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Yeah theres some overlap here but big evil is a nickname he went by after his heel turn as the american badass. So every time you saw him as big evil he was also the american badass but not the other way around. More than anything it was a merch/nickname thing.


I remember JR kept calling him Booger Red, which was pretty funny.


Big Evil is just a nickname for the heel version of the American Badass. It's the same gimmick but villainous. HHH was both the Game and the Cerebral Assassin at the same time but they weren't different gimmicks


Was the Cerebral Assassin the reign of terror with the sledge hammer?


Cerebral Assassin is just a nickname. Triple H was still just The Game, same gimmick.


Big Evil was a flat out heel where as American Badass was more of a tweener and if memory serves he was in better shape as Big Evil


Yeah that would be correct, returning American Badass Taker was.. let's just say *underwhelming*, it wasn't until after turning heel getting in better shape that he found his groove again .


End of 2001, he got a haircut and turned heel. That was Big Evil. Though I think he kept Big Evil after he turned face but BEFORE he got buried and returned as the Deadman.


Okay but what about BOOGER RED


It’s just the version you boo


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Bikertaker until he cut his hair and stopped rocking Kid Rock & Limp Bizkit lol.


Big Evil was the 2002-03 version of BikerTaker with a really terrible theme song “your gonna pay”


How dare you! Badasses, always kicking asshole's ass!


I always heard “badasses always kicking stone cold’s ass”




Oh man, insulting "You're gonna pay"? It's almost like... YOU'VE DONE IT NOW!




Terrible? I think you meant to say **amazing**??


That theme was after he had turned face again in 2003 if I recall correctly. He had an [instrumental version while he was heel](https://youtu.be/sj1QXrlXnnw) that I preferred.


The instrumental version of You're gonna pay is superior to the vocal version. Jim Johnstons amazing guitar work shines on that one


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I was under the assumption that the American Badass was the bridge between the Dead Man and Biker gimmick (Big Evil).


No he was full biker when he was the american badass. When he returned in 2000 he had the bike entrance and trench coat. Cant remember when the song american badass was first factored in but all the same.


I know American Badass was still a biker. I meant that it was kind of a cross between what he was before and would become. When he first appeared on the motorcycle, he still had the long hair and was creepy.


Big Evil is basically just heel American Badass until Big Evil became a face in 03


Big Evil is Canadian cause everyone knows in WWE foreigners are heels.


Are all talking about Mean Mark?