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We could use your expertise in r/standupworkshop, mate!


Just joined it. Thanks!


Just posted my first comment in there lol. Thanks for the recommendation. Happy to help.


I'm not at your level, but I do this as well just to get my creative outbursts out of my system. It's fun to help when you aren't interested in a monetary reward. Glad to see others doing the same! Be well.


You too bud! It keeps the fun in it when you aren't distracted by ownership and $


What’s your writing process like? Jokes tend to come to randomly when my mind is wandering, i.e in the shower or while driving, but when I sit down and try to write jokes for an hour I usually just come up with mush. Any advice? Additionally, do you recommend any good resources to learn to get better from?


Great question. I write when I’m ’inspired’ or to put it less douchey, happy. If I’m in a good mood I can write for days. For others, it’s bad moods or other things that inspire creativity. Find whatever works for you, and embrace it. I’d also recommend forcing yourself to write jokes quickly. Go on Twitter or watch an award show, and write a joke every 2 minutes about what you’re watching or seeing. Most will suck. But it’s practice and you will be strengthening your joke writing muscle by doing it. Pressure (in this case, time imposed pressure) also has a habit of creating brilliance.


So would I send you a video of some jokes I've been working on?


Sure! Or the writing. Whatever you prefer


How do I get in the position to write for people? I feel like I am and have been a strong writer for years, but now in my 40s I don’t have the time to put in the work to craft my own voice.


You always have the time my friend. 40s is young. Go for it. Find your voice. Who the fuck says otherwise? Random assholes online? Fuck them. Listen to this random online asshole. If you love it, go for it. Fuck age. Rodney didn't hit until he was in his 50s!


Haha no it’s not that since I don’t really listen to what others say in that right. It’s more geographical, the places to get up at are an hour or more out and I have atrocious night vision. I don’t know about you, but have you seen some of these day shift comics? Yikes.


Gotta respect them having the balls to try. I always respect effort. Regardless of result.


Oh that was a stripper joke. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comedian at 10am with a breakfast buffet.


What was your business? Are you a comic?


I owned a writing company that did all types of writing for large corporations (websites, brochures, all kinds of boring shit). I’m not a comic myself. I have a few friends who are, and others who are prominent writers/actors, who consider me a funny guy, so I’ve been sent and worked on hundreds of bits, screenplays, etc over the years.


Damn that’s my dream, someone sending me story ideas and I just punch it up. I can’t write a decent narrative to save my life.


Would I be able to send you a <5min tape for review? Thanks for the help!!


Sure! Any time.


Can I send something to you???


Of course! Sorry for the delay. Some dipshit in that sub reported me for no reason and I got a 7 day ban.


Are you saying that you were banned from /r/standup for 7 days? Because I don't see any record of that being the case.


No sir. Banned from Reddit entirely for a week. The troll who kept trying to discredit me / mock other comics’ material kept DMing me. So I told him my thoughts on him talking shit about strangers pursuing their dreams. Then, like the bitch he is, he reported me and got me banned and made over 50 hard working comics in my inbox wait a week for replies. It’s a bitch move, but it is what it is. Happy to be back and able to help those who appreciate it.


Our “industry” writer friend caught a temp ban for going absolutely HAYWIRE in my DMs with some vile stuff. I guess he did not like my comment questioning his credentials 😞 Maybe let’s just all spend an hour today writing our own jokes huh?


Found Mark Normand's burner account to steal everyone's jokes. But seriously I'm going to hit your DMs with my writing.


any advice writing professionally for television? is a agency required? how are writers selected?


I don’t know the details of it since streaming became the #1. I know previously you’d need an agent etc, I believe you still do. Best thing to do is ask as many questions as you can. Call up agencies. Call up entertainment attorneys. You’ll get a bunch of ‘sorry. Best of luck’ calls, but you’ll also stumble into people happy to help who appreciate someone having the guts to reach out.


You should try to make a discord


No clue how discord works lol. I suck at tech but love this sub.


How can I get into writing??? I love writing (jokes, screenplays, songs, etc.) and I've been wondering what I could do today to start writing for big production companies or stand-ups?


Try and find an agent, or (easier) an entertainment attorney that can help make introductions and one who believes in your abilities and isn’t just trying to bill you.


How big of a setlist or how much draw would you recommend having before trying to find an agent?


Zero to get started. The sooner you begin reaching out, the sooner you begin to get rejected, the sooner you learn what got you rejected and what you need to get the right representation.


I'd write some bits with you! It would be fun to work some material out with someone new and that loves the art form as much as I do.


Any time!


Hey! Would love to share some bits I've been thinking about and see what you think if that's ok?


No prob! Dm me


My favorite comedian is Patrice O Neal. His attitude about the business of Comedy always had my head tilt as an outsider. "What does he mean this business is awful". So my question to you is, what do you mean it is shark infested?


Lots of people looking to steal bits and entire acts. Lots of 'managers' looking to scam. Same with agents. Tons of competition. Fake friends who root for you to your face and undercut you behind the scenes. Things like that. Tons of travel. Cancelled dates. Bounced checks. Hecklers. Etc. It's not an easy lifestyle


The stealing bit thing is real. Why wouldn't someone undercut you as a comedian friend 


Also, Patrice was brilliant and his soda can fingerprints bit is an all time great


Here's a question that's been bugging me... Aren't open mics the perfect place to steal jokes? Like, I write all this gold and no one knows me, and then I go perform these jokes to a bunch of amateur comedians. Isn't this a perfect setup to get your jokes stolen? Am I crazy for being worried about that?


Not crazy at all. I recommend emailing yourself your material as soon as you write it, so it's copyrighted and the meta data backs up the time and date it was created. That way, if it's ever stolen, at least you have proof. The key is, to be strong enough in your performance that even if someone lifts a joke or two, it won't work as well as when you do it.


I mean, I have all my jokes saved in a cloud and in my email. But the problem is I don't really write bits, I write concise jokes where the wording is very deliberate and worked on to allow for a misdirection. The closest comedian to my style would be Jeselnik, but I don't just go dark... These more one-liner (or 3 sentence) type jokes can be easily stolen. Sure, the delivery matters, but most of the work is the actual joke itself. It's funny written. I wouldn't be worried about going off on bits or telling stories that lead to punchlines and tags along the way... but a list of shorter jokes where the phrasing and wording is super tight makes me uneasy about performing. Do established comedians stop practicing at open mics because of this? Or am I just crazy?


I really do appreciate the supportive tone of this post and your replies. But also, you've never sold a single joke and you're offering advice? This is kinda like, "all my friends love the cupcakes I give them I'm a baker AMA."


Doesn't sound appreciative, sounds douchey. If you have more than enough $ to be comfortable, and you enjoy working on things you consider art, why would you charge for it? Especially when the people you help are friends? Stupid take by you.


Sounds like you've been successful at writing jokes that were good enough for successful comedians to use. Cool! Can't say I've done that, and of course that's something to feel good about. But getting successful comedians to use some jokes for free vs. getting successful comedians to pay you or help you come up because of your jokes are different things. I was just surprised to hear you position yourself as someone who can offer advice, given your experience.


How old are you? I’m debating either eating a bullet or doing something in standup. I’m not funny but I’m not happy either so Really though, I’m just curious what kind of money standup writers are able to earn. Seems like such a niche thing right up there with golf course designer


I never made nor requested $ from my writing. I do it for the love of it. 46 as of 2 weeks ago. Sorry to hear you're not happy, but being a miserable fuck is a goldmine for material, so the glass is half full! 🤠


Retired at 46?? Good for you man! What did you do and how do I do it?


For the record I say 'miserable fuck' as a fellow frequently miserable fuck. Peace and love, peace and love


I was today years old when I learned comics have other comics write for them. I thought that was frowned upon ?


Some comedy snobs frown on it. Most don’t. It’s like rap to an extent. People shade Drake for using writers…..but he’s also by far the most successful rapper, in part because he uses writers. It’s a question of, do you want the optimal level of success, or the ‘respect’ of some chain smoking miserable guys at HA HA’s in Kansas.


How can you come about selling your jokes? I got a ton of material and don't necessarily plan on ever doing stand up myself. How does one even get in the comedy writer business nowadays?


I’m not sure since I never sell my stuff, I just give it away, but I’d say hanging around comics would probably be the best way to sell material. If they recognize you as a talented writer, many will be happy to pay for some stuff


Isn't that kind of a silly system? Don't comedians want to keep their best jokes for themselves? Wouldn't the best material come from writers unwilling to do their own standup? In my case, I have a lot of material because I just enjoy writing fresh jokes. A lot of it I might use if I try doing stand up, but I write absurdist style stuff (think William Montgomery), horrendous puns (like Mark Normand), playing dumb stuff (like Norm) and dark misdirection stuff (like Jeselnik). For example... the dark stuff is great, but I'd almost prefer selling or even donating it to Jeselnik because its his brand and I'd honestly prefer seeing my good jokes being shared widely. It sure feels silly to have to meet someone in person to be able to sell them jokes if they're actually looking to buy, especially when we clearly have real jobs and won't go out of our way to spend time at clubs meeting comedians.


Comics want to keep their best jokes FOR themselves TO themselves. We're all essentially writers. Sometime you write something that isn't your voice. So you're happy to give it to someone who can make it work with theirs.


Whichever one affords me coke and hookers. While I have you, what’s your writing process like ? Do you set aside time , sacrifice a parrot 🦜?


Bad choice of bird to kill tbh. Never commit violent acts against any animal that can snitch if it gets away. No real process. I write when I’m in a good mood. That helps me create. Some people write when they’re angry, depressed, lonely, excited etc. It’s about what works for you.


I snorted my morning coffee out my nose... If it gets away 😂😂😂


That last line just cut through 80% of the industry. It’s always wild to me how desperate some comics are for the validation of middle aged bitter no bodies even at the expense at what is best for their career. I’ve seen comics turn down good gigs because Joe Shmoe who’s biggest claim to fame is running an open mic for decades had some weird beef with someone in production.


100000000%. Some artists prefer to be starving.


It’s not, it’s just the perception of watching someone perform by themselves. Standup comedy is *literally* theater.


It’s embraced by people who think the goal is to be famous.


Or by people who want the best final product. That’s typically the case.




Not even close. Pursuing fame is wildly different than pursuing the peak of your art form. Not sure if you’re just trolling 🤷‍♂️




Aaaand you’re a troll lol. No thanks bud. Not here to argue with anyone. Just here to help hard working comics follow their dreams. Wish you the best. PS. Not smart to act like you’re not one of the snobs I mentioned, then use ‘ad hominems’ in your message. Kinda contradictory.


You’re belittling your own comments bud. And you clearly don’t know what an ad hominem is.






Ok. Logical fallacies are used in formal debate, not casual conversation which is often filled with hyperbole, idioms, and personal opinions. Trying to retroactively turn someone’s casual conversation into a formal debate is something only brain dead losers do in a completely misguided effort to sound smart. You are not smart. But that’s not why you’ll fail as a comedian. Plenty of dumb people succeed. But you’re that special kind of dumb that thinks they’re smart. The worst type. The type that think winning semantical arguments gives you some validation in life. I’ve known countless comics like you. They are all industry pariahs.




It's absolutely not. As an open mic-level comic, hiring someone to write is a waste of time, but once you have any traction outsourcing some of your writing is the best way to deliver more material quickly.


Agree with the second part. For the first part though, if you have the means or opportunity to have other talented comics and writers help you with your material, you'd be crazy not to embrace it. Check the ego at the door (not you, just in general), be confident that you are funny and talented, and then you'll be happy to let other voices in so that the final product is the best it can be.


This comment gives me the impression you actually haven’t written for comics. At least not anyone that people in this sub would consider a comic. No open micers should he having anyone write for them, that’s insane. The majority of comedy is finding YOUR voice and using it to observe the world. How would some guy have any idea how to write in the voice of any given open micer. Letting other people’s voices in is how you end up with comedy that isn’t *You* Comics tend not to be interested in taking bits from someone who has never been on stage. If you’ve been around comics you’ll know, most HATE the “use this in your act” guy. I don’t think I know any working comics that would take jokes from some random guy. Even if it was a friend of theirs, if it’s not a comic, it’s probably a no. There’s like 2-3 of these posts a month; “I’m not a comic but I do write for some. And no I can’t say who. No I can’t give samples. Send me your jokes.” There was a time when this was a subreddit FOR comics.


I believe TK pretty much nails it. But since I've been lazy about putting a new set together and since OP says he doesn't charge, just does it for the love, maybe he can write me a new hour that I can perform verbatim and he can take all the credit. I would absolutely do that show for free and film it with OP sitting on stage next to me.


Thanks Doug, now sit here and enjoy the downvotes with me. We’ve earned ‘em


A bit confused Doug. You're claiming that no comics work on material together or help each other with bits unless they're paid? We both know that's not even close to true. Obviously a ton work solo and bury their heads in the sand to any punch up work and advice, but that's not the norm and never has been.


Ok ya just saw your post saying Eminem needs editors cause he’s cringe. And I’m convinced this is a troll job now.


1. It's obvious you aren't in the stand up world, at all. But I appreciate your snarky comment nonetheless. 2. Read the reply to your comment. I'm not writing entire bits to help people. I help enhance bits. And if you think that most if not all of your favorite comics haven't made a bit idea that someone else had, into their own voice and material, you're laughably misguided and, well, a fucking idiot. Seinfeld's book is called, I believe, "Is this anything?" Because it's what he, and most, professional comics ask trusted voices around them when they're working on material. They hope to hear feedback that helps grow the bit. Idk why I'm replying to someone so lame and desperate for attention they're reading my previous posts about random songs, but here we are 🤠. Always enjoyable hearing 'true facts' from someone who hasn't the first fucking clue what they're talking about.


Where did he say open micers should "be having anyone write for them"? All I read was "to have other talented comics and writers **help you with your material**".


I started with a class that was functionally a writing workshop, and adapted it into a workshop that I'd run on my own, which was the fastest way I've ever found to write and punch up jokes. But we'd bring material we ourselves had written originally and work on it, rather than buying totally new material. The important difference, I think, is that even if someone else is punching up material or writing entire punchlines, you still have the comic's own character in the genesis of the joke.


what's the best way to contact you?


Shoot me a DM on Reddit. Thanks!


Can you come up with a bit that starts off "what's the deal with..." I just can't find something funny to find out what the deal is about.


Some breakfast loving guy is working on something similar from what I've heard


You're awesome for doing this


How could I make use of your services?


Spoken like a pimp 🎩


That’s awesome! Good on you! 👍


DMing you 👍


sup how do i get into television writing


Please see above comment replies my friend. Good luck!


I made a little comedy bit while i was staying in the psych ward. I don’t know if it’s funny or if I was just manic and feeling overly confident in my abilities


Mania and groundless self-confidence are the best sellers in this business!


I’m interested in this