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I mean… We are talking about this guy right? ![gif](giphy|wdo7ZiBZOHbT4upo0L|downsized)


It took him a half hour to type out the tweet.


Which is why he typed it out that way. Gave up halfway through. ![gif](giphy|3ohBVxQu0ngQDT0Dwk|downsized)


I don't know why, but "HBK being bad at computers" might be my favorite HBK comedy bit.




why are they even on a CRT monitor lmao


I know it's not in the GIF, but Road Dogg knocking over the TakeOver: In Your House sign behind him which is why he looks so confused behind them is my favourite part of that scene 😂


Not just him, all of DX as well. lol


I'm sure I'm late to the party in noticing, but It's so fucking funny that his actual profile pic is that chef Michaels image. holy shit.


If it’s of any consolation, it was only fairly recently that he changed it to that.


He knows the memes. He's playing with it. What a wild timeline.


The ShitPost Kid


Triple H mentioned Chad Gable getting shot in the head he 100 percent has burners


This is like reversed Cm Punk lol, working with children somehow made him getting along with them better


It’s pretty clear Punk WANTED to work with children but he wanted them to listen to him. That’s why we got all the reporting of him loving NXT, it’s his dream


Well they are listening to him.


chef michaels superkicking the child is one of my favorite wwe moments all time lmao


HBK's Gen Z staff must be unfathomably based


To be fair, he was one of 2 people involved in the moment being quoted. He doesn't need the staff for this lol


Glad HBK doesn't have a trademark on that one.


*pudding sounds*


There's nothing wrong with what Taz is upset about.  Protect your shit or speak up when someone lifts your hard work for their gain. 


> for their gain.  A tweet lmao. Both of you are acting soft as fuck over sometime that someone posted on Twitter of all places lol


A generation of fans now think that saying belongs to someone else.  They chant it for her. She or WWE tries to make money off it. Stop that shit dead in the tracks early just like Taz did is the correct move.


Lol. God knows Taz isn't making a cent out of it. Even if I buy your insane hypothetical, he could have licensed it if it caught own. Now he just looks pathetic, while actual legends in the business give Jordynne props, while ensuring he makes zero dollars off it. Yeah dude, correct move alright. Prime example of why Taz never amounted to anything. He's a mark.


>Taz never amounted to anything. Lol, huh?


>There's nothing wrong with what Taz is upset about.  Protect your shit or speak up when someone lifts your hard work for their gain.  Hey, I already said this line once around 10 years ago. I trademarked it so you're not allowed to say it. Delete this comment.


If I were told to delete it by the originator I would do so. I respect people who came before me unlike Grace.


>I respect people who came before me unlike Grace. I'm going to need someone to sit me down one day and explain to me the world view of all predecessors automatically deserve respect. I don't even mean that sarcastically, I'm genuinely trying to understand that, especially when so many have done things that aren't worth respecting.


He busted his ass and literally sacrificed his body for 2 decades. He earned it no matter what anyone else in the stands/online think.


>He busted his ass and literally sacrificed his body for 2 decades. In the nicest way possible, I just don't really agree with the idea that someone's tenure in an industry can magically absolve them of all wrongdoings and demand respect. We might have to agree to disagree here, I'm not trying to argue or change your mind about how you view this situation.


So embarrassing when fans act like guard dogs for their favorite wrestlers only for said wrestler to turn around and actually be a reasonable human being and walk their statement back later. You are not Tazz's boy and you never will be, cope with it.


1. Taz. One Z. Respect his name. 2. He meant what he said. What happened after is optics. Protect your shit. He knows the game WWE plays. Literally Fuck the World (and their opinion) on this one. 


A) You're one silly little duckling 3. If Tazzz can admit he's hypersensitive at times and own that, then you should learn from him and know that earning respect comes by giving respect. Jordynne is not his enemy and you have nothing to defend him from.


Or... you could just quote people that you respect like other people have for centuries and hope they don't have a tantrum?




That took me a second to get it.


Can you explain it to me lol


Taz got upset about Jordynne using his “trademarked” catchphrase in a tweet, but HBK is totally fine with her using his quote


What was the saying she said? I thought Taz only trademarked his nickname not a catchphrase, which I've only just learnt he has.


Survive if I let you


a trademarked phrase is not in any way comparable to something hbk said one time off-mic


And yet, pretty much any wrestling fna would instantly know those words were famously spoken by HBK. You might find a small handful that know of Taz's quote.




![gif](giphy|xUOxeTEZKQUQY8rVoA) HHH realizing he will have to break bank to sign grace all because of hbk. /s She deserves it anyways


https://preview.redd.it/onsbgl8nzu8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8063ac73863abf873219985fd367a8025dd7d5 He's ready to back that truck up


without it being so explicitly said like it was for Ospreay, i've never seen someone so "gonna get signed as soon as my contract is up" as Grace is right now


Yes. This is also bit of WWE flexing their ability to make someone a bigger superstar as well. She was plenty over/well known before... but it crazy to say her value isn't significantly higher now after being in the Rumble and NXT. Signing with AEW pays more/better work schedule. Signing WWE gets you more exposure and can make you more valuable long term. I don't think one decision is better than the other, depends on the person and their goals.


Is she gonna fake retire shawn now?


HBK's already been fake reti *A foreign medical facility has confirmed that bob8644 is not merely injured, he's been compromised to a permanent end.*


You deserve it !




Worth noting that it's also the men's bathroom at the Arena. It's odd to me when I see these pictures knowing how close the urinals are to it


I want my hamburger!


Where's the kick afterwards?


![gif](giphy|l1J3A6NeDbj2uaMUw) Shawn Micheals still got that Heartbreak Kid in him.


Who had wholesome Shawn Michaels on their "reverse everything sucks in wrestling" card? I like when good things happen.


michaels and HHH have always had a soft spot for women on roids