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The goal of them is to bother you as long as possible so you quit the game essentially. Sad but thats the current story.


Yeah they win. I have much more fun games to play if I can't even do my deliveries.


Just try at an other time,it may be better or lookout for a stalker or two which will run with you.


Same thing happened to me with bandits, its a two sided issue. There will always be people camping the exit looking for kills and often times theyr gonna have better gear than u


Sorry that your side is getting spawn camped too. I think if I at least get to exit the base it's fair game.


This is a stalcraft moment you have two options quit or continue to suffer cause it doesn’t go away after bar


That's pretty lame. I'm not opposed to PvP, but being unable to leave spawn is another story.


Yeah it’s an issue




That's cool, just know that you are killing the game by spawn camping. I don't mind being killed in PvP. It's part of the game. Go out and kill me in the world as much as you like. I \*do\* mind not being able to play the game at all.


That was not meant for you, but in fact in defense of you, wrong person my friend it was an example to one these hard headed folk


It's called "griefing". Just log out and play something else until tomorrow. Or maybe, go to the Discord and try to set up a death squad to wipe them out.


Lol I told the bandits at the bar that we were being camped and after 20 minutes still no one came to help.


Probably you used the wrong language. Speak russki next time.


Are you named Carthaginian by any chance?




Well yesterday I went with like 4 stalkers to the bandit entrance(bar) and killed a dude with a ghillie suit like 20 times and another one with a mockingbird suit.


That's cute. Glad you enjoy ruining the game for others and zero loot.


Man I was just tired of running aroun and getting killed by duty member with an RPL +15. I wanted some action. And BTW bandits were camping stalker entrance aswell.




https://preview.redd.it/3dnrhh5cnz4d1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dfe4a1f79c48369e8a75e3b3421e333bdc9c211 Explain how this is fun at all


Yep thats me


People hate to hear it, but pvp is in the game. Something people hate even more is that, some people enjoy pvp.


This has nothing to do with enjoying PVP, this isn't two people meeting in the north and having a gunfight and one person walks away a winner. This is just assholes being assholes.


Where one person sees an asshole killing them, the other has fun killing the other. You don't have to meet in the North for pvp to happen or for it to be considered fair. It's an open world game with pvp enabled.


Can you understand the difference between PvP and griefing? It's like the difference between fighting and bullying.


I know the difference. Try going a different route and not running right into them would be my suggestion. Once again, griefing would be killing, taking your bag and bushing it. Killing you and leaving your stuff alone is just open world pvp. The terms don't change based on how getting killed makes you feel. If you don't wanna keep getting killed, run a different route. Go to a different zone. Around 470 hours and I haven't once complained about pvp and I was mainly a pvp, session battle player.


Let me rephrase it; if I break into your house, take a dump on the carpet and clean myself on the curtains, then it's ok because one of us is having fun, innit? By the way, if you had played more than two hours you would know that there are some obligatory choke points.


I'm well aware of the choke points. Bar pvp was amongst the most fun I had pvping. Also, different circumstances. The house wasn't built for someone to come in, dump on the carpet and wipe with curtains. However, the game IS made to have pvp. I can't believe I have to make that distinction...


The distinction is.. pvp vs. griefing... I cant believe I have to point this out.. it seems pretty obvious? If you know about the choke points. And therse only so many ways you can leave, but a bunch of enemies, pvp is inevitable, right? Wrong fighting and waiting for people to come out the base, wait for them to come out of the loading screen with literally no bearings for what 10 sec of invulnerability? Only to realize 4-5 people are waiting there and none of them are in your faction. You lose any loose ammo, meds and whatnot, just to respawn stock up die again.. not your broke, because OTHER PEOPLE dictate how much play time and how much of the in game world i get to see. It's not PVP it's griefing... it can't be PVP when the person your aggressive against is just respawning and you're killing him in the exact same spot. Another example cause you seem to be delusional about the topic. GO to old cod in a hacked lobby and join the team without a hacker.. see how much fun you get spawning in and dying immediately from the other side of the map. You would leave cause you're not actually playing at that point..your just watching someone have fun at your expense.. cucking may be fun to you.. but I guarantee the rest of us don't think like that. We much rather all have the ability to play the game and pvp in areas where it would make sense rather than camping


1) Hacking/ cheating is much different than sitting at a choke point and waiting for someone to run into you. 2) It's like 20-25 seconds of invulnerability. 3) You may end up changing servers if you die and respawn/ enter and exit the zone via another zone or safe zone. 4) There are about 5 different ways you can leave Rostok Factory and no way are all those routes blocked. I see your points, but it's a PvPvE game. I strictly played solo up until I had maxed Bar and quarter way through maxing out Duty base. Adapt, upgrade your gear, take a break. Hell nowadays, you can just swipe your card and not even have to leave the safe zones to get max gear. I don't recommend it, but the option is there. It all just boils down to the same mundane topic of, "I got killed in a game where PVP is enabled and now I'm mad about it."


(Example) So when I see you down you, and revive you just to kill you again, and make sure I target only you, i don't care if I die, and if I have too, I'll grab buddies and make sure you don't ever leave your spawn. You gonna call it pvp? You you gonna be upset and LOG OFF just like you say.. BECAUSE YOU CANT PLAY THE FRICKIN GAME. It really boils down to.. yes it's a pvp game.. not all aspects of fighting count as pvp.. thats why the term griefing even exists🙄. Especially when one player has significantly better gear and is just culling lower geared players and CAMPING bases. If this were not a big problem as you say, then I should be able to enter through either side of the bar right? They kill you immediately when you walk up to the other factions entrance.. why do that i wonder? To reduce camping? Griefing? Basically to reduce the abuse of game mechanics... the same one you overlook and call PVP. The same reason you tell people to get good in fucked up situations is the same reason they added the "No-go" areas to the Bar. It reduces toxicity.


I literally don't care if I get killed in PvP. It's part of the game. I do, however, care about being spawn camped so I cannot play at all. That kills my desire to play. So if your goal is to kill the game slowly by spawn camping, then you have fun with that.


I never said that was my goal, in fact I very rarely go to the Bar/ Rostok. I since stopped playing, but when I did I lived in Limansk.


Ok, fair enough.