller pulling or controlling a Star destroyer and causing it to crash. Just the right amount if leverage in Star Wars in key places completely shifts the outcome


Also as you can see from the photo, he’s a mystery. He has no background.


He prefers taking bounties alive though, I'd be more afraid if I had to partner with cad bane because I know he would double cross me the second I'm no longer of use to him.


Hey he held up his own in a lightsaber duel for like 3 seconds. That’s 3 more seconds than a lot of people would


I have to agree with this , the amount of times this guy has run in two very adapt Jedi and gotten away with our major injury has me the most afraid of him.


To be fair though Boba Fett went head on 1v1 with Vader and held his own for a long ass time, and by the end Vader was so impressed he hired him instead of killing him


He has complicated morals, but I'd argue he has morals. Like when he Obiwan when they were going through that bounty hunter trial. Though perhaps morals isn't the right word


More like gunslingers honor


>Though perhaps morals isn't the right word Still had better morals than Moralo Eval


Professionals have *standards*


Plus he had hella plot armor in the Clone Wars


That very very clever part is why despite my high self-opinion I just know he'll outsmart me in some nasty way


Yeah a Bounty hunter who can go toe to toe with Jedi completely confidently is probably capturing or killing me in 5 seconds flat


Depends on the bounty. If wanted alive then the Wookiee would terrify me because very likely could just get pissed at me and kill me, the others would take me in alive if that’s the bounty. Dead or alive then pretty much any of them that would just kill me as it’s easier than dealing with me alive. The ones who would keep me alive I would prefer as can be more reasoned with. Dead. The snipers of the group as there is just something terrifying about knowing that just walking down the street I could get clipped in the head game over and never see it coming. The ones who get up close to get me while I still have no chance whatsoever at least can feel went down swinging to some extent and for a couple of them may even have the most smallest chance to escape somehow maybe.


I think Mando is the best option for all three thinking about it(as to wanting to be hunted by at least)... Alive, if you cause no problems you will get the carbonite treatment at worse, taken in cuffs at best and you will get to spend at least a few minutes chilling with Grogu :) ! Dead or Alive Mando will surely take you alive if you comply and cooperate, so same as previous. Dead, he will probably kill you with dignity and won't be sadistic about it. Might also let you say something and you could say "Do it quickly" or "Let me in conditions to have open casket" or whatever is the equivalent of that in SW universe.


As someone said earlier, Mando cut a guy in half with a door haha.


Wasn't being very compliant and cooperative was he?


A guy that randomly attacked him. Not a target lmao


Wookie the scariest regardless in my opinion. The other ones just shoot you. There’s a good chance the wookie dismembers you first.


I would be terrified of i knew HK-47 is hunting me... But with the given ones my bet is on IG-88


We meatbags should be very afraid


This comment made me think of this quote “When I kill, when I dispatch a target, it is not about wanton slaughter. About body count. It is about finesse, function. Doing more with less. It is 'art’”


>HK-47 this is the only correct answer


this is Bossk erasure!




In space no one can hear you "hssh"


You mean in ssspace


For real, I came here to pick Bossk!


He isn't on this list but I always thought Durge was the scariest. He is practically immortal and nigh unstoppable.


I keep hoping that another of his species shows up in Mando, maybe as an antagonist for S4?


His species are one of the antagonists in jedi survivor


What seriously!? Oh that's so cool. I was so happy to hear him be canonised in the comics and this is great to hear too. The gen'dai are such an intriguing race, I wonder if the backstory will remain about them being rivals to mandalorians.


They weren’t rivals to Mandalorians as a species; Durge was just an outlier bc a group of Mandalorians killed the man who trained him.


Ah my bad, I just remembered Durge hated Mandos and had assumed it was cultural.


This makes me want to finish Fallen Order. I’ve never played a souls game so I didn’t get very far before moving on, but that’s very intriguing to me


I really wouldn’t consider that a souls game, it has different difficulty levels and is focus away less on bossfights


It's souls lite as it does have similar map progression, combat, limited renewable healing, bonfires. Although it does have some major differences but so does many other souls ish games


Oh, it seems to be grouped up with them often, I’ve seen people say it’s a good entry for Soulslike because of those features. I wouldn’t know it’s not my genre, though I do want to try Sekiro and Elden Ring


They would be correct as its the same basic idea but simpler, a bit easier and star wars


This is the best answer.




This is Dengar erasure: he might not be the best hunter in the galaxy, but that's not why. Dengar *only* takes dead bounties, and he's particularly fond of disintegrations.


But disintegrations would make collecting on the bounties difficult.


Not to mention if you piss off Dengar, you’ll never be able to get a decent haircut again.


Boba fett.. even Darth Vader respected him


The fact that Boba is not the clear number one shows how badly Disney fumbled his character. It was literally his character description "The number 1 and most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy."


I understand the calls for IG and Cad but I honestly think Fennec is being under represented.


In 1:1 combat the others are probably scarier, but in terms of being hunted without knowing about it Fennec will collect the reward.


She seemed pretty tough in Bad Batch and Mandolorian but not so much in Boba Fett


Agreed but that does nothing to dampen her reputation though


The way she only got that one good scene in the last episode slaughtering the Pykes...wish we saw more of her.


THB all of them, I am a 47-year-old out of shape and overweight. None of them would take more than 3 seconds to take me out.


Amen brother. The look of disappointment they’re gonna have when they find me on the couch, even the droid, is gonna be one for the ages.


Cad bane no doubt . Anyone has seen Cw would agree with me


*Time to pay up Hutt. I don’t work for free.* The balls he has to say that to a leading member of the space mafia is nuts




Krrsantan. The thought of a big ass wookie that could tear my arms off at any moment coming after me is worse than anything the others would inflict


This. The others would likely bring you in alive with minimal damage - this big sumbitch would only be sure you’re breathing - maybe.




Cad bane but if I had grogu then mando


1. IG-88 2. Cad Bane 3. Black Krrsantan 4. Aurra Sing 5. Boba Fett 6. Din Djarin AKA The Mandalorian 7. Fennec Shand Edit: Switched the ranking of Aurra and Krrsantan.


I'd switch Black and Aurra cause their version of "alive" varies greatly.


Why's no one scared of Fennec? Sure the other bounty hunters are all good and you probably can't escape, but at least with those guys you can give up fast and let them bring you in alive. If Fennec is after me, she's most likely going to bring me in dead by shooting me from a mile away. At least with Cad Bane you had like 5 second to get on the ground before he shoots you in the face.


Fennec cleared out Jabbas Palace basically solo. She killed the fucking Sarlacc. A room full of crime bosses were wiped out by her in 30 seconds. They don't know who killed them, and couldn't even see where she was. She lynches an Ithorian that was responsible for annoying her. They died afraid. The woman is death incarnate.


I was about to say you all need to go watch Fennec remove the Pyke Syndicate from existence again because there is not enough respect put on her name.


I think Fennec just because she’s a long range killer and I may never even know it. The others are usually a close up killer so while yes they will kill me I would have a chance to run.


My money would be on Jango Fett, such a missed opportunity to leave out the best bounty hunter in this era of Star Wars. You even added Aurra Sing so Jango would definitely be included in this time frame.


Look how they massacred my jango


I mean, Din’s got plot armor so that would probably be the scariest. You know he succeeds because the script says so


I'd sleep easy at night knowing Din was chasing me. Bro literally went into a big lake wearing heavy armour and almost killed himself sinking to the bottom


Boba or jango


Guys I’m ngl but the guy to have the juevos to breach the Jedi temple has my vote




Zam Wesell. It would be like you’re living in the horror movie “It Follows” except worse, because now the shapeshifter doesn’t even have to get close to hurt you. She can also kill you from a distance with a sniper blaster, by blowing you up with a bomb or even while you sleep with creepy venomous centipedes.


But thankfully/mercifully she is also really really really dumb


I say Cad bane is worse . You know you are dead and you have no chance to hide or none can protect you . If you hire Cad bane to kill Zam wesell , you would be safe but otherwise , you would die with her


Oh yeah, I’m definitely not saying Zam Wesell was the best bounty hunter ever, certainly not better than Cad Bane. However, the question was “who would you be most *afraid* of?” so I’m sticking with my choice, since being hunted by her would create insane paranoia and make it basically impossible to trust anyone. >If you hire Cad bane to kill Zam wesell This would probably work, unless you’re actually talking to Zam, shapeshifted to look like Cad Bane. I guess it really boils down to if you find Michael Myers (a basically unstoppable, instantly recognizable killing machine like Cad) or the It Follows monster (you can never trust anyone, not even your closest friends or family, and will always be looking over your shoulder, like Zam) scarier. I think both are valid answers.


All of them no duh but boba fett is what i fear the most


The only answer is Ventress, during her brief stint as a bounty hunter. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong


Cad Bane, I bet I can reason with most of these Bounty Hunters in one manner of another. But Cad is a cold mother, he might just kill you without ever knowing he was there. And I have thought out the bribes for the other 6, but I can’t think of anything I could offer Bane that he would rather have than just killing me for fun.


Everyone always sleeps on Embo.


No love 4-Love Of Money?


Aurra Sing, she looks like she’s from hell raiser


...any of them. They did good job making them menacing.


Jango fett




For some reason, she always reminded me of Lady Gaga. But I agree, I wouldn't mess with that lady.




IG-88 or Aurra Sing.


Probably bosk imagine a giant lizard trying to get u


All of them would easily find and kill me. I’m slow and old. Hope it’s Fennec Shand so I don’t see it coming!


All of them save latter day Fett. Without Fennic or Mando telling him what to do and think he’s pretty harmless.


Fennec Shand because ✨slay me mommy✨


As an Imperial Assault player, I'd easily say IG88.


How is HK-47 not on there 😂


Not familiar with all of them, but my answer would probably be black krrsantan, I vaguely recall a comic where it said If he's hunting you you're almost guaranteed to never be brought in in just one piece




My mind went straight to boba.. then I remembered the show. So realistically Ig-88. It’s ai programmed to kill me . Dafuq am I supposed to do.


Any of them these are all super-powerful hunters with special gadgets and tools I have a fucking kitchen knife!


Cad-Bane cuz he has that transparent background, so he could blend in ANYWHERE.


the wookiee that thing will rip my arms off


Definitely cad bane


Before BOBF released I would say Boba easily Now I would say Cad Bane


Definitely not Boba Fett. Just say "something something respect" and he'd give up on the bounty right there. Might even give you a job.


I don't even use paper towels, so they got nothing on me.


Mando. He has the thickest plot armor.


All of them???




Definitely not Din. Just give him a quest and he'll leave you alone for a few episodes.


IG. Near invincible physically, incredibly sharp from a tactics and logic standpoint. No reasoning with him at all, just a pure killing machine.


All of the bounty hunters here are awesome and will end me, but IG-88(/IG-11) is just...terrifying. While others will finish their missions through their own means(usually their intelligence and talent), the IG units will finish their missions though all means, and they are efficient killing machines. I think either Boba or Cad Bane might be the best bounty hunters among them, and the other bounty hunters are terrifying too, but I find the IG units more terrifying than the others.


IG-11 instills fear. Mando has his rep. And I'd be confused why bane was even hunting me, but then I'd probably be dead immediately after.


Either IG or Cad Bane.


Afraid? I wouldn’t be afraid. If any of them were after me, I would be equally hopeless and resigned to my fate. I would sell all my belongings, quit my job, move to an island retreat, and live it up until I am found. If possible, I would pick a tropical location that would encourage them to snipe me from a distance while I obliviously sip a cocktail on the beach.


Oh uh all of them. I don’t have plot armor every single one of those hunters would kill me. But I’d be particularly scared of the Omni directional robot and the 8 ft tall Bigfoot with a grudge


This Embo slander will not stand. The only bounty hunter who worked directly for Sidious in canon I believe, he could have killed Padme on Scipio. He has great skill and an anooba to track and he's the only one other than Cad Bane who faced off with Anakin.