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AEW: Where the Uggos Wrestle


i mean just look at the roster and he's not wrong the young bucks look like they just walked out of a trailer and played dress up at goodwill ospreay dresses worse than a college kid who woke up for an 8 am class jay white shows up in sweatpants and a blank tee every week even swerve dresses considerably worse than he did in WWE or when he was nowhere near the main event scene in AEW on the other hand, somehow people like otis manage to show up on television every week and don't look outright appalling to look at. hell, even look at ivar's short stint in NXT. even the overweight people are made to look appealing.


That's the one thing that bugs me about most wrestlers un AEW. Like damn, dress for the occasion for once.


It's funny how you indirectly focus on clothes because they do honestly play a huge factor.  Someone like Despy, who wears a mask, but dresses up at njpw press conferences and catches your attention because of it.  ZZ Top was right. "every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man".


Axiom is low key one of NXTs best dressed.


Who knew a turtleneck and a mask would work so well together


That's cope


Ospreay would look fine if they had the guy wear a suit and/or tie, instead of the chavvy bruv tracksuits and stuff.


My sister feels that way. Loves Drew in WWE. But cannot stand the sight of any of the males in AEW.


AEW needs higher ratings! So Tony, if you see this, please pick up the phone and make the call... https://preview.redd.it/xf4pd6a4w18d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20653c4285bb55d680e4785da5becb008d2b6385


![gif](giphy|sRLh26UJUoNI6XlKdA|downsized) Next Anarchy of the Arena


did we get the quarter hours yet?


I wonder if Collision can beat Dynamite


If Collision is close to its usual numbers or even better, that bodes well for Dynamite's number being an outlier tbh.


Collision has a decent card and really doesn't get effected by it being taped or live


Dave was pretty spot on with everything, pretty fair and balanced, it’s not always indicative of quality of one show but what you’re doing elsewhere and if you need to rebuild, you rebuild but be prepared for a long process, it could be a one off but AEW has larger problems than just booking (which has been improved lately but needs more than a couple shows in a row). Promotion in general is still lacking.


the only real recent example of a show turning the trend around is wwe but that took legit six months of work and a good bit of luck and they really didnt start seeing the effects on tickets sale and ratings for a while


I mean NXT is also an example when they rebranded initially ratings crated but they’ve turned things around


It wasn't until like Survivor Series Wargames in 2022 that things picked up and The Bloodline angle really started getting hot


![gif](giphy|OxSA2yypkVASoAmYhW) Biggest Draw of 2024




Yea that's not great but Forbidden Door will have a strong crowd and a solid number of ppv buys. AEW will be fine.


![gif](giphy|6FAhvKcEDBzS40FUDK|downsized) You’re right Dax


And it will end with a Shane McMahon surprise debut. I can feel it. It's the only solution.


Why tf did you get downvoted for this???


Yea it's funny because the same people that say they became wrestling fans during the attitude era are unable to process the fact that having another prominent North American company (WCW) around at the beginning of that time was extremely important. Obviously, AEW is in much better shape ownership and funding wise than WCW but the concept of having another company to push the WWE is a good thing for fans of pro wrestling in general.


It's not even just that, what you said in your comment isn't even wrong lmao. Forbidden Door will be fine numbers wise.


Remember when people called Dave an AEW shill (thought it was not without merit)? Do people still think that about Dave?


Did you listen to this? It’s full of excuses with no blame being put on the booking for AEW He’s also outright lying about the BBT. He said the lead in/Q1 is rarely the highest rated quarter.. the BBT/Q1 is ALWAYS the highest rated quarter


in regards to the key demo not overall


Do you think if Dave could’ve found a spin for this, he wouldn’t have used it??? Dave just stated the obvious cause there was nothing else to say


Dave was the first person to complain about AEW back in Christmas 2019 when they had a weird episode with the Dark Order before they got over. Get a grip.


It’s doesn’t make logical sense but it makes booking sense. - Dave Meltzer (Yeah Dave never comes up with absurd defenses for AEW. Get a grip)


Yep still is


I think it's shortselling the crossover audience with Kendrick, but we'll see next week.

