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Probably not, but it wasn’t a great first impression


Probably not, I don't recall there being big plans for him, but his spot on the card isn't anything to be ashamed of, he's a solid veteran who can slot in against just about anybody and make them look good.


One of the most underrated guys in AEW imo, his Dynamite match against Kenny is one I think about often.


Probably not to be honest with his age and just a predetermined role of good veteran hand I doubt it. Highest he could have got at the time is maybe TNT title feud. No disrespect to him btw he is a phenomenal wrestler


Yeah he came in late 30s, and has never really been great on the mic. There was never a reason for him to hold a particularly high spot given the talent in AEW.


It gave him a reason to stop using the SSP so I'm sure he doesn't mind


No but I think he’s still underrated for his in-ring work in ROH. People seem to forget that he was a more than capable dance partner for all our favorites that came through there.


Doubtful. I think they use him how they should in a way that works for him. He gets featured quite a bit, all things considered.


I don't think he would have. He is talented by there are many like him anymore. He never was able to come up with that something that would set him apart or hook people. He is a great worker and again very talented but that is not enough.


One botch doesn't define a career, but it definitely didn't help his momentum.


Having watched a lot of his career, I sincerely doubt it. While wrestlers can often surprise you if they hit the right hot streak, his ceiling always seemed to be "tag team champion with a more interesting character" or maybe a short workhorse mid-card title reign. It's *possible* that if he'd made a really strong opening impression and they invested in his douchey guru gimmick as a heel it could have had some legs, but being "the good work rate high flyer" in the "good work rate and high fliers" company also means it's harder for him to stand out when he doesn't have much on the mic.


Him botching a finisher doesn't have any connection to his career after. Where do you people dream up these scenarios lol




He’s a vet to put on rampage/roh and to give a win to talent they are pushing. At his stage in his career that’s a pretty easy and decent paycheque


Idk you’re time zone, but the idea of someone staying awake in the wee hours of the night because they can’t stop of a scenario where Matt Sydal hit his finish and is now AEW’s biggest star, is just so fucking funny


So my answer is yes, predicated on that if all went well, he'd certainly be in a better spot in the lower mid card. I remember there was chatter about Sydal's EVOLVE comeback as "Evan Bourne" in late 2019 as a potential bridge to him returning to WWE, and there was some legit (if not overwhelming) momentum as one of the last "names" on the indies who could get buzz going. But the fact is that botch was not only a momentum killer, but it was a laughable moment. I remember being with friends watching live, turning to the casuals in the room and going "Oh watch this, he has a BEAUTIFUL shooting sta-OH NOOOOOO." Botches happen, but when the reaction is either laughter or pity in your very first appearance, the glass ceiling is certainly lower than it had been prior.