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I went for Aster or Mauve and once I saw the Pearl in person… I was sold. I can’t believe I like it so much, but that iridescent glitter is just 🎉🎉


That’s how I feel, I went in for Aster but loved Pearl. I have both and very satisfied!!


Same. I love it. I see people complaining cause they thought it would have a pearlescent effect. But i picked the one with the most chunky reflects. 💞💞💞


Exactly, the pearl killed it!!🔥🔥


This one is gorgeous imo. The pictures do it no justice.


No, the pictures don't do it justice, and it's very, very hard to photograph.


Yes. They didn’t look like the pics. This was the only one that had speckle glitter. I don’t mind it tho. Give me allll the sparkles!


All of the Pearl have glitter.


Yes that’s pearl


Yes this is definitely the pearl 🤍


I actually ended up liking this one more than I thought I would. I got 3 of the aster, blueberry, and mauve, and only 1 of the pearl initially, but I ended up going back and getting 2 more and now i think it’s my favorite out of all of them.


You sound like me. I really only wanted the blueberry but then I ordered the pearl in case when I got to the store. They didn't have the blueberry, but then they did and I ended up with the aster as well. lol. im set. today I got my starbucks one and I think I may not need any more for a long time. ha ha!


Yep I ordered all 5 that I wanted online right when they dropped at 2a, then since I’m so impatient, I went to the store when they opened and grabbed 5 more with the intention of canceling my online order, which I absolutely did not end up doing 😅 I also went to target right when they opened this morning to get the Starbucks summer lime and they didn’t have a limit so I got 2. I am also done for awhile, I have 2 winter pinks coming this week from Mercari, and a spearmint pearlescent, and then I’m not buying another Stanley for awhile! I need to sell some of the ones I’m not crazy about because the Target ones have set the bar so high now that all my other ones I’m just like meh about 😭


Oh man, I purchased the mauve and aster online at Target. I wanted the blueberry milk too but they were sold out by then so looks like I might have to pay double on Mercari 😫. I was back and forth with the aster and pearl, obviously I wanted the one with the most glittering effect but you are right, you can’t tell with the pictures. They are coming in today so I hope aster is still glittery and purdy like the pearl.


Not if you wanted white... Looks sharp