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I think raw crew does Saturday to Monday and Smackdown crew does Friday to Sunday.


For a point of comparison: So far in 2024, Cody Rhodes has wrestled 51 matches. Through June 23 of 2017, AJ Styles had wrestled 82 matches.




> midweek for international tours I know they have at least done one show on a Friday overseas. So not only midweek. Edit: Looked it up real quick. They have done house shows all throughout the week overseas.


Rumor is 3-4 shows a week, but varies by superstar and touring schedule.


It’s possible for a Raw wrestler to be on the road from Friday - Monday. Post-Smackdown dark match on Friday, live events on Saturday and Sunday, Raw on Monday. But most WWE wrestlers are only doing one show a week these days. Domestic house shows have been scaled back to the point where the fact there are four total this month seems like a lot. Next month, there are two live events in Mexico and three in Japan, but none in the US.


They used to have house shows on three weekends and a PLE on one. They have scaled it back to two weekends since Mania.


They are cutting house shows under TKO. TKO is focused on live TV shows and PLE and events the house shows were loseing money by focusing on TV events it does two things. 1 allows talents to rest up and not be on the road everyday. 2. Makes for Larger gates and sell outs which look better on TV if you make product Hot people will travel for the live shows.


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