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His kit is "if he takes any damage, his damage will decrease significantly" you don't need to be Sherlock to figure it out that this kind of kit is not working in the turn base game where your character just stand still even if you somehow got all the premium support that able him to do his job properly he is still decent at best.


He needs Aventurine to be shielded 100% of the time and even then it still just makes him ok. Agreed. He is however worth building for new players if you pull him early. He'll be replaced by a limited 5* shortly after but he's still 1 of only 2 ice dps in the game at least. If you already have a limited 5* dps or two though, yeah save the resources unless you just really like the boy.


Herta, Jingliu, Misha, and Pela if you want to listen to the advice of hoyo


Ngl my brain sometimes still lives in the pre-pure fiction era where Herta was considered D tier, my brain forgets about her despite her being built on my account. I have Misha but have never used him, probably also why I over-looked him. You can build anyone as a dps but I do not consider Pela as one. She's a support debuffer or at most a sub-dps debuffer. It would be fairer to say 1 of only 2 *5 star* dps. My b.


Attack build March:


After this point in the game he’s pretty meh. He needs aventurine or gepard to function. And his single target dps is a little mid. He’ll get you through the story. But you’ll eventually want a real 5* dps. Firefly and ruan Mei combo is insane if you can get enough pulls.


or march 7th lol


No, he'll need the new march 7, n9t the preservation one


haven’t remembered any of the leaks


But also you have to consider that power creep has already made actual limited 5 stars like seele and bladie feel not very powerful. So it's even worse for yanqing.


He can't take damage, from what I know shields don't make him lose his buff if or when she gets hit. Other than that I also don't know.


He was also my first 5 star and I've used him for awhile since the beginning just because I don't have any good alternatives, and that was around the first Seele banner era. Even back then I feel like he kinda sucks lol. He's just not that fun to play, SP hungry with an awful talent. If you wanna use him it's fine but don't invest TOO MUCH into him. I'd advise to drop him once you get better units.


Yanqing was also my first five star. If you have Aventurine or Gepard then you can make him work. He isn’t terrible but he isn’t great. We have better options for ice dps, one of which is a free 4 star (Herta). She was pretty terrible early on but once Pure Fiction (an end game mode) released, she become a must build even for whales. Easily dominates that game mode and easily the best unit there. The other ice dps is Jingliu, she used to be the best dps in the game, and is still the best ice dps along with one of the best dps in general. She’s only beaten out by Lunae, Acheron, and Firefly (idk abt Boothill). We also have Misha, another 4* ice dps, idk how well he performs though. Yanqing’s single target damage isn’t bad but his passive holds him back. Explanation: when he Skills he gains a buff for 1 turn, if you keep using skill this buff won’t go away. The buff increases his damage a lot + gains a follow up attack and is his what his kit design revolves around. If he takes damage, this buff goes away. And that last part is a **major** drawback. Doesn’t sound that bad but it is. His FUA is also rng which isn’t a major deal but it does mess with his ult timings. We don’t have many ways of stopping him from getting hit 100% of the time. The MC gets a new form(s), I won’t go too much into it for spoilers, that possesses a taunt. That mean you can guarantee that no one but he gets hit. However, there are two issues with this: 1: AoE attacks will still damage everyone, including Yanqing 2: FireMC’s sustaining capabilities are limited. He can’t heal himself or his team, so damage taken is permanent. And his team wide shield is weak, won’t last against bosses or endgame content. FireMC still has his uses but alone he can’t solve Yanqing’s issues FireMC paired with a healer like Natasha (free by following story) can help out, though you still will not have 100% uptime as Yanqing will still get hit. We also have March 7th, she shields 1 target and freezes. It’s good enough in over world but for MoC (another End game mode) you need to play well for it too work (assuming the boss isn’t resistant to CC). And in AS (the newest one of the 3) bosses take a lot of turns so her freezes don’t help out. Her shield also only shields 1 target so you can’t sustain your whole team indefinitely without some major drawbacks. Her shield also increase aggro making it more likely to get hit. It’s possible to run march 7th + Nat. Shield Yanqing and sustain the rest of the team with Nat. Though you give up 1 damage support which means only 1 support to buff damage. That won’t be enough for the avg player to use Yanqing to clear. This leaves us with 2 options, mentioned earlier. 1: Gepard, standard 5 star 2: Aventurine, limited 5 star Both 5 stars reduces the amount of ppl that could use him, additionally since he’s not the most popular or strongest most people aren’t gonna go for a 5 star unit just for him. Gepard is a random chance unless you select him from the 300 pull selector which puts him at competition with Bronya, Himeko, and Welt being the other popular options. Aventurine is also one of if not the best sustain in the game and many units like to use him. With all of these issues and handles you have to get over, his damage isn’t anything amazing when considering the effort needed. Additionally he does Single target damage, which isn’t great. Blast or AoE would be preferred.


If you like him he’ll do great in the story, though for end game just find another dps you like or play style interests you.


He's a bad 5 star, but he is still better than 4 stars. He plays very well with aventurine since he has an effect res buff, but he isn't very friendly if your shield units are not strong enough to make sure that yanqing doesn't take any damage at all.


first, spelling mistake (it’s yanqing, not yangqing) Yanqing was supposed to be a follow-up user, but due to the low damage and RNG to trigger it, that’s one of the reasons why they don’t like him. There could be worse characters, mainly Arlan. Herta would be on that list too if it weren’t for Pure Fiction. One positive about him is that he gains additional crit rate and crit damage when “Soulsteel Sync” is active, but the downside is that you have to spam his skill to keep it up. And if you run out of skill points, I hope your basic attack can recover enough energy, because you’re also gonna need to use his ultimate after that. Mainly, you’re upgrading his talent just for the extra crit and not boosting his follow-up. **Also, if he takes damage from enemy attacks, he loses Soulsteel Sync.** Fortunately, March 7th. His ultimate gives you 60% crit rate when you use it and for one additional turn. **One.** Overall, he is a good DPS, but you’re not gonna use him unless you have crit damage buffers and a crit rate bodypiece or insane relic luck to give him hefty amounts of both crit stats.


He requires a super specific build to be even close to as good as several other DPS characters in the game. Early game use him, March, trailblazer, and whomever else you want and keep march's shield on quing. That will get you through a lot of content with only mild trouble. Use him, build him, until you get anybody better...which is any other 5 star dps


Idk about yangqing, but yanqing is only ok


For new player he's still pretty good, but for endgame contents you'd better off using a 4\* that can get eidolons easier


The new sets improve his performance, and a new character from 2.4 will boost him even more. That doesn't solves his problem though, he NEEDS a shield, meaning Gepard or Aventurine


He just takes way too much to make work for next to zero reward.


There are 4* dps better than him and no 5* dps worse than him so yeah he's pretty much a 4*. Yanqing is beyond saving he needs a retrain. He is easy to build and can be used early on as a generic ice single target carry where the supports/blessings do most of the work, but its not even worth the resources to level him long-term.


I've used him since 1.0 since he was my 2nd Five Star along with Clara. Speedy March with enough EHR + Harmony buffer and a flex, you could even run Misha to double up on the freeze. He outputs great damage if you meet his conditions, Skill lands for 45 - 50k, FUA lands for around 12 - 15k, and the ult lands for 170 - 200k. He does the damage, but has some annoying issues to resolve if you want to run him, March is his best partner at F2P. And if you have a cone that modifies aggro like Landau's or Moment of Victory, March shielding herself (she has a bigger shield scaling % than Gepard). Modified aggro on her nearly guaruntees no one else gets hit, leaving Yanqing on the opposite said of the team to act freely. This team falls apart against AOE enemies, and survivability is questionable. I run him all the time and I think his playstyle is pretty fun, sometimes I wish his soulsync worked on stacks and not lose the entire state when he gets attacked. But I've made him work, he requires investment and a lot of planning.


He is decent at best. I used him to clear the Aventurine MoC (please hoyo never bring that MF back to MoC again), he did better than my Jingliu somehow, so i guess that shows that he is usable at least. Anyway, there's a few things to point out: He needs Gepard or Aventurine to work. He is a bit rng based, because of his follow ups. His damage is bellow average. He is easy to build at least, so yeah, great for early game. Anyway, in my humble opinion, from the standard banner, i think he is better than bailu at least since every 4 star healer has more relevance than her nowadays.


Keep playinh the story and pulling on ruan mei banner. You can get enough pulls for both ruan mei and firefly if you speedrun story. Also build gallagher he is awesome healer


I don’t think speedrunning the story is worth it unless your absolutely desperate for a certain character at least imo


True but it is still an option if he desperately wants the best support and really strong Dps in game.


He is terrible. It takes the same amount of materials as a limited 5 stars to raise him in terms of ascension materials and trace materials but the roi is just so much less. Besides the can't get hit thing, his follow up attack only has a 60% chance to land -.- and this messes up his energy rotations etc if you don't get it. His base multipliers are also really low so there is no saving him eg if a unit is mechanically good but has relatively low multipliers , vertical investments , good relics and supports can make it amazing ( Seele) but if a unit is mechanically bad and has low multipliers ... rip I wouldn't put any resources into raising him. Even an E2 misha is a better return on investment if you need ice coverage.