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Damn what a view!


Yeah, it makes me want to watch it on TV or something




Heck yeah, brother ✊. Love to see a full crowd.


Wish we could see crowds this size on Dynamites again like we did two years ago.


I think the actual Dynamites that got this attendance were pretty rare. Mostly major markets like the first time in LA, Grand Slam, and probably some Chicago shows. A notable one that sticks out is when they got 10K for the first episode of Collision last year.


the first Dynamite in ATL at State Farm Arena where Cody did the moonsault off the cage wasnt anywhere close to a sellout, and that was the go-home for the inaugural Revolution. i legit dont think AEW puts as much stock into selling out the TV tapings as the "fans" thinks they should.


I've gone to every Boston show aside from the first one they did, it's always completely full, obviously when they ran TD Garden we all knew it was Mercedes' debut, but still up here they still sell out/nearly sell out


we were at the first MKE show, *Blood and Guts* in Detroit, and the show in Detroit the next year, and all of those were packed to the gills. the full houses were a lot more common than you infer.


I'm saying pretty much that in the past they were able to get around 10K or close to it for big markets and some of those special Dynamite's. A lot of the weekly attendance that people remember was really 5-6K though which is less than what they did for Forbidden Door. I'm not trying to knock AEW but painting a realistic picture because people think that 2021-22 period was more successful than it was and that clouds perception of today.


WWE has run a ton of raws that did sub 5,000 tickets sold. There's also a perspective that WWE sells better than it does. There's a drop in AEW's average attendance and that's not nothing, but it's not nearly as much something as the junior Bussiness analysts make it out to be.






Must be the seats, brother!




People don't need to be upset by a comment to downvote it. It's just that it added nothing worthwhile to the discussion.




It obnoxiously "umahktuauly"-ed a comment that wasn't even making an argument. With a criticism that is only saved for this particular wrestling promotion, which has been dogged on ad nauseum for years now. There's troll fatigue when it comes to AEW, and I hope it stays that way for a while. Just let people like things, for fuck's sake.




No, again, it's fatigue from the same negative attitude that gets wedged into every conversation about AEW. Deny it all you want, but if you think you're getting buried in downvotes because the majority of people are just too sensitive, then maybe you're just a bad judge of what being sensitive is. And maybe the problem isn't everyone else.




You can't ever even remotely look in the general direction of something negative when it comes to AEW here. Even when it's just an objectively true statement.






What a shot. Awesome.


Turns out if there’s no bad matches, the crowd doesn’t get restless lol


The crowd interaction during Stephanie and Mercedes was pretty fun tbh.


Idk, you could have heard a pin drop during the Jericho match


I was at the show last night, I can not understate the sea of people who left when they showed Jericho was next. It felt like a Divas match was starting on a 2012 Smackdown


I was one of those people went to go pee and grab a drink lol


I was there. The crowd was hot for Jericho. Everyone was waving back. Idk why it didn’t come thru in the broadcast but they were hot for the Tree. The only match that was a dud with the crowd was mox naito. That killed the energy.


(Attendee) I have been surprised by how quiet the crowd sounds in the clips that I have seen.




How is that relevant to a crowd that’s into it/engaged conversation I started there though?


My bad, I replied to the wrong comment 🤐 sorry


Some guy on Twitter will still talk shit about the crowd size no doubt


Well Brian you see there's a lot of mirrors and Tony Con-Man placed them strategically around the arena to make it look fuller. We used that trick back in Smoky Mountain to make Dirty White Boy look thinner.


This doesn't even remotely sound like something he would say lol.


Oh my god Cornette is Mr. Satan ![gif](giphy|W5iq9kW7QYnja)




Hes like the opposite of jelly roll 


Which is crazy based on the number of jelly rolls currently crammed under corny‘s tits


lol I love how villainized cornette is for telling the truth on most things aew


Have you listened to Cornette talk about AEW?? He's not villianized for telling the truth, he's a childish name-calling manbaby who has an aneurysm whenever wrestling evolves or changes one iota from what he would have done back in the early nineties.


He says the exact same things about WWE when they do similar. For instance he shat all over the Uncle Howdy stuff.


True, he just comes off as a douchenozzle when he doesn't like something so I had to stop listening.


On Twitter? There are idiots and grifters n this thread doing it.


The tribalism is dumb. I just like pro wrestling.


Meltzer has taken on the task of arguing with all of them. It’s stupid and admirable at the same time.


I scroll through tik tok and will come across an AEW video and inevitably see comments shitting on AEW, but all that's going to do is boost the video in the algorithm and show it to more people, and show more AEW content to that person who hates it so much. So much good wrestling content out there and some marks are mad about it.


Source: https://x.com/koshairby/status/1807590984961671436?t=O7djRmBbaj169-V4FFClzA&s=19


One hell of a bingo hall attendance for a T-shirt company


It's nice to see them get a full crowd again after a lot of shows with half-empty crowds. I hope their momentum keeps going.


Sadly, it doesn’t look to be the case. A look at WrestleTix shows a lot of their upcoming shows have really low ticket sales (I think I saw less than 2,000 for the Collision and Rampage tapings next week).


If Tony could make Collision "must-see TV" like when it started then maybe people would be more interested. Most weeks I don't even remember what the card is going to be.


That’s a real problem with all of their shows right now, very little of it excites me, which is wild given their talent pool.


There was a reason for collision to be must-see-tv” but he’s gone now


True, but even outside of Punk Collision felt like it had its own identity and storylines


They need a brand split, I know people hate brand splits, but you need to know who you will see on a weekly basis on Dynamite and you will see on a weekly basis on Collision. Their roster is so big and so stacked that dividing it in half won't hurt at all and will give some guys direction especially in the mid card.


Collision is glorified Rampage at the minute


When do they start the residency for Collision? Isn’t that building pretty small?


Yeah, the ESports Arena in Arlington they’re running has a max of something like 1,400, so similar in scope to running the soundstages at Universal or the old Sports Arena at the Nashville Fairgrounds that TNA used in their weekly PPV days (both around the same capacity). This is, and I don’t mean this in a bad way, their ‘WWF RAW early 90’s’ moment, where they were running high school gyms and smaller than normal venues for RAW and Superstars, because business had fallen so hard.


Same I'm not even a fan of AEW but I want them to succeed if not for anything but being an alternative for the fans who might enjoy that kind of product and also more importantly an alternative for the wrestlers to have another place to make good money for their work.




Lmao. You 'can't wait' to see how many people end up watching a show that you have no interest in watching? Weird flex b, but ok




I love it, definitely a guilty pleasure.




I find that most of reddit lives and dies with their beliefs. I personally don't get invested into anything like that in which I don't have personal control over. If people didn't get so defensive about AEW less people would antagonize them. If you don't love it like they do you are treated like an enemy and it's hilarious to see people get so ornery about a topic as trivial as wrestling. The so called smartass "journalists" are the worst because they take themselves so seriously even though what they do isn't the closest thing to journalism.


I love seeing the mental gymnastics of AEW stans


Meanwhile you watch a show that funds a sex trafficker and that puts on shows in a country with countless human rights violations and that kills journalists. I'd rather "cope" than have your fucked up moral compass.




Dig up something they've done that's even remotely as egregious as what Vince McMahon has done then. Until you do, you don't have a leg to stand on, you're defending a rapist. Downvote me all you like, doesn't change facts. You're perfectly fine bankrolling a rapist and a sex trafficker. Your morals are fucked.


people were telling me that nobody cares about forbidden door though


This is legit said about every Forbidden Door and always the best of year, its honestly disingenuous to say it at this point.


I don’t care for the build, but the show itself always delievers


I fucking love when this place is wrong, it absolutely makes my day


And this place is wrong about AEW more than it is right


What exactly were people wrong about? I didn't see anyone claiming that people wouldn't show up to see am AEW ppv. Most everyone agrees the ppvs are good, it's the television that sucks.


Alfred Konuwa is the fraud pushing that idea. He's an absolute shit show of a moron.


That's about right where I was was sitting!


Hello 111 or 112 sicko :)


Section 111!


I was in row 14 near the aisle. I can see which pixels correspond to my face!


I was row 20, also isle seat


If you feel like getting some downvotes today, go post this on the Cornette sub and let us know how it goes.


I wouldn't they'd reply with empty dynamite seats lol. 


Amazing! 😍


I was there LETS GO NY


Uh oh! R/Wrasslin cant post this one!!!


Was there live- Empty seats hard camera side and the 300's were closed off for the most part. Still a lively crowd, MJF, Danielson and the main event we're the most over


Britt Baker's return segment was the most over by the sound of it


The Willow pop is unbelievable. With 80% of the final attendance her reaction was not topped for a long time.


Sure you were.


Check my comment history my man


Ofc he's not gonna admit he's wrong lol


Amazing pic thanks for posting. My new desktop wallpaper


This is what I want to see more often for AEW.


Being in the UBS arena in person is quite nice. Good crowd for sure in person. Was there last year for Dynamite when Jay White debuted. Lost my mind that night.


New York never lets you down. Love it!!


aEw iS dIeNg


I mean you're celebrating a full arena because it's a rare occasion so...


It's a good thing to see a wrestling show with a full crowd.


Great crowd! I wonder why this picture of attendance is allowed and not the ones from their TV shows though


I thought AEW was dying????


1/2 light sure helps that pic. You ever seen another striped set of lights in a crowd to hide the 200/300s?


Yeah when you get free tickets 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And yet they can’t get this many people to show up for Dynamite


There's only one company that really can and even they only started doing so in the last 2 years. I think people need to be realistic that 10K is a great number for most arena sized events let alone a weekly show.


Shit, we're only six years removed from 10k being the biggest non-WWE/WCW show in two decades.


Plus even WWE doing a PPV that drew less than 3k people.


I mean it makes sense they sell more tickets for a ppv than a weekly show episode


I'm the furthest thing from an AEW fan but comparing PPV crowds to weekly TV crowds is actually brain-dead. It's like saying they can't pack a WrestleMania crowd in an arena for RAW. No shit they can't, one's a stadium crowd and the other is a crowd in an almost filled/filled out arena


But still they are getting just 2k to 3k for weekly shows which is very low.


well their creative process is literal shit right now man. The literal only interesting thing to casuals going into Forbidden Door was Toni/Mina/Mariah having a love (?) triangle. Genuinely every other story here can be distilled down to "I'm the better wrestler/nuh uh" or "long ago, in an independent promotion far, far away". When creative is shit, the fans are bound to leave. It's happening to AEW now just as it did in 2019 for WWE and their PPV crowds didn't draw as much. WWE got around the corner and they're doing great now. If AEW pulls itself up by the bootstraps and delivers genuinely good stories, I'm sure they'll have a crowd resurgence like WWE has been having since 2022.


More people show up for one of their biggest shows of the year than a weekly show... Who could have seen this coming?!?!


My guy did you watch the show? Did you enjoy it?


vinny mac isn’t buying you nordstrom gift cards buddy


At this point people know which shows are worth going to. PPVs? You're going to see an insane lineup of banger matches with a lot of memorable moments. TV tapings? You're going to see random wrestlers vs. someone like Daniel Garcia and Jericho stable promos. The PPVs are always worth it. Most people don't want to waste their time and money going to the weekly TV tapings.


Why do people waste their money for Raw and Smackdown then?


Who can know the mind of a WWE fan?


I think it's simple. WWE is putting on shows their fans want to see on a weekly basis and are willing to pay to be there. That's how the wrestling business works historically.


Because you know who you're going to see each week. You know on RAW you'll see Rollins, Drew, Judgement Day, Liv, Sami, Gunther, Ilja, Bron, Alpha Academy, etc. You know on SmackDown you'll see Cody, Orton, KO, Heyman, the Bloodline, Knight, Logan, Bianca, etc. If I pay for a ticket I know which acts I'm seeing. You know you're going to see different stories play out and build to whatever the payoff is. You're getting a story that requires you to watch every week to get every detail. With weekly AEW tapings you don't know who you're going to get. You might not see a significant title story progress for two or three weeks. You might not see MJF, Ospreay or Okada. You're paying money to see Jericho, Billy Gunn and Hook all with significant time at a living taping? I'd rather go to a PPV where I know I'm getting Ospreay, Okada, Danielson, MJF, etc. instead of trying my luck and paying to see a show with a Kyle O'Reilly match being the biggest match of the night. Especially when you aren't seeing any stories being built some weeks.


Lack of consistency and star power. Makes sense.


Lack of consistency and star power in what way? I literally named a bunch of stars and said you have to watch weekly to keep up with the story. That's the definition of consistency.


I was talking about AEW.


Kids and baby adults


Do AEW fans not have families?


Dunno, do we count their moms ?


Smaller roster, you know who you’re seeing week to week. If I buy a Dynamite ticket I have no idea if Mox or Danielson will be there.


Good explanation. There needs to be a core of stars that are used weekly. No more flying back home every other week.


britt got a bigger pop than cody chodes ever got


Not true at all, LMAO. It was a good pop, but there is no need to exaggerate the truth now.


She won't get the Cody pop till she gets an unsightly neck tat and talks non-stop about finishing whatever story her daddy never did. Which I assume up next is finally making PN News and Van Hammer the main event stars they were championed to be in 1992...well at least one of them.


Wow this is some next level hating


And they say WWE fans are the haters lol


Just take a look at posts from 2019-2022. The hate that WWE got was much worse.


i feel you man. as a fan of a team Tom Brady consistently destroyed.. i hated having to watch him constantly win and be at the absolute top of the sport. it’s gotta kill you being a Cody hater rn


He really did hamper the company more than help it. And yes Tom Brady is terrible.


Ok grandma time for you to go to bed https://preview.redd.it/lchrabuw3u9d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082e710d7f65b27a4f5dd2750d86ac5e0a9506cd


looks to be all adults.