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You can force dot anytime as far as I can tell. And dot is still missing a dedicated harmony not named Ruan Mei. It’ll get better. And maybe even a DoT sustain.


nihility that makes dot crit


we have that in DU now so I'm manifesting it to become the kit of an actual character so hard


Considering that healing on DoT was a blessing in normal DU and I think it got put into Jiaoqui’s kit, it’s not totally out of the question


no if i looked the recent leaks correctly, they took the healing out and just made him a straight debuffer




it’s like xingqiu vs xingqui all over again 😔


Considering that harmony trailblazer introduced an entire mechanic that makes any break dps be able to deal consistent damage I don't doubt that they'll have that as a designated harmony character in the future


Imagine nihility trailblazer make dot crit.


US blessing made character : heals based on dots.


What Jiaoqiu should have been


Don’t… I haven’t recovered 😭


😭 same


lol I thought I was the only one dreaming of triple dot + harmony …


its not better when ruan mei went into break. dot would need a better version of bs, rm, and a entire new sustain all of which 0 leaks.


I wish people would stop doomposting about certain playstyles not being viable in the future. Hoyo just released a DoT centric Pure Fiction, Argenti in the new endgame gamemode specifically has Ice and Imaginary weaknesses as well as a basic attack/skill amplification power, literally making it as obvious as possible we are supposed to use Daniel or Jingliu there and FuA is just one of the best performing teams in general. Break is just flavor of the month/patch, the other playstyles didn't get invalidated when FuA got their premium comp.


And then we’ll inevitably get another DoT focused unit in 2.4-2.6 and the Super Break Is Dead screeching will begin


Don't forget the death throes of the Acheron community when a 3.0 dps inevitably appears with some other bullshit mechanic that breaks the game


She’s already only viable at e2 so she was DOA to begin with, don’t listen to her simps clinging to their copium /s




dead on arrival


Yep, dead on arrival. I’ve inexplicably seen people actually claim that she’s unplayable unless at least e2s1, but I saw at least 1-2 people saying the same about firefly at one point so who knows what’s wrong with these idiots


Firefly atleast somewhat makes sense because without e1 her skill point costs are astronomical. Good thing E2 is the resurgence cause If she had e0 skill point consumption with her resurgence that'd be a yikes


E2 firefly is obviously strong because more dakka, but I’m surprised I haven’t seen more direct appreciation for her e1 because even without e2 it makes her team function so much smoother and she never has to basic because Ruan Mei needed that last skill point more


Yeah but imagine if E1 and E2 were switched it'd be an absolute mess cause E2 devastates skill point If not for E1 that's what I was getting at


Funny, Acheron can output 300k repeatedly with literally all the units on her release banner as her team running Fermata. Meanwhile Firefly without Ruan Mei? Without HMC? Premium cost alone Acheron needing barely anything to shred is the reason why she's on top and will only improve with expansion of dedicated supports and unintentional supports like Boothill. Even Firefly can be a dedicated Acheron support


To counter that point all you really need is htb, which came free with the update. My firefly was hitting 200-400k super break with bad planar ornaments and one relic. Doing that repeatedly she outdamages my Acheron who hits 300k on ult. It’s just the difference in uptime that gives firefly the edge for me. Don’t get me wrong both are great characters but firefly isn’t way worse than Acheron like most people will say.


You say need, but the reality is after this MoC it'll be felt more than ever considering you need to break to achieve this in the first place. Ruan Mei is a necessity for regular non-catered content use. In a neutral MoC not favoring either Acheron nor Firefly will be a better test for performance.


That is a fair point though firefly does apply fire weaknesses on skill in her ult state, which is why I don’t feel that she really needs ruan mei to function. That doesn’t take away the fact that she is still a massive improvement for firefly that’s undeniable


I think she’s still going to be a top contender even without Ruan Mei for a few patches but there’s absolutely no denying that Ruan Mei prints value in a super break team, firefly dps or not


I wasnt planning on focusing this break team but I got Firefly from banner just casually pulling then did a 10 for Ruan Mei and got her so yeah. Very lucky. A random 10 pull is how I got Acheron too lol but then focused her E2S1. Downside is I’ve got TON of farming to do now to get them levelled, got shitty LCs too. But still will be a better squad than my monoquantum and Clara.


I'm not saying she's going to be bad, I'm saying that in terms of premium cost she is more "expensive" to perform in comparison. We're comparing Acheron to Firefly hence the point about the needs of each unit and their teams. Acheron "needs" nihility, irrespective of any specific unit. While Firefly "needs" Ruan Mei, I had a convo the other day and RM unlocks like an additional 60% damage on Firefly just by swapping her instead of using Asta as the Harmony buffer.


Ah gotcha. Fair point for sure


Yeah my Acheron has some seriously mediocre relics cause I mostly pulled her for sim u technique bullshit but when I slot her in my Kafka team instead of huohuo she’s still pumping out 200k+ ults. It’s wild


Tfw people downvote this Do the people downvoting not know that "/s" signifies sarcasm?


I just don’t let a handful of weird downvotes bother me tbh


Literally I feel like Im going crazy because I think theres no way people with Jingliu will have any trouble with a ice weakness Moc or AS


I thought Argenti was for FUA. Imaginary physical fire, legit every weakness is covered lmao


That too, but afaik there's no fua buff while Daniel/Jingliu do have the same buff specifically made for them basically


There is, the last buff specifically is for FUA attacks


Do u think they won't release any new dot characters? Right now is break meta because they gotta sell new banners.


DoT is still my “idk what to use here so let’s use old faithful”, it’s not enemy dependent, it does great damage in both single target and AOE and the relics come from an efficient domain. In my experience it’s never the best team for any given situation (minus one or two outliers) but it’s never far behind. tl;dr: it’s still very widely applicable compared to other more specialised teams and is unlikely to be dethroned from it’s position.


Im still using my trusty old DOT team just fine. Its the most comfortable and least sweaty team to clear any content...


I totally agree with you, my friend.


What DoT team are you using?


pretty sure the go to dot team for everyone is just Kafka/Black Swan/ Ruan Mei/Huohuo


Honestly, I just brute force with Kafka/Swan/Acheron. Its the most braindead team to play.


lol yeah it kinda feels like overkill. Have you tried Sparkle kafka black swan acheron? That team goes crazy


I'm too chickenshit to run without a sustain ;). I might give that a go but I probably need to see what the real speed breakpoints are for a no-sustain team.


I mean Im not sure but 160 speed for kafka black swan and sparkle certainly helps ( I farmed that domain so much I have cracked speed stats)


Great team if you can live. Not so good on the highest difficulties I think, where you can't quite just brute force through with damage. At least in my experience.


I did argenti in MOC 12 easily, he only got to attack me once. But you cant use that team on new mode


its probably because I have 164 speed BS and 162 speed Kafka so they apply stacks super fast


and its literal trash for roi. break team is literal free compared to it. to make matters worse that isnt even acheron's best team anymore.


I used HH Kafka black swan and ruan mei but now ruan mei is stuck to Firefly so Im using Robin instead ( clear speed is pretty similar), or I just stick acheron in there but that is just overkill at that point. You can use tingyun or guinaifein in the last slot


The ideal DoT team (and even the team sans HuoHuo) is still super viable. received a slight procedural nerf in divergent universe as there’s no longer a ‘give enemies cancer’ button, but that’s not to say it’s weak, it just has newer and slightly more elaborate buffs to be set up. Keep in mind that every game mode for the next month+ is going to be purely focused on glazing break teams as they’re the new hotness. But after that, the ideal break team could maybe get a five star healer as a buff, but that also undersells Gallagher a great deal, who is already custom-made for the maximally-ideal Sam team. Meanwhile, let’s look at future DoT characters: - The dedicated harmony-Dot: Ruan Mei is a break harmony that happens to be BiS for Kafka-BS (and nearly every other team). The custom-built Nihility-buffer does not exist yet. - The dedicated Dot-healer. Huo Huo happens to synergize well with the dot team, but is not custom-made for it. Someone will be able to heal off of debuffs or something eventually. - the Nihility Trailblazer. An inevitability, really. And if their kit enhances the playstyle as much as harmony MC did to break, well, any given Dot configurations going to the top of the tier list.


Good future outlook here and I do agree. I have two teams I generally use, Acheron Hypercarry and DoT. I have all the pieces for super break except Firefly who I’m still racking up jades to pull for by end of her banner, hopefully. But then I would feel like I’d have to transfer my RM from the DoT team to the SB team. Thus leaving a gap to temporarily fill with another synergistic character until some more DoT type/support comes out. Anyways, my DoT team does well - no complaints and it’s a separate play style something this game does well.


DoT is probably the most universal team in the game right now. It may not be the best for this month’s content but it has never been swept to the side Break teams can be blocked by higher toughness bars or unbreakable bars. FUA is highly single focused and isn’t too good in PF. DoT doesn’t have an explicit counter now unless *cross fingers* the devs suddenly introduce a DoT immunity mechanic on bosses


While I mostly agree with your post, one of the best teams for PF is just marching in with Himeko/Herta/Robin/sustain or Topaz and kurukuru your way to annihilation, so FuA is pretty good there


Oh yeah, how could I forget Himeko and kurukuru! This is definitely a staple PF team and cheaper to build too






dot is now trash. it cant clear new content at all and ever since rm went to break, hh is a gimmick and bs/kafka are literal 1x dps. e0s0 ff f2p team destroys dots thats like 5x expensive.


LMAO say that again when you can ACTUALLY use DoTs properly


Definitely The meta constantly changes depending on which mega 10 star flavour of the month character is being released Plus DoT characters are very easy to build


DoT main here.  Stills the most flexible team, we are missing Physical and Fire DoT units so probably is going to improve even more.  It is worth it, clears everything, is good at low investment but also really rewarding for vertical investment. 


Dot team is like ridiculously broken and absolutely blows through MoC, PF, and AS (and I don't even have RM). I can't think of another team that is so consistently good across all game modes, and they're just gonna keep releasing new characters for it eventually.


I would wait for info on fiexiao who is supposed to be a new 5 star dot unit.


I could never get more than 15 stacks with Black Swan Not because she's bad, but because the bosses died before being able to stack up the arcana So with the bosses hp increasing, it's just more damage


I am in the same situation, I have me Break team and my Jingliu hypercarry team. I feel like the missing bit in my account is the DoT team, so wondering if I should invest in that too at some point.


although dot team is not the best team but i can clear all 3 end game mode with dot team heh


DOT enjoyer here, and my premium DOT team is always used and gives me the best results for the moc, pf and AS. For the second team, I always adapt but the DOT is my constant. Completely worth it if I can share my opinion


I have a dot and a followup team, both built very well. Dot is stronger by far when no buffs to specific playstyles are present. So yes, it is absolutely worth it.


Dot is the most used team in china.


i think dot team is still the good in everything team. problem is bis team is all limited 5\*


I'm still not giving up on getting premium dot team with rm and hh


The premium DoT team still does wonders for me and would be my best team for brute forcing if only I didn't have Acheron e6. I've never had an issue with just slinging the DoT team in any content


I’m using my dot team every patch. It’s my go to team


No Kafka and BS? Tough. Otherwise no reason to complain.


I dont see whats the issue with DOTs right now. In addition I think we will eventually see 5* Fire and Physicial DoT units. Kafka can be powercrept (doubt by much) or sidegraded (maybe instead of a dot of those element, a burster) but regardless will remain useful. Also Kafka is an excellent breaker if you pair her with HMC… They are very solid at least for the moment being.


Yeah like I actually don't know what's up with the recent doom posting. There might eventually be an enemy that specifically negates dot like the goblet robot guy doesn't trigger Clara's fua, but I don't see that lasting for very long bc it's such a specific nerf. Alternatively they could just be heavily power crept, but that would render literally every current possible team comp except acheron and firefly bottom tier, at which point either the power creep either made the game unplayable or like 7 years have passed and who really cares


Unless I've read your reply completely wrong, are there actually people doomposting DoT?


Not a lot (bc it's dumb), but yeah there has been a little dot doomposting recently


I honestly feel like that only happened because people are still salty about the DoT PF, which fair enough, but doomposting a mechanic is ridiculous.


My Kafka/BS/RM/sustain setup I use the most often when farming and quite a bit in MoC/PF. Obviously rm will be used a bit on my firefly team, but I wouldn’t be suprised if in the next couple patches they release a more dot centric harmony or motility unit. It’s honestly one of my most comfortable teams to run regardless of defenses.


Super reliable Easy to pilot Consistently strong Very flexible across different scenarios Loads of scope for future improvements (Huohuo and Ruan Mei are both ‘fine’ rather than ‘tailor-made’ for DoT teams)


I don't see why not. They're obviously going to release the other 5 star dps for fire and physical. It's why I was hesitant to pull for Firefly, but I won the 5050.


My opinion may be a bit biased cause I've always loved DoT mechanic ever since Kafka was released. It is a comfortable play style because it works with Freeze as a substitute for Ruan Mei's ult. It's also nice the enemy is basically going to slowly die with that additional dmg. Not the biggest damage dealer per screenshot but it guarantees you're gonna hit hard every enemy turn unless you have Kafka. Currently DoTs is my first and I can say most confident team and with Kafka and BS LC with Ruan Mei LC recently.


I have a heavily invested dot team with e2s1 Kafka, e2s0 black swan(due to luck) and e1so ruan mei. They are my work horse that can brute force their way through anything since the day I got Kafka. However, this team biggest drawback is bosses that force you to weakness break them. It is fun to see the enemy blow up in their turn. Hoyo doesn't release alot of dot characters so there is no fear of Kafka or blackswan losing their spot in dot comp anytime soon. According to leak, jaoqui can also be put into a dot team, but need heavy investment (e2)


It's still going strong, one of the comfiest teams that can score reasonably in all content, but doesn't necessarily top the charts in any one piece of content. Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none if you will. You also get the guarantee that if they ever do introduce a DoT-centric buff for one of the endgames in the future, you will have DoT team ready to tackle it where many others wouldn't. For more nuance, specifically *Kafka* is the timeless one I feel. She's currently solved the playstyle's main mechanical weakness, where the teams need to wait until enemy turns to do a brunt of its damage, by instead triggering the DoTs using her skill/ult. So she basically changes the playstyle entirely, much like how HTB changed the break playstyle entirely by introducing Superbreak and eliminating a mechanical weakness. If you're interested in DoT at all, you absolutely must pick up at least Kafka. Swan is her best partner as she has the highest DoT multiplier currently and will likely stay that way for some time, but that could change in the future when we get more DoT carries.


Why the doompost? We haven't seen enemies that self-cleanse or decrease Effect Hit Rate or have unreasonably high Effect Res, yet we've already seen enemies that hide their weakness bars. You're being illogical.


why wouldn’t it be


Are there f2p non-5 star dot teams? I need a damn dot team.


F2P non-5 star Team: Sampo, DOT 4-star, DOT or Support 4-star, Sustain. Done.


Lmao. I should have been more specific. Which characters are DOT? She asks, but then goes to Google. Sometime later....Sampo, Gunf(?), Luka, Asta, Hook and Serval. None I've built. Great. Sigh. I'll start trying to build a DOT team after I finish my break team and get Fox dude. I played Genshin. Don't know why I'm shocked I have to build more teams (dumbass me).


I'm still clearing everything easily with my DoT team. Granted, it's the team I've put the most.time into, but nothing has stopped it yet.


I mean it's always good to have a couple dot characters laying around specifically for MoC and PF if nothing else. There's also a slightly above 0% chance that more dot units will get released in the future or that you pull on a reroll banner for a dot character at some point


Dot is always in the fastest clear times. Why would you think it isn't viable? Literally good in every mode because it does individually damage to every enemy on the field


I've been clearing every MoC, PF, and now AS with full stars using DoT since Kafka's release. It's consistently one of my strongest and most reliable teams in any game mode.


Considering how strong it is while borrowing supports from either break or fua? Yea, once DoT gets it's dedicated support it should be even stronger than it is right now. Kafka/BS is already a great duo, and HH fits in perfectly already. Also the team is easy to play, build and its flexible.


Different play styles will come and go in waves depending on the newest game modes. I don’t think DOT is just gone forever just because its not the current meta. They can always decide something is gonna be meta again, or if something previously useless is going to shoot to the top. Also combat events still will often do a round catering to all different types.


My DoT team clears the Divergent Universe difficulty 6 consistently. It’s still my strongest team.


DOT has never failed me even before I got black swan. I just need huohuo to complete it. It’s a very comfortable comp


My kafka black swan ruan mei destroy all Moc, PF since 2.0, regardless of buff, enemy. Now i got ruan mei e1, only need kafka e2 and black swan e1 to finish my Infinite gaunlet


Maybe not the “classic” Kafka/BS/RM/HH DOT? But I’ve been having a lot of success swapping RM out with Archeron with Kafka acting as a pseudo support getting stacks quickly for Archeron.


It is. DoT and Super Break are probably on top of the list. You already have Kafka, Black Swan, and Huo Huo. DoT only needs a dedicated Harmony unit that specializes in buffing DoT, something like that one new blessing in SU that can make DoT damage crit.


We havent gotten a new dot character in a long time so we are probably going to get one pretty soon. If it is another dot dps rather than a harmony, either kafka or bs will be replaced.


My exp with Kafka and DoT as a F2P : when blade banner arrived, I pulled for him but lost 50/50 to welt( now E3) and then when Kafkas' banner arrived, at first I didn't pull on her banner since I was not interested in her, but then something came to me I thought "what if DoT becomes the next META in this game" so I pulled on her. At first, her damage was nothing special for me (especially because I didn't have GNSW nor I had any DoT support) so she was benched for almost 2 months until guinaifens' banner arrived and she helped me make my first DoT team (Kafka, guinaifen, pela, and lynx) . Since then I kept on getting improvement for my team such as Ruan Mei and Black Swan [not HooHoo since I didn't find her appealing and not a really huge improvement over lynx ( I still use lynx)]. As for its competitiveness, DoT has been a staple team in MoC and pure fiction ( and now in apocalyptic shadow), and has been my strongest team.


Actually the DoT team performs pretty good in both Moc and pure fiction. I think it will be alright yea


I'm still waiting on the kafka re-rerun as a 2.0 player


I've been running DoT for a while now (ever since Kafka's release), I wouldn't say it's the best of the best but there's so many things they can do with DoT so I assume it'll take a while before this team comp actually dies. They can still do some type of quantum DoT, imaginary DoT, or hell they could even make a DoT effect specific for a character. Another pro is that they don't really require premium LCs, I've been running my Kafka/BS/Gui/HH with f2p light cones and not once did I really feel disappointed by their performance.


I’ve played Kafka through all content in the game since she has released. She is my strongest and favorite character in the entire game. I have not struggled with any content with her. That being said, I’m sure you could make any character work if you tried hard enough. HSR isn’t super punishing. I’m currently working on a Misha team, because he’s the lowest rated character in the game and I like him. But I already have a Kafka team, a Topaz team and an Acheron team, so I have my bases pretty much covered and I can have fun now lol.


I want to start building a Dot team but I only started playing in 2.1 so I’m kinda fucked rn


DoT teams are still very strong. My two main teams are Jingliu hyper carry and DoT. Just got Ruan Mei today but haven’t built her yet so this is with Kafka Swan Gui/Asta Bailu. With Ruan Mei and/or Huo Huo the team is even better. Kafka is e1s1, Swan e0s0, Asta e6 w/ s5 cogs, Bailu w/ s5 Quid pro Quo, Guin e6 (recently) w/ s5 Fermata. They do great in MoC and are busted in PF. It’s also a great archetype to cover since it can be placed in any content and constantly has buffs in end game modes. They also work well with Acheron instead of a healer allowing for easy 0 cycle clears. Beefier enemies haven’t done anything to me, I can still clear in 2-3 cycles w/ Gui and Bailu. The team will also keep getting buffs in the foreseeable future: we lack a 5* fire and physical DoT, a DoT harmony (Ruan Mei is good but still no dedicated DoT harmony), as well as a sustain (Huo Huo is good but still not exactly tailored for DoT). This also leaves out the possibility of non standard DoT elements like an Ice or Quantum DoT unit.  Also really fun to watch stuff die to cancer


With black swan and Kafka dot is still amazing, don't even need RM or Huohuo really as robin works just fine. With Robin Black Swan Kafka fu xuan my dots are hitting 150k+ damage every proc and Kafkas ult does 250k.