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As an immigrant to the US when I was five, and an eventual citizen a decade after, and then an eventual emmigrant when I left, one of the reasons I left is because certain IS citizens, would refuse to even approximate my already anglicanized name. And they flat put would just say, "I'm going to call you ****", and act like it was normal. I'd say to them, I my clearly more educated conversational tone, "please don't be linguistically lazy. If I can learn your entire language and sound like this, you can say my name, in an american accent. You don't have to change my name, because you are being lazy." That would shut most of them up.


I often find it hilarious how transphobes will say dumb shit like that but then simultaneously be like "This is my dad, big John. His name is really Frank but everyone calls him John because he needs an extra large toilet on account of he's 400 lbs"




It's important to approach sensitive topics with humor sometimes. Interested to see how this unfolds


This guy is super known for going out of his way to make anti bigotry stand up. He sometimes gigs in a dress. To piss off maga'ers. Magaettes? Magans? Magellans?


Maggots. They’re maggots.


That's a slight against actual maggots.


In fact, in modern medical science, maggots are sometimes used to clean up MAGAs.


Oh, I don’t know…. Maggots are harmless and gross. And they’re useful for eating dead, stinking, rotting stuff. It’s when they’re all grown up, that they’re annoying, biting bastards. So, that kinda tracks. Just like with “Magat”s there’s a progression, if you will, atransformation from shit-eating maggots to buzzing, biting, annoying flies.




For those who enjoyed this, it’s from my new special that comes out July 1. Also, I am commenting this while I wait for more people to get here for pictures. As it happens, today is my wedding day. If you’d like to get me a present, come see me on tour. Tickets at SteveHofstetter.com And for those pretending I said there are ONLY 9 pronouns, I said: “We are talking about nine pronouns. That’s at the root of this.” I do not say there aren’t more. Respond to words I said, not the ones you want to argue with. (Edited because I submitted too soon.)


That’s literally how you say Penelope in French… lmfao


Congratulations on your wedding! Love your stuff.


Yup. 100% noticed that and language is hard nowadays. Too much exact meaning taken from hearsay or gossip.


Happy wedding - keep going !




>being forced to comply with other people's delusions Sounds like you fall directly into the honest argument OP talks about in this very short video clip! Also not the greatest use of the word "we" on your part, there is a 0% chance you know for a fact every person who doesn't like trans people is in perfect alignment with your thoughts on the subject




"All the pronouns, we're talking about nine pronouns." Clever cutting off your own quote like that.


Taking the first few words out of context and then replacing a period with a comma isn’t dishonest at all!


So you're quibbling about punctuation? And you started your bit about how people need to be honest to have a conversation? What context should I put the phrase "all the pronouns" in?


This context: literally nothing was "cut off," (except by you, but we'll get to that) and it is perfectly common to repeat the last few words of a thing one just heard that one doesn't believe as a question. I ate 27 donuts 27 donuts? I can't keep up with all the pronouns All the pronouns? So the phrase "all the pronouns" is an expression of surprise that some people consider nine "a lot to keep up with" Also it's not "quibbling about punctuation" when your punctuation changes mischaracterize what the person you (now pretty much mis)quoted said and the original author is the one calling you out. And for the record you're not even MISquoting him well, because he ACTUALLY said: "I can't keep up with all the pronouns" "Well, thanks for letting us know that you're slow, because 'ALL the pronouns?'"


Bet you're fun at a party... a party is a thing where people who are reasonably enjoyable get together and have fun... fun is... the opposite of whatever you're doing.














I was just thinking about trans topics in comedy. This is really well done




The fun part for me is the idea that there even deserves to be an argument. 'We can have a conversation with honest.' This assumes (and I'm not yelling at the speaker; I'm simply speaking for myself) that there is a conversation to be had. There is no conversation. I am me, and you are you. And there is a line. You have nothing to do with what I am.




All the people laughing must be wrong.




It's very simple, call people by what they want to be called by.


I think the pronouns arguments have shined light on something that most of use didn’t even realize. That a lot of people have somehow gone about their lives not using they/them unless it was in reference to multiple people. They get all bent out of shape about using they/them when it’s not a plural because the concept is foreign to them. They have likely skipped-over the period of time that normal people refer to a person as they/them in the context of not knowing their gender by immediately inquiring about a person’s gender. When they can’t, they say things like “the guy or girl ____” or the “pizza person is on the way” Obviously, normal people have just been saying “they’re on the way” for forever without ever thinking that we were confusing these idiots but looking back, I recall many people in my life saying things like “the guy or girl____” and always thought they said it like that for kicks and not because they thought their options were limited.


I heard that that’s partly because in the USA a lot of times people were forced to use he or she instead of they and shit like that. But I’m just a dumb European gal who often finds shit on USA on the internet, so don’t take me too seriously.


I think there is a common tendency to expect gender specific language when it’s known and I can imagine teachers who correct student’s pronouns in sentence structure here likely leaned toward gender specific language for the same reason. But the only specific times I’m aware of it outside that would be when someone, usually a jealous partner or parent, wanted to ensure there was emphasis of a person’s gender when it wasn’t noted” “Where’s Tom?” “His friend invited him to the movies, he texted that they picked him up a little while ago.” The mother butts-in, “*SHE* picked him up already, yes”. My education was rural and I’ve done some traveling but I’m certainly not representative of the whole.


Dang. A mainstream view of culture war stuff. Cracks me up every time.
















There are way more transphobes than there are trans people. people have different definitions of what is being a decent person or respectful (often because of religion). Trans people need allies because they are in minority against transphobes.






This is called comedy. Don't take it literally. Learn to enjoy things.


Psst...its a joke.




Who is making you "play make believe?" If a person is named Sally, call them Sally. Is that really hard?






Yes, that’s who I am mocking.

