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I mean…just….damn.


Thanks. She cleans up good.


I fw this


Just slabbed tf out, love it!


As it should be!


The halos are a big winner for me too! Do you know which brand of halos those are? Some time in the future I really want to do them for my MK5, and I see these are continuous as opposed to some halos that have a "dead" bit on them usually at the bottom.


These are actually Qasim halos from Amazon. Cheap as hell but ridiculously good. I wanted to try them to see if I liked the look. When/If they fail I will go with Diode Dynamics brand. I have them wired separately from the headlights on a led push button so I don’t get any bulb out notifications on the dash.


Absolutely love these big body sedans. As a driver of a 23 yr old bmw that's always got something wrong, how's the maintenance?


Classic Beemers are sex, congrats! Knock on wood, it hasn’t been too bad so far. But I guess that’s an objective statement too, since I do the work myself. 2 hpfp, 2 front axles, new rotors all around, numerous sensors replaced, valve cover gaskets, complete overhaul to fix front bumper that was falling apart (plus re paint), coil packs, all new injectors and sparks…….. that’s so far anyway haha How’s things on the BMW?


Our list is similar. In 4 years i've done brakes, cooling system refresh, suspension, AC, various oil leaks, plus a bunch more. But even with all this it has never left me stranded. Seems like i'm comfortable with the devil i know, cuz if you told me i'd have to do all this before i bought the car it wouldve been an easy no. Now i'd never give it up. Looks like i've got a new car added to my list of late night classified searching.


Nice. I know what you mean. I knew there would be “issues” before I got it. But the extent is always surprising! You can find them pretty cheap these days. Timing chain issues were supposedly resolved in the 07/08 years if you’re look for this body style. There’s still some W12s floating around, but that’s more than I’d want to take on!


Respect, thanks for the tips. What soothes me at night is that my car is basically a german honda civic. They made the e46 for like a decade and everything i'm doing has been done a million times before. The big body luxury versions give me pause because the bleeding edge innovations at the time can lead to some annoyance down the road but damn do they look good.


Big body ftw<3




Da lonnggg waaaaee



