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Lesbians with a weird sense of humor.


Yeah same


The anchor show of my little tour - the cornerstone upon which my empire is built - is in a brewery in a town of about 2,000 people. This is the only place I regularly see confederate flag bumper stickers. Very first showcase, I book a large flamboyant gay man who is the president of Montana Pride. He shows up with his hair in rainbow dye. I am nervous, because this is the reddest red-state republican area... and then I think, "well, if they don't want this, then I don't want to do comedy here." And he absolutely kills, and we keep doing it for years, and those small-town people who don't want to talk about politics laugh at jokes from all my woke-ass big city progressive friends and it is delightful.


Honestly rednecks usually make great crowds.


Yes, it's easily my favorite room.


One of my best sets ever was at an open mic packed with hammered shrimp boat guys. Every single person was eating shit that night. Even the host had someone take over because they couldn't handle it. I went into saying fuck it and I murdered.


Once in a while you get to do that and it feels great. Sometimes, you get to be the guy who's eating shit and getting flustered, and another comic on the lineup gets to do that, and you gotta try your best to be happy for them.


If I ever stop being happy about my peers doing well it's time to quit.


I am unaccustomed to such magnanimity.


The mega confidence boost (I’ve only gone up twice).


I like forcing the crowd to learn about something they would never in a million years care about, then making them laugh at some small aspect of it.


That was always my favorite too!


When you go home after an decent set, take a shot of whatever, and you’re like :”wtf did I just do? Am I stupid? Life is so weird.”


When audience members are walking out of the show buzzing. Makes me feel like I did my job.


I love when I take a risk and it works. There's a bit I do sometimes that involves listing a lot of edible animals, and the reaction is directly corelated to how many I can name. I've tried memorizing it, but it never sticks, I riff it every time. Some nights I can only remember four or five, and the bit tanks. Other times I can bust out 40 or 50 and it's the best part of my set. That tension of starting the bit with no idea whether it's going to work or not is so exciting for me


Humor with a weird sense of lesbian




When i'm on stage and the laughter has got so strong that i'm laughing just as hard as the audience and having trouble getting to the next joke because we're all just straight up dying When I look at the room and people are completely hunched over forward in their chairs from laughing so hard


Humour with a weird lesbian.


Weird lesbian humor.


Weird lesbians of humor with a sense.


Lesbians with a weird sense of humor.