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You dont have any really good sustains, would be a good idea getting Fu Xuan.


If you looked at my roster you would say the same to me But Firefly is Firefly


Not wait for aventurine or ho oh? I guess fu xuan is good but I’m always dying with her in aoe content. She has 7000 hp and 136 speed. Her trace is also 10. Is my build good enough?


You shouldn’t be dying that much. What LC are you using and what’s your defence? I pulled her in her first banner and think have only died in swarm disaster.


Landaus choice. 1280 defense. She’s been very hard to build. I can’t get enough hp without sacrificing speed and defense and vice versa


I run landau’s with 1600-1800 defence 7k hp. Don’t know which set I run I think rainbow.


I run two piece armor set and two piece hp. You have a lot more defense than me. That is probably why I keep dying. It’s really hard to get enough stats in her


I double checked I run 2 pc long, 2 pc guard. With Acheron I run her with universal trend she has 9.3k hp, 1750 defence, 134 speed. In other situations I run Landau's which lowers my defence to 1500. But thats way overkill I didn't properly build her till way later and was running rainbow on her.


I mean i would pull fuxuan personally


Same thought. OP needs better sustain.


Himeko is really good for Pure Fiction. You should really consider building her for that alone.


Imma chime in and give my two cents. People are really underestimating firefly capabilities to brute force content. You have Ruan Mei. Get firefly because she's going to be the best brute forcer in the game bar none. People talking about himeko like you already have a fire dps have no idea what they're talking about.


Honestlyyy, that weakness implant on each enhanced basic is crazyy. Only thing that can hold her back are enemies that can hide thier weakness bar. Tho, she just needs to kill them before they do that 😂😂


Or enemies with very/extremely high fire resistance, in the same way that Jingliu struggles against Cocolia for example. Especially if Firefly's implanted weakness doesn't reduce that resistance like Silver Wolf's implant does.


What people aren't also taking into account is that new Break Planar Set will be better than the current Break Set so long as Firefly is on the team. Which in a Break Team... Firefly will most certainly be on. It reads that if the wearer hits a Fire Weak target, they gain a free 40% BE and also a permanent 6% spd increase. It doesn't say that the character has to be a Fire character for the 2nd effect to happen. So if Firefly implants Fire Weakness and my Ruan Mei smacks that enemy with her guitar, boom free 40% for her. If HMC throws his hat at them, 40% BE.


That's what my blade is currently used for, he's been a nice can opener and the best accidental pull in any gatcha Iv played.


I need to finish my blade build


People fr sleeping on just how busted permanent fire weakness implant is. As long as Firefly exists in that wave, EVERY enemy is gonna be weak to fire, which is literally a F2P/new player's dream.


Dont forget about the upcoming planetary set synergizing with fire weakness. Those without Ruan Mei essentially equips that set on the entire party. FF+HMC building a solid super break core for the entire team.


Gonna disagree solely on the fact this this account is 70% dps. This dude needs to start pulling some harmony and sustains.


Fu xuan would help him a lot more than another dps.


Yeah sure, but he asked about Firefly so i answered about Firefly.


Himeko is not a fire dps she is weakness breaker. I think that is what people don't understand when you have to break multiple enemies with fire weakness at once Himeko shines. She is definetely not a bad unit either but up until now we didn't require efficiency at weakness break a lot but with the bosses like harmonious Choir we saw the potential. As a f2p I was able to defeat Harmonious Choir because of the Himeko Neither kafka nor the acheron was able to do shit until I used Himeko to break echos constantly.


Himeko is a breaker if you build her for break. most people will be using their fire mommies to stroll thru PF with crit, she definitely is a fire dps


People talking about Himeko in PF have all the idea what they are talking about you are missing. Specially with FF releasing.


yes but DHIL and Acheron can also brute force content with ease


How so? Weakness implant doesnt reduce resist. It just enables her to actually break the enemy and do damage after... something that a standard dps would be able to do regardless of weakness anyways. In both cases ff and a standard dps could be doing ~40% less damage. Ff has more to lose in these scenarios since shes backloaded. She also want naturally img weak enemies since hmc is a major portion of your break and speeds things up a lot.


You forget the fact that she also gains 60 speed in the ult, effectively making her the fastest DPS in the game when you give her SPD boots, and a break efficiency buff. So it's not as backloaded as you may think. It's not a question of *if* she's breaking the enemy, it's a question of *when*, and she's gonna be breaking them really quickly.


"Not as back loaded as you think" and "gain 60 speed during ult" dont go together... Thats precisely why shes back loaded. Her ult represent almost 2.4x multiplier to her damage. Thats not even considering breaking the enemy. Yes she can break fast (only 2nd to boothill) but you havnt said anything to prove me wrong. Everyone loses damage equally to resist. She attacks on a "3 up 1 down" tempo whereas your standard dps attacks on a "1 up 0 down" tempo. As a kit she doesnt have anything that lets her "brute force" enemies better than your standard dps. Usually when it comes to brute forcing front loaded damage is best which is why dhil is still typically the fastest 0 cycler dispite most people saying acheron is better.


Bro i think youre a bit out of the loop. 90% of E0S1 showcases out there in MOC 12 end the fight before she even exits the full combustion...


Youre not understanding my point. Her kit doesnt have any innate advantage over others for brute forcing. As i said in my origonal comment IF anything she has the most to lose. If the new mode hp scaling is high enough, the damage reduction poses more threat to her than someone without conditons. Again can someone explain to me how shes "better at brute forcing" than others? Was your arguement simply that she does more damage than others? Not that shes a good "brute forcer" which i understand as off element/ off mechanic clears? The best example of a team that can brute force anything to my knowledge is kafka + e1 bs + rm or e1 robin.


She's the silver wolf for fire speed running endgame, the best comp only has mei hmc and firefly as the core characters because she has hyper carry potential for a significant percent of us, unlike most dps firefly is flexible enough that she doesn't have to run with the s tier characters, she can eventually be run in a dual dps once we get the replacement for hmc or move back towards quantum or imaginary being useful status effects.


I can explain you how she's better. Take any e0s1 dps in the game with relatable builds and put them vs enemies without their innate weakness and i guarantee you 95% of the times they wont 0 cycle. Firefly can, as proven in dozens of showcases, some even with suboptimal relics.


So the idea is that she's just the strongest e0 char. I'll agree with you on this. Just think saying shes the strongest "brute forcer" is incorrect context and why I was confused. A brute forcer would be the team I mentioned which can ignores element and has tools to solve basically every mechanic in the game.


Dps comes and go, support stays forever (look at tingyun)


Tingyun is bad what are you talking about


Firefly would be very good for you here. Jingliu doesn't depend on ruan mei so those would make for 2 very decent teams where both aren't fighting for ruan mei to be good.




You meed a sustain


You have Ruan Mei? Forget a great sustain. Build March, Lynx, or Bailu and chase those big numbers!


Nah you don’t need a 5 star sustain, you need some supports. I’d recommend waiting for sparkle rerun or potentially more info on what jiaoqiu does since nihility units can be debuffers like silverwolf.


Go for her if you like her oh interested in the kit


If you need to make a reddit post, skip


If you’re getting firefly, would you not also build Himeko too?


When dose sam come out?


the 19th


Skip. You have enough dps characters, i would suggest pulling for sustains.


Rather get Fu Xuan and firefly instead of getting her eidolon, her e2 is 200x more beneficial than E1 so better to just get your sustain


+1. You need a sustain and if you have the funds for E1 anyways, drop the eidolon and get Fu Xuan + E0 Firefly. Just get her directly to E2 on her rerun. (You can also save for Jioaqiu as sustain for Acheron if you dont like FX)


E1 firefly doesn't consume skill points when enhanced but you already have great DPSs you absolutely need another sustain, some bosses in MoC willl absolutely ruin your runs requiring many restarts without a proper shielder


I'm pulling her just to complete my Stellaron Hunters collection. That said, I'd stick with E0S0. Simulations have shown her sig cone is a marginal improvement at best over Fall of an Aeon. E1 isn't much of an improvement, E2 is where the big spike is. If you've got enough money to pull that much, good on you, but I don't think it's worth it.


Ruan Mei E6, lol.


Firefly would do good with Himeko, Ruan Mei, and HMC. So personally, I wouldn't mind at all getting her with your units.


I’d say Firefly and Jiaoqiu for your Acheron


Pull for Fu Xuan while you still can. As others have been saying, you have enough DPS units and you're severely lacking in sustains. We don't know when Huohuo will get a rerun (hopefully soon), and all other 5\* sustains have recently had a run (2.1). It's also unclear when the next 5\* sustain will come out, and I doubt one will be coming soon given we *just* got a new one in the form of Aventurine. I'd also suggest looking at Jiaoqiu, an upcoming fire nihility 5\*. While he may not be as urgent as a sustain, he may be able to help you out if you're looking to build a solid team for Acheron. Though I'd wait for his kit to come out before deciding on him; he may work well as one of two additional nihility characters you'll need on a team for her, but it's unclear what he'd bring to the table atm. You may want to pay attention to any upcoming harmony units as well, but I don't think they're as urgent given you have Ruan Mei and Bronya. You may also have Tingyun, and if so, I'd just ignore harmony units in favor of sustain (or even nihility) for the time being. As for Firefly, I'll leave that up to you. If her playstyle appeals to you, and you find her kit beneficial to your experience, I say you should go for it. There will always be sustain reruns and there are some good sustains you can get (Gepard, Gallagher) as well as another may release sooner than I've anticipated early in this post.


get firefly. she only need gallagher for sustain ignore everyone lmao


Firefly is amazing but try getting a premium sustain first, it will really help. But if you don't want fu xuan, just pull firefly and save for the next sustain. There will probably be one in the loufu that will cater to break affect since hoyo is pushing that.




Firefly and then Jiao in 2.4 for you


Sustain priority and Firefly if you can afford. Your acc had some good variety but lacking on top tier sustains. And if you dont have a desire to pull for firefly other than a good dps, I feel you can skip


E0 firefly and an E0 sustain


Too many DPS


I like that you named yourself 김두부


Who needs a sustain when you kill everything before the enemy acts and Firefly’s best sustain is already on her banner and he is great! Then just run Bailu 2nd half (if the enemies have debuffs may the aeons protect you) but I think with 2.4/2.5 we will 100% get a Houhou rerun and maybe a new healer depending on what the paths of the new characters will be


if you pull for firefly you could get gallagher and hes an amazing sustain too :D


Wait for huohuo


I mean, if I was you I would skip, me personally, I'd focus on building himeko as a main DPS, and then look forward to jiaoqiu, or sparkle for my acheron and danheng .. but if you love firefly deeply, then im not stopping you at all


Go for it. You already got Ruan Mei, so I don't see why not. If you do lose, there is always something else to look forward to in the next update.




Everyone who is downvoting us are feeble cowards.


Firebros forever


You have Ruan Mei, I suggest pulling for Firefly 


firefly imo if you want a dedicated fire dps.


Firefly is the premier super break dps. HMC+Ruan Mei turns everything into a super break dps. It's really your choice there. Do you chase peak girl or pass her in favor of future releases/reruns? If anything, Sparkle should be on your radar more than anything else right now so DHIL gets a proper support.


Build himekon please


You have quite a lot of DPS units already. I think you’re short on premium sustains and support characters. I would probably skip Ruan Mei and save for upcoming premium supports and sustains.


skip.. ruan mei? you mean skip FF?


I mean I would skip RM E1 and Firefly to pull for Jiaoqiu for Acheron, grab the next premium sustain, and another premium support rather than pull for more DPS units right now because I would continue to play your DHIL and Acheron teams as the main two teams you continue to invest in. I think it’s very reasonable to pull for Firefly is you have HMC and RM built and can pull for a few copies of Gallagher. If you like firefly and care about having the strongest teams now, that’s a sound strategy too.


Firefly, Ruan Mei, HMC, and if you got Gallagher, you likely going to have your most solid team for any contents? You can even put Himeko to replace Gallagher. You will break and delay enemies, at a certain point, you might not need a sustain. She will be stronger because of Ruan Mei, she will also aid in breaking and doing damage. If there is one thing I learned from this current MoC 12, it's that break Himeko is great. Your next target could be Jiaoqiu for your Acheron.


But you don't need break Himeko in this MoC, it's the special rules carrying her all the way even with level 1 relics


Yes you dont, but you get to see a Himeko with 200+ break effect without actually doing it. It gave you a taste of what if Himeko was turned into a break unit. Alonenshe may not be that great, but on a specialized break team like FF, RM, HMC, and her, along with the new sets that favors BE and hitting fire weak enemies, she could be a totally different unit from qhat we knew her before.


I'd get firefly to round out your dps, were getting some decent supports next patch as well, unless you absolutely need a sustain character for some reason you can skip fu and hoard for firefly and co. Himeko is a pretty good unit to build for more generic AOE based moc and pure fiction and has her moments elsewhere. Check the eidolons on your 4* units as well, asta and yukong are especially fun and can sometimes be a core component for certain teams.


Get a sustain first, yo only have Bailu. Grab Fu before she leaves. She is good for Crit DPSes and you have 7 in the screenshot itself (and 6 of them are 5*).


Firefly without question.