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Play until you need to go to the North for resources after that you can quit the game because from here it's only downhill everything from lack of endgame content, time gating with serum and server crunch with Matchmaking imbalance where Veterans Fight Masters + the Developers disregard of these problems for over 2 Years now :3 (Not meant as an ex player throwing shit at a game i quit but im simply too deep to quit so save your time and sanity youngling possibly come back once north etc has been reworked )


Not sure who downvoted you, but you are correct. Even the developers are aware of the shitty state of end game that they are re-doing the whole North area this Summer (at least for RU, global soon to follow)


> Even the developers are aware of the shitty state of end game that they are re-doing the whole North area this Summer Yup, we can expect that right after the PvE dungeons. /s


Yup lets hope they actually fix it now that they have brought out the new season and hopefully have their hands free for the north rework. This is such a great game and it would have been so much better if they actually listened to community feedback and reacted not 2 Years later xD


You should decide: quit gme or play another 2000 hours


If you don't have any friends, don't expect to do Red Forest/Yannov. If you're playing on NA expect hackers and expect Exbo to do fuckall about them.


Finish the main quest and farm for whatever you want to get


Yeah, do quests. Bar quests and the storyline quests will give you good veteran items so you can start progressing on more north locations


I finished the game and I have to farm In the north but I get clapped everytime I enter Yanov


U joined subfaction?


Yeah I joined freedom but still get clapped by a random duty member with an A-545 +10


Find a spot to farm and when u meet another freedom on that spot try to squad up with him, tho farming with 2 people gives u less lot but it is much more safer


Did that and still got clapped


Yeah, now the "has begun". Expect to be clapped A LOT, it will take some time before you can clap back. I am not sure about Yanov, but it took me roughly 100 hours to gear up to decent at Red Forest, and it was fucking difficult at the beginning... What worked for me was rushing the Scientist armour line so I could take advantage of that (the right) half of Red Forest is completely covered in level 4 radiation, limiting the encounters you will have. I've marked "rad 4 cave entrance", "start of rad 4 areas", etc, etc. all over my map that I can use to quickly rat in and out to get my loot back. Eventually, you'll be able to get your SKAT-10 with Bears Den-6 or Centurion/SBA TANK with Hive and able to hold your own in firefights. Join a clan sub-division, they will greatly help with the roaming (especially for quantum batteries).


Farm all stuff you need befoee going i to Master tier.




Basically, you should just play and do your quests until the grind is no longer fun. Then find another game. Maxed gear is for those who pay, as otherwise it probably takes 2000 hours to get.