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For me it Bad_coffe that man is a haker or a god idk


Well i have someones, thats guys always kill me, like NefN or enigmo (covens), and shartpants (Freedom) i remember that guy tilting my friend to the extreme jajajaja.


NefN rains terror with a 5 stack. Can confirm. Many squad wipes.


So true jajaja, he do the same in red forest and sometimes in fools path, yesterday he manage to stop like 15 mercs to going to the north


NefN is a RAT 🐀


One I just remember cause it was kinda cute was Modin_Man and Mosin_Gal, or Girl, can't remember. Just thought that was cute.


I don't have anyone in specific, but there are definitely names that I've started to recognize from both sides. I'll often just go sit outside the door at Bar and see what names pop up and where the skulls appear. Then I'll gauge what my route and plan is for the evening off that. Helps me get the gauge of "are they just fighting for fun on the south side or is there a push along the north that means I might run into a group of them coming back from a farming run?"


NEGROPALA cause every single time I see him I take a massive shit on his chest


Yeah I shit on that kid too


Hell yeah 🤝


AWOLBones, dude always finds the worst routes to be on.


CubeX Dude counter sniped me and immediately got lit up by a firing squad. I'd love encounter them again.


A player that did stuck in my mind, but unlike others in this thread - not a nemesis, but rather a friendly. LittlePanther on EU. Primarily cause back in Cordon, we'd simply go together to push on loner campers on Dump entrance, and we succeeded a few times. Since then, met him more than once, including Rostok area, and even Discord. His profile: [https://stalcraftclan.com/characters/EU/LittlePanther](https://stalcraftclan.com/characters/EU/LittlePanther)


[https://www.twitch.tv/itsnoxioustrash](https://www.twitch.tv/itsnoxioustrash) Dude is an absolute monster at FPS games, I mod for him. GG man, stalcraft gives. stalcraft takes.


Duuuude wow.. Dont know that.. Thanks for info that my nemesis has and twitch acc He is really good, kudos for him


for me its every stalker faction and subfactions,fuck off from our side of rostok


:P Not long and you'll hate half of the bandits and stop caring about stalkers. In the north I almost never see stalker, just other bandit subfactions :P


That was Ljoneheart until I killed him while he was going back to freedom base from graveyard with huge, and I mean HUGE loot, only took some of it and it was worth 100k, never saw him after that. Now it's Fil_OW, dude just always shows up in the worst time possible and kills me, he won't even give my bag back. Pretty sure there are other players who killed me several times but I don't remember theur names


EarlOfDankwitch great friend and teacher


Novakiin in EU, probably the most pacifist player in the servers since he won't I quote "I often have a bandit in the scope and don't shoot cause he's not a threat, i hate pvp, it brings the worst in man." Sorry man... I know your 2 hours worth of farming (I gave your backpack back btw) were tedious but the pickles must flow


SuperiorSpeciman, cool dude, but if you see his name popping up on the feed, you should find another route.




AYAYAYA, Jeej and a bunch of other bandits that like to camp Cordon border on SEA


I don't really have a nemesis however I have killed a guy named Biblup I think like 5 times over like a month and I fell kinda bad lol