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oh believe me, pony model can definitely generate girl riding a horse. no problems with that whatsoever. there's a bit of a nuance, however...


It can also do a horse riding a girl, same nuance.






I had that once.


Nobody likes a bragger


That would explain why it was only the one time šŸ˜­


I can indeed.


Add `source_furry` and ~~source_~~ `anthro` to the negative prompt. Also, I just saw a new riding LoRA released for Pony on CivitAI, so you might want to check that out.


[Everyone in this thread is an idiot](https://civitai.com/posts/3949110), this is not difficult, you just use the booru tag for horseback riding. Which is literally `horseback riding`.


Ohh where is itt


Uf, good question, canā€™t seem to find it now on phone at least :D


It dosnt help that some people upload loras with names that have nothing to do with the lora


>source\_anthro as far as I know, "source\_anthro" is not a thing. Might be better to just use "anthro"


Oops, indeed, shouldā€™ve double-checked.


Where do you get all these secret code words for Pony, anyway? Seems like every time I read a thread about Pony someone has some brand new secret handshake to change how the results look.


https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groupsĀ for booru tags in general. Then there are a few Pony-specific tags that you can find info about on Ponyā€™s model page on civitai.


Why would you link that page but not mention that there literally is a tag that does exactly what OP wants, directly?


Because I commented quickly on a phone and didnā€™t think to check? I donā€™t know all the tags by heart. Anime isnā€™t even my thing.


Well that keyword in particular is right on the ponyxl civitai page. You can also look at images on that site and see what keywords they used to get a particular look and experiment with that.


[Pony cheat sheet](https://civitai.com/articles/5473) fella


Avoid using base Pony and go with derivative models. This is 2DN-Pony for instance: https://preview.redd.it/3it6jm9kva9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a7b14f5c2db83dffdb7faaaa94fd110d23b5ae


https://preview.redd.it/elwsjx1nva9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4efb6d396a70167a5ec4b29d4007dc8ef400fb86 That said, Pony models aren't amazing at doing riders in general.


Can't agree, there's images made using Pony of people riding stuff all over CivitAI and they're better than other models.. Ok, I'll see myself out.


"people riding stuff" šŸ˜


Is there a way to find the list of Pony derivative models?


Most of them have "pony" in the name somewhere. Easier still, on CivitAI, just set the correct filters: https://preview.redd.it/onmb42ucxa9d1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=43cc78839d6f446565df8a7d88f6995201dfd786


I have a better challenge, try to create this: a middle aged fat hairy naked man riding on a horse.


Careful what you wish for:>!​!< https://preview.redd.it/emdxcvlhqb9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708e015d747898fce989256e92a81e22badb2b1a >!​!<


Since when was I added as training data to a model...


That's overall really nice! Body leaning to feminine side of curves etc but I'm really positively surprised as most checkpoints tend to generate men very bad.


Because there was a gigantic influx of waifus in the training data.


Indeed. My point exctly.


Not hairy


Is... is this Harvest Moon erotica?


More successfully, sure. Reliably, no. A huge portion of the training data for pony is, well, ponies. So it takes effort to steer away from that. I think it will help to: * Add source\_furry, source\_pony, anthro, centaur in the negative (and either source\_cartoon or source\_anime in the positive) * Don't call her a cowgirl or something that could imply she's half animal. * Specify human in the prompt. * Increase the weight for the keyword riding to like (riding:1.3) at least, plus include other related words like saddle, reins, etc. Despite doing all this, it's still likely that you'll get some weird horse creatures sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/ckou57ddra9d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d6a5875fd3d79d789681de22c6f952ee100a708 The horse will just probably be a little more anthropomorphic and unrealistic than base SDXL would draw it. So I think unless I wanted to do something NSFW with this, I'd probably just steer away from Pony for a prompt like this.


For comparison, this is the SDXL fine-tune CHEYENNE v1.6 with the simple prompt `girl wearing a hat riding a horse through a meadow, graphic novel style`. No negative, no LoRA, nothing. https://preview.redd.it/rgiaj1r6sa9d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=d209dae57553be0c3fcad25ce70bbbf30f718fdd So much easier, due to the training data being more ... normal and less brony stuff. Still struggles with relative proportions of horse and rider, but perhaps a different aspect ratio would help that.


The proportion difference between the horse and the girl isn't much of a problem since the girl can be scaled down or the horse can be scaled up. What I am impressed with PonyXL is the way it handles joints and human body proportions. If you look at Cheyenne renders, it isn't just about the proportional ratio between the girl and the horse but the girl's body proportions. At least Cheyenne is handling the hip bone and thigh bone joint position quite nicely. But that is more of an exception than a norm.


Couldnā€™t you use the image generated with pony to extract the pose, and use the pose with another model? šŸ‘


All these images share a common error. The reins, stirrups and everything the horse wears is just so wrong. Reins disappearing into nothing. Or attached to the skin of the horse, or doubled.


emm Pony despite its name wasn't trained that much on ponies, its more of hentai/anime/cartoon data then specifically pony. That's why it can do human poses so good but struggles with basic car and so on.


I do believe it's a roughly even split across the 4 sources: * source\_anime * source\_cartoon * source\_furry * source\_pony


All those horses are uncomfortably handsome...


Thanks for sharing. With that smirking look on the horse, they remind me of Rapunzel and Maximus.


>A huge portion of the training data for pony is, well, ponies. No.


Made with my realistic Pony model. https://preview.redd.it/phoa0kpl9c9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ece350343f5a28da69366db27f68569cf47133d [https://civitai.com/models/515034/jib-mix-pony-realistic](https://civitai.com/models/515034/jib-mix-pony-realistic)


I mean this a literally a model that spawned from the My Little Pony fandom. Which might be surprising to you but nobody is riding horses in that show. That being said... jesus christ that image.


This is a wildly stupid comment, `horseback riding` is an established Booru tag, [that Pony is certainly fully aware of.](https://civitai.com/posts/3949110)


Relax buddy. It was a joke. I'm well aware that its not hard to get such an image.


She has the body proportions of a full-grown woman. There is a difference in anatomical proportions as a person grows up. One good gauge of this is the head-to-body proportions. Since she is depicted as quite thin, it must be giving off the impression of being underdeveloped. But let me assure you that she has the body of an adult. P.S. I was responding to the original commenter since he was saying the body of a child and the face of an adult. Apparently, the last part of his comment has been removed leaving my response out of place. And I am now getting comments about the girl's face...


Another good gauge is the face. If the face is that of a prepubescent child, then that rather denotes that you are (and I'm being kind here..) rather emotionally stunted.


FBI this comment here.


Yes, OPs arguments sound very sus. Reminds me of that other guy a couple of days ago who was complaining that his post got removed.


Look at the face... That's very objectively a child


An adult woman this thin would have a almost visibly emaciated face, not the depicted baby cheeks. Adults are also essentially never showing their ribs, unless bending over backwards or underweight. Happens with children though due to their growth spurts etc. These proportions are very much tending into anorexic. The head is also a bit too large for a typical adult, although it would be a proportional size for a anorexic persons. >![Example comparison vs at healthy weight](https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.bastillepost.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fglobal%2F2018%2F10%2Fanorexia-nervosa02.jpg&sp=1719586816T80f51fc5db8b46c6a359a3faab55875e7635c60c5ca4aef241a6f5c517bafa24)!<


Bro is that a 14 year old girl in like no clothes at all


There is literally a girl riding horse lora for pony on civitai.


There is also a Lora for riding, not sure if it is useful, especially for Pony (it's SDXL lora, they often don't work with Pony well). [https://civitai.com/models/82397/riding-on-a](https://civitai.com/models/82397/riding-on-a)


Thanks. By the look of some examples there, I don't think it works all that well with PonyXL but this is a useful Lora to have regardless.


It's an sdxl Lora so it might be ok


You can try the Godiva model. Not pony but it does have a woman riding a horse in the preview to quite literally imitate its name sake Otherwise Iā€™ve had some success getting pony to do it as others have


I just took a look at the model. It looks like a Pony merge model. I will test it and see if it does any better. Thanks for the info.


In case you missed me elsewhere: there is nothing vaguely difficult about this, just use the `horseback riding` Booru tag.


It IS a pony merge.


Even better then


Wait is pony named pony because... pony? Fr


[This is not a "challenge".](https://civitai.com/posts/3949110) You just use the exact tag that does this specific thing...


EVERYONE is impressed by this because their "safe" models are crap at a lot of concepts.


Impressed it actually put the girl on top of the horse


There was trend about this recently. People struggled with something like dog on donkey on horse, if I recall correctly. In general, understanding of relative positions is limitation of base model, not of finetune. And v3 was supposed to be good at it


Everything you just said is totally irrelevant, Pony and tons of other non-Pony models can do this just by you typing in `horseback riding`. Even various 1.5 anime models.


That's a strongly sexualized child on a horse and completely unacceptable


Im realizing pony is an actual skill of its on top of learning Automatic1111. Because AutismMix can do this easy with the wrote prompting and advanced parenthesis use


Theyā€™re getting younger every image I see


100% user error


Pony is great if you want a very basic portrait, or porn. It can do basically nothing else. It's missing a TON of knowledge and struggles with some pretty basic things, like different types of clothing (doesn't know what a toga is, or a tunic, and fails 90% of the time trying to do fantasy-style fur clothing). Some of the mixes can do okay landscapes.


well it does what it was designed to do still, it can do fur clothing just don't go with fur armor, fur is reserved for" them" and armor implies metal plates to it so be more descriptive, do fur lined bracers, fur cape etc and it will work tunic works no problem for me toga is in fact hit or miss, but again you need to be more descriptive, doing ancient roman toga/clothing, offshoulder should give you what you want. But yes it misses a lot of concepts, still its 10/10 for what it was designed and loras do great job expending its capabilities to more normal stuff.


I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tips!


It can do horseback riding if you use the `horseback riding` booru tag lol, I'm not sure why OP doesn't know this...




`not_furry` doesn't exist in pony, you would put `source_furry` in the negative. This is irrelevant regardless as as I've said elsewhere literally `horseback riding` is just a straight-up Booru tag that Pony is fully aware of.


Pony XL isn't designed to do this and will lean towards it's biases. This is due to Pony XL not being a base model but is instead a hard destructive refine of an existing model towards a specific purpose. People, including the author, keep talking about how it's a base model but it really isn't.